Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 126 - SLUT SON CH. 15 - THE MIDDLE SISTER By DomGuardi

Chapter 126 - SLUT SON CH. 15 - THE MIDDLE SISTER By DomGuardi

♫ Previously on Slut Son ♫

What was intended to be an intimate date between Candice and her son Simon on the beaches of Barker's Island, quickly devolved into an overtly exhibitionist romp, followed by the most lewd cum massage they could have possibly performed. For a modelesque blonde nearby, the lover's display awakened a newfound voyeuristic desire in her and she quickly found herself infected by their depravity. Taking control of the stranger's sexual desires, Candice orchestrated an impromptu massage for the woman as well, and coaxed another huge load from her son which they enthusiastically worked into her skin. Defiled with her skin caked in semen, the stranger discovered new heights of bliss and quickly became addicted to their lifestyle. Closer to home, Amarosa Ball-the middle sister between Brigit and Candice-has suffered the slights of being excluded for far too long. With her resentment building, she decided to pay her sisters a surprise visit, and let them know exactly how she feels.

Chapter 15 - The Middle Sister

"Were they calling for a storm, Can?"

Brigit Hightower stood at the rear glass sliding door in the house of her youngest sister. Her pink lounge pants--which were just her pajama pants that she wore all day--accentuated every defining muscle of her rock-solid glutes. Her impressively full red mane was a tossed and knotted mess. And her white tee was stretched over her gravity defying breasts which left her midsection completely exposed.

"I don't remember the forecast mentioning a storm. But I admit it does look pretty questionable out there."

Candice Memphis, the youngest of three siblings, was a cute and bubbly single mother. Her blonde hair was pulled into a loose bun that sat on the top of her head. And she wore a very large shirt--which she often stole from her son's laundry to lounge in--that came down to the middle of her thigh and cleverly concealed that she wore no underwear.

"Bleck. I wish they would fix the taste. Still too chalky." Candice sat at her kitchen island and struggled through her collagen drink that was supposed to be prepared in the same manner as hot tea.

Brigit took no notice of her sister's commentary. Her gaze floated between the graying sky and her sex-on-legs-Adonis-like nephew, who with machine-like precision, was laying paving stones in his mother's backyard.

Simon Memphis, a devoted son and the only child of Candice, wore only a pair of old weathered trail running shoes, black compression shorts, and weathered cowhide gloves while he worked. As he squatted to lift the heavy stones, the onion-like muscle fibers of his shoulders and biceps rippled and bulged. And the sharp rigid trenches of his obliques became even more visible. The musculature of his near naked figure was enough to make any woman salivate.

Brigit licked her lips before she spoke. "I hope he doesn't get caught in the rain out there." As if he knew he was being watched, every time Simon stood up straight he would give his abs a little flex. And each bulge of his six-pack made his peeping Aunt hotter and hotter. "It's impressive, he's really making good progress."

"He's just like his father." Candice smiled. "Patrick could watch a video, read a book, or see something done once, and know how to build exactly what he saw."

Brigit turned towards her sister; it had been some time before her attention was on something other than her nephew. "Is it hard? That he's so much like his father?"

"..." Candice paused, and she seemed to stare at nothing in particular. "Absolutely. Sniffle. And it got even harder as he got older. I admit, at times, I resented Simon a little. Like he was some younger clone of my husband who came to taunt me." Candice lowered her eyes and swirled her cup. "But, as he got older, all he ever wanted to do was take care of me. Make me happy. Just like his father. So, I soon realized what a gift he was. And it's like, through him, Patrick still lives on."

Brigit stared at her youngest sister. Never before had she sounded so mature, and so wise. Brigit marveled at her sister, that even through a terribly painful memory, Candice seemed to radiate a warm glow despite the darkness casted over them by the gloomy gray sky above.

"I'm happy for you, Can. Really. That was such a horrible ordeal to go through, but I'm glad you found love again." Brigit said sweetly.

"Ha ha!" Candice laughed suddenly, and her drink dribbled over her bottom lip and down her chin. "You mean, in the arms of my own son?" Candice's smile was bright and genuine. "It is a bit strange. So few people would understand. But there's something about him."

"Mmm hmm," Brigit agreed. She then turned again to face the outside, but her gaze was only preoccupied with the ominous sky above. "I don't know why, but I'm getting this really uneasy feeling."

"About Simon? It's hurricane season but there's nothing moving up the coast. He'll be fine. Worst case, he'll get a little wet" Candice replied.

Brigit smirked. "A soaking wet Simon makes me a lot of things...but never uneasy." She shifted in her stance, and crossed her arms under her goddess-envying breasts. "No, it just feels like something bad is going to happen."

"Like mom calling?" Candice teased.

"Scoff! Please, I can handle that annoying witch." Brigit replied. "This...inhale...feels worse."


Both women jumped in their places as what sounded like a large club rapping against Candice's front door.

As if surprised by her own foresight, Brigit stared wide-eyed at her youngest sister. "Are you...expecting someone?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Candice quickly picked up her phone from the counter. "Huh. Front door camera is dark. Someone must be holding their hand over it."

"That's not creepy." Brigit commented in an anxious voice. "Should I get Simon?"

"No, I'll check it out. Could be a friend or neighbor playing a prank." Candice explained.

The bubbly blonde slid from her seat and briskly walked towards her front door. Brigit paced a bit in front of the glass sliding door. She kept an ear out for any trouble, while her hands remained ready to throw open the door and call for her nephew. Suddenly, a shriek from her sister made the towering woman freeze in her tracks.


'Ams? AMS? What on earth could she possibly be here for?' Brigit thought rather angrily.

"Oh my god, this is such a wonderful surprise!" Candice's sweet, excited tones carried throughout the first floor of her house. Enthusiasm for their middle sister's arrival made Brigit cringe and want to vomit in her mouth. "Come in, come in!" Candice continued.

'Right on cue. Just in time to ruin our fun.' Brigit thought, quite irritated, as she fidgeted with the waistband of her tight pants. 'Deep breath. We'll exchange some required pleasantries and then I'll ask her to leave.'

Brigit crossed her arms under her massive balloon bust and tapped the floor with her right foot. Just as her two sisters became visible in the doorway to the kitchen, she heard, "I'm surprised you remembered me at all." 'I believe it's pronounced, "hi, it's nice to see you too."' She thought as her middle sister insulted their baby sister in her own home.

"What do you mean?" Candice asked, who was sadly oblivious to most mockery at her expense.

"That's her 'polite' way of saying nobody calls her anymore." Brigit insinuated through a clenched-jaw smile. "We only have ourselves to blame, Can. I mean, why would we possibly want to miss out on such...adulatory conversation?"

The glower between Brigit and Amarosa darkened the room far more than the graying skies outside. If Brigit was being truthful, she never thought that day would come. That she would be face-to-face with her most despised adversary while standing in their little sister's kitchen. Yet, there she was; the black sheep, Amarosa Ball, the middle sister.

Amarosa had arrived at her little sister's house with picturesque perfection. Her short black colored hair was parted to the side and styled high with heavy volume. Her makeup was applied with precision to darken her eyes and accentuate her cheekbones and jawline. She wore cute white leather sandals and a simple light gray knee-length dress that clung to every natural and sensual curve; and to her own dissatisfaction, she was rife with curves.

What she should have classified as a gift, Amarosa suffered from a condition that deposited her body fat only between her pelvis and her knees. Her hips were enormously wide, and her glutes and thighs immeasurably thick. With her tight dress leaving nothing to the imagination, she was easily one of the most beautiful pear-shaped women.

"For a second, I forgot. There's no 'off-switch' for that mouth. It's just always set to 'bitch'." Amarosa replied.

