Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 127 - SLUT SON CH. 16 By DomGuardi

Chapter 127 - SLUT SON CH. 16 By DomGuardi

Previously on Slut Son

Amarosa Ball, the middle Hightower sister, entered the lives of Candice, Brigit, and Simon in spectacular fashion. What was meant to be a confident showing by Amarosa, by confronting her neglecting family, turned into an embarrassing defeat for her. After seeking solace from the fight with her sisters, it was none other than Simon that came to comfort his weeping aunt. Reluctant to let go of her harsh exterior, Amarosa first rebuked her nephew's kind attempts at reconciliation. However, the young man's charms soon worked their magic on the stern woman as well, and she found better ways her could satisfy her broken heart. Amarosa has once again been welcomed into her sisters' lives, but how well will she fit in with their new lifestyle?

Chapter 16 - Aunts at a Picnic

It was a simple and sterile looking waiting room, yet spacious with black leather loveseats and chairs arranged in tight rectangular groups to encourage communal conversation while patients waited to be called for their appointment. A woman in her mid-forties, with short dark hair and massive thick red lips, sat in the middle of the room with her head tilted back and ran her slender fingers across the top of her chest. She wore unusual attire for a doctor's visit, an intricately laced purple bra cupped her mature breasts and held them high just beneath her collarbone. And her black laced panties could only be seen cresting over her tremendously wide hips as her creamy thick thighs and pillowy ass swallowed the rest of the garment.

Large glass windows along three walls let in the bright daylight, and coupled with the blinding ceiling lights overhead, the woman was forced to close her eyes tightly. However, she remained completely aware of the animalistic desires coursing through her and could vividly picture the sight before her face.

A throbbing, burning hot cock slid along her wet lips. Back, and forth. Back, and forth. Slowly sawing at her juicy kisser as if eagerly trying to penetrate her hot mouth.



The luscious pear-shaped woman purred and moaned as the impressive manhood glazed her lips with its trickling shiny precum. She stuck her tongue out to taste the syrup soaking into her succulent lips. The mixture of her spit and the seminal slime created a bubbly, sticky drool that spilled over her chin, down her neck, and ended up being spread over her exposed bust as her fingers continued to dance over her mature flesh.

"You have such an impressive cock." The woman said in a deep, throaty voice. "Mmmmmm, oh god yes. Paint my face with your nasty dick. Let me feel how hot you are for me by leaving a filthy, slimy trail all over me." The woman sounded delirious, almost drunk, as her head rolled from side-to-side in small arcs underneath the weighty log.

The translucent slime continued to cover the mature beauty's angular face. It pooled over her eyes, overflowed into her hair and ran down her cheeks. Her wet skin glowed under the bright lights, and she smiled even wider when she felt the burning hot phallus grow longer and thicker against her ready lips.

"You liked that, didn't you?" The woman spoke quickly, the moment she opened her mouth the cock's slick liquid splashed against her tongue and coated her teeth. Hard swallow! "The thought of defiling someone like me. The most dignified woman you've ever known...gulp...acting like a complete whore for your cock."

The mature dark haired beauty then brought up both hands and, very lightly, let her fingertips glide along the lubricious shaft. Its thick veins gave it an awful and gnarled exterior, which made her pussy yearn for its textured surface to fill her hole and scrape her walls.

"Mmmmmm,I love to feel you pulse in my hands." The woman said when she abruptly grasped the greasy shaft and gave it a few playful pumps.

"Ssssssss..." The man attached to the abnormal phallus hissed and groaned as the woman's slender, yet strong, fingers coiled around his veiny column.


The woman rolled her head to the side and gave the meaty swollen beef-log a long and wet stroke with her tongue. She licked her lips and puckered them with a loud SMACK!

"You love my body, don't you?" The woman was making more of a statement than a question. "It turns you on. Drives you wild. Makes you desperate to cum, doesn't it?"

"💙NNNNNNNNNGGH!💙" The young man couldn't help but grab the base of his monstrous cock as he let out a loud and throaty groan.

"Am I the hottest woman you've ever been with?" The coy seductress teased.

"Aaaah! Aaaahhh! Aaaah!" The man's gasps and panting affirmed the woman's suspicions.

"Mmmmm, what's my reward for letting you rub this filthy worthless dick all over my face?"

"Hah...hah...anything." A weak voice answered the woman as the young man panted and pumped just the bottom couple of inches of his steel-like hardon.

"How 'bout this." The puffy-lipped seductress opened her jaw to let the heavy log fall into her mouth. Then, without breaking the skin, she bit down on the soft sponge-like cum-chute that ran along the underside (as that was all that would fit in her mouth).

"Oooooooh fuuuuuuuck!" The man whimpered and bit his own bottom lip.

The black-haired beauty then brought both hands up and pulled down on his heavy sperm-filled ball bag.

"Aaaargh!" The hung stud grabbed his mistress' head and bucked against her mouth.

"Will you be mine?"

"Haaaah...haaaah, yes." The young man answered as he felt a stronger grasp massage and fondle his swollen balls.

"Good boy," the woman smiled in victory. "Now, I want you to unload all your pent-up man cream inside me. Fuck my mouth with your slimy cock until you fill my stomach." She ordered.

The heavily breathing stud took a small step back and lined up the head of his leaking cock with his new owner's mouth.

As the cocky woman took her new man's tool, her lips were split wide open and her cheeks bulged to accommodate the massive intruder. It was everything she ever wanted.


The bubbling juices in the woman's throat squelched and swirled around the veiny log as it slithered and squirmed further down her tight tunnel. Her neck swelled as if some tentacled alien were forcing its eggs inside her.

'Oh my god! He's so big.'

Glurk. Glurk. Glurk.

'And he's all mine.'

The woman's experienced throat worked the defenseless man's meat like a custom fitted sheath designed to grease his entire shaft and squeeze his thick girth.

Glurk. Glurk. Glurk. Glurk. Glurk. Glurk. Glurk.

The shameless, undignified sounds of a woman blowing an incredulously large cock filled the waiting room. Feeling risque, the woman put on a show and acted like a wanton whore who could never get enough cock.


The woman purposefully let her juicy fucked throat make louder and lewder noises. With her performance, it didn't take long for her to receive her reward.

"💙AAAH! AAAH! OH FUCK! OH FUCK! AAAH! AAAH!💙" The young man howled and shouted over and over, "I'MGONNACUM! OHFUCKI'MGONNACUM! I'MGONNACUM!"


The mature beauty's eyes shot wide open, and it took all over her discipline and self-control not to bite down on the treasured cock when she felt it swell several inches and completely seal her throat.



"Mmmmmmmmmm!" The woman moaned. 'Oh my god, his delicious sludge running down my throat. So thick. So creamy. It's the only meal I need all day.'


'It's so hot. Filling my stomach. His manly cream is setting my body on fire!' The woman thought as she felt a light layer of sweat roll down her chest and back.

The wide-hipped beauty smiled to herself and let her right hand drift down and trace the distended bulge that used to be a relatively flat stomach.

In her periphery, she could see blurred faces expressing awe with mouths agape. Some remained in their seats while others rose to their feet for a better view. Some whooped and cheered, while others repeated comments like, "this is the craziest shit I've ever seen," "fucking gorgeous," "hottest bitch," "look at that ass," "I could cum just looking at her," "she even makes my pussy wet," and "I can't help it!"

