Aletta's encounter with the lord of the sixth and seventh sea of Calabran had been nothing but strange.
She still could not shake the feeling of familiarity she felt towards the lord and she noticed that after she told him her name, he was quick to leave the conversation, as though he wanted to avoid her.
It was strange.
The sound of someone calling her name pulled her from her thoughts and she turned, ready to assist the person who she thought needed help.
However when she saw who it was, she had the urge to run and hide.
It was Reagan, dressed ruggedly in a loose shirt and baggy trousers. His hair was tousled, as though he had just had a fight with someone.
The blood coating his sword gave her the answer to the question she had asked herself.
How even had he entered the manor? And looking like this too!
She frowned when he leaned forward, his body swaying a little. Was he ill?