"From you!? That's rich." Brigit was already losing what little patience she had for her sister

"Both of you, please stop." Candice pleaded. "Ams, I just meant..."

"The phone works both ways." Brigit sharply cut her sister off.

"Indeed it does." Amarosa shot back with a snide tone. "So if I were to call your phone, and you saw it was me, would you honestly have picked up?" A knowing and smug smile enveloped Amarosa's face.

"Honestly?" Brigit replied. "No."

"Ah! I see." Amarosa stood in her little sister's kitchen nodding her head. Satisfied, but still hurt.

"But Can would have." Brigit smirked.

The two opposing forces glared at one another, as if some duel between the two was taking place on some unseen plane of existence.

"That's the problem with you, Ams. You can't be upset with people for ignoring you, if you're doing the exact same to them." Brigit smugly explained.

Amarosa's concentration was broken when she felt a delicate hand grab for hers. "Ams, please, have a seat." Candice offered. "Let me get you something to drink."

Amarosa accepted her sister's offer and followed her to a bar stool at the island, but as her impressively large derriere was too wide to sit comfortably, she simply rested against it. Brigit perched herself at the far end like an attentive hawk waiting to strike.

"It has been some time. I think the last time we really spoke was when you were moving to Belize." Candice maintained her normal bright and cheery demeanor.

"Costa Rica, actually." Amarosa corrected. "But I suppose it's something you remembered I moved at least."

"Oh yes, that's right." Candice nervously chuckled as she produced for her sister a short glass of vanilla flavored spiced rum. "So, are you here just visiting?"

Sip. "I moved back some time ago." Amarosa answered.

"Don't pull that tone." Brigit ordered. "You left like a ship in the night. So it's no surprise you came back without a word. So you don't get to act hurt."

"I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?" Amarosa questioned rather aggressively. "You're awfully antagonistic considering all I did was show up."

"You're up to something. I know it." Brigit confidently declared. "Perhaps a 'loan' from Candice," Brigit accentuated her point with air-quotes, "or a 'rental' property from me?"

"Oh my god! You're still on about that?" Amarosa shouted as she stood up again. "Huana's father dumped us, and I thought I could turn to my family for help."

"Brigit, Ams, please." Candice's voice was too weak to break the tension of her domineering sisters.

"Yeah, help. But you took advantage." Brigit replied.

"Well fuck me then. I guess it's my fault I'm the unlucky one." Amarosa's tone alerted Brigit that she refused to back down.

"Excuse me?" Brigit cocked her head in anger. 'She better not mean what I think she means.'

"I didn't make a ton off my investments." Amarosa scowled. "My ass turned into a parade balloon. My child didn't stick around to make sure I was okay. She bailed at the first chance she got. And no offense Can," Amarosa's face and chest were flushed as she turned her attention to her little sister, "I'm sorry about Patrick, I really am, but his life-insurance policy set you up for life. So, I'm sorry. To you both, but no one's doing that for me."

Amarosa turned back again to her villainous older sister. "And if I remember, out of the kindness of your heart, what did you do with Can's money, Brigit? Triple it? No commission, right?"

"Ten times what she started with. Yeah. I'm that good. And Can agreed to the terms." Brigit answered smugly. Her anger welled up, she was offended on her baby sister's behalf and couldn't hold back her tongue. "Is this about money Ams? Because if you ask Can what she'd prefer, Patrick or his money, she'd choose Patrick every time."

"I didn't fucking say she's lucky because he died!" Amarosa immediately shot back, red-faced and sweating. "God!" She yelled. She was flustered and it was even more apparent as she ran her fingers through her thick hair. "Okay. What I should have said was, Can was lucky she had a man who loved her so much that she was going to be taken care of no matter what."

"But that's not what you said. You specifically went after Can's money. You think she's just living it up. Thank God her husband died, now she can do whatever she wants." Brigit piled on. "Let's see. Your baby's daddy left you, your daughter left you, your sisters hate you, and if Mom hasn't cut you off yet, she will when she hears about this."

"No! That's not true." Candice suddenly yelled. "Ams, I don't hate you."

"Yes. I could tell by the way you never stand up for me. Sniffle. You just let her say the most awful things about me." With that, Amarosa barged past her towering older sister and headed for the glass door to the backyard. "I need some air."

"What a bitch!" Brigit said as she plopped down onto the seat in the breakfast nook.


"Grunt!" Simon carried three pavers and set them down, he was working on an ornate design for his mother's hardscape. While verifying the pattern and squaring the stones, he had been completely oblivious to his extremely disgruntled Aunt Amarosa despite the fact she had stomped her feet and plopped down onto a lounger. It wasn't until he stood up to stretch his back that he saw his exotic dark haired aunt wiping under her eyes with her fingers before kicking off her sandals and giving all of her attention to her phone.

"Aunt Ams? No way, is that you?" Simon said with a genuine cheery smile, he was truly elated and even felt giddy as he set his tools aside and did a quick shuffle-like-jog up to his absentee relative. 'My god, look at that ass! It's like, twice the size since I saw her last. Fuck, she's hotter than I ever imagined.'

To Simon's heartbroken disappointment, he was met with silence and no affirmation of his charming pleasantries

"Umm, Aunt Ams. Hello? You okay?" Simon asked weakly, but with an earnest sincerity.

Amarosa coldly kept silent. She didn't even give him the courtesy of acknowledging his presence. For a while, at least, she was ignorant to his minimalistic choice of clothing consisting of black compression shorts and a pair of old shoes. Had she taken advantage of the sight before her, she would have enjoyed the young man's glistening chest and his packed meat that was beautifully outlined. With his mother and Aunt Brigit encouraging a "no shame" lifestyle, this had become his new "normal."

"Aunt Ams? Aunt Ams!? Can I...get you anything?" Simon offered with a sharper and louder voice as he removed his gloves and tossed them to the ground.

"I'm sorry, what! What are you saying?" Amarosa replied rather standoffishly.

"I was just wondering," Simon continued, "are you okay? Can I get you anything?"

"What exactly are you going to get me?" Amarosa shot back. "You know what? How 'bout a sister who's not a bitch!" Her nephew stood before her puzzled and bemused. He couldn't believe she had responded to him so angrily without even the slightest attempt to explain. "While you're at it, why don't you thank your mother too, for letting Brigit run roughshod all over me."

Simon's lack of tact caused him to ask a rather obvious question. "Did something happen in there?" He gestured inside the house.

Amarosa's right thumb furiously swiped at her phone. "How astute. You really wanna know what happened? All I did was make a few comments about how lucky your mother is, and that fucking bitch Brigit!" She paused after emphasizing her older sister's name. "Twisted my words, like she always does, and made me out to be some horrible person."

Simon was about to ask a follow-up question, but his furious aunt had left him no room for an interjection.

"And for the record," Amarosa said sternly and defensively, "your father's passing was a tragedy. I have never, ever, suggested otherwise." She explained as if Simon had been there for the entire altercation. "I cried with your mother for weeks." She said while stifling a sniffle.

Simon stood motionless, and nodded. "I remember." Feeling an overwhelming need to help, Simon then moved to stand next to where his aunt was sitting. "Aunt Ams, I don't think you're a horrible person. I think...Aunt Brigit still sees my mom as the little sister that always needs protecting."

"Uh huh." Amarosa quickly dismissed. "Everyone always takes her side."

Not yet ready to throw in the towel, Simon took a deep breath, sat at the foot of the lounger, and tried a different approach.

"Did you know, Aunt Ams, that you were my first crush? My first love really." Simon looked upwards and smiled as if remembering a pleasant memory. "I always felt nervous around you. I remember you being very strict and stern, but I think it was because I thought you were always so stunning and gorgeous."

