There was this girl. She was really pretty but at the same time she had this eerie vibe surrounding her. Many were afraid to approach her and those who did got really creeped out and ran away from her. The reason was because whenever someone tried to court her, she would ask them if they could write down her name. Willingly and excitedly her courter's would write it down on a book or on a black board or wall but then the girl would weirdly smile and say, "Can you write my name on your hands with a blade?" People would get creeped out from her request and stopped approaching her. One day, a guy tried to court her, she asked him the same thing and the guy did it without any hesitation. The girl thrilled at the sight of blood, hugged him and then whispered in his ears, "Do that again. But this time, put the paper cutter directly on your neck and let its sharp blade cut through your neck." The guy was smiling and the after sometime replied, "Your wish is my command dear." And then splatters of blood went everywhere and the girl licked the bladde covered in blood and in the process cut off her tongue.