"Are you truly sure about this Saint?"
Selene couldn't take her eyes off the offering. In both Nahern and her hands were two new cell phones. Completely set up and ready to go. Included in their bags were the needed wires, solar chargers, two extra compressed mana crystal batteries, and a portable star link.
"Of course. I'm sure through this, we won't always be attached at the hip. This way you both can keep in contact with one another, your people, and me. I prepared a third phone that can stay with the camp, so they can always be in contact." Oz scratched at her cheek, embarrassed by the praise.
That wasn't all she brought with her.
The ice elves of the camp were happily unpacking the massive three pallets behind them. Her back still ached from dragging it all, the pallet jack was only so useful in snowy areas. It was enough to bring the heavy pallets in before they had to resort to sleds. Bringing soil from her world might cause problems with this world's microbiomes, but there couldn't be anything wrong with bringing chemicals through.
Seeds, plant food, ground tarps to keep in heat, gardening tools, plenty of all weather gear, fishing gear, anything and everything she could possibly think of to improve their lives. She was quite proud of the haul to the local mega store. If the temple was going to be their base, she was going to make it a home. It felt good to use the millions tucked away by her Grandfather. What use was a fortune if it just sat collecting dust?
It was better to keep the economy flowing.
Despite the expense, it was only a small dent into the sheer fortune she had now after selling another five hours worth of dungeon crawling. The skeleton boss's monster core netted her easily a million dollars from the rare materials she quickly put up to the auction house. Her inventory was finally empty of all the useless junk she hoarded over the week. The only things left were useful materials she was going to hoard for herself. With time she could develop more useful potions beyond simply energy refreshers.
"Just be careful with that one box, it's full of alchemy tools." Oz called back, motioning to the black storage container Arin was moving at the moment. The short haired elf nodded, carefully placing it to the side. She looked back to the siblings and smiled.
"They are flip phones, so they are small but still powerful. 7G, 2 terabyte flash cards. Plenty of space for pictures. I hoped having them would let you both make sure everyone's okay. And with the link up we can talk over wifi, it still works through the dungeon somehow. Gotta love that. So even if I'm not here, you can always text or call me." She trailed off as Nahern suddenly wrapped his arms around her. Oz froze as she was caught in the awkward hug.
"Ah…you're…welcome?" She squeaked out, desperately trying to keep her cheeks from burning.
"Thank you. You have no idea what this means for us." Nahern whispered, unable to keep his voice from wavering. Then as quickly as the moment started, he stepped back. Stone faced again. He pulled his cloak close, just the tips of his ears deep purple.
"You can show us how to use these later." He handed the bag to Selene. "Any other news?"
Oz groaned at that, ever the taskmaster. "We can't enter the Salt Mine until we have a party of five."
"That's no problem, we will take two of our …"
"That's the problem." Oz held up her hand to stop Nahern before he continued. "No one in the area is available to be a party member."
He stared at her in confusion, she had to shake her head. "I can…see who's available. The only ones who can join my party are Selene and yourself. I would have to bring someone else from my home…or…"
"Or…we have to recruit outside forces." Nahern finished with a scorned expression. "Of course Uncle wouldn't make this easy."
"Sorry." She rubbed her shoulder. "But we have the warp points now. So it will be easier. I know you don't want to. But the Capital might be our best bet to find more members. We just need one more."
"Or our doom." Nahern snorted. He tensed up at the idea despite trying his best not to. "There are other cities…best we go there instead."
"Sire." Arin spoke up, the scout from earlier. He bowed slightly before standing.
"Forgive me for speaking out of turn. But the Saint is right. We can not cower about. We all agreed to follow you, our true prince, no matter the risk. Do not limit yourself out of fear for our safety. Though we are small, we will fight. We have purpose, a home of our own to protect and develop. In time we will restore the Temple and build a mighty city around here. Let the history hymns sing of your bravery, not of your worry."
Nahern's expression melted ever so slightly before he clicked his tongue. Clearly moved by Arin's words but trying his best to remain stoic. He waved the elf away before grumbling, eyes flickering to Oz.
"Fine. We will return to the Capital. But only after we sort through all of these…gifts." He drifted over to the pallets, even his own curiosity getting the better of him. "Whatever did you buy?"
"Anything I could think of to help us set up a proper base. But honestly, we really need to find a better set up." Oz sneezed. "Love you guys but all this snow is going to drive me nuts."
Nahern nodded sadly, "Though our world is a tundra, these are the outskirts. It is rarely this bad in the more settled areas. It is the misery of the gods for my uncle's betrayal of his vows. We all must suffer from his greed."
Oz patted him on the arm, "We'll fix this Nahern. I swear it. For now, let's get everything unpacked and given out. I got enough for all the family units and for the temple storage."