Simon then sat up straight. "Your jawline and cheekbones are more pronounced than my mother's and Aunt Brigit's. And your hair, so dark it reflects all sorts of blues and reds in the light. Couple that with your smokey eyes, chuckle, I didn't know a woman could look so beautiful, so seductive, and so mesmerizing."

As if annoyed by her nephew's story, Amarosa finally looked away from her phone and glared at Simon. "You think this is appropriate to tell your aunt? You're acting like this is some first date, and you want to tell me how 'beautiful my eyes are' and..." she paused.

'What...what if he's being sincere?' Amarosa suddenly stopped herself and thought about what her nephew said. 'My condition changed everything. I'm so used to shame and ridicule. But, is he actually trying to tell me that he thinks I'm still beautiful?'

"Look, Simon, If you think telling me about some crush is going to make me feel b..."

"Aunt Ams..." Simon had boldly cut her off. "It was wrong of Aunt Brigit to attack you. It was wrong of my mother not to stand up for you. And it was wrong of me, not to reach out to you, all these years. I'm afraid I had a very," Simon searched for the right words, "one-sided understanding of your relationship with your sisters." Looking ashamed, Simon hung his head. "This might come a little late, and maybe meaningless from me, but...I am sorry. Really."

For the first time since Amarosa's arrival, she looked at someone with much kinder eyes.

"You really love your mother. I've seen her profile, all I see you do is dote on her."

Simon simply smiled and nodded.

Amarosa had set her phone down on the armrest and spoke, "I guess my relationship with Huana turned out vastly different. Even when everyone leaves, your children are still supposed to be there for you."

Simon searched for the right thing to say, but was at a complete loss for words. To fill the silence, all he could think to say was to ask, " is Huana?"

Amarosa's expression had changed back into one of agitation. "Please Simon, you don't have to be nice. She's a raging bitch. It's hard to believe sometimes that someone can be so awful, but I guess she gets it honestly." Amarosa elaborated as she began to stare at Simon. "Maybe I should have had a son. A gorgeous son, who gives me everything I need."

"Ha ha! I'm sure she's not that bad." Simon laughed.

"Ha!" Amarosa scoffed. "It's justice really." She noticed a puzzled look on Simon's face and continued. "Your Aunt Brigit and I, we used to be the hottest bitches and the worst teases. God that was fun. Everywhere we went, men were picking their jaws up off the floor. Nothing was better than seeing men leave their own dates to try and pick us up. We'd just knock them down anyway, because we could. I never gave it up for any of those losers. And then, the one time I did, I thought I landed my own 'Patrick'. Thought I'd have it as good as your mother, but the bastard just fucking disappeared on me."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Really." Simon had scooted closer to his aunt and boldly placed his hand on her leg, just above the knee, to comfort her.

"Don't feel too bad for me. I was not nice to him. At all. I pushed him away, for sure. It's this sick habit that I treat the people closest to me the most terribly." Amarosa confessed.

Simon's charming presence was finally having its intended effect, Amarosa had started to feel better and even more comfortable with her nephew.

"But you know Simon, I don't remember being that horrible to you and still you never came to see me. Or call. Not even a DM." Amarosa wanted to smile, to show that she was teasing, but a small part of her was genuinely a little hurt.

"Yeah, you're right. I am sorry about that." Simon shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Well, lucky for you, I'm feeling generous and I'll let you make it up to me." Amarosa adjusted the angle of her lounger's backrest until she was more reclined, but still able to see her hulking and handsome nephew. "My condition makes my legs sore, so you can rub them for me."

"Of course Aunt Ams. It would be my pleasure." Simon replied with a bright smile.

"Grab some coconut oil, if you have any." Amarosa instructed. "I find that works best."

A very devious grin spread across Simon's face. "I'll be right back."


'Huh. I'm actually feeling much better. I guess this is what it's like when you're not fighting with someone all the time.' Amarosa thought as she let the cloudy cool air sooth her body and chill her agitation. 'I should go back in, apologize to Can at least. I'm not ready to deal with Brigit, but I can't stand the fact that I hurt Can. After I get a little massage, of course.' She smiled to herself.

'When did my nephew get so handsome? According to my sister's profile, he's still holding down a regular job. I'm surprised he's not doing what my daughter does. Thank God for that. Although I'll take anyone rubbing me down, even my little sister's son. Oh god, does that make me a horrible person?'

The sound of the glass sliding door quickly opening and then slamming shut made Amarosa cock her head back at the party responsible. She was greeted with a half-naked Simon--he had removed his shoes, wearing only shorts--who was incapable of concealing his glee as he approached his aunt and sat on the end of the lounger between her legs.

Simon produced for his aunt a large squeeze bottle with a clear crystal-like liquid swirling inside.

"If I didn't know better, Simon," Amarosa used her "stern" voice to say her nephew's name in hopes of sounding more seductive to him. It was unknown to her how successful she really was. "I'd say you had this little lotion prepared."

"Oh I use coconut oil too. For my skin." Simon explained, not even caring how ridiculously false that sounded. "But I'm happy to share it with you."

"Oh really? It isn't from your 'solo-play' stash?" Amarosa surmised and teased.

"Ha ha! Hardly Aunt Ams." Simon laughed. 'Come to think of it, when was the last time I jacked off?'"It keeps my skin from getting irritated after I epilate."

Squirt! Simon had aimed the nozzle of the bottle at the base of his neck and shot a generous amount of oil against his chest. Amarosa bit her bottom lip as she watched a river run down the trench between his pecs. He then intercepted the stream with his right hand and began to apply an even coat of oil all over his chest.

"See?" Simon said as his aunt watched his slick hands dance atop his muscle fibers and leave his broad chest wet and glistening.

'Oh my god! What the fuck is wrong with my nephew? I've never seen such an obvious and blatant display.' Amarosa thought in horrifying arousal. 'He's actually trying to be sexy, oiling his muscles. He's being completely inappropriate. Maybe...maybe I'll just pretend he's not my nephew. See how far he goes.'

"I do." Amarosa finally answered her hunk nephew. "In fact, are you, hairless...everywhere?"

Simon smiled as he wiped off the excess oil onto his chiseled abs. "Actually, I am. Just never been a big fan of body hair."

Intrigued, Amarosa sat up a little higher. "So you have to apply oil everywhere then." She said with a suggestively raised eyebrow.

"Mmm-hmm." Simon nodded.

"Must take a while." Amarosa replied while looking her nephew up and down. "How do you get anything done?"

"Oh I get a lot of help." Simon replied.

A quizzical look splashed across Amarosa's face. She wanted him to elaborate on "get a lot of help," when something made her moan out in an alarming volume. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"

Simon had shot a small amount of oil onto his aunt's right foot. And with two strong hands he had begun to knead her sole and heel.

'No one's touched my feet in years. I...I can't believe how good this feels!' Amarosa thought with a flushed chest and panting breath.

As Simon worked his thumbs into the pads on the underside of his aunt's foot, she gasped and moaned and clamped her hands along the sides of the lounger.

"Oh god...don't stop. That feels sooooo good." Amarosa pleaded.

Simon paused for a brief moment to apply oil to her left foot. Then, with a tired sole in each hand, he used firm pressure to massage, stroke, knead, and separate the toes of the flawless feet completely at his disposal.

"Aaaaaaaagh! This is incredible." Amarosa continued to moan, and gloriously praised the talents of her reacquainted nephew's hands. Her legs would twist and twitch, and Simon became mesmerized by the ripples in her pillowy marshmallow-like flesh easily seen through her stretched dress.

'I could never have imagined Aunt Ams looking so hot. She's probably self-conscious, but what I wouldn't give to sink between her legs and feel all that fat around me. I bet I could cum just fucking her thighs.' Simon lustfully thought.