Cum bubbled out of her mouth. It spilled over her chin and down her neck before settling on her cleavage.

"I have to get some! I don't care!"

"I need to fuck! Like, now!"

"I wanna make her eat my pussy!"

Countless pairs of hands grabbed her body wherever they could, but before she could feel the perverse pleasure of being groped and fondled, her body gave a violent jerk!, and the woman suddenly awoke and sat up in her nephew's bed.

Amarosa Ball, the second daughter of Margaret Hightower, sat in her nephew's bed sweating and panting.


'Oh my fucking god. That...was so intense. I've never had a dream like that. Usually, I don't remember them at all.'

Amarosa threw back the bed sheet and slipped her right hand between her slippery wet thighs and cupped her still pulsing kitty.

'Fuck me, I'm so wet! Like, not just leaking. It's fucking pouring out.'

Amarosa then pulled her hand out from her gushing trench.

'That's a lot of pussy cum. It's running down my arm. I didn't know I could cum so much. I'm almost afraid to move. My panties are a wet mess, I'm sure I soaked through Simon's bed too. Probably ruined it.'

With a newfound fascination, like examining an alien lifeform, Amarosa brought her hand closer to her face. Her tongue slowly parted her fat lips and snaked towards her glistening digits, but before her tongue made contact...

'No! That's nasty. I'm not going to eat my own cum. I'm not some filthy degenerate.'

Amarosa flicked her fingers and wiped her hand on her night time tee that came just below her breasts.

'Good thing there's a designated one in the house. Simon can lick this up for me.' Amarosa thought with a devilish smirk.


Amarosa peeled off her soaked panties and changed into a larger t-shirt before leaving her nephew's bedroom and venturing downstairs to search for the rest of her family. The newfound carefree-incestuous lifestyle was still very strange and somewhat repulsive to Amarosa. Any woman, with even a quarter of the pride she had, probably would've ran from the house screaming their disapproval and vowing never to speak to their family again. However, years and years of no contact, no attention, and certainly no affection, took its toll on the stern sister. And the slightest bit of human contact, the faintest hint of attraction (even from her own nephew), broke the dam and the waters of depravity came crashing down on her with a violent force that washed away her morality and inhibitions.

'Who am I really hurting?' Was how she justified her immoral, incestuous sex with her nephew.

'Three of us after him now. He's almost always busy,' Amarosa thought as she peeked into the living room, and then made her way towards the kitchen.

'Huh. Is nobody home? I bet they left without me.' Amarosa resented. Aside from her older sister's teasing and rebukes, being surrounded by her loving family--which currently only consisted of her younger sister and her nephew--had given her glimpses of hope and a much needed respite from her usual lonely ache.

'It wouldn't surprise me.' Amarosa was easily already slipping back into old habits and bad thoughts. Always anticipating that people leave her, she was quick to believe the worst. Even about those closest to her.

'Looks like I have the house to myself.' Amarosa smiled as she had become more comfortable with her surroundings. 'I will say, to my sister's credit, I'm so glad she doesn't make me wear underwear here.'

Her wide, heavy ass wobbled and bounced as she sashayed through her sister's house, but Amarosa's footsteps were light and made only the slightest patter on the floor. Her stealthiness proved useful as she caught some unsuspecting family members being lewd so early in the spacious kitchen.

Candice Memphis, the youngest of three, was completely naked in her own kitchen, and her arms and legs were wrapped around her son's muscular frame like a coiled snake. Simon, her beloved and only child, was in an equal state of nudity as he supported his mother's body with his strong hands firmly placed under her tight buttocks. His rigid cock was sandwiched between their writhing bodies and his heavy balls were drenched with his mother's sweet slit-spit as his base ground hard between her puffy lips.

Sluurp. Smack. Suk...suk. Mmmmmm...

The tango of a mother and son's tongues swirling around one another, coupled with a pair of thirsty wet lips smacking! against one another, conducted a sweet symphony of forbidden love throughout the kitchen.

Brigit Hightower, the eldest sister, was seated at the kitchen island and was quite the aroused spectator watching the intimate couple. She was dressed in a light pink stretchy tee with a stressed neckline pulled down below her enormous gravity-defying breasts. Her extremely short athletic shorts hugged her hips and rode above her sculpted, rock-solid glutes.

'I never tire of watching these two.' Brigit smiled as she washed down a bite of cheese danish with a sip of her iced coffee.

Brigit watched longingly at the familial lovers and licked her lips when she noticed a crystal clear stream of saliva escape from the corners of their mouths.

"Excuse me, Can. I'm stepping in for a sec." Brigit alerted her sister as she stepped up from her stool and pressed her large strong body against the two invigorated horn-dogs. "You two just make this look so fun."

"Mmmmmmmmmm!" Brigit and Simon moaned into each other as they savored each other's strong flavors. Brigit clawed the back of her nephew's head as she drove her tongue deeper. As he felt his own mouth prodded and probed, he pressed harder into his mother's vibrating sex which caused her to throw her head back and hsssssss! through her teeth.

"Cutting back in." Candice announced with exhilaration. She raked her nails across her son's broad chest as she took ownership of his tongue once again.

Sluurp. Suck. Suck. Smack!

"Perhaps you could put your mouth on these." Brigit said, less of a request and more of a directive. She then lifted one of her giant globes in her right hand and brought a hardened and erect nipple to the hungry stud's face.

Sluuuuuuuuuuurp SMACK!

Simon was reluctant to break his mother's suction, but the offering before him was too enticing.

"God I love your tits Aunt Brigit." Simon's voice was deep and filled with desire. He only caught a glimpse of the engorged tit-nub before he devoured her flesh. He rolled her elongated protuberance in his teeth and slowly drug his tongue over her succulent breast, savoring every bump and pebbled texture of her areola and lengthening nipple.

Kiss. Kiss. Suck!

"Fuck these feel so good in my mouth." Simon complimented his original mistress. "I love how hard you get."

"Mmmmmm, I could say the same thing." Brigit teased as she lowered her left hand and polished her nephew's knob with her palm. A slow steady stream of slippery, watery seminal syrup made it all too easy for the fiery lioness to caress and stimulate her nephew's sensitive head.

As the two sisters continued to battle one another for the attention of the over-sexed young stud, their attention was averted however, when they heard...

"What's all this?" Amarosa had entered the kitchen and found herself aghast at the situation before her. Copulating between family was a non-stop occurrence in the Memphis house, but Amarosa still had not got over her initial shock from her first time with forbidden love.

"Ams! Oh my god, good morning!" Candice giggled as her son took advantage of a particularly sensitive spot and was licking her slender neck. "We were just having a little bit of fun and got carried away."

"Close your mouth Ams," Brigit ordered. "You can act surprised, but this is nothing new to you."

"Thank you, Brigit," Amarosa said through gritted teeth. 'Calm down. I promised Can I'd keep the peace.' "Can's explanation was more than sufficient. I was actually referring to all of this."

Amarosa gestured to the rather large insulated container that sat on the kitchen counter, and then pointed at the various foods organized on the island.

Candice laughed with an enormous smile, "Oh! We were thinking of going on a picnic."

"We? Like, just you three?" Amarosa asked, there was a tone of sadness and disappointment in her voice.

"Of course not." Candice answered sweetly. "I was going to...mmmmm sweety...going to ask you as soon as you got up."

