In the depths of ocean lived the sea child. It was raised by the whales who had found him when his own parents had thrown him in the ocean to die. The sea child somehow managed to live since the moon god showed pity on him. The sea child was truly happy with his whale parents until one day on his seventeenth birthday, the sea child wanted to go to the surface to see the moon god's daughter's birthday celebration. The parents had no obligation in it and sent their sea child with a gift to give to the moon princess. As the night came, the sea child swam up to the surface and found many other creatures wishing the moon princess well. Soon came his turn to present her with his gift. When the sea child laid his eyes on her, he was immediately struck with cupid's arrow. The sea child fell madly in love with her but being just an abandoned child from the sea, he knew his place and quietly went back to his home. When he reached back, he couldn't stop thinking about her and whenever he missed her, he would stare at the moon hoping to get a glance of her. This went on for months until one night he finally build up the courage to talk with her. He swam to the shore just to find his moon princess getting engaged to the star prince. This broke him and made him feel this really weird sensation that he had never felt. And by the time he realized what was happening, he was pulled into the depths of ocean but this time he couldn't breathe and ended up losing his life. What the sea child didn't know was, that when the moon god showed pity on him, he had granted the child both a gift and a curse. It was that the child would never feel any sadness and if he ever does feel it then his life as the sea child will end then and there. The whale parents wept for days after witnessing their child's lifeless body which they had to abandon at the shore to be buried by human kinds.