Exhilarating tingles emanated from Amarosa's toes. They traveled to her heels and into her ankles. Then, the tingly sensations crept up her legs. As they reached her thighs, Amaroa began to uncontrollably grip and knead her own malleable flesh. Her hands quickly moved up and down the thinly stretched fabric, and as if pulled by some unknown force, her hands inched further and further towards her inner thighs.

'Mmmmmm! I'm glad I came out here. I could get used to this.' In her prurient daze, Amarosa had become oblivious to the fact that she was burrowing her slender fingers deep within the crevice between her cushiony thighs. And before she knew it, "GASP!"

'Oh my god! I was nearly fingering myself. In front of my nephew. Who I just reconnected with after insulting his mother.' Amarosa thought in a panic.

"I'm...aah aah...I'm sorry. I was whew a little lost in the moment." Amarosa tried to explain as she quickly sat up.

"It's okay." Simon reassured his aunt with a charming wide smile. "I got a little lost myself."

At that comment, Amarosa's eyes were reluctantly drawn to her nephew's pronounced bulge. She had previously done her best to ignore her nephew's choice in form-fitting attire, but it had become unavoidable as his concealed member swelled so much that it pulled the waistband of his shorts away from his stomach.

"If you could aaaah rub my legs now." Amarosa requested as she dabbed away a few droplets of sweat from her right temple.

"Of course Aunt Ams." Simon replied.

Gathering the sides of her dress in her fingers, she began hiking up the hem until it laid across her pelvis. "I hope you're not shy." Amarosa said a little breathy. "You won't be able to see anything, anyway."

"This is all about making you comfortable, Aunt Ams." Simon's innocent smile hid his invigoration for his discovery that his sexy wide-hipped aunt wore no underwear. Her thickness and folds may have concealed her privates, but perhaps that was something the sex-hound Simon could find his way to exploring later.

Simon moved up to straddle his aunt's pudgy knees. He then picked up his squeeze bottle of liquid coconut oil and, rather suggestively, hosed down his fierce aunt's thighs until they were glistening and dripping with sweet scented liquid.

"Aww you naughty per..."

"Sorry Aunt Ams." Simon interrupted with a cheeky smile. "Just having a little fun. I promise you'll enjoy it."

'Hmm probably picked up that saucy attitude from Brigit.' Amarosa thought, but remained excited.

Simon's hands sunk deep into the smooth putty-like softness of his aunt's tender meat. As he pressed hard to reach the aching muscles and joints in her legs, her fat spilled and bulged between his fingers. However, the copious amounts of slippery lubricant allowed him to maintain his firm pressure and soothe the weariness in her lower body.

"Ooooooooh! My god, Simon. You weren't lying. I am enjoying this." Amarosa cooed as her modest yet impressive bust rose and fell with each gasp and moan.

As Simon pushed upwards, Amarosa's hips bulged even wider and she felt a strange pleasurable pressure that reached all the way around to her glutes. And as he pulled downwards, she felt a relief of the ache that plagued her pelvis and hips.

"Aaaaaaaahh...aaaaaaaahh...aaaaaaaahh," Amarosa purred over and over again as the incredible strength of her masseur raked her lower body and increasingly gave her incredibly euphoric sensations.

Simon had begun to alter his method. Sometimes, he would let his hands glide to the outside of her hips and give her an impressive squeeze. Which helped realign her joints. Other times, his hands would risk the woman's fury and travel between her legs. Simon would pull her legs apart and the cool air hitting her exposed areas made her shudder and moan.

'This...this isn't a massage.' Amarosa concluded in her head. 'This is a mission to make me cuuuuuuuu...'


Fortuitously concealed from her nephew, Amarosa suffered what seemed like an endless rhythm of subtle yet satisfying orgasms. Finally, she had held a hand up to signify the need for a break from the waves of mind-altering climaxes that assaulted her self-control.

"S-S-S-Simon...w-w-w-wait a sec," Amarosa stuttered embarrassingly.

'This is insane. I'm so wet. Leaking, in fact! And I've been turned into a blubbering mess. By my own goddamn nephew! What is this disgusting feeling? Do I want to fuck my nephew? If only. He's tall. Bursting with strength. And if his strained shorts are to be believed, he's strangling an absolute monster in there. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got a different girl for each day of the week. He wouldn't be interested in a mid forty year old, past her prime, with a fat repulsive ass.'

Some lessons on the fallacy of making assumptions can be painful and costly. However, for Amarosa Ball, the consequence of presuming her nephew's lack of attraction for her would prove to be an entertaining and satisfying revelation.

"If you could ahh ahh help me roll over. Aaah...I could use some pressure on" Amarosa blushed and failed to adequately convey her desire.

"On your perfect ass?" Simon completed.

"P-p-perfect?" Amarosa couldn't believe such a ridiculous description, and feared her nephew only meant that as a cheap taunt.

"Absolutely." Simon answered. He lifted himself up to support his aunt's arm with his left hand, and with his right, he slipped it underneath her left buttock and aided her in rolling over onto her stomach as she lowered the back rest completely. And her dress had ridden up to her lower back.

Wiggling before Simon, was the largest, fattest ass he had ever had the pleasure of witnessing in his life. It was as if some overly sexualized motherly character from a cartoon had been brought to life for his worshiping pleasure. "Perfect. Heavenly. Incredible. Sexy."


"Ayeee!" Amarosa flung her head back and shrieked when she felt a slippery stream of oil strike her ass along her long deep crack.

'Oh my god! I've never felt anything like this. My so wet. This isn't some pea-sized amount of ointment like at the clinic. He's dousing my ass with so much oil. Was he telling the truth? Does he really like my ass that much? Oh god, I hope he plans on doing more than just rubbing me down.'

While his aunt was lost in her own hopeful and forbidden thoughts, Simon slipped off his shorts before rejoining Amarosa on the lounger. His proclivity for such risque and aggressive sexual advances was undoubtedly an effect of his countless escapades with women over the summer.

Smirking to himself, Simon shot a thin trail of oil from the top of his chest, down the center of his abs, and then along his semi-hard, fat, bobbing python which was aching for a new hole to fill.

Nude, and poised to satisfy the sexually neglected goddess before him, Simon pressed his slippery hands deep into the back of her soft legs and pushed upwards like a plow until he reached the bottom of her massive fat oiled ass.

"I'm sure you hear this all the time, Aunt Ams, but this is a real treat for me." Simon said softly.

"You're aah aah not getting off on this...aaaaah...are you?" Amarosa tried to sound sickened and repulsed by the idea that her body might be sexually arousing her own nephew, but as she was starved for a man's touch, her animalistic wanton lust was taking over.

"Aren't you used to that?" Simon asked rather playfully. "Don't men still leave their dates just for a chance to worship this impossibly perfect rump?" Simon then leaned forward, and using all the muscles in his back and arms, scooped up a giant amount of her wide ass and rolled it upwards stretching the muscles underneath.

"NNNNNNNNGH!" Amarosa groaned uncontrollably, and with equal immoderation, her pussy released a slow flow of savory juices that soaked the cushion below. "Of course. Or uh, they aahused to. But my sister's son, getting horny. That's unacceptable!"

"Yeah, I'm real sorry Aunt Ams." Simon replied, but his actions were anything but apologetic. He had slipped his hard oily cock between his aunt's thighs and let her warm memory-foam-like flesh wrap around his member and hug every vein, every inch, and especially the rigid lip of his glans. "I assure you I'm only trying to make you feel better." He said as he looped his arms around the top of her bulging ass and pulled the resilient meat down towards his body.

"UUUNNNNNG! You are one slick bastard, you know that." Amarosa said with a chuckle and bright smile on her face. Then, it finally hit her. 'My god...I'm actually having fun. I can't remember the last time. Ha! I don't even care that he's my nephew anymore.'

