Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 226 - MOTHERLY LUST, THE BOOK OF EVIL Part 1 by KinkyWritingPractice

Chapter 226 - MOTHERLY LUST, THE BOOK OF EVIL Part 1 by KinkyWritingPractice

A Mother and Son are given a dark ultimatum by dark forces unearthed. Have sex fifty times... or die. The only catch? They'll enjoy it just a little bit more every single time.

"Explain it to me again..."

Mom wiped a tear from her right eye before fixing me with a fearful glance and repeating what she'd said for the third time. "We have to have sex... onc- once a day at 5 PM for fifty days... or else... or else... we'll die."

"What the fuck," I jumped up, pacing the kitchen with my head in my hands, "how the fuck are we going to do this... I don't even think I can get it- get it... up for you..." I trailed off sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with her as she choked back a tear.

"I know, that's the thing though son, it says here that each time we do it we'll..." She broke off, stifling a groan of disgust as she gestured at the paper in front of her. "We'll... enjoy it more."

"What the hell does that mean?" I stopped pacing and cocked my head to the side. Not daring the consider the implications of what she'd just said.

"I don't fucking know James, I don't know!" Mom exclaimed, throwing her hands up and pacing the room in desperation. "Look, I'm gonna go take a shower, just- just... be ready when I get out."


"Okay son... are you ready?" Mom asked, stepping out of my parents' guest bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.

"Not at all, but we don't have much of a choice, do we?" I asked. Looking up from my phone at my mother as she gingerly edged towards the foot of the bed.

"No sweetie... I guess not," she lamented at she let the towel drop to her ankles, holding back tears as she continued, "let's just get this over with, okay?"

The first time was rough. There were a lot of tears, blushing, and murmurs of assurance as we blundered our way around each others bodies for the next forty five minutes, stopping frequently as my already weak erection faded into nothing time and time again.

How exactly, did we find ourselves stuck in this position? Well, you won't believe me, not yet at least. Once we reach the end of this little story it'll make a lot more sense, but for now... All you need to know is we found something while cleaning out the old garage, something neither of us remembered ever being there. Along with this... thing.... Was a book. A horrible fucking book that turned our entire lives upside down.

For now, all you need to know is this. We were in possession of an old book, one with blank pages that changed at a whim, filling with insidious writings giving us new instruction and words of affirmation. An evil, twisted book that was slowly corrupting our minds to the core. We didn't believe it at first, thought it must have been some sick joke, a gag book with some sort of hidden mechanism that allowed new words to appear and pop out of existence at the drop of a hat. Words that gave us an ultimatum. We have sex every afternoon for fifty days in a row, or else we'd die. We ignored it at first, dismissing the notion as ridiculous, but... it convinced us, in a bone chilling fashion. We'll get to that later though. For now, just know that there was no doubt as to the book's authenticity, and we had no choice but to comply.

There was one small caveat though. According to the book, we'd start to enjoy it a little more with each passing day. If that was supposed to make us feel any better... it didn't.

The second night wasn't much better.

It was easier to get hard that day, although anything was better than the disaster which was the first night, but that's about it. The third and fourth were about the same, only marginal improvements which served nothing more than to get the job done a bit quicker.

The fifth afternoon is when things got weird.

"Hey mom," I said as I walked in the front door and set off down the opening hallway into the living room.

"Hi son," she said, glancing up from the TV at her place on the couch. "Are you ready?"

"Are you fucking serious?" I responded, sinking next to her on the couch.

I've always known my mom was an attractive woman, really, I have. I heard no end of it from my friends in highschool, which was always really weird. She was well into her late forties, but looked more like she was in her early thirties. Sitting at 5 foot 4, she has a thick head of long brown hair which liked to tickle her... very well endowed chest, double d's as I'd heard her brag about far too many times growing up. But yes, a very large bra size, and an hourglass figure despite being just a tad bit overweight.

I was never the type of person who felt any sort of attraction toward's my own mother though, until...

Fast forward to the present, adult James, seeing her head cock to the side as she bit her lip, that little frown... well, I'm ashamed to say it inspired a reaction out of me. Just a little one, but a reaction nonetheless, for at that moment I felt a not so unpleasant jolt in my sweats as my little guy started to come out of his shell. This was a first you see, as the four times before that I had to use my hand and a little porn to get things going down there, otherwise we had no chance in hell of getting things moving. So you can only imagine the shame and discontent I felt as I started growing a natural erection for my own mother. Revulsion... I was disgusted with myself, but still just kept on growing.