Programmed by years of taunts and jests about her physical appearance, Amarosa was ready to reply with some snide comment. Instead, she strangely felt at ease. In her younger sister's presence, a calmness and warmth spread over her, and she believed in her sister's sincerity. "Thank you, Can. I would like that."

"Simon, stop for a second." Candice giggled as she pushed her son's wet mouth away from her ear. "Take a look inside," Candice motioned to the cooler. "See if there's anything you like to add."

Amarosa shuffled over to the counter and peered into the insulated container to investigate the contents. Given her nephew's disciplined fitness regimen, and her younger sister's newfound appreciation for health, Amarosa was surprised to discover that the picnic spread consisted mostly of different types of cakes and sweets with a few fruits.

"That's...uh...a lot of cake for a picnic." Amarosa tried not to sound judgemental, but she was unable to hide it in her tone.

"There a problem?" Brigit's interjection was more of a question and more of an accusation. "Isn't that part of your daily diet?" Her eyes narrowed before her next comment. "It's what's been going straight to your ass, right?"

"My ass!" Amarosa shot back. "Your butt looks like you're carrying a full load in your pants."

"Talk all you want, this is all muscle. Not some dimpled ass. Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe some guys like fucking fat folds." Brigit replied.

Candice and Amarosa may have broken bread, but Brigit still infuriated her to no end. As if compelled by some vindictive reflex, Amarosa took a small piece of cake, not yet wrapped for the picnic, and shoved it hard into Brigit's face.

"Fuck you! You blown up whore!." Amarosa seethed with viscous intent.

"You fucking bitch!" Brigit angrily shouted as she wiped chocolate cake and buttercream frosting from her eyes and cheeks. She was ready to retaliate when she noticed Candice and Simon laughing quietly to one another. "Oh! It's funny huh?" Brigit then grabbed a fistful of cake--from the larger piece not yet cut--and smeared it all over Simon's face.

"Awww," Candice cooed. "My sister is so mean. Here sweety, let me clean that up." She said, very sing-songy. Candice then locked her lips with her son's in a loving kiss. And every so often, her tongue would snake out and lick his lips and face.

"Oh god!" Amarosa jumped in feigned disgust; it was an automatic response.

"You two never cease." Brigit commented with a big smile. "Here, why don't you clean me up Simon." Brigit moved to Simon's left, held him by the back of his head, and drew his mouth to her sweet, heavily frosted lips.

Amarosa swiftly pulled her loose shirt over her head and smashed some cake on the top of her butt. "My sister doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. Simon, show her how much you love my ass."

Salivating at his aunt's proposal, Simon disengaged from his mother and eldest aunt and grabbed his Aunt Amarosa firmly by her giggly hips.

"Mmmmmmm, Aunt Ams, this ass! Fuck I just wanna sink my teeth into it" Before his aunt, Simon had never experienced an ass that could swallow man whole, but he knew he wanted to lick, kiss, and grope every square inch of her legendary posterior.

Lick. Lick. Lick.

Simon feasted on the cake stuck to his aunt's creamy cheeks. He let his spit mix with the frosting and slid his face all around her juicy globes.

Slik. Slik. Slik.

Simon continued to drool and smear the mixture, before he plunged his head between Amarosa's cheeks and licked the top of her crack.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Amarosa cooed. She was stuck between sensations of being tickled, and a slow-burning pleasure steadily rising in her horny sex.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Amarosa had begun to bounce her ass when she felt her nephew grip her hips tighter, his fingers sinking deeper into her pliable fat, as he drove harder into her frosted crease.

"I'll have my dessert early." Candice said as she grabbed the whipped cream and knelt down next to her sweaty, writhing son.

Simon jumped at first, when he felt her small hand steady his bouncing cock, but groaned and pulled on his aunt's body as he felt a cooling sensation travel up along his shaft.

"My sweety's dick is already delicious," Candice giggled, "but I've never had it with topping before." Holding the can upside down, Candice pressed the nozzle and applied a long, wide trail of aerated crème all along the length of her son's turgid cock. "Mmmmm, now feed your whore mother your slutty cock."

'Oh my god!' Amarosa thought. 'I've never heard my baby sister talk like that. Is that what constant sex with her son has turned her into? Is that what's going to happen to me?'

Sluuuurp...suk suk. "This cock tastes so good." Candice announced as strands of mixed spit and cream hung from her sloppy chin. "Oh sweety, you give it to mommy so good."

Candice knew what her son liked. She played up her whorish attitude as much as possible to make him thicker and longer. During her vigorous performance, she spat and slimed his cock until a dripping and stringy mess hung from his balls and splashed against his legs.

"I take it we're all doing this then." Brigit said with a devilish smile. Feeling the excitement from the moment, Brigit tore the stressed fabric of her top and ripped her shirt completely off her body.

"Hmm, what can I do with this?" Brigit asked aloud, but rhetorically, as she picked up a squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup. She then shot a dense river of glaze at the base of her neck and watched it flow down her breasts and over her stomach.

"I do believe it's my turn again." Brigit notified her hungry nephew in her classic sultry voice.

Sluuuuuurp...GASP! Simon brought his head abruptly up from his Aunt Am's enticing crack.

"Chocolate covered melons," Simon smirked, "mmmmm, I'll have a taste."

With his mother still bobbing on his cock, Simon stood up straight and turned his torso to meet his Aunt Brigit's. He dipped his head down and gave his immeasurably busty aunt a long wet lick right between her heavy balloon-like breasts.

"Mmmmm, oh yes baby." Brigit mewed.

Simon loved being dirty, and he let his aunt's massive tits paint the chocolate sauce all over face until it ran down his chin and neck.


"Gulp! I could get used to this." Simon said with a satisfying grin on his face. "Any excuse to lick your amazing body." He boasted.

"Here, I think you missed a spot." Brigit laughed as she watched a mixture of chocolate and bubbly saliva drip from his lust-drunk face. She grabbed her own mountainous chest bags and smashed her nephew's head with them.

"MMMM MPPHFF MMMM HHMMM!" Simon hummed and moaned in delight. It was heaven to him to have such large inviting breasts smother his face.

"Poor baby," Brigit mocked. "Could you use some air?"

"Gasp! If only I didn't." Simon replied. "I'd stay in there forever." He then looked down in awe at his beloved adorable mother still bobbing on the head on his cock. "Unnnnngh! Hold on mom, let me flavor this again for you."

Schlooooowp! Simon's greasy, slimy knob pulled free from his mother's powerful suction. And she looked up at him with sad, doe-eyes.

Simon reassured his loving mother by lightly touching her narrow chin. Then, he stepped around her and pressed his body hard against his Aunt Brigit's torso. He rolled his hips and slid his aching throbbing cock hard into the center channel of her abs, and poked her cleavage from underneath.

"Ha ha! Oh you dirty little boy!" Brigit teased as she humped and writhed against her nephew's steel-hard, burning hot tool. "Mmmmm, more. More!" Brigit sang louder and louder, and began to pour even more liquid chocolate over her chest and down onto her nephew's rod.

Schlap. Schlap. Schlap.

The mixture of chocolate, cream, and his mother's saliva created a slick lube and filled Candice's kitchen with loud slapping sounds.

"Fuck this feels so good on my cock!" Simon grunted.

Slop! Slop! Slop!

Simon had begun to thrust harder and harder against his overwhelmingly sexy aunt. Competing with the various foods clinging to his muscular frame, a sheen of sweat began to form all over Simon's youthful body. His sweetened tanned skin glistened brightly in the morning light.