"My god, her ass. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. What I would do to her..." Simon most likely meant for that to be an inner monologue, but his comfort with mature sexual women, combined with his cocky attitude, nearly removed his natural ability to filter out his more obscene thoughts.

At that lewd comment, Amarosa's head swiveled around to look behind her, and there she saw her nephew's drooling dazed face and his hips humping into her legs.

"You really like my ass, Simon?" Amarosa swung her left arm around and gave her own fat dump truck a hard SMACK! Her rump heaved and swayed and hypnotized Simon into a deeper lust-filled trance. "You must be an ass-man!" SMACK! "Yes! And you can't resist me!"

'It's true, I can't resist. Her ass is too much for me!' Simon's body was on auto-pilot as he continued to work oil deep into the globes and pores of such an impossibly large rear, and his mind raced to make sense of his newly awakened fetish. 'Fuck. I could fit my entire body between these gigantic cheeks!'"Nnnnnng." Simon let out an animalistic growl. 'Better make the most of it. When am I ever going to get another opportunity like this?'

"So, do you still think I'm hot, Simon? Are you getting flashbacks to that pool party?" Amarosa then swung both arms behind her and pulled her butt cheeks apart. Even as wide as she was spreading herself, it still wasn't enough to showcase her juicy hole that Simon knew was waiting for him.

"Aunt Ams, you're way hotter now than you were back then." Simon complimented his insecure aunt.

"Am I hotter than your Aunt Brigit?" Amarosa pressured her heavily breathing nephew. "Brigit's tits may be impressive, but they're just for show. They're nothing when you can grope my ass as much as you want." Amarosa teased as she began to bounce against him.

Simon didn't answer. He couldn't answer. His Aunt Brigit was like a virus. His attraction and lust for her had infected him: mind, body, and soul. He couldn't give up Brigit for anything, but he could recognize that Amarosa was equally as infectious, but in different wonderful ways.

Amarosa concluded Simon's answer for herself as she watched drool spill from Simon's mouth and mix with the heavy coating of oil saturating her skin.

"Oh, Aunt Amarosa. What I wouldn't give to get in here." Simon groaned as he placed his hands into the opening his aunt created, and spread her hemispheres even wider.

"Well then, it's all yours." Amarosa said as she flashed her hungry nephew a devilish smile.

Quite surprisingly, especially when compared to the width of her ass, her puckered hole was in fact very small. And as if answering a Siren's call, Simon plunged his head deep into her oily slick crack.


"You like being smothered by my ass?"


Amarosa squirmed as she felt her nephew's head wiggle and burrow deeper and closer to the core of her ass. "It's all yours. So, you think you can handle it?"

Amarosa's words were barely audible to Simon, the fatty tissue around his head seemed to work it's way into his ears, press into his eyes, and crush his jaw. Had it not been for the coconut oil he slathered her crack with, drilling his head into her flesh would have been impossible.

"Mmmmm...deeper. Deeper! You dirty fucking pervert!" Amarosa moaned.

Having released her own dense buns when her nephew plunged into her face-first, Amarosa's hands traveled along the sides of her body looking for a way to occupy themselves. Until finally both hands slipped under her stomach and crept down to further stimulate her erogenous zones that were burning with incestuous desire.

"GASP!" 'My pussy! Am I peeing? Cumming? Leaking? My fingers are soaked. What will he think if he sees this? God I want to cum. Cum hard. Incredibly hard. But I can't risk squirting all over him. I have to stop him!'

Amarosa threw her right arm behind her in a flash and frantically tapped her nephew's head and pulled at his hair.


There was a rather loud, alien-syfy-like, disgusting noise as the suction around Simon's head broke when he pulled his head out.

"Holy shit! That was awesome!" Simon shouted with a thrilled expression on his face. "I've never been literally swallowed by someone's ass before. Aunt Ams, that was amazing. You...are...amazing!"

Amarosa had never been praised with so many compliments in such a rapid succession before. She felt overwhelmed and could no longer hide her girlish excitable smile. With a difficult and strenuous effort, Amarosa was able to roll onto her right side and shift back to the middle of the lounger. "I'm glad you enjoyed that, my little perverted nephew. I have to admit, it was pretty excitiOHMYGOD!"

Amarosa suffered two shocks simultaneously at that moment. The first, as she gazed down at her straddled legs, she discovered that her nephew had been grinding against her and humping her legs, in the nude. And the second, that his engorged monstrosity of a cock had surged to an incredible size and bobbed like a hungry python ready to devour her. Sweet, syrupy, seminal fluid was dripping from his tip and spilling over her legs.

"That's...that's not possible." Amarosa's voice was weak and faint as she tried to make sense of her new reality.

'He's a freak of nature. A monster. Some sort of malformed side-show. It's disgusting thinking about how he was touching me with that thing. I'm his fucking Aunt! What? He thinks I'll just debase myself and fall all over him? Just because it's so...thick. And...meaty. Oh god it's dripping every time he flexes. What is it they call that? Precum? Is that...because of me? I didn't think a guy could get turned on by a fat dimpled ass like mine.'

As Amarosa laid there, staring wide-eyed and her mouth agape, Simon scooped up her legs under her knees and rolled her over until she was lying comfortably on her back again. He made a motion to crawl up her wide curvy body, but Amarosa lunged forward and grabbed his engorged meat with her hands.

"Nnnnnngh Aunt Ams." Simon moaned when he felt his aunt's strong slender fingers wrap around his thickening member and yank it towards her chest.

Amarosa shrieked, but out of excitement from holding such an impressive man in her hands. 'How the fuck? the most impressive cock I've ever seen' She thought, realizing too late that her lips were wet and licked them over and over. 'He's worse than I thought. I never would have imagined he was perverted enough to show his innocent aunt such a disgusting dick?'

Amarosa's left hand squeezed the middle of the monstrous shaft, and she smiled as he bulged in her hands and forced her grip to widen. 'My sister thinks her son is so perfect, but it turns out he's just like every other pathetic loser who'll whip out their pathetic dick any chance they get.'

Of the myriad of things Amarosa wanted to shout out--mostly reprimands for her nephew's behavior--what she ultimately blurted out was quite the embarrassing confession for herself.

"Argh! Fuck, my nipples are so hard they hurt!" Amarosa winced as her left hand gingerly glided over her erect pillars. She yanked the stretchy neckline of her dress down until it rested just underneath her pale pillowy tits.

"Mmmm, perhaps I can help soothe them." Simon offered as he lowered his head and took her left rock hard nipple into his mouth.

"Ayeee! Oh my fucking god." Amarosa belted out as she felt the warm and wet sensations of a mouth latch onto her breast and massage her erected teat with their strong tongue. So as not to leave out her other strained nub, her nephew had begun to caress and lightly pinch the hard textured tip.


"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm soooooo good." Simon moaned into his aunt's neglected mammary.

'She wasn't kidding. These things are rock hard.' Simon thought as he slurped and sucked. 'Mmmm, this one is getting a little longer the more I suck it into my mouth. I love how pebbled her areola are too. Mmm, it's getting tougher. It's like I can literally feel her getting hornier.'

Sluuuurp! Sluuuuuurp!

"Haaah! Haaaah! Oh my god! Aah! Aah! My nipples! Aaah! They hurt! But...but...don't stop! This feels so good!" Amarosa cried with tears of joy running down her face. Grasping her nephew's head with her left hand, and digging her fingers into her own short hair, she continued. "You're such a forceful little prick, aren't you? Aaaaah! What kind of sicko wants to fuck his own aunt?"

SLUUUURP! "Someone who's got an aunt as hot as you." Replied Simon.

"Haah! Haah! Bet you're...aah aah...Imagining me in my prime...haaaah!...maybe in some tight bikini or tiny thong?" Amarosa panted and twisted beneath her suckling nephew. "Before my ass blew up."

