(Some Years Ago)
Beta Maynard opened the thick steel door, pulling it wide open. He walked into the room cautiously, making sure it was safe for him. Seeing the whole Direwolf clan pack members passed out on the floor, he gave a satisfied smile. He began moving around, examining them one after the other.
He took mental note of those that would be strong enough to keep and then called three Omegas over. "I want you three to take out whichever ones I point out. I want it done discreetly and I want you to take them out through the abandoned tunnel where no one can spot you" He ordered
The Omegas glanced at each other with a skeptical and fearful look. He noticed this and moved closer to them with a stern expression. "Did you not hear me?"
"We did sir. W...we just...wondering if the Alpha knows about this" One of them spoke up, stuttering with fear.
"Of course he does. You think I would go against the Alpha?" He asked quietly but angrily.
"Of....of course not. Sorry sir" The other cleared his throat nervously.
"Now take them out quickly and then we set the others ablaze" He ordered
"Yes sir" They nodded and swiftly proceeded to doing what he asked.
They took out all the passed out wolves he ordered them to. Loading them up into a truck at the end of the abandoned tunnel. He made sure it was done quietly and quickly before anyone would notice what he was doing, including the Alpha. As soon as they were done, he snapped the necks of the three Omegas and then tossed their bodies among the clan wolves and then proceeded to set them all ablaze.
Alpha Darius sat with a plain expression with the other Alphas. They were all waiting patiently for news. He wasn't that worried, knowing fully well Beta Maynard wouldn't fail him but he couldn't help but think about other possible outcome. He knew how big of a problem it would be if their plan was to fall through.
"He should be back by now. He's be gone for a long time now" Alpha Damon pointed out, staring at his watch and tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.
"Are you sure he's capable? I don't feel assured leaving something as important as this to a mere Beta" Alpha Ammon replied, munching on the plate of roasted chicken in front of him.
"Well he's my most trusted Beta and my right hand Beta too. Be rest assured he'll deliver" Alpha Darius replied
"I hope you're right" Alpha Ammon replied, sucking the sauce off his fingers.
"Well here he comes" Alpha Mason announced.
They all turned toward the main door to see Beta Maynard approaching. He got to where the Alphas were seated and nodded with a smile. "It is done. Our Betas are disposing of the bodies as we speak" He informed the council of Alphas.
"Excellent!" Alpha Ammon exclaimed, standing up to his feet. "You!" He pointed at one of Alpha Darius' Beta. "Bring the finest whine your pack has to offer"
"Slow down Alpha Ammon" Alpha Howard called
"We just murdered our own. I don't think we should be celebrating that" Alpha Mason explained
"Well, they weren't really one of use, were they?" Alpha Ammon replied, laughing loudly.
Beta Maynard sat next to his Alpha, watching the drama in front of him. He was satisfied with what he had accomplished and didn't care for nothing else safe for his goals and ambitions.
(Present Day)
Beta Maynard stared at the quiet Derek who was still trying to process what he had seen. Seeing the Direwolf clan members and his new red Alpha eye had rattled him and he was trying to process all that information. "I know you have a lot of questions and I am prepared to answer them now. It's time you know what our true plans are. There is a war coming and this isn't a time for ignorance" Alpha Maynard said to him, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
"You....you killed the Alpha. YOU!" Was the first thing that came out of Derek's mouth.
"It was a necessary evil" He replied bluntly
"Necessary evil? That was our Alpha, Tessa's father, a man you've served for decades" Derek blurted out with a surprised look.
"Yeah, served for decades. I've given my all to him and this pack got decades. My loyalty and service deserves to be rewarded. His time and reign is gone. This is my time, our time. It's time for our family and bloodline to be leaders and not followers. We've served as right hand Betas for years. It's time we stop being followers. And besides, the war coming needs an unbiased mind and a ruthless conscience. The Alpha didn't have what it'll take to win this coming war" He explained sternly.
"This is still wrong on many levels"
"Says the man that killed his fellow man for the love of a girl"
Derek became silent for a while after hearing those words. He realized he wasn't in a position to judge his father's actions. "I'm guessing the Alpha didn't become sick naturally"
"Of course not. Wolves don't get sick, unless poisoned" Was all the reply he needed to give for his son to understand what happened.
"And the direwolf clan? The Alpha never knew about it?"
"Of course not"
"So what is the plan now?" Derek questioned tiredly, he felt the whole situation was getting worse and heavier with every question he asks.
"Well the plan is pretty simple and straightforward. We have to expand our pack before the war comes"
"What does that mean?" Derek asked with furrowed brows..
