Chereads / The Council of Zerlif: The Obsidian Smile / Chapter 26 - Rijin the Tamer of Beast (part 4)

Chapter 26 - Rijin the Tamer of Beast (part 4)

After adjourning for the night, and going through their ridiculous plan for the next day, Rijin retreated to his room. Some stayed up to party at Thalassa's beard, but Rijin had too much on his mind. He laid on his bed thinking through the day, thinking about what everyone had said, it wasn't adding up. Something was wrong, there were too many coincidences, he pondered this while lying down when he suddenly heard a knock at the door. A moment later Fuju entered the room.

"Shut the door behind you," Rijin said. 

Fuju did so. He shut the door with a curious look on his face then proceeded to stand with his back against the door nonchalantly. 

"Could you cast a spell so that no one can hear us," Rijin asked, but more so told Fuju.

"Ah so it is one of those kinds of meetings," Fuju said. He raised his wand into the air and an opaque ball began to form at the end. It grew in size until it encompassed both of them before disappearing. The only way one could possibly know it was there, was by the fact that it left a slight darkish hue to the room itself. 

"Now then, what can I do for you, Randorin?" Fuju asked, putting his want away. Fuji's words felt still within the air, it must have been the spell, it felt like it would reach his ears and then immediately drop. 

"You are suspicious are you not?" Rijin asked. 

"It's all a little too convenient isn't it?" Fuju said. Rijin smiled, he knew he could not be the only one. 

"Exactly," Rijin said. 

"I have been apart of a few teams in my life. We have had to split up many times. Never have I had all the necessary information fall into my lap from each group. The enemy thinks they are being clever, they think their in control," Fuju said.

"We only know what they want us to know," Rijin said, "which means…"

"We are walking into a trap." Fuju answered, "the devices are all a decoy. A place to trap us."

"If we take those devices and get on the lift, what will happen?" Rijin asked.

"I imagine that we will be teleported somewhere, but definitely not where we think we will go," Fuju said. 

"Can you change that?" Rijin asked.

Fuju raised an eyebrow, "perhaps…but where exactly?" Fuju asked.

"To wherever we really need to go," Rijin said.

Fuju began to laugh, "while that is a clever idea I must admit, no one knows where that is…least of all us…and let's say there is a secret lair somewhere, do you know how precise my spell would have to be to counteract theirs and teleport to a different location?" 

"So you can't do it," Rijin said.

"Of course I can, I'm just saying it will be hard," Fuju answered. "Besides I don't know where I am going."

"So I need to find out where this lair actually is before we get on that lift…" Rijin began to think. He had no clue where it might be, and no idea how to get the answers, but he knew he could kill two birds with one stone. "I bet Prometheus knows the answer," Rijin said.

"Prometheus? You think he has betrayed us?" Fuju asked.

"Not necessarily, but I was snooping around the ship when I came across that room in the lower deck he does not want us getting into,"Rijin said.

"With all due respect I don't see how these correlate with one another…" Fuju said but lost his words, he sighed. "I see. Am I talking to Rijin or the Sentinel right now?" He asked sarcastically.

"Does it matter?" Rijin asked. 

"Unfortunately no, I get what you are trying to say. Even if I may question your motives if something is deemed as a threat I am bound by oath to protect you from it…and you know I'm probably the only one who can get through that door without a key," Fuju said.

Rijin nodded. But still something felt off. He was following his fathers orders but he didn't feel particularly happy about it to say the least. He was being manipulated by his father so in turn he chose to manipulate Fuju, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Normal Rijin would resist following in his fathers footsteps, but this felt unavoidable. He knew his sister was alive. He also knew that being in his fathers good graces was his best chance of finding her. 

Rijin stood steeling himself, "well shall we?" He asked with resolve. Fuju held out his wand and the bubble in the room began to recede until it completely disappeared. The two men walked out of the room, Rijin resolved in his decision, Fuju fulfilling his reluctant oath, only to find Qrow sitting against the wall outside of Rijin's room. He looked at the two of them, and smiled.