Suck! Suck! "You're still in your prime Aunt Ams." Simon said in a confident voice. Haawk tuaaah! He then spat on her other breast to lubricate her rock hard elongated nipple for his fingers to glide over more easily.

'Oh fuck! I love how he degrades me. Spitting on me was so hot. I can't wait to return the favor.'Amarosa thought as the gel from Simon's saliva smoothed over her pale breast.

To coax his aunt deeper into debauchery, Simon ground the fat base of cock hard against her mound. He rocked his pelvis in small arches and pushed his heavy balls down between her thighs until they vibrated with excitement against her defenseless pussy.

Sluuuuuuurp...POP! Simon released his suction. "Aunt Ams, I don't feel any hair. Do you shave down there?"

'In fact, her body is smoother than mine.' Simon thought.

"Lasered, you pervert." Amarosa smirked with her eyes closed. "One less thing to worry about. I noticed you had the same idea."

Suk. Suk. "I...aah...epilate. But yes, I wanna be as smooth as possible." Simon expanded.

Amarosa smiled and let her hands glide over her nephew's shoulders and back. "Just commit and get the laser. Fourteen weeks 'outta your life, and then you're done."

Amarosa then pushed her nephew's head away and beckoned him to slide up her body until his pulsing tower was lodged between her breasts. She hummed and moaned her nephew's name as he rocked back and forth to grind against her chest. Her skin was warm and smooth, and his member slid effortlessly as he continued to spill precum onto her plump body.

"How does it feel to be this perverted, nephew? I can't believe you're sick enough to like it when I lick all over the head of your long meaty cock." Amarosa teased.

"Ohhh my god-d-d yessss..." Simon moaned loudly in his mother's back yard. "P...please...please suck the head of my cock Aunt Ams."

Lick...lick...lick. "At this rate, I can only suck the head. Mmmmm...slurp slurp suck...your cock barely fits in my mouth." Amarosa laid her seduction on thick as she hollowed her cheeks and smeared her lips all over Simon's wet head.

'Fuck me! I never imagined Aunt Ams could look so whorish. She's doing this on purpose, it's like she knows exactly what turns me on' Simon thought as his breathing got heavier and heavier.

"HAAH HAAH HAAH! Aunt Ams...haah...Aunt Ams your lips look so sexy. HAAH!" Simon panted.

Suck. Suck. SLUUUURP...SUCK!

"Mmm hmm." Amarosa acknowledged as she fattened her lips and sucked even harder.

Simon's mistake was looking down and catching his aunt's gaze. Wide, lust drunk eyes, peered back up at him. Her hollow cheeks began to fill out as more meat was stuffed into her mouth.

"Agghh Ahh! Aaahhh!" Simon cried out. "Ohmygodohmygod. Fuck Aunt Ams you look so incredibly sexy!"

Suck. Suck. GULP!

Amarosa's shiny spit-covered lips seemed to magically get wider and fatter as they slipped over Simon's sensitive glans. Bubbles of foamy saliva drenched his head and flowed down his veiny shaft.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Agghh! That's it! That's it! Oh fuck you just swallowed my cock. Keep sucking like that! Please!" Simon begged.

Amarosa had only taken his first few inches, but her tongue vigorously lavashed her nephew's mighty cannon. She worked the underside of his helmet, which caused Simon to buck and jump, and every so often she would push her tongue inside his tip.

Still propped up on her right arm, Amarosa temporarily released Simon's hardening veiny shaft and grabbed her phone from the side table. After unlocking it, she handed it to her nephew.

"Haah. Haah. You...want a picture?" Simon questioned.

"Mmm hmm." Amarosa nodded.

Simon centered his aunt's steamy gaze on the phone screen. His throbbing cock was already dripping with her spit as she gagged and slurped on his crown.


Sluuuuurp...POP! Amarosa released Simon's fat head. Her lipstick left a red ring on his bobbing cock.

"Thank you, nephew." Amarosa smirked. "This is for my eyes only though." She said, but narrowed her eyes in an evil thought, 'except for a condescending self-centered tart who needs to know that I've still got it.' "You see, I've got a reputation as the most respectable of the Hightower women."If a picture of me acting like a total whore gets out, well, I'm afraid I'd have to take it out on you."

Simon was only half paying attention, "Mmmmmmm...oooohh yeaaah. I totally get it, Aunt Ams."

'Mmmm, I love this big cock. Where did he get this thing? Guess all those stories about his father were true. I should have known. Can isn't the type. She was always too naïve to lie about or embellish her sexcapades.'

"Gulurk. Glurk. Glurk. Sluuuuurpp." Amarosa slobbered up and down Simon's slick rigid shaft. "Fuck yessss. Let me get this all nice and wet."

'He's oddly too comfortable, getting his dick sucked by his aunt. This should send any normal boy running for the hills. Could he be...with Brigit too? Of course! THAT BITCH! No wonder she's so defensive of Can. Boob job. Ridiculously tight clothes. All so she could suck her nephew's cock behind our sister's back.'

Amarosa paused her inner monologue to focus on her nephew's thick hog. "Sluuuuurp! Fuck this is making me so wet. Your cock...your cock is so huge."

Drip. Drip. Drip. Slobber and spit cascaded down Simon's shined shaft and pooled on the stone slabs underneath.

"AAAHH!. You''re gonna make me hard Aunt Ams! Fuck this is a dream come true. I've wanted to fuck you for so long. AAAHH!"

'Fuck me?' Amarosa thought incredulously. 'He doesn't want to stop at getting his dick sucked. He wants to have full on, hardcore, incest with his aunt!'

That realization horrified Amarosa, but only for half a second. The more relevant epiphany was that she had a man who was genuinely lusting for her. More so, he fearlessly explored her body, and delivered waves of pleasure she hadn't felt since before her daughter was born.

"SPIT!" Amarosa sent a large glob of saliva crashing against the youthful boner. "Do you like it when I act like a sloppy whore?"

"Nnnnnngh! Oh fuck yes Aunt Ams. Yes. Get it all nice and wet." Simon moaned and rolled his head from side-to-side. Between his aunt's sticky spit, and the constant river of precum spewing out, his dick was positively coated in lewd juices. "I wanna slide my cock up and down your crack, and fill your ass with my biggest load yet."

'This is worse than I thought. Brigit has really dug her nails into him. She'll turn him into a sex-addict deviant. Don't worry Can, I'll rescue your son from our greedy cunt of a sister.'

"Your biggest load, huh?" Amarosa cooed in a deep sultry voice. "Mmmmmm, look at these gigantic balls," she complimented as she grabbed Simon's hefty right nut and licked it up and down like she was tasting a peach. She let her drool trail across his orbs and left several saliva strands connected from his sack to her puffy lips. "I'm going to stuff my mouth with your balls. Take another picture for me."

'Fuck. Bit off more than I can chew. Literally. I can only fit one of his salty hangers in my mouth.'Amarosa thought to herself. 'God, my jaw is stretched with just one, but I think I can manage my magic trick.' With as much force as she could muster, she stuck her tongue out and licked and prodded behind her nephew's sack.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Aaaaaaah!" Simon panicked. "My balls, they're so sensitive!"

'Sensitive and full. My god, it feels like they're getting bigger.' Amarosa thought as she felt her nephew's undulating balls burn hotter and pulse against her face.

SCHLOP...POP! The release of Simon's fat ball from his strict aunt's suction could have been from all adjacent houses.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, I can't believe how much I'm into these gigantic clangers. I bet you've got a fucking huge load just building, don't you?" Amarosa said in her deepest sultry voice. Strands of lustrous slobber hung from Simon's sensitive sack and clung to her lips, chin, and even dripped onto her chest.