For a second, I couldn't help but let my eyes wander as my body took in the moment. The brief look on her face wasn't what finished me off, no, it only got the job halfway done so to speak. What brought me to full attention was everything else. The low cut black tank top, which did a commendable job of showing off her large boobs, the jean shorts which sat just a little too high on her legs, leaving me with an absolutely delightful view of her generous set of thighs.

Disgust, revulsion, shame. This was my own mother for christs sake, and there I was almost lusting over her in spite of myself.

"James. James!" She said, snapping in my face, "Earth to James... come on son, we need to hurry up. Do you need a minute in the bathroom? I already have the lube here, hurry and take off your pants." she finished, reaching behind the throw pillow supporting her back and pulling out a small bottle of KY Jelly.

"Uhhh, yeah, I'll be right back," I mumbled, hurriedly adjusting my hair from my eyes and stumbling up to head towards the guest bathroom next to the kitchen. It was a short walk, one which took all of ten seconds to complete, as I crossed the threshold between the living room and kitchen, mom called my name, forcing me to stop by the dining table and turn around.

"You need your phone, right?" She asked, holding up the device in one hand. "Or, maaaybe not..." she trailed off, her eyes glancing downwards.

Following her glance, I saw what I'd already felt the second I left my place on the couch. I was now fully erect, leaving a visible tent in my weathered pair of sweats. Mom's face was beet red as we made eye contact.

"I guess you don't need a minute to yourself after all, just.... just come here sweetie, let's get this done, we have about thirty five minutes now, but I'd like to finish in much less than that, just to be safe." She said, the expression on her face mirroring the one of utter embarrassment on my own. "I guess it's happening, isn't it?" She continued as I made my way back to the large couch and reclaimed my spot to her right. "The book told us this would happen, don't- d- don't stress over it, okay baby? Hey, maybe now we can get this done even quicker, huh?" She finished with a smile, giving my shoulder a playful nudge as she said it. Her grin fell flat as she realized how pitiful an attempt at lightening the mood it really was.

"This is such a fucking mess mom... what would Tracy say if she saw this?" I said, lifting my butt in the air and pulling my pants down.

Mom mirrored my movements, a process which at this point was beginning to feel familiar.

"James," she said, turning to face me as she laid down on the couch, placing her legs around my waist as she urged me to turn towards her, "Your wife will NEVER find out about this, no one will, now come on my love, stick it in me so we can get dressed."

This was the point we started feeling far too comfortable in this routine, although we wouldn't notice that until after the fact. Hindsight really is 20/20.

And it was with that sentence that I finally considered the woman in front of me. The woman who birthed me, breast fed me, and woke me up for school every morning growing up. The woman who raised me, who was now laying down on a wide couch in front of me, with her legs spread, inviting me inside of her body. Pulling the condom out of my pocket, I gently coaxed it over my swollen head and positioned myself to penetrate my dear mother.

For the first time, as I guided my six and a half inches of pure desire between her legs, it wasn't just out of fear and obligation, because in that moment... I wanted it.

The barely perceptible groan of satisfaction escaping my lips didn't escape her as I slipped inside of her, and my cheeks grew hot as I caught the glance of mild disapproval on her face as I bottomed out. Although my shame was quickly tempered by the just too throaty sigh escaping her own mouth as our pelvis' made contact. Although the respite only lasted a brief moment, as the shame once again welled up within me as the realization of what was happening to us sank in. The feeling was obviously mutual, as a quick glance at my mother's face told me.

But, we had a job to do, and limited time at that. So I got to work.

Gone was the mild passion bubbling under the surface as I began my thrusting. We slipped back into the mechanical rhythm we'd made for ourselves over the last few days. Mom staring at the ceiling, me looking at the wall behind her as I thrust in and out, in and out... in... in- in... in and out. In and out. In and fucking out.