"It means we have to take over the pack officially and then go after the other packs. The weaker ones first. Starting with Alpha Ammon" He explained
"What about Tessa? What's going to happen to her?"
"Tessa is an hindrance to our plan. One I can easily get rid off. And that is the next order on the list"
"I can't let you do that? I can't let you kill her" Derek objected
"You think the harsh trainings I made you go through as a kid was for you to fight for a lost love?" Alpha Maynard questioned angrily. "It was to prepare you for what we are about to do now. It was to prepare you for what we are about to face now. Tessa or even you...won't disrupt my plans. Not when we are this close. I have a special guest arriving soon and I need you by my side when he comes" He stated, adjusting his eye patch.
"Thank you" Vee smiled at the bartender, taking the drinks from her. She pushed one glass to Nate and kept the other in front of her. She looked around the bar at the wolves present and the atmosphere seemed dull compared to how bustling it usually was. "Why the moody atmosphere?" She asked the girl behind the counter.
"Well everyone is still pretty shook up about the Alpha's death and the coming war. They don't seem to think we are ready and are feeling anxious. Not until we get a new Alpha, I don't think it'll change" She replied.
"I can understand that" Nate bobbed his head.
Vee exchanged glances with Nate. He nodded for her to proceed. She cleared her throat, about to get into the reason why they were there. "Hey Chloe-" She started. "I know you're fully updated about what's going on with the pack. You get all informations surrounding the pack. I'm wondering if you might have heard any rumors surrounding the Alpha's death"
Chloe smiled, staring from Vee to Nate. "I don't think that's something I should be saying Vee" She replied
"Come on...we are all concerned about the welfare of the pack. I'm just trying to make sure things are right and avoid the pack descending into chaos" She pressed on.
Chloe, the bartender stared at her reluctantly. She knew whatever she says could end up causing trouble for everyone. "I don't think...."
"Please Chloe. You might just save lives by sharing whatever you may have heard" Vee cut in with pleading looks.
Chloe cleared her throat, looking around. They could see the reluctance in her eyes. "Fine" She gave in, moving closer to them. "Well word around is the guard Betas saying the only person they saw going into the Alpha's quarters was Beta Maynard and he never came back out until Tessa returned. No one knows how true that is and everyone is scared to talk about it"
Vee exchanged surprised glances with Nate. "Thanks so much Chloe"
"Don't thank me. You never heard that from me"
"Sure" Vee smiled.
Derek opened his door just in time to see Tessa about to knock. "Tessa!" He called, surprised to see her there. She had been avoiding everyone, especially himself. She stood there like a shadow of herself. She had dark circles around her eyes, she was on her pajamas and it didn't seem like she had slept for days. "I was just about to go out. Are you okay? Do you wanna come in?" He asked worriedly.
"No I'm fine. I'm not staying long. I just wanted to ask you something important, to confirm something from you"
"Oh. Okay sure sure. What is it?" He stepped out, shutting the door behind him.
"You said when you were attacked, Kieran and the others didn't make it right?"
"Yeah why?" He replied with a puzzled and curious look.
"How sure are you that he was killed?" She asked
"Come on Tess...don't do this to yourself. You have to make peace with the fact that he's gone and move on" He advised
"Just answer me please! Derek please. How sure are you? Did you see his dead body?"
"Yeah Tess. He was dead before we escaped. I'm sure I heard his heart stop beating" He replied
"I see, thanks" She sniffled
"Tess...." He stopped when she turned and walked away immediately without saying anything else.
Kreed picked up his new robe and began putting it just as Adan came to where he was and stood behind him. "The others are growing impatient. Our plans seems stagnant. We need to know what the next move is. No one else shares the same sentiment Silas and you have for Tessa" Adan stated
"I don't share such sentiments either" Kreed replied.
"We both know you do. You've mated with her and we know how big of deal that is with us Direwolf clan. I don't judge you for that, neither do I care about that. I'm just saying it's starting to disrupt our plans"
Kreed picked up his new mask. A white mask with red crescent moon round the cutout holes for the eyes. He turned to Adan and then smiled. "Nothing will stop our plans. And as for the next step, the plan is to go get Tessa, forcefully" He said and then put on the mask.
"Father!" Derek called, storming into Alpha Darius' previous office which is father had taken over for the time being. As soon as he walked in, he stopped on his tracks when he saw there was a guest seated across from his father.
"Good you're here. I told you I was expecting a guest. This is Alpha Bayron. An Alpha from the Direwolf clan and the founder of our notorious villain group, The Black Lotus" Beta Maynard introduced with a crooked smile.