"AHHHH! Oh fuck. I didn't expect you to get it so wet and sloppy Aunt Ams. AAHH!" Simon cooed in a weak and pathetic voice. "You're the hottest, most sophisticated woman, looking so slutty now. I have to get another pic!"

Simon took several pictures in succession of his sexy indecorous aunt, her face covered in slimy expectorant, lavishing polishing his thickly veined organ. His sweat mixed with the coconut oil ran down his glistening body as his temperature spiked.

"Ha ha! You're such fucking pervert," Amarosa laughed, but then deepened her voice again, "with a huge fucking cock." With a firm grip, she pumped her nephew's greasy tower.

Fap! Fap! Fap!

"How many girls do you have begging for this cock?" Amarosa asked. "All the sexy little girls at the beach? They don't know how to handle this much meat. I'll show you how a real woman handles a big...Fucking...COCK!"

With that declaration, Amarosa arched her back and pulled at her gray dress before finally lifting it over her head and discarding it onto the patio.

"Not as big as your other aunt's," Amarosa stated as she pressed her modest breasts together. "But I know a pervert like you is just dying to see them.

"Oh my god, yes! They're perfect Aunt Ams." Simon licked his lips. "So full. And I love how erect your nipples still are. Fuck, you're making me leak so much."

"How badly do you want to fuck me, Simon?" Amarosa asked with a devilsh look.

"Haaah...haaah, so fucking bad." Simon whimpered.

"All you can think about is my big fucking ass, right?"

"Oh my god, yes!" Simon's words were loud and breathy.

"Be honest, do you think you can handle my fat fucking ass?" Amarosa asked as she ran her fingers through her hair and widened her legs as much as possible. "I'm not ready to give you my delicious wet pussy, but today this ass is for you." She rolled her hips upward to expose her tender asshole, then she reached down and grabbed the tissue that flared at her hips. "Do you like the way it jiggles? Did you like the feel of my soft warm skin against your body?"

"F-f-f-uck. You have no idea." Simon responded despite being delirious with a raging sex drive. "You're a goddess."

Suddenly, loud thunder broke in the dark skies above.


"That's a little ominous." Amarosa smirked. "You're about to have the hottest fuck you'll ever have. And with a family member makes it all the more worthwhile. Now bring that perverted dick over here and show me how badly you want to fuck me." She ordered.

"Aunt Ams, I've been waiting for this for so long." Simon confessed as he let his swollen cock drool just above his aunt's fat fragrant pussy. He reveled in watching his fluids run down her slit before coating her puckered opening further below. "Oh fuck me I could cum right now all over you."

"Don't you dare cum yet, not until you shove this fucking cock inside me and I get my fill." Amarosa angrily ordered, but licked her lips as she said so."

"With pleasure, Aunt Ams."


"AWWHH! Simon...your feels so fucking good against my asshole! AAWH!" Amarosa moaned.

"NNNNG! Aunt Ams, your ass is so tight." Simon stressed as he fought just to insert the head into his aunt's lucious sphincter.

"OOWHH! It's been a while, but I can handle it. Shove it in deeper!"


"AARRGG! OH FUCK! YOU'RE SO FUCKING BIG IN MY ASS!" Amarosa belted when she felt inch after inch of steel-hard cock.

"AWWWW! Your ass is incredible!" Simon praised when he felt his aunt's skilled anal muscles massage and aggressively grip every bit of his swallowed pole.

"Your dick is incredible! It's filling me completely." Amarosa thrashed her head and gripped the sides of the lounger. Her hips bucked as if possessed by a glutinous succubus trying desperately to swallow more of its meal. "Aaah! Aaah! So much! I can feel you reshaping my body!"

Simon lunged forward and grabbed his impaled aunt by her wide hips. "Aunt Ams! Am I hurting you?"

"No you sick pervert! Now when are you gonna start fucking that ass?" Amarosa fired back.


Amarosa Ball was luckier than she thought that her unusual condition and lewd body had turned her nephew on as much as it did. Even while inside her, he was still producing a near endless stream of slippery seminal nectar, which coated her walls and gave Simon the frictionless tunnel he needed to repeatedly plow deep into his mistress' cavity.

"OH MY GOD! MY ASS IS ON FIRE!" Amarosa cried out through clenched teeth and shut eyes. "I'M ABOUT TO CUM! AARRGG!"

"HAAH! YES AUNT AMS! TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED! TELL ME HOW TO MAKE YOU CUM! HAAH!" Simon shouted lustfully trying to add to his aunt's bursting arousal.

"AAAH! GO...GO SLOWER! AND AS DEEP AS YOU CAN! AAAH!" Amarosa blissfully directed.

KRAAAK BOOM! Another burst of thunder rang in the darkening clouds above the illicit couple.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! In the throes of a powerful orgasm, Amarosa's shouts of ecstasy fought for supremacy against the raging storm above.


A vicious explosion of crystal clear water shot from Amarosa's spasming quim and struck her nephew's groin and stomach. Simon quickly pulled out of his aunt's ass, just a few inches, so he could feel the exhilarating sensations of being defiled by a woman's squirt.

"OH MY GOD YESSSSSS!" Amarosa continued to shriek.


Another blast of filthy incest induced liquid shot forth from the pear-shaped aunt's honey pot. Simon caught some of the succulent juice in his cupped hands and used it to wash his face and wet his hair.

Simon quickly paused his impromptu shower and gripped his aunt's massive fat thighs.

"AARRGH! Aunt Ams! Your ass is gripping me like crazy. Fuck if you keep this us, I'm gonna fucking fill your whole body with cum! AARRGH!"


Simon had to remove his bull-sized dick from his aunt's body, or risk climaxing early and ruining his fun.

"Huff...huff...huff...I just need to...aaaah...calm down." Amarosa panted with rivers of sweat rolling down her red face. "What the fuck was that?"

"You just squirted all over me." Simon answered, grinning from ear to ear.

"What do you mean, 'squirt'?" Amarosa asked even more confused.

"Well, I guess you came so hard from getting ass-fucked, that your pussy just burst with all your delicious cum." Simon explained.

"Delicious? Did you...drink it?" Amarosa asked with a worried look.

"I couldn't help myself. Aunt Ams, I had to wash my face with your cum. Holy fuck it felt so good to have you cum on me." Simon continued. "It's my kink, my fetish. I'm absolutely addicted to getting covered in pussy squirt."

"Oh my god. What happened to you? You're a total fucking pervert." Amarosa teased with a jovial smile. "Lucky for you, I wanna do that again. Awww...shove that disgusting dick back in me."


"NNNNNNNGH! Your ass! It feels like it's pulling me in!" Simon moaned.

"Oh fuck, Simon. It feels like you're in my stomach." Amarosa then lifted her head and was aghast at what she saw. "Holy fucking shit! You are in my stomach! Your cock is bulging through!"

Being penetrated by her sister's son had made Amarosa oblivious before to how much his cock was wrecking her body. She stared in awe at how her abdomen swelled and inflated as her nephew plunged deep into her anal canal over and over.


Simon's pace quickened. The sensations of fucking such a fat ass was too much for him to control his zealous nature.

"AWHH! AWHH! It''s too much! FUCK! I...I can't hold out much longer! Simon panicked and moaned.


Seconds after the loudest thunderous roar yet, the preoccupied foul-fucking-couple had begun to be pelted by tiny droplets of rain.

"OOF...OOF...AAWW! FUCK! You're making the storm angry! Haaah! Haaah! Fucking your poor aunt makes you the foulest creation there is." Amarosa mocked between thrusts and quickly wrapped her phone in her discarded dress.


"I...I...can't help it!" Simon said, completely unable to control his movements.



