Qrow knew something was going on with Rijin. Whether or not it was wrong, Qrow knew better than to trust the Prince of Midoku. Qrow had noticed him creeping along hallways, trying to act like he wasn't looking where he was looking, he had all the tell-tell signs of someone trying to keep something hidden: Qrow just didn't know what it was yet. When they had finished discussing their next moves (which was mainly just going along with Garus's ridiculous plan), Rijin had slipped away quickly and with intent. This piqued Qrow's interest. Qrow waited outside the room longer than he would have liked to admit, but it made for the perfect effect when they finally stepped out.
Fuju and Rijin looked confused. Qrow flipped a dagger in the air smiling, "oh hey guys," he said. Rijin and Fuju stayed silent. "I have found that even though these rooms exist in different dimensions, it's kinda crazy how easy it is to hear everything that is going on, at least…until it isn't," Qrow said, still flipping the dagger.
Fuju and Rijin looked at each other, "that's a nice Qrow," Fuju said, trying to step past him. But Qrow stood in their way.
"Where ya goin?" Qrow asked.
"That doesn't matter does it?" Rijin asked.
"I don't know, I certainly think it does…especially when the court mage or Penzamen and the Prince of Midoku just stepped out of a seemingly silent room together," Qrow said.
"That is none of your concern. Fuju is an archmage from my country…" Rijin said.
"Giving all the more reason this feels so suspicious," Qrow replied.
Rijin and Fuju looked tense. Qrow could tell he struck a nerve. They both looked ready to fight, and whether or not Qrow thought he could take on Rijin, he knew he didn't stand a chance against Fuju. He had to act fast.
"I can help," Qrow said suddenly.
"What do you mean?" Rijin asked. It seemed like it was working.
"You are trying to get into the room downstairs," Qrow said.
"Why would we go into the room downstairs?" Fuju said.
"Don't play dumb," Qrow answered, "just because I couldn't hear what the two of you were talking about doesn't stop the fact that Rijin has been examining that room everyday since we got on this ship. You both want to know what's inside, and so do I."
"That's an invasion of one of our companions' privacy," Fuju said. They were still trying to veil the truth.
Qrow rolled his eyes, "it's also a liability. We all live on this ship, we are all companions, he could be spying on us or working on something dangerous right under our noses and we would never know. I want to find out what that is…besides…I haven't broken into anything in a while," Qrow said.
Fuju opened his mouth to speak but Rijin spoke up first, "how do you know you can get in?"
Finally, Qrow knew he had them hooked, "simple. I couldn't do it alone, but with the two of you, it will be nothing," Qrow said.
"I'll admit you are a good rogue but magical locks seem outside your skill set," Fuju said.
Qrow laughed, "nothing is outside of my skill set, trust me."
The three were quiet for a moment. Everyone was thinking and examining intently. Qrow didn't think he could trust either of them, but he also knew he couldn't be trusted either. He wanted into that room for his own reasons, but they didn't need to know that.
"Fine," Rijin finally said, "show us what you can do."
Qrow breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't know if this would actually work. He turned around and began down the hallway with Fuju and Rijin following closely behind. There were many people walking around, doing work or examining different parts of the ship, but no one paid them any mind. They came to the stairs that led to the lower level and stopped. Qrow was resistant to show others the true extent of his abilities, but he had to give them something otherwise they would continue to see him as a fraud.
"Alright, give me a second," Qrow closed his eyes. With eyes closed he stretched out his fingers. He began to draw the rune in his mind and as soon as it was finished it was engulfed in shadows. His hand began to glow with a black color. He felt his being begin to shift and fall, like he was a malleable glob. He suddenly felt himself drop to the floor. When he looked up, everything was still. His body was there, motionless, the same for Rijin and Fuju behind him. Everything had a blue tint to it, the world stood still.
"Ok," Qrow said, cracking his ethereal form. He began down the stairs when he heard a voice.
"How do you know how to do this?" Fuju asked.
Qrow spun around in surprise. The ethereal form of Fuju stood looking at his body, "how did…"
"I asked you first," Fuju said, walking towards Qrow.
Qrow felt his lips tighten, a wave of anxiety came over him, he had never been caught in this plane before. "I had a companion, they taught me how," Qrow answered.
"I see," Fuju answered, "well we better go before the frost sets in." Qrow looked down the hallway and began to see it form, the cold frost encompassing the walls, he could see his breath hanging in the air. He nodded and headed down the stairs to the door. In this plane of existence, some things were apparent that were not normally so; such as spells and incantations. While to them it may have seemed that the door to the lab was simply a large metal door, in this plane it told a different story. The thing was lit up brighter than the Blessing of Love. Runes, visible and invisible, covered nearly every inch of the door. Spells to prevent being opened, spells that activate when opened, spells that destroy everything inside, the door was packed to the brim.
"Shit," Qrow said, "I thought as much."
"Wow that is…impressive to be honest," Fuju said, staring at the door as well.
"Do you think you can get past all that?" Qrow asked Fuju.
"What do you mean?" Fuju asked, "this is your job isn't it?"
Qrow turned to look at Fuju, he had a smug look on his face telling Qrow he would not receive any help from the wizard; I guess he deserved it for being cocky. Qrow rolled his eyes and looked at the door. The air got colder by the second, he didn't know how he would be able to get through the door safely, or at least didn't know right now.
Think, Qrow contemplated, think. A memory began to form in his head, a memory of when he was first being taught about this state. His companion gave many warnings of the dangers of frequency or being too greedy with this newfound ability. Qrow often didn't listen, when you have heard one warning, you have heard them all. But one thing she said came to mind, 'alterations to spells can be made within the realm, but be careful what rune it becomes.'
"Alterations…" Qrow thought out loud. He walked over to the door and examined the runes closer than he had before. For the first time he noticed that the glowing runes seemed almost tactile. He put a finger out and touched one of the markings and to his surprise, it shifted. The rune in front of him that glowed with a yellow light signifying 'electricity' now glowed blue and symbolized 'peace'.
"Be careful what they become," Qrow said to himself.
"What was that?" Fuju asked.
Qrow turned excitedly, "Fuju I think I can…" but suddenly he stopped. His words didn't seem to carry any farther, he stood stunned and frozen. The chill had not gotten to him yet, it was fear; an overwhelming sense of fear. Behind Fuju, etched into the wall, was a scrawling and crooked black line in reality; and it was growing.