You'll have to excuse the scatter brained nature of my description here, because... well. It was at this point, about five minutes in that the mask started to slip. Mom started struggling first. The first sign was the clenching around my shaft. Something I at first chalked up to my imagination, then to the awkward position we were in on the couch with her left leg hanging over the edge. It wasn't until the throaty sighs once again began leaving her lips that I dared to consider the alternative. The book's spell was getting a hold on us, finally. Part of me had been looking forward to this moment, skeptical it would ever actually happen. Anything to make what had up to this point been such a miserable experience the slightest bit more bearable was almost welcome. Almost.

Because in the moment, now that the first signs of it happening were actually starting to show. I was conflicted. Because as the realization of what was happening sank in, I felt helpless. Something was inside of our minds, influencing us. Infecting us with a sickness, one that would eventually lead to bad, dark places. I knew that then. The book was twisting our minds, and the worst part... well, part of me was enjoying it. A little part of me, whether it came from the book or my own worst self I do not know, was revelling in the response I was getting out of her. That part of me, somewhere far in the back of my mind was leering in delight as I watched her thighs tense up, felt her walls clench around my throbbing length. That part of my mind that, as I saw her eyes clenched shut in stark contrast to the blank eyed stare she'd been giving the ceiling on our previous experiences together, cooed and purred as her back arched slightly towards the ceiling.

See, that part of my brain scared the shit out of me. Because that part of my brain didn't want this to end. In our four experiences before this, I couldn't wait until it was over. Each time was simply an exercise in concentrating enough to finish inside of the condom, so the two of us could escape the sheer horror and disgust of what we were being forced to do. Concentrating on some elaborate fantasy involving my wife, or the porn we put on the TV for the third and fourth go around's. But this time, something felt different, and I knew she was feeling it too.

I sped up my rhythm, grunting with pleasure as I approached my climax. Time was running out, and we needed to finish, so I sped up. Much to my chagrin, the increase in tempo wasn't solely because of our time constraints, because god help me I was actually starting to enjoy myself. Not too much yet, but compared to the first four shameful sexual encounters we'd had, this was practically heaven.

My orgasm approached faster and faster as I began to hurriedly thrust into my mother, her throaty sigh's growing in intensity as I went faster and faster, eventually culminating in a loud moan as I reached the edge and slammed into her, something in my mind stopping me from cumming, so I paused. Our eyes met, both of our cheeks now a deep red. Panting, we sat there for a moment staring at one another, before mom finally broke me out of the trance I'd found myself on the brink of falling into.

"We need to stop. Now. Hurry up and cum." She said, rubbing my forearm as her eyes began filling with tears. "Please son, this has gone on long enough"

"Okay mom...." I said, the shame rushing back to the surface as I shoved the dark voice in the back of my head down and resumed my motions.

I was close, very close, but to my great shame just moments later, I couldn't stop myself from turning what only needed to be three more seconds of sex into closer to twenty before finally exploding. Bottoming out inside of mom, I slammed into her once again, unable to stop myself from doing it so forcefully as my dick contracted, filling the condom with a very sizeable load.

"James..." she said, voice quivering and eyes glistening with tears. "Get dressed and go home please, I need to be alone right now."

"Mom, I'm-"

"Just leave James, it's okay. We're okay, we're alive. That was just... very very uncomfortable. I'll see you tomorrow, okay sweetie? Give Tracy a hug for me." She whimpered, ushering me towards the door as I hurriedly threw my cloths back on.

I did not, in fact hug my dear wife on her behalf.

The next two times were more of the same, not much had changed.

I no longer needed any sort of external stimuli to get hard. I'd walk in the door soft, and be fully erect by the time she'd finish undressing.

Both the six and seventh times consisted of the two of us almost starting to enjoy the experience in spite of the great shame and guilt we felt at the prospect. Both times consisted of me fighting the urge to drag the experience out, with sigh's and grunts a bit too loud coming from the both of us. Both times ended with slightly too good explosions of cum into the condoms, and the two of us rushing to get away from each other the second it was done.

The eighth time... things got a little out of hand. I'll spare you the set up, because it was almost exactly the same as numbers five, six, and seven. The interesting part came after we started.

"Come on James, let's get this over with." Mom sighed, spreading her legs on the couch as I positioned myself at her entrance.

Everything was very familiar, and I resigned myself for yet another waking nightmare of a memory to be made as I parted her lips with the head of my dick.