Simon was relentless. His legs flexed and bulged to give him a stable base, and his hips pistoned like a jackhammer as his greasy coated cock fucked his aunt's asshole with a fervent speed. The threat of the storm and the increasing rain did nothing to impede his rhythm or dissuade him from fulfilling his animalistic lust.

'This is insane!' Amarosa thought. 'This is absolutely fucking insane! I came over to tell my sisters off, and now I'm being fucked senseless by my handsome nephew. He's so strong, focused, and driven. Ha ha! I have never been fucked in the rain like this. This is the most exhilarating sex I've ever had!'



Amarosa had a modest bust size, but the smallest of her sisters. However, her nephew was fucking her so hard and deep that her mature tits flopped hard up and down. And as they heaved, they threatened to clock her in her chin.

And a new fetish had been unlocked for the handsome hunk plowing his stern aunt. Each SLAM!, POUND!, and THWAP!, sent ripples and shockwaves through Amarosa's fatty thighs and ass. Simon marveled at the jiggly flesh beneath him, and felt beckoned by the rippling chubby creases to drive into her fuck-hole even harder.



The storm raged and the rain came down even harder and heavier. The lovers were soaked to the bone, but they remained unphased in their rising passion as water was flung from their thrashing bodies.


"ARRGGHHH!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!" Simon roared against the rain as every nerve in his testicles fired off and unloaded a boundless amount of rich ropy spunk up his cum-chute.


"AYYEEE! I'MCOMINGAGAIN!! AAAAHH!" Amarosa was sent over the edge, even more so than before, when she felt her nephew's mammoth dick surge and swell to a ridiculous proportion and dump so much cum into her intestinal tract, that it surged upwards and filled her stomach.


Scalding hot against the cold rain, Simon shuddered and came again as he felt his aunt's pussy power wash his chest and abs.




The volleys of dense creamy batter inexplicably continued to pump into the helpless woman's writing body. Simon's seminal vesicles and testes had been working double-time since Amarosa's first touch, and the dam had finally been broken.


Finally opening her eyes, Amarosa became mesmerized by the transformation of her own body. Her stomach, which had continued to accept more and more incestuous spunk, swelled and inflated until she could have easily passed for a pregnant woman.

"Aaah! Aaah! What the actual fuck! You're making my stomach as fat as my ass." The stern aunt scolded her still twitching and humping nephew. "I'll make you pay for that." She said with an evil smile.


After their breathing had calmed down, and they were able to dislodge their bodies, Amarosa and Simon quickly gathered their clothes and ran back indoors. It was easy to ignore the hammering rain, but as their senses returned they sought to take refuge from the deluge. They were a sight as droplets of cum and rain dripped from their spent bodies.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but that was amazing." Amarosa smiled and laughed, which was a first in quite some time. "I'm actually glad I have such a perverted nephew. Although, I hope you don't rub off on me." She was nothing but glee as she gripped her dress in her left hand, and wiped water away from her eyes with her right.

"Ha ha! I'm really glad to hear that Aunt Ams. That was such an incredible experience. I don't think I'll ever forget that." Simon looked at his aunt lovingly to convey his sincerity.

"I hope you don't forget me. Perhaps I can give you constant reminders." Amarosa winked.

"Looks like the rain cooled you off."

Amarosa's eyes darted to the entryway into the kitchen when she heard her sister Brigit's voice. Brigit wore a smug disappointed look, while Candice entered with a smile and a stack of towels for the drenched couple.

"Oh my god! No! We were just...uh...!!" Amarosa panicked and attempted to cover her naked body with her soaking wet dress. She was just as confused to find that Simon made no attempt to hide his shame, and instead proudly displayed his body.

"Sigh. I guess it was bound to happen. Hard not to when you have a huge cock and great sex 'on demand'." Brigit remarked.

"Huge cock...great sex...on demand?" Amarosa's mouth hung open, and her eyes darted from sister to sister to nephew. "Don't tell your nephew?"

"I'll admit," Brigit continued, "I was hoping you'd leave pretty soon after arriving, sigh but I supposed getting your attitude fixed with a good lay was just as important."

Amarosa never backed down to Brigit, but surprisingly she was at a loss for words and nervously shifted in her stance.

"Oh my, your poor stomach." Candice swooped in, handing the dripping pair some towels, and lightly touched her sister's abdomen. "Simon! You went too far, and with Ams condition..."

"It's okay Can. I actually begged him to do it. That was the most thrilling sensation I think I've ever felt." Amarosa explained as she dried her hair with the towel. "I could literally feel my body filling up with his cum. I mean semen! I mean...what the fuck am I saying?"

"Mmmm, it's amazing feeling your pussy so completely full isn't it?" Candice sweetly asked.

"Pussy? Wait no, in my ass." Amarosa stared wide-eyed at her younger sister. "Are you telling me you can take him know..."

"Good thing his dick is huge to make it past that fat ass!" Brigit teased, "but when it comes to size-queens taking huge bull cocks, I'm afraid our baby sister still reigns supreme."

"I can't believe it. Any of it. I mean, for both of you to be fucking him. You're his aunt. And Can, you're like the picturesque perfect mother. Worst of all, both of you were holding out on me, big time." Amarosa spoke slowly and softly as she attempted to understand the situation.

"You're right Ams. Why don't you stay here for a while. I mean, you just had sex with my son," Candice laughed. "I'd say that's the perfect ice breaker, and now we can explain how all this happened."

"I suppose I can stay." Amarosa replied falsely begrudgingly. "If it's really that important to you that I be here."

"Excellent!" Candice burst out. She quickly hugged her middle sister which caused her towel to drop from being poorly wrapped around her chest. "I really am so happy to have you back, Ams."

"It might take me a while to get settled in, but...thank you Can." Another first in a long while for Amarosa.

"Well, first things first. Let's get you dried and cleaned up. That was some downpour. Take a shower if you need." Candice offered. "Do you have any luggage in your car? Simon, you're already wet. Go grab your aunt's things."

Amarosa was amazed at how quickly her little sister worked at making arrangements for her. There wasn't the slightest hint of hesitation in Candice's voice as she directed Amarosa to the shower, where the linens were, and where she would set up a bed for her to sleep.

Amarosa wanted to pay close attention to all the details, but there was only one thing occupying her interests. "So, this 'great sex' on demand, is that for anybody?"


A cleaned and rested Amarosa sat in her sister's den and gazed out the window, staring at nothing in particular.

'Such quiet and peaceful looking neighborhood. It was tough for Can, but she's made a beautiful life here. Her son, her gorgeous...mmmmm...hung son. He doesn't complain. He doesn't talk back. He meets Can's every need. Takes care of her. The house. The yard. There's nothing he won't do to satisfy her.' Amarosa mused to herself.


'It's like my life turned out the exact opposite of hers. Maybe here, with Simon, with my sisters, I can be happy.' And once again, Amarosa allowed a smile to slowly spread across her face.

'Do you know what would make me really happy? Rub it in a little certain someone's face that I can still pull in some major trunk.'

Amarosa did a quick glance behind her to make sure no one was standing at the doorway.

'I'll just send her a couple. Mmmm, that dick sure looks good laying across my face like that.'

Tap. Tap. Tap...

'Send. Let's see what she thinks of that.'

♫ Next time on Slut Son ♫

The three Hightower sisters are back together, and while their relationship may not be entirely harmonious yet, constant sexual thrills with the ever-so-eager-to-please Slut Son are doing wonders to bring the women closer together. With a short respite between incestuous trysts, Candice and Brigit plan a picnic, but some innocent gibes between Brigit and Amarosa soon turn into a food fight, albeit a tame one. Oh well. Better not let that food go to waste. And who did Amarosa send pictures to? With each addition to the familial bedding, Simon's slut lifestyle threatens to spill out of control.

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