The scarred old man, Kishibe, adjusted his seating position, reaching for a silver flask from his black leather coat. He lifted it to his stitched lips, his eyes focused on the red-haired woman in front of him—Makima. She couldn't help but note his lack of grace, a demeanor akin to that of a barbarian.
"You are well aware of the laws against drinking on government property," Makima reminded him, her tone measured.
Kishibe sighed before lowering the flask slightly, "Your predecessor could not stop me, and I don't believe you will either."
Makima maintained her calm smile, unfazed by his defiance. "You are aware that the chainsaw devil has been located, correct?" she inquired, getting to the heart of the matter. "The fiasco with that devil yesterday was publicly broadcasted. I'd be surprised if there was anyone who wouldn't know where he is," Kishibe remarked, acknowledging the public nature of recent events. "You should have kept him hidden. The more fiends we acquire, the more complicated my job gets," he added, spinning a knife deftly in his hand. "The angel fiend is doing well in training; however, due to the lack of aging, his body is unable to generate the required muscle to become stronger. So, his ability is limited to the years placed in his weapon." Kishibe explained
Makima contemplated Kishibe's words for a moment. "Have you tried expending his saved years to make him grow older?" she suggested, considering a potential solution.
"We don't have the required resources to return his years in the event that expending his saved time brings him near death," Kishibe replied, highlighting a limitation they faced Kishibe then shifted the conversation, noticing Makima's peculiar interest. "You seem to pay special attention to the chainsaw devil fiend. You don't leave the public safety building often, and yet twice you have left it only to be seen with him."
Makima smiled eerily, her intentions shrouded. "New recruits must be properly vetted," she calmly explained.
"He doesn't like you, does he?" Kishibe rose to his feet, emphasizing his astuteness in reading people. "I can read you like a book. You seem to forget that. I've been working with public safety for 20 years; I'm the second best there is."
Kishibe made his exit, emphasizing his experience and insight into both humans and devils, leaving Makima to ponder the implications of his words.
Angel arrived at Kobeni's house early in the morning, carrying only a small animal skin bag full of wooden items and spare clothes. He knocked on her wooden door but soon grew tired of waiting. With a sigh, he walked to an open window and jumped out, effortlessly hovering towards the right apartment.
Peeking through the window, he witnessed an unusual scene: Kobeni huddled in fear in the corner while a blonde-haired boy wrestled with an emo-looking clone of Kobeni. He couldn't help but wear an expression of bewilderment and confusion at the sight.
He floated into the apartment, addressing Kobeni. "Kobeni-chan, Makima-san has reassigned me to this apartment. You are also reassigned, and the chainsaw devil, you, me, and Kishibe-sensei are to report to Kuwosara graveyard in 2 hours" Angel handed a form to Kobeni, detailing their assignment.
Turning his attention to Denji, he demanded, "Who the hell is this guy?" Denji, still grappling with the clone, voiced his confusion and frustration, trying to grasp the situation. He then attempted an attack on the clone, only to face a mocking grin from the devil.
"So, this bitch is the one you made a contract with?" Denji yelled, seeking clarification. The clone, smirking, responded by incapacitating Denji, much to the devil hunter's discomfort.
"we're all going to die." Angel thought
A blonde-haired woman with long, flowing locks and determined yellow and red targeted eyes entered Makima's office, followed closely by Aki and Himeno. The three of them maintained a perfect formation, despite the casual attire worn by the newcomer. She sported an open hoodie, sports shorts, a white t-shirt, and unlaced sneakers, completely deviating from the standard devil hunter uniform. Aki couldn't help but whisper to her about the dress code, but Power, as she was addressed, dismissed it, emphasizing her desire not to look as "lame" as Aki.
Makima observed the scene and chuckled softly, an action that sent a shiver down Aki and Power's spines.
"As you three are aware, we have a new recruit," Makima began. "Due to a need for enhanced team cohesion, I will be restructuring the squads. Kobeni, Angel, and Captain Kishibe will now be assigned to Special Unit Squad C-12. My aim is to strengthen our experimental division by dividing the teams into smaller, more focused groups, each striving to achieve specific goals. The three of you will form Special Unit Squad B-12.
Makima rose to her feet and pulled a file from a drawer from her desk. Himeno moved forward outstretching her hand towards Makima and felt goosebumps as she took the file. Makima made a small smile which made Himeno look away/
"As of three hours ago, your formal assignment is to retrieve pieces of the Gun Devil's corpse." Makima explained as Himeno flipped open the file and Aki scowled.
"You three are to report to no one other than me," Makima emphasized. "The missions, albeit somewhat mundane, must be completed with the utmost secrecy. I am putting my faith in you to execute them efficiently and discreetly. I'm trusting you all." Makima made eye contact with Aki and his heart seemed to beat louder.