A pleasant shiver went up my spine, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, filling my entire body with goosebumps as I slid the tip inside of her warm walls.

Looking up at my mothers face I saw a single second of bliss overcome her features as she shivered under me, arching her hips and coaxing me further inside, before she blinked hard and snapped out of it.

"You felt that too...?" I asked, my heart pounding out of my chest as I fought the urge to slam inside of her at a breakneck pace.

"Stop James..." she hissed through gritted teeth, "please... just don't say anything. Come on, let's go.... Now!" She commanded.

Not needing any further encouragement I engulfed the rest of my length inside of her, unable to stifle the sigh of satisfaction as my body finally got what it craved.

The sensation was overwhelming, every cell in my body urging me forward. To fuck her with everything I had. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to lean over and kiss her, my own fucking mother, to take her tongue into my mouth and ram my way between her legs. To make her mew with delight and cum around my cock. I imagined her hands on the back of my neck, digging her nails into my back, stroking my chest as she urged me on, begging me to ravage her body with those big beautiful eyes of hers.

As I finally finished withdrawing from her sweet slit, I couldn't stop myself from slamming back into her with as much force as I could muster. My brain spun as I rammed into her once again... and again... and again... and again...

She was moaning now. Not very loudly, but loud enough for me to take notice and glance up at her face, ripping my eyes from the huge tits bouncing up and down in front of me. Her head was completely thrown back, her mouth formed a slight 'o' shape as little moans escaped her lips with each thrust.

It was when I looked back down that her hand snaked it's way around my side and found a place on my lower back. With that, I came.


Needless to say, we couldn't get away from each other fast enough after that. My shirt hadn't even found it's way back onto my body before I was out the door, struggling to pull it over my head as I rushed to the car, leaving mom crying on the couch as we both reeled from what had just happened.

If only we knew how much more serious things were about to get... oh my fucking god. I can't even think about the ninth day without getting excited... the day everything changed


The ninth day was... tense.

"James, here. Take this." She said as I took my usual spot on the couch.

"Uhhh. A... spiral notebook?" I asked, scratching the back of my head and giving her a confused look.

"From now on, we're going to write in these after each day." She replied, leaning over and grabbing an identical book from the coffee table at the foot of the couch. "The book's been blank for days.... It's making me nervous, and I think it's time we jotted down everything we're feeling. We need a record. Maybe it's something we can use to... I don't know, ground us as we get deeper into this."

Mom stretched and gave a lazy yawn, getting up to pour herself a cup of coffee. Her ass bounced back and forth mesmerizingly with each step she took into the kitchen, and her low cut shirt hiked up as she reached for a mug, giving me a wonderful view of the small of her back. Sitting back and admiring her body, my dick gave a pleasant little jolt as it started started to grow in my shorts, pitching a noticeable tent as it reached its full length.

Normally this is where I'd hurry to hide it, desperate to preserve any sanity left in such a disgusting situation as the one we found ourselves in, but this time around something stopped me from doing that, and it wasn't until she looked back and caught me ogling her that I managed to tear my eyes away and look down at the notebook.

As I absentmindedly thumbed through the pages I noted that she'd labeled each one - well, the next forty one at least with the date and the number denoting each time we'd be having sex, that day's page of course was marked the ninth and like all the rest was marked with a little heart drawn in pink ink.

James's Journal.

September 12th 2023, the 9th day.

Today was... rough. Really fucking rough. Mom almost came. She did a really good job of hiding it, but I noticed the difference in her today. In both of us... this is really getting out of hand, and I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do. Everything was so cold and methodical in the beginning, but now it's almost starting to feel like actual sex. I want her so bad the second I step through that door, and I can tell she's starting to feel the same. She can't hide every single moan, or control what's going on... down there. We didn't even need to use lube today for gods sake, she was fucking ready for it. For me... this is tearing her up inside, maybe even more than me. The tears when I was leaving. I don't think I've ever seen my mom cry like that.

We've even started sitting closer together. At first we'd be separated by a good three feet between us on that couch before the sex started, but today our legs were almost touching. I don't know if she's noticed - she must have - but I have.