"Abs and tits," Amarosa scoffed as she lowered herself to the floor and sat back on her knees. "Last I heard your addiction lies must lower. And much sweeter." She smirked as she applied a mountain of whipped cream all along her fat puffy pussy.

"I love everything about you all." Simon responded. He abhorred confrontation between his aunts and mother. "I'm hopelessly addicted to your incredible bodies, and I love it."

Simon stepped back from his Aunt Brigit and licked his lips as he lowered himself to his reclined Aunt Amarosa.

"I'm addicted to you." Amarosa declared as she felt her body burn hotter as her nephew got closer. "Your slightest touch, of course that amazing cock, but especially your mouth." And in a lewd display to entice the slutty stud even more, she stuffed the nozzle inside her sweetened sex and filled her honey tunnel with delicious cream.

'I can't believe I just said that.' Amarosa thought, shocked at her absurd words and actions. 'I'm...I'm literally shaking waiting for him to make love to me.'

"Mmmmm, then let me help satisfy that addiction Aunt Ams." Simon's voice was deep and husky as his face hovered just above his aunt's quivering thighs.

SPLAT! Without hesitation, Simon dove face first into his aunt's savory, cream topped pie.

"AHYEEE! You naughty fucking pervert!" Amarosa shrieked with excitement.


"Mmmmmm!" Simon moaned into the equally salivating sex-pot. Her flow of nectar, although not quite as abundant as her sisters', mixed well with the whipped topping and made a decadent frosting for the indulging hung stud.

"OhmygaaawdOhmygaaawdOhmygaaawd!" Amarosa panted over and over. "He's all over my cunt! Fuck he's sending jolts right up to my brain!"


"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Simon continued to hum and moan into his aunt's juicy and quivering sex.

"He knows just the right spots, doesn't he." Candice gave a knowing smirk.

"Haah! Haah! Oh god! He goes up one side of my clit! Then the other!" Amarosa's legs had begun shaking. The flesh of her stomach, thighs, and ass that spilled out from under her body, rippled in a mesmerizing and undulating fashion. "Everywhere but my actual clit! He's setting me on fire!"

Amarosa began to buck and thrust into her feasting nephew. She thrusted so hard so managed to lift her massive thighs off the kitchen floor, which came crashing back down with a booming PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAP!

"💕AAH! AAH! OH YES! DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP! AAH! AAH!💕" Amarosa was delirious as she cried out during Simon's expert cunnilingus. She would never admit to her sisters, but the fact that it was her own nephew acting so perverse and foul was sending her over the edge.

"GULP...AAAAH!" Simon swallowed an enormous load of his aunt's pussy mixture. "Aunt Ams, do you want to cum?"

"AAH! YES! YES! OH MY GOD YES!" Amarosa replied with small tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Tell me Aunt Ams! Tell me what you want me to do!" Simon directed.


Simon stabbed his tongue into his aunt's body with such force, that a grotesque SQUELCHING! and SLOSHING! filled the kitchen along with Amarosa's cries.


As Simon focused on drilling his tongue into his aunt's wet dripping hole, he ground his nose into her throbbing sensitive clit and drove her over the edge.


Amarosa's ecstasy was pushed beyond all limits, and she soon rewarded her pleasurer with his prize.


A sharp, hot stream of girl-cum struck Simon in the back of the throat.

"💙YES AUNT AMS! GIVE IT TO ME!💙" Simon shouted. He then locked his mouth onto Amarosa's pulsing pussy and sucked out all her pussy fluids. "SUUUUUUUCK! SUUUUCK! GULP! GULP! GULP!


Simon did not relent. Instead he increased his efforts by using his tongue as a shallow scoop to collect and lap his aunt's flavorful and fragrant juices. They made his mouth and brain tingle as his taste buds were saturated. And he purred as he felt an invigorating warming sensation travel down his throat.

'Cum! More cum! I want all the pussy-cum I can get!' Simon's thoughts became primitive; only a single obsession occupied his entire being. 'I want it! Need it! Soak my skin in it! Reek of it! Pussy! All the time! I just want hot squirting pussies all the fucking time!'

"Holy shit! Holy shit!" Amarosa's loud breathy voice carried throughout her sister's house. As she came down from her high, she grabbed her tits and mashed them in her hands. "That was fucking amazing."

Simon pulled his mouth off his aunt's still shaking pussy, thin strands of pussy ejaculate and his thick saliva still connected the two. He then sat up on his knees. "Are you okay Aunt Ams?"

"Mmmm, better than okay." Amarosa replied with closed eyes and a bright smile.

"Here," Simon said as he grabbed a dish towel and rolled it up. "Just relax, and get your strength back," he comforted as he placed the towel under his Aunt Amarosa's head.

Simon then stood up and stretched out his back, arms, and hips. As he did so, his Aunt Brigit and mother took in the ludicrous sight of the young buck.

"My my, what a state." Brigit said with a devilish smirk. "That is some thick pussy and cream running down your face. God, your neck and chest are sticky with it. Chocolate still on you too. And your slimy cock is just begging for attention." She then tucked her thumbs inside her shorts and rolled them down her legs. "What do we do about that Can?"

Despite Candice's youthful look and innocent appearance, she was still easily the most sexually experienced of the three. She didn't miss a beat as she grabbed a glass jar of strawberry topping in red syrup and handed it to her eldest sister. "We start with this." She said in a high-pitched bubbly tone.

"Mmm, good thinking." Brigit replied. She then tipped the jar and poured the intensely sweet topping all over Simon's already well-flavored cock. Diced strawberries and bright red syrup cascaded over the monstrously veiny member and coated every delicious inch. Moving slow, like some candied lava, it ultimately reached his base and had begun to drench and soak into his heavy balls that palpated with his heartbeat.

"Ssssssss." Fighting every urge to grab his own throbbing cock, Simon inhaled through his clenched jaw. "Thank you Aunt Brigit." He said with sincerity despite his overwhelming need to pleasure himself.

"Oh baby," Brigit said as she stood right up against her hulking nephew and pushed down hard on his cock to position it between her muscular thighs. "This pleasure is all mine." She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as she rubbed the swollen phallus with her thighs. The sensations that poured into Simon's fuck-stick made him grow thicker and press harder against her own cock-hungry twat.

Staring at her towering son's sack bouncing off his thighs, Candice licked her lips. "My little boy's balls look so heavy." Brigit had scoffed at the word little. "Been a while since I took one of these in my mouth."

Candice then wedged her lithe frame in-between her sister's and her son's legs and sat underneath Simon's fat clangers.

"Oh sweety, every part of you looks so delicious." Candice purred as she reached up and drew one ball inside her son's hairless sack into her mouth. She was so focused on suckling at his manhood, that she let the strawberry topping drip and splash onto her face as she consumed her banquet.

Gurlik! Gluk. Glurk. Sluuuuurrrrrp!

Whether it was for show, or her true nature coming out was unknown, but Candice became like a starved animal as she gobbled, slobbered, and sucked all over Simon's stained sack. Simon shuddered and flexed as he felt her expert tongue and mouth explore his most vulnerable areas; giving him endless pleasurable sensations without any discomfort or pain. Even with her eyes tightly shut, and her face smeared in layers of various sweets, Candice knew her way around her son's manhood by heart.

