Chereads / The Chainsawman and the Death Devil / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

Twenty minutes after Kishibe's fight with the trio, the sprawling fields of crosses gave way to a vast cityscape. Denji had become accustomed to it; in his eyes, it was akin to the forest he had lived in before. Fighting devils to eat and dealing with people ready to slit your throat at the signaling of their boss. Frankly, he couldn't complain about the current situation. He didn't know if he was getting stronger due to more food or his devil powers appearing, but holding Kobeni in a bridal style for almost half an hour wasn't weakening his muscles or making him break a sweat.

He was reminded of something by a billboard. "Oi, Kishibe."

"Hmph?" the older man responded.

"Do we fiends get paid for working?"

"You are legally deceased, so you don't get paid. But your basic utilities, board, and food are covered."

"So, since me and Angel are living with Kobeni, does that mean you all pay her rent?"

"Yes, and we pay for her, you, and Angel's food, just to make it simple."

Denji looked down at Kobeni, scheming. "So, she still receives a paycheck?"

"Yes, as she is an official employee." The corners of Denji's mouth twisted into a smile.

Kishibe held the door open for the trio. Kobeni had awakened during a very awkward train ride, scaring some people half to death. Still limping from the various wounds inflicted by Kishibe, she remained quiet. Denji simply walked forward until he came across a group sitting at a large table in the back of the bar.

Kishibe noticed Denji and Angel both audibly groaned when they saw Makima sitting at one of the tables speaking to Himeno. The two fiends exchanged looks of mutual understanding, Denji apparently registering Angel's withered, dead-inside look as a "we have to talk later" signal, and the two looked back at the group.

Kobeni visibly brightened when she saw Himeno. Kishibe sat at the other head of the table facing toward Makima. In kind, Angel and Kobeni sat at his left and right, with Denji sitting right next to Kobeni, between her and Aki. He grabbed the menu away from the ponytailed boy and began reading from it, glancing away in embarrassment when he realized that he couldn't read the kanji on it without straining himself.

Kobeni leaned over and began reading out some of the menu items, putting her finger below the various kanji and reading them out loud slowly. Denji leaned his head closer to Kobeni's, his eyes focused on her finger while she underlined the various dishes served at the place.

"Denji-Kun, order what you like. It's on me," Makima said, tilting her head to the side and offering a small smile. Angel shifted uncomfortably, and Denji made eye contact with him. Aki looked at Angel, then to Himeno. Denji whispered his order to Kishibe. The older man's eyes seemed to shift between Denji and Makima before he raised a hand to a passing barkeep.

Perhaps it was the awkward air that filled the room, but when the aging waiter finally arrived with a platter full of frothing mugs, Kishibe put his hand up to stop Denji from grabbing one and shook his head, pointing to Kobeni. Despite having her drink for less than a minute, she was already a quarter of the way finished with the pint. Denji, picking up on his meaning, dropped his hand to the table and started munching on some old peanuts placed there.

"So, I'm telling you, Angel, there's this guy called Link, and he's the hero of a magical kingdom where he's supposed to save the princess from this massive magical pig guy called Ganon," Denji explained animatedly. Angel was entranced by Denji's story. Kobeni had long since dozed off due to the late hour and the several large mugs she had emptied. Denji had drawn a small sword on a napkin, showing it to Angel, and the blocky, small sword became etched into the young boy's memory.

Kishibe opened one eye and glanced at the sword, finding that the whole tale told by Denji sounded like an old story he once discussed with a fellow devil hunter many years ago. "And you collect this 'Tri-force,' why?" Angel questioned. "Well, it's magical, dude. It can grant any wish; you just have to collect the pieces." Denji made a triangle shape with both his hands, and Angel mimicked it, staring at it with just a small flicker of emotion in his eyes at the prospect of a wish.

Himeno, who had long since planted her head against the table, opened her eye. "A wish would have been useful." Denji turned to Himeno, and Angel followed suit. "What would you wish for?" Denji asked. Himeno giggled, clasping her hand around a half-finished mug of ale. "That's easy. I'd wish devils didn't exist."

Kobeni woke up from her daze, looking back at Himeno in her still loopy state, her foggy eyes focused on the eye-patched woman. Denji's eyes fluttered for a moment, his focus moving back to memories of Pochita. He frowned subtly, reminded of all the times that people failed to show him kindness, yet Pochita would always be there. Denji thought about the difference between the devil hunters and the people he knew back home. Kobeni was kind to him, even if they were bound by a contract. They were friends. He thought Angel and him were new friends, and Kishibe didn't seem to want to harm him, at least he didn't think so. Makima, though... He looked to the end of the table. She noticed him looking at her and smiled slightly. "Her eyes," he thought. Her eyes always seemed to not look at him, but like they were looking at something behind him. She wanted something from him. She would look at him like that woman who killed him, staring into him.

She turned to Kobeni, who now rested her head on Denji's shoulder. Denji felt the buzzing in his brain rage again. His hand, which rested on the table, twitched. His mind told him to reach for his rip cord, like his very instincts were fighting against his thoughts. Denji heard Kishibe take a swig, the sound of the cap clinking against the black leather cover. Denji's hand was immobilized by Kishibe's. The older man placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, the fingers digging into his shoulder blades, making Denji lose feeling in that arm.

"Later." Was all Denji could grift from the solemn eyes of Kishibe.