Every single time is starting to feel better and better, I'm so disgusted by myself. I'm disgusted that I'm starting to enjoy this so much. Oh Tracey... please forgive me. You can never find out about this, but I'll know. I'll always know. When this is over I don't know how I'll even be able to look at you. I'm so ashamed.

I feel like this we're hitting the point of no return. She didn't cum today, but if she did... I don't know how we can come back from that. I'm already losing it. I was pitching a tent driving over to the damn house, and it's only getting worse. I wish we never found that stupid fucking book, or the... thing that was there with it.

I'm starting to get excited for tomorrow, I can't help it. I have a damn boner right now... I want to fucking kill myself.

Samantha "Mom's" Journal.

September 12th, 2023, the 9th day.

Dear Journal,

Oh what have I done to deserve this? What have we done god? I know I've never been the best Christian in the world. I dont attend services nearly enough, I don't pray like I should, I sin... but this? Really?

This is so very bad. I was seconds away from cumming today. Seconds. Away. If my baby boy didn't finish when he did... oh my. I don't know what would have happened, who I'd even BE coming out of such a thing. Who would we be to each other? I know not the basis for such feelings, but nonetheless I feel that the second we cross that line, nothing will ever be the same. Both in the material and immaterial sense. How can a woman go back to being a loving mother after she's climaxed around her own son's penis? How can mother and son not then look upon each other and see naught but a lover? Not only that... I think the book wants it to happen. It wants me to orgasm. I don't know how I know it, but this is a milestone event; one which it's coaxing us towards.

Looking into my sweet boys face as he... you know's me. I don't see what I once did, when this first started. I gaze upon his wonderful face and see nothing but desire. I see lust, and it's all for me. His own mother... I cannot cast judgement, for I feel the same.

Tomorrow, something needs to change. I do not think we can continue as we have been. I think tomorrow calls for a little help, of the alcoholic variety. I just cannot stand another day of this as it's been. I'm weak lord, so weak... I beg of you, help me. Help us both before it's too late.


The tenth day was... intense.

"Mom, where are you?" I called out as I stepped over the threshold into the house, seeing her usual spot on the couch vacant.

"James? I'm over here," she said from the kitchen, beckoning me over with a wave of her hand, gesturing at a variety of cups and bottles on the center island in front of her, "I think today calls for some stress relief, don't you? Take your pick."

Stepping closer I saw the scene in front of her in more detail. On the counter sat three bottles of liquor, along with a collection of fruit juice, pineapple, strawberry lemonade, and cranberry cocktail.

"I'm having a glass of Vodka Strawberry Lemonade," She said theatrically, tipping her tall - half empty - glass towards me with a smirk, "I don't think I can do this sober. Would you like the same babe? If not, we have whiskey, gin, and Khalua." she teased, fixing me a sly grin and lightly rubbing my shoulder.

"It's okay mom, what you're having is fine." I responded, unable to stop myself from staring down the top of her pink top. The massive cleavage staring back at me earning a shudder as I imagined all the things we'd soon be doing. I was pitching a pretty gnarly tent in the basketball shorts I'd came in wearing by now, and mom made no effort to conceal the fact that her eyes were glued to it. She still hadn't stopped rubbing my shoulder, although by then the affectionate rubbing had given way to a more gentle caress, as she glided her fingers nimbly up and down the peak of my shoulder, moving on to trace my shoulder blade with her finger tips as she moved her gaze from my crotch to the table in front of us.

I felt a pang of disappointment as she withdrew her hand and set to work on my drink.

"How many of those have you had already?" I asked, trying my best not to lose myself in the swaying of her breasts as she poured my drink.

"You're cute sweetie, but don't worry, this is my first. Fair warning though, I'm making them nice and strong." She said, sliding the finished drink to me, "I don't know about you, but I seriously fucking need it right now. Excuse my language dear."

Taking the glass by the hand, I raised it to my lips and took a long draw, wincing slightly at the burn in my throat as I gulped down half the glass to match Mom's. "Jesus, this is strong," I gasped, squinting my eyes as the alcohol worked it's way down my throat, "But yeah... I'm not complaining, so don't worry. Mom... I- I..."

"Yes baby?" She asked, gulping down the rest of her drink before getting to work on a second, for her and for me.

"Nevermind, I think I'd rather talk about something else, anything else," I muttered, killing the rest of my drink and taking the second serving she passed off to me to take a generous sip.