"Mmmphff mmmm hmmphff SLURP!" Candice continued to moan and slobber as she stuffed a fat heavy ball into her stretched mouth. 'I have to have it! I need it!' She thought.

"Nnnnnnnnnngh!" Simon growled, and pulled on his Aunt Brigit's hair with his right hand while squeezing one of her massive mountains with his left. All the while, he continued to slowly saw his fuck-stick between his aunt's dense muscular thighs.

"GASP! Simon, you're so strong!" Brigit cried out.

"F...fuck. Can't fucking help it." Simon whimpered through clenched teeth and eyes tightly shut. "Mom's sucking my balls. Rolling one in hER MOUTH! ARRRGH!"

As if it was some sentient appendage, his ball sack attempted to constrict and pull his testicles closer to his body, but Candice's suction was too powerful and she would not cede even one millimeter of her son's luscious body.

Simon leaned his torso back and looked down, "Fucking hell you whorish little ball-sucker!" The view of her loving, motherly face was obstructed by his thick, candy-coated cock, not to mention the strawberry topping that had completely overtaken her face, flowed into her hair, and dripped down her shoulders and chest.

"AAH! AAH! I need cum. Mom! I wanna drink more cum...QUICK!" Simon was almost panicking.

Simon then lifted his petite mother up into his arms and sat her on the edge of her marble top counter. "Open your legs for me." He ordered, to which she complied and spread them as wide as possible. "Fuck it, I wanna try something." Simon said as he looked at some cubed fruit in a plastic container.

Strawberries and syrup still coated Candice's face, so she was unaware that her son picked up some cubed watermelon and placed it at her light pink pussy lips, which blended nicely with the ripe bright pink coloring of the fruit. "This might be a little cold at first," he warned.


"GASP!" Candice shrieked when she felt cold cube after cold cube of seedless watermelon stuffed into her leaking pussy. She took deep breaths with each insertion, which made her bust appear triple in size.

"Fuck, that looks hot." Brigit laughed.

"Ayee! Haa! Haa! What is it? It's so wet." Candice wondered.

"Just some watermelon." Simon answered.

It was an arduous task. Despite being routinely stretched by her son's mammoth cock, her pussy seemed to always remain small and tight. The watermelon cubes were easily crushed, and broke apart as Simon forced them inside such a narrow opening. However, with some diligence, and a lot of watermelon, he had thoroughly stuffed his mother's succulent cunt until her walls stretched wide and her abdomen bulged. Light pink watermelon juice--mixed with Candice's flowing squirt--poured out of her gaping hole.

"Haah! Haah! Oh sweety, I've never been stuffed with fruit before." Candice's breathing had become harsh. Simon experimenting on her with a new fetish stirred her sexual desires even more. "It feels so wet down there." She said as she slipped two fingers inside her packed fruit salad bowl.

"Oh Mom, you look fucking delicious." Simon spoke into his mother's left ear with a deep and throaty voice. "I'm going to help you down. Then I want you to fuck my face until you're a mindless, cumming, mommy-whore."

The words were harsh, but Candice had never beamed a brighter smile before. Half a moment later, she felt the strength of her son as he easily lifted her off the counter and steadied her on the floor.

"Sit down slowly, Mom. Let me get under you." Simon instructed.

"Okay sweety. Just getting into position." Candice first got down on all fours, and when she felt her son's body slide underneath her she realized she was positioned in reverse-cowgirl. Once she felt the heat from his breath, she lowered her hips and smashed her juicy pussy into his face.


Simon wasted no time, he rubbed his face up and down his mother's fruit packed slit. He sucked on her slick pussy lips and drew them into his mouth. He plowed his tongue into her gushing tunnel and scooped up mouthful after mouthful of cunt flavored melon.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Candice cried over and over again in a loud breathy voice. "💕Oh sweety you eat my naughty pussy so good! I love my boy's mouth so much! Ayee! I love my son eating my nasty mommy cunt!💕"


Candice bounced, squirmed, and bucked as she flexed her abdominal muscles and squeezed pussy coated bites of watermelon into her son's hungry mouth. She sat up briefly and finally wiped the strawberry glaze from her eyes. When she looked down between her legs, "oh sweety! That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Your face is soaked in my love!"

'I'll give him credit, to go this long without getting his dick wet.' Brigit thought to herself as she hypnotically watched Simon's lonely cock bob around as he uncontrollably thrusted his hips upward. 'Can is clearly satisfied riding his face. Ams is just fingering herself. Safe to say his cock is up for grabs.'

With her thighs and pussy lips still sticky with strawberry topping, Brigit hovered over her nephew's monstrous member and lowered herself in a deep squat until she felt the fat spongy head split her inecst-cock-thirsty lips.

"Simon," Brigit spoke loudly over the squelching and juicy sounds of her nephew snacking on the fruit his mother expelled from her lewd cunny. "I know your mouth is full, so I'm gonna make use of this--nnnnnnnnngh my god you're thiiiiiick--while you're busy."

Simon quivered and shook when he felt the familiar, velvety, luscious lips of his stacked voluptuous aunt part and suckle on his fat cock head. That mind-wrecking sensation was quickly followed by the pure addictive feeling of her warm pussy-sheath sliding down his thick pole and engulfing every swallowed inch in a wet, vice-like, massage.

"💙SLUUUURP! GUUUURGLE! GUURGLE! GULP! Aunt Brigit! Oh my god! Fuck yourself on my cock! I wanna feel your tight cunt streeeetch!💙" Simon belted between hard swallows of copious amounts of his mother's fluid.


"OOOOOHH you dirty fuck!" Brigit gloriously sang out. "You're gonna wreck this pussy, huh? Forever change my perfect body to the shape of your cunt crushing cock?" Even as Brigit stuffed her mature juicy hole, she gleefully continued to praise her nephew's manhood.

Simon was unable to audibly answer his aunt though. Her sister's dirty talk directed towards her son made Candice clamp her thighs harder around her son. He was, however, able to flex his legs and thrust upwards in his excitement, and tried to sneak a few more inches into his aunt's tightly packed honey pot.

"Haah! Hooo! His first familial affair haah! must get him excited." Candice huffed and panted. "He's...aah oh god...he's so strong! Haah! Sucking on my pussy!"



Brigit wailed and thrashed. She had finally taken her nephew as deep as her illustrious baby sister could, but hardly as easily. A large bulge ran up the middle of her stomach. Her organs moved and morphed around the barbarous invader. She even felt pressure against her back and all the way to her chest. Her breaths were shallow as her compressed lungs couldn't effectively fill with air. Sweat instantly beaded on her thick, yet fit, physique and quickly began to run down her face, neck, and back. And her voluminous red mane seemed to flare and grow as her body heat continued to climb.

"SLURP! SLURP! Mmmphfff schooo fuggin gud mmmph!" A wet sounding muffled cry emanated from underneath Candice's lithe body.


Brigit lifted herself up, leaving half of her nephew's veiny textured monstrosity still inside her, then slowly descended again.

"Oh Can! He's breaking me! My body! Spat! Fuck, he's in my brain! All I want AAH! AAH! is his fucking meaty dick!"

"Oh Brigit!" Candice cried out. "It's beautiful. I can see your body changing to take his entire length. HAAH! Your stomach. It's so big. You must be so full." She laughed.


"Uunnnnng nnnnnn nnnngh! Oh god yes. So full." Brigit replied with lidded eyes. She became incapable of keeping her mouth closed, and a long string of shiny saliva spilled from her mouth and pooled on her nephew's abdomen.