We sat in silence for a moment, sipping our drinks and staring off into the distance. We were both feeling a pleasant buzz by the time one of us finally spoke up.

"How are things with Tracey?" Mom asked, adding a splash more vodka to her already potent drink, before doing the same to mine without even asking.

"They're... tense. She doesn't know what's going on, why I've been so distant. Why I keep turning her down when she wants to have sex. But I guess we'll get through it." I said bitterly, taking a big swig out of the glass and savoring the burn in my chest. I needed this.

"Oh baby..." Mom cooed, gulping down the rest of her drink before grabbing a pair of hard seltzer's from the fridge behind us, popping the lids off the both of them and settling back into her stool next to mine, turning to face me. "I know things are hard right now, but... it'll all be over soon, then we can go back to normal."

"Can we though, you really think that?" I asked sarcastically, taking a swig from the bottle of seltzer and putting it down a bit too aggressively.

Mom frowned at the chink of glass on tile, and gave me an admonishing look before speaking up, "Yes! I do think that actually, ONE of us has to maintain a little positivity here, don't you think?" She said, getting up to grab a bottled water from the fridge.

"And another thing mister," she added, smiling at me from over her shoulder away from me, "Treat your mother with a little respect, won't you?"

"Just because you've gotten a little too familiar with all this," Throwing back her hair, she stuck her ass out and playfully jiggled it back and forth, "doesn't mean I'm not the one who brought you into this world. Got it?"

"Yes Ma'am," I whispered, cock throbbing against my shorts at the sight of her.

She sat back down and leaned in close, our noses almost touching, "I'm still your little old mommy babe, don't 'cha forget it" she giggled before leaning back and stretching, pushing her boobs out into the air, her nipples visible through the thin pink fabric.

My buzz growing stronger by the second, I reached out and placed a hand on her waist, revelling in the small groan of satisfaction she gave as I touched her.

"Of course you are, I'd never forget, how could I?" I asked as we both leaned in closer, our faces once again inches apart.

Mom flashed me a devilish smirk as we came so close I could smell the alcohol on her breath, the scent driving me wild. "Ohhh, I don't know," she crooned, "We haven't been acting very mother and son like lately, have we?"

At that, her arm once again found its way to my shoulder, this time dancing up to the back of my neck, gently caressing my skin as her eyes hooded over with lust.

I placed my hands on her thighs and began rubbing them through her jeans, circular motions which brought me closer and closer to her crotch with each rotation. "Mom?" I asked.

"Mmmm, yes baby?" She mewed, spreading her legs apart and gasping when my hand found her opening and began to rub it through the fabric.

"You think we've had too much to drink?" I murmured, applying more pressure to her womanhood as her hands wound their way around my neck.

"I think..." she said, once again leaning in closer until this time our noses touched, "I think..."

She trailed off as our lips connected in a passionate kiss, her tongue winding its way into my mouth and meeting my own in a sinful dance. We sat like that for a half a minute before she pulled away and spoke.

"I think you're right baby... my sweet baby boy... but honestly...? I'm finding it hard to care all that much right now," she moaned, crawling into my lap and grinding against me as we resumed our intense make out.

"Yeah?" I broke away, gasping for air as she grinded against my throbbing cock, "I want you so fucking bad right now..."



"The couch. Right. Now."

We both jumped up in unison, stumbling over ourselves to make it to the piece of furniture in question.

Ripping her clothes off, mom laid on her back and arched her tits towards the heavens, spreading her legs wide open and fixing me a sleazy smile as I finished getting my own garments into a pile next to hers. "James..."

"Mom...?" I gasped, positioning my throbbing length between her legs.

"I want you to fuck me baby, please..."

And with that, nothing was ever the same. Almost dropping the condom I pulled from my back pocket, I fumbled to get it over my shaft as she started to rub her clit.

"Jaaaaames..." Mom leaned forward and crooned into my ear, "I'm waiting for you baby..."

Got it, I thought with relief as the damn thing finally rolled over my throbbing cock. Mom leaned back and raised her hips, swaying them back and forth in a silent invitation.

Finally, I rammed into her, living out what had quickly become my greatest fantasy. Leaning forward and pressing my weight onto her, our mouths connected and our tongues danced that sinful dance as I thrust in and out of my mother's cunt. The pleasure was... indescribable. I cannot possibly hope to ever put into words what we felt in that moment, as the sun slowly sank over the horizon and the day turned to night.

Mom's hands wound their way around my back, almost making me explode as her nails dug into my skin, leaving long scratch marks down my spine as she moaned wildly. She met my every thrust with gyrating hips as I forcefully fucked her into the couch, my weight bearing down on her as we moved in time with one another. Soon the only noises in the room were the wet sounds of our lips and tongues smacking together, and the depraved cacophony of our lustful - borderline hysterical - moans and groans as we fucked with a reckless abandon reserved for only the wildest of unrealistic porn. Except for us it was real. For us we had a little monkey on our backs, a mysterious leather bound book that was nudging us further and further into such delightful sins.

"Mmm, baby," she moaned, showering my neck and chest with bites and kisses, "I love you so mu- so muuuu- so muuuuuu- OH! Yes. Yes yes YES baby yes! Fuck me! Faster, faster! I love you so fucking much baby- aaaaaahhh..." she trailed off as the intensity ramped up. Our wild thrusts giving way to slower, deep strokes as mom drew closer and closer to her peak.

Her eyes were wide open now, her arm rested behind my head pressing my forehead against her own as we stared into each other's eyes. Our strokes once again grew faster and faster as we groaned and grinded against each other. Each thrust inside of her was met with an equal thrust against me, our pelvises hardly leaving one another's as we thrust and gyrated into one another on the couch, making circular motions with our bodies as we spiraled into oblivion together.

Our pace grew and grew until we were both drenched in sweat. Mom's contractions grew more and more fervent around my shaft as we pressed our bodies together as passionately as we could, desperate for as much bodily contact as humanly possible when we reached the inevitable climax building up between us. I felt every cell in my body come alive, as my entire being cried out in sick delight and my throbbing cock approached the edge. I couldn't take anymore when mom gently pushed my off.

"Ja- James... babe... ohhh James." She moaned out as her hands snaked between my legs, "I don't think we need this right now..."

I jerked as I felt her finger shimmy under the ring of my condom, I shivered as she slowly pulled it off my cock, not breaking eye contact for a single second as she did, and threw it over her head against the wall.

Leading my member towards her entrance, I started to ask, "Are you sure this is a good i-" but broke off as I made contact with the heat of her lips. Fuck it.

"I want all of you, son," She said as she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me in while her arms found their home around my back, "give it to me."

I saw stars as I slipped inside of her raw... I'll reiterate that words cannot hope to describe how incredible she felt in that moment as we resumed our rhythm... as I felt her warm walls begin to massage my head and shaft... as she started planting little kissed up and down my neck before burying her face against me.

There was hardly any part of us not touching as we hit the final stretch. Once again gyrating in time together on the couch, our skin hardly losing contact with each thrust as we fucked our heart's out. The pressure built and built until we were both incoherent messes of moans and half baked murmurs of lust and affection.

"Oh- mom... fu- fuuuuck..."

"My sweet babyyyyyy... ahhh ah ah ah! Yes! I lov- lov- love you so muuuuuch,"

"I love you too mo- ughhh ugh ughhhh..."

Sweat poured down our skin as our soaked bodies began slipping and sliding, something which only motivated us to hold on tighter as the world disappeared around us. Our thrusting grew more and more laborious as the intensity rose, our moans and groans growing louder and louder as release approached.

Mom squeezed me in tight with her legs and threw her head up, screaming to the heavens as her entire body was wracked with violent convulsions. My waist in a death grip, I finally blew, exploding inside of her and shooting out what was undoubtedly the biggest load of my entire life inside of her warmth.

Panting, we locked eyes and connected in a passionate kiss before the reality of what had happened slowly sunk in.

"Wait!" I shouted, jumping up and looking around for my clothes. "The fucking sun is down. Mom!"

"Mom... I- I don't know what to say, we-"

"Shush," she hissed, "I'm going to pour myself another drink. I suggest you start getting ready to head home sir," she finished by getting to her feet and giving me a firm poke on the chest.

"Then in that case," I said, walking up to stand beside her at the counter, "I could use another drink too."