"This HAAH! AAH! is the most insane feeling." Candice said. Her first was beet red and flushed with sweat. "Having watermelon eaten out my vagina. It feels so nasty! AYEEEE! Oh but it's sending chills all over my body."

Candice, her tiny body turning pink and gyrating atop of her son's, leaned forward and braced her hands onto his deeply chiseled abs.



Candice's body and mind exploded in a volcanic eruption of orgasmic bliss, and her torrent of pussy squirt forced an impossible amount of crushed watermelon and girl cum down Simon's throat.

"GUUURGLE GLURK HUK MMMPHF HMMM URRRRMMMPH!" Simon thrashed as he fought to swallow as much of his mother's contents as he could. He swallowed, but soon choked and gagged as seemingly limitless liquid filled his nose, throat, and stomach, and threatened to drown him in enough squirt to fill a small tub.


Melon flavored pussy juices exploded out from underneath Candice like a tanker that had burst at both ends. They drenched everyone and everything both in front and behind her.




With her own squirt, Candice cupped her hands to catch some fluid and washed her face.

Despite literally drowning in a forced-fed-flood of his mother's flavored fluids, Simon savored being saturated in his own little slice of Heaven. His mother's deeply scented squirt permeated his skin, it washed over his eyes, filled his lungs, and expanded his abdomen until his stomach was left bloated and distended.

'It's still not enough.' Simon thought with what consciousness he had left. 'She's in my skin. I'm literally breathing her in. And I'm so full. But I want more. I wish she filled a pool. And I could just float And swim. And drink as much as i wanted.'

Brigit was fighting her own battle while being splashed and stained by her little sister's cum.

'Either he's going to violently cum inside me and burst my womb with manly cum. Or he's in trouble. His body...getting tense. Is he...turning purple?' Brigit thought. 'Oh fuck! Speaking of cumming...'

With her right hand, Brigit scooped up some chocolate and strawberry sauce that still clung to her body. And with sticky fingers, Brigit massaged her clit while her nephew's pussy-pounder grew wider and wider. The thicker she felt him grow inside her, the faster she strummed her rock hard bean.

"ARRRRRGH! Fuck Can! I'm right behind you." Brigit growled. "This dick's veins! So thick! God they scrub every part of me! FUCKING GRINDING MY CUM SPOT HARD!"


Brigit couldn't control her descent any longer. At each apex of her squat, she purposefully let her legs give out so that her horse-hung nephew would fuck her up to her chest, and her rock-solid glutes would crash down onto his thighs with a deafening PLOP!


Brigit had tears in her eyes as her climax hit its crescendo.


Brigit's abs bulged and tensed and practically crushed the goliath grunt inside pummeling her organs; which was a feat considering it had a herculean strength of its own.

With his mother's cum saturating him, inside and out, and his aunt creaming his cock and her boiling hot squirt striking his stomach, Simon's mind broke and his body was sent over the edge.


As her ass ground against them, Brigit felt Simon's balls vibrate with an intense ferocity as they boiled over and dumped an impossibly thick load into his vas deferens and ultimately to his urethra.


"💕OHMYFUCKINGGODHE'SGETTINGEVENBIGGER!💕" Spit flung from Brigit's mouth. Her nephew's inflating member stressed her already stretched and broken pussy.

The sensation of cumming made Simon's cock swell and thicken beyond what he thought was possible for him. However, it was nothing compared to the painful, yet blissful, expansion of his cock's cum chute as a deposit the size of small fruit entered and bulged the sensitive chamber.


Simon's body uncontrollably bucked and writhed. He had yet to relinquish his mother's quim even while his muffled cries shouted to the Heavens in what he thought were his last words.


The delicate hole of Simon's strangled purple head dilated uncomfortably wide as an enormous volley of cum burst from his cock and flooded deep into his aunt's sweaty cock-addicted body.


"💕OH SHIT! OH FUCK! SO AAH AAH DEEP! IN MY AAAAHH WOMB! AYYEEEE WHOLE BODY ON FIRE! MY STOMACH IS GOING TO BURST!💕" Brigit screamed in mind-bending ecstasy. The heat from her nephew's incestuous ooze coursed throughout her entire body and she was instantly covered in a glossy reflective sheen of sweat. She threw her head back, and arched her back, so hard that her spine and shoulders made a deafening CRACK and POP!

"B...Brigit! Your...HAAH HAAH!...stomach! It's too much for you!" Candice frantically warned her eldest sister.

Brigit gathered her strength and looked down at the horrific site that used to be her defined abdomen. A cum inflated flesh balloon reached all the up to her bouncing breasts, and finished at her pelvis. It was so distended and malformed that she resembled a woman well past forty weeks of gestation.

"Hop off! I'll take the rest!" Candice offered.


At her sister's directive, Brigit summoned all her strength to her shaking legs and lifted herself off Simon's filthy spewing cannon. The forearm-sized phallus swung swiftly in an arc and slapped Simon's pussy drenched body with a loud THWACK!


Candice grabbed her son's jerking firehose and raised herself up onto her knees.

"COUGH! COUGH! HAK CHOKE! SPIT!" Simon coughed and gagged painfully as a life-threatening amount of his mother's pussy cum was expelled from his lungs and out his mouth and nose. All the while, he fought for as much air as he could take.



Candice was interrupted in the best possible way. She had aimed her son's powerful helmet right at her face, and in the spirit of reciprocity, her son's powerful streams of healthy man-gunk struck her in the face and oozed down her throat.


Streams of thick bright white cum pelted Candice's face. Ropy globs of cum ran down her still strawberry covered face and SPLAT! against her bright pink heaving chest.

"Gulp...gulp...gulp. So thick," Candice cooed. "So good. My boy's cum...I love it so much." Candice's final coherent words before her mind went blank and she collapsed next to her son.

Three sex-stained, cum-reeking bodies lie exhausted on the kitchen floor. Brigit was stretched out like a DiVinci drawing. Rivers of sweat rolled down her muscles and curves and created streaked lines of chocolate and cream across her tan body. And her nephew's spunk was so thick, that despite her gaping battered pussy, it was slow to drain from her well-fucked body and ease the pressure in her womb.

Simon was a wet mess. The sweets and syrups that clung to his body may have been washed off, but the combined floods of his mother's and aunt's squirts saturated his oxygen-deprived, deep red skin. His wet body glistened brightly, his eyes remained closed, and a satisfied smile remained on his face as he reveled in lying in a puddle of his favorite fluid. His cock enjoyed the ordeal as well; so much pussy cum kept it at half-mast and it twitched and bobbed over his torso.

And Candice's once flawless pale skin, was a fleshy pink with white handprints on her thighs from her son's strong grip. She was quite possibly the most lewd looking of them all. She appeared as if a white can of paint had been poured all over her face and left to drip down her once innocent-looking, maternal figure. Her son's first and largest ejaculate may have been pumped into her eldest sister, but what Candice had swallowed left her stomach with a healthy noticeable pooch that jiggled from her harsh breathing.

"Is it just me? Cough cough. Or was that like, one of the most amazing orgasms ever?" Simon remarked in a soft, weak voice.

" of my best. That's for sure." Brigit responded equally as weak. "Can? Can?" No answer came from her youngest sister. "Oh god, Can? Did we break her?"

"She's fine." Amarosa answered. "Or at least she's breathing. And smiling." She had brought herself up to a sitting position and had been intently watching the once-in-a-lifetime show. "That was probably the craziest thing I ever saw. I actually feared for your lives at one point."

"That was nothing." Brigit boasted. "You can't be afraid in this house."

"Ha ha." Simon chuckled. "We just got carried away. It's not usually like that."

"Hmm, still." Amarosa replied as she stared at Simon's spent penis. "That was so hot though, it got me horny again. It would have been nice to get fucked too. Not that you didn't give me a nice orgasm before. It's just..." Amarosa didn't know how to finish her request. She desperately wanted to tell her nephew how much she wanted him, 'but how could he possibly have anything left after cumming like that?'

Creaks and cracks emanated from Candice as she stretched out her body on the floor. It was her first movement since collapsing.

"Mmmmmmmm..." Candice moaned. "Huh? I only caught the last of that. Ams, did you not cum yet?" She had not regained all of her faculties.

"No, I did." Amarosa answered. "It's just...I wanted to get fucked too."

"Oh." Candice replied as she stretched again. With great difficulty, she sat up. And after happily discovering how caked she was in her son's batter, she had begun to massage the rejuvenating cream into her breasts. "We can make that happen." She smiled.

"Uh, how?" Amarosa questioned. "I mean, Simon is impressive, but look at him. He's completely exhausted."

"Maybe." Candice chuckled. "But we can fix that." She then leaned to her son's side and rubbed his chest. "Sweety...sweety. I want you to get up. We have to recharge you little soldier for Ams."

"Mmm hmm." Simon answered, still dreary. "Just need a minute." He said as he rolled over and struggled to get his arms and legs under him.

While Simon struggled to stand, Candice seemed to have found her second wind and hopped right up and went to the freezer.

"Do you want me to get the massager?" Simon asked. He arched his back and bounced on the balls of his feet to get his blood moving. He was happy to see his body was returning to a normal color.

"Nope." Candice answered. "Got it covered."

"Huh?" Simon had not grasped his mother's plan, but it had quickly become apparent when she seemed to materialize behind him and felt a rather large, freezing cold, object pressed into his butt crack.

"Bear with me sweety, this is going to be cold." That was all the warning Candice gave her son as she worked a popsicle inside her son's rectum. Simon immediately lurched forward and braced himself against the kitchen island. "Relax. Just relax." It was harder than she expected, especially since Simon was supposed to be used to anal insertions, but quickly enough she had stuffed her son with the entire frozen treat. Then, with her left thumb and index finger bracing the popsicle, she pulled the wooden stick out and tossed it into the sink.

"Hooooooly shiiiiiit!" The freezing cold snack sent exhilarating chills all throughout Simon's body. When he was finally able to relax, he jumped again when he felt another one posed at his backdoor.

"Ha ha! Surprised you, huh?" Candice laughed. "I doubt just one will do the trick."

"Must be revenge for the watermelon." Brigit teased.

Candice inserted another popsicle into her son's anal cavity and removed the wooden stick in the same manner. She repeated that process six times.

"Nnnnnnnng! Oh fuck, Mom. I can't believe I'm saying this, but keep going."

As Candice plugged her son, some popsicles were pushed deeper into Simon's body by the ones preceding it. While others merely stacked side-by-side and stretched his forbidden hole.

"F-f-f-f-fuck it feels so cold." Simon stuttered.

"Do you hate this sweety?" Candice asked.

"Ha ha, funny thing." Simon laughed. "N-n-not at all."

The cold objects inside his body drove Simon wild. He had begun to flex and moan uncontrollably under his mother's domination. The heat from his rectum did quickly melt the treats, but that still served Candice's purpose, as it caused the pieces to slosh around inside him and prod his prostate.

"Nnnnnnng fuuuuuuublblbl..." Simon drooled as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"Does that...feel good?" Brigit asked with a cocked eyebrow and an inquisitive look.

"Slurp. It feels so weird." Simon replied. "But I love it."

"I can tell." Brigit smirked as she noticed new life had been breathed into Simon's manhood. "Nice trick Can."

" full." Simon said very weakly.

"Is he okay?" Amarosa asked with a worried tone in her voice. "He looks...delirious."

Simon quickly raised his right arm, as if to signal he was perfectly fine. "I'm alright Aunt Ams." He said while managing a smile. "My dizzy. But fuck...that was so hot. I think I'm gonna...aaaaaaaah...cum again any minute."

"Then quick! Get behind me!" Amarosa ordered.

Amarosa lunged at the kitchen island and grabbed two over-flowing handfuls of cake, with frosting piled high, and stuffed both collections deep into her ass crack. She would have loved to lube her tight hole with the confection, but alas she had no time to properly prepare.

"Huff. Let me just get on the floor." Amarosa said as she got down on her hands and knees and slid flat on her stomach. "Now Simon, please. Please fuck your gorgeous aunt's perfect ass! Drive that huge cock deep inside! And don't stop till my ass is bursting with your cum!"

"Oh fuck, Aunt Ams." Simon said as he towered over his aunt who was spreading her cheeks as wide as she could. "Mmmm, I want that ass. I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to."

Simon knelt behind his Aunt Ams and pressed his thighs hard against her fat fleshy rump. He felt caressed and cradled as her soft warm ass molded around his legs. That intimate contact warmed the freezing cold in his own ass, and made his member eager to enter her body.


"GASP! Oh my god! Oh my god! You're so big. Oh shit! So big in my ass!" Amarosa sang out.


Simon plunged several more inches of his greasy, veiny, dong--as well as the cake--deeper into Amarosa's once neglected hole.

"UUNNNNNNNNNGH! OOOOOOH YEEEEEEEESSS!" Amarosa felt the immeasurable strength of her nephew as she was pushed harder into the floor. His weight began to crush her ass and her eyes rolled back as some drool escaped her puffy wide lips.


"GRUNT! There, Aunt Ams! Your ass practically swallowed me whole. I'm probably in your stomach." Simon teased.

"GULP! S-s-s-so f-f-full," Amarosa stammered.'re guts. Your hot...inside..." The more Amarosa's desires came true, the more she devolved into a mindless pleasure seeking cock whore. It wasn't long before she became unable to form sentences altogether.

Simon firmly gripped his aunt by her flabby haunches and pulled on her helpless body. "The last couple of inches," he growled into her ear. "Then you'll have taken my entire length." Her body squirmed and slithered against his as he spoke. "Then your holes will be mine. I'll fill them whenever I want. And use you for a cock sleeve."

"P...p...please." A weak voice replied.



"Guh...guh...guh..." Had Amarosa had the mental faculties, or the power of speech, she would have begged for more, but she had been reduced to mere receptacle that could only flex her ass and massage her invader.

"Haah! Haah! I'm gonna destroy this ass now!" Simon proclaimed.


In a steady rhythm, Simon plowed his cake coated cock deep into his newly submissive fuck-hole over and over. Her body rippled with each hard impact. Her ass cheeks swayed aggressively back and forth as they were bounced around by the stud's strong thrusts. And her mouth hung open as cries of lust filled the house.

'Just or fun,' Brigit thought to herself as she picked up the remaining chocolate sauce and the strawberry topping. 'No point in not using the rest of this.'

For her own amusement, Brigit poured chocolate and strawberry sauce all over the incestuous couple's sweaty cum-stained bodies. The mixture coated Amarosa's back, ran down her sides and smeared against the food and her breasts. Simon closed his eyes as he felt the sticky fluids flow down his face and mix with the fluids that marked him as a pussy addict. As the liquid toppings collected between the two lovers' bodies, loud slapping and clapping noises fought for supremacy over the moaning and cries of ecstasy.

"💕AAAAAYAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAHHHH!💕" Amarosa belted out as an intense orgasm started to build within her. Her anal sheath being rearranged as her nephew's monstrous member plowed into her over and over sent her to unsuspected new heights.



Simon wasn't sure what kind of talk turned his aunt on, but he was in the mood to degrade her once perfect image.



Amarosa had unlocked her new skill in her first affair with her nephew. As her climax hit, sharp streams of pussy cum shot from her convulsing cunt and added to the ocean on the floor.


A woman squirting always got Simon's engine revved. Amarosa's projectile ejaculate caused Simon to uncontrollably pummel into his aunt's body at a break-neck speed.




Simon's volcanic discharge completely flooded Amarosa's helpless body. Every fold and pore of her rectum. Every twist and turn, and expandable tube of her intestines.


Boiling white sludge sloshed, swam, and ricocheted through Amarosa's system. The heat from so much healthy man-spunk set her core temperature on fire, and quickly left her drenched in sweat. On and on the seminal swimmers traveled, until they were ultimately dumped out into the mature beauty's stomach, which grew and grew until her torso was lifted off the floor. To ease her discomfort, Simon quickly rolled his milf aunt to her side. Comedically, she landed in the collected pussy-puddle with a loud splat!

Simon broke the suction his aunt's ass had on his cannon with a grotesque SCHLOOOP POP!


What remained of Simon's youthful vigor took the form of two final thick ribbons of cum shot from his stressed staff. He paid the final insult to his once dignified aunt by painting her weak and collapsed body with his fragrant splooge.

"Haaaaah...haaaah...oh my god. That was just as intense as the first." Simon panted as he gasped for air. He attempted to focus on anything in the room, but found that his vision remained blurry. "Yep. I'm going down again." And with that, Simon crashed on the floor next to his wide-hipped aunt.

Candice knelt to her middle-sister's side and stroked her face; while Brigit tended to Simon. The incestuous family was quite a sight. All of them had soaked matted hair clinging to their bodies. Beaded sweat and chocolate made Brigit's skin appear darker and shinier in the light. Clumps of rich cum still dropped from Candice's breasts. And Amarosa and Simon were still drenched in chocolate and strawberry sauce.

The four sat in silence for several minutes, until it was broken with an unsettling guuuuuurgle!

"Ams? Ams?" Candice patted her sister and called louder. "Was that your stomach?"

"Ha ha ha!" Amarosa had found the strength to laugh. "All thanks to your son. Digesting all this cum." She said as she rapped her fingers along her bloated cum-filled belly. "Thank you for that, by the way. Ugh. My stomach was the one thing on me, not fat."

"I'm sorry Aunt Ams." Simon apologized. "I couldn't resist you."

"I'm only teasing." Amarosa replied. "Ha! Imagine that. Me just light-heartedly teasing. I'm in danger of becoming a nicer person."

"I could have told you that." Brigit chimed in.

Amarosa merely replied to her sister with a "that wasn't funny" look. "So, what do we do?" She asked her hostess. "Can we sit here another minute? Or do we get cleaned up?"

"Yeah, I guess so much for the picnic." Candice answered as she surveyed the insurmountable mess in her kitchen.

"I'm really sorry Can, Amarosa started. "This all started because of me. Although, wasn't it more fun?"

"Of course." Candice answered with a bright smile.

"Sigh. I can't believe I'm saying this," Brigit interjected. "But stick around Ams. We do stuff like this all the time." She finished with a wicked smile.


After a much needed deep cleansing shower, Amarosa sat on her nephew's bed with a towel wrapped around her chest, and rubbed her medicated cream into her thighs. She paused for a moment and looked out her nephew's window and gazed at the quiet looking neighborhood.

'It's so peaceful here,' Amarosa smiled. 'I'm happy for my sister, but it makes me wonder...'

Amarosa took a long deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

'Wonder how I could have had this too? Did my Patrick come along and I rebuked him? Was it Huana's father all along?' Amarosa chuckled to herself. 'Of that, I'm sure he wasn't. More like the complete opposite.'

Amarosa resumed the application of her medicated cream and let her mind drift to the most illicit, the most unlikely, yet the most exhilarating of possibilities.

'Perhaps he's here now. Already servicing my every need.' Amarosa's lust grew tenfold since entering her sister's house, and her satisfaction could not be contained as her gleeful smile grew wider and wider on her face.

At the moment, a wet, towel-wrapped Simon had walked down the hall and passed the doorway to his own room.

"Simon!" Amarosa called out, almost in a reflex.

It took Simon a second to register the summons. "Yes? Aunt Ams?" He replied as he poked his head through the opening.

"Do you have a minute?" Amarosa asked, uncharacteristically sweet.

"Of course." Simon answered with a genuine smile and joined his aunt on the bed.

"I was wondering if I could ask you something." Amarosa said.

"Of course." Simon repeated. "Anything."

"Are you...happy? That I came here? That I'm staying here?" Amarosa could barely look her nephew in the eye as she asked one of the most crucial questions she had ever asked a man.

Simon grabbed his aunt's left hand and looked deep into her eyes. "Aunt Ams, I feel like I've been waiting forever for us to reunite. And now that you're here, I can't tell you how excited I am. That you're finally back in our lives."

Amarosa beamed a bright smile back at her tender nephew.

Simon kissed his aunt's hand and then rubbed her sore legs. "I know you're tired. You should get some rest."

Before Simon left the room, Amarosa called out to him with one final thought. "Simon! Thank you. I'm happy to be here with you too. And I've never, really, been happy. I can't imagine anything ruining this."


Half a world away.

"So, that was Ibiza. A big thank you to all my hot creamers out there who follow me on Just4Fans. I hope you had just as much fun as I did as I explored this beautiful paradise."

A striking, racially ambiguous streamer announced to her fans as she lay nude on her stomach in her hotel suite in front of a ring light with a camera mounted in the center.

"Before I sign off though, I wanted to give you guys a little announcement. I recently got a message from someone who has been trying to ruin my life since day one. Check this shit out."

The young woman picked up her phone from the bed tapped on the screen.

"Just gotta crop a bit, you don't need to see this bitch's face, but here she is and check out this monster cock, covered in-- what I'm guessing-- spit, resting on her face. Real classy whore, huh?"

The young woman then swiped to another image in her gallery and showcased it for her viewers.

"Now, I'm not knocking the cock, but this bitch then starts bragging to me about how good she is for tagging this kid's beef. And trust me she is like, straight up, disgusting. Like, you would not believe."

The young woman then ran her fingers through her long black hair and tossed it over her left shoulder.

"Now you creamers know I have no problem tagging. So if this fat, ugly bitch wants to start something with me, then I'm gonna steal this cock and embarrass the fuck outta her."

The young woman then sat up on the bed and rested on her knees. She had to use both arms to cup her large breasts and she lifted them for the camera.

"That's right. I know you're all a fan of my solo play, but I'm gonna find this, clearly desperate simp, and fuck him till his thing belongs to me."

She then leaned forward and brought her red painted lips right up to the camera.

"Stay tuned.💕"

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