Pouring me a shot of vodka, she asked "What about Tracey? Won't she wonder where you've run off to?"

Tossing back my shot and beckoning for mom to pour us both another, I responded "We share our locations on our phones, so she won't have to. I told her I'm here helping you with a paint job, so she'll be fine."

Mom poured the shot into her mouth and pushed the glass away, "James, I'm sorry... I never even thought to ask what she thought we've been doing... I guess..."

"Don't worry about it," I cut in, giving her a reassuring smile, "you've had a lot on your mind."

"This is already... it's-"

"Stop mom, maybe it's best if we keep these things for the journals, you think?"

"I just, I can't possibly imagine how bad tomorrow's going to be. James, I..." she trailed off before snapping her head up with a bright eyed look, "how about some music, huh? Huh? Huh?" She giggled, cocking her head to the side with each syllable and reaching for a small Bluetooth speaker next to the sink. I'm not ashamed to admit the cutesy gesture turned me on.

Putting on a song - something old and dancey - she placed her phone on the counter and began swaying to the beat.

"I feel like a teenager again! Hehehe," she laughed, spinning around with her arms held high, treating me to a lovely view of her huge tits swaying in time with each step. "Maybe that last drink wasn't such a good idea," she added, closing her eyes and moving with the song as I looked on with a smile.

After a few moments, my cock once again stood at attention as I moved in behind her, pressing my waist to her ass as we swayed in time with the beat.

Looking back, mom grinded her butt against my erection before stopping with a frown, "oh my! What are we doing? We're done for the night babe, did you forget?" She said, turning to face me.

She was right. We didn't need to do anything else. In fact, we downright shouldn't have even been touching each other until the next day, but at this point we were both well past drunk, and had gotten more than a little worked up from the dancing. So I did what any good son would do... I answered by getting a firm grip on her ass, and shoving my tongue down her throat.

Moaning, she wrapped her arms around my neck and thrust her hips against mine as we stood in the dimly lit kitchen making out.

Pulling away, she said, "James, we need to stop. This is different, it isn't right."

"You're right," I said, moving down her body and laying a firm bite into her neck, earning a breathy moan in response "it's not."

No longer in control of my body, I forcefully turned her around and bent her over the counter, ripping her pants and panties below her butt cheeks and pulling my own waistband below my balls. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I slapped her ass and slipped inside of her cunt, fucking her from behind.

"Mmm, baby... fuck your mo- mommy just like that...." She said, her tongue almost hanging out the side of her mouth as she bobbed back and forth from every slap of my waist against her ass.

So there we were, fucking like animals against the kitchen counter at a time where we most definitely did not have to be. It was quicker this time, and not fifteen minutes later I'd already deposited a second load deep into her womb in time with her prolonged climax.



"Maybe... maybe the alcohol was a bad idea."

Pulling out for the final time that night, I watched my semen dripping from her hole with a vague sense of regret, the alcohol in my blood postponing the true guilt until the next morning.

Mom turned around and gave me a sad look, even as intoxicated as we were. We both knew we'd crossed the line.

Little did we know...


James' Journal.

September 13th, the tenth day

I don't know what she's expecting out of me. Last night happened. It was amazing, but now I'm sitting here with a killer hangover feeling like absolute shit about myself.

How the hell could I be so weak? In the kitchen... that was way over the line. I'm fucking disgusted with myself, but it felt so right in the moment.

I am in a state of complete and utter terror at the prospect of what's going to happen today, but at the same time, I can hardly manage to take a piss because I can't stop thinking about it. I need to jerk off.

Samantha "Mom's" Journal.

September 13th, the tenth day.

Dear Journal,

I don't know what to do. I'm losing myself.

I feel as if every day that passes, a little piece of me goes missing

Everyday I wake up empty, I seldom feel anything other than shame, self hatred, guilt... lust. That's the kicker though, because the second we're together... the second I feel him inside of me... it all goes away. The self doubt, the shame, the humiliation... all of it. Then I'm left with just the lust, the desire that's tainting my spirit.

I'm. Losing. Myself.

The problem is, it feels good. It feels really good. I know I shouldn't, but all I want right now is to call James, ask him to come early, have a few more drinks and fuck the day away, but I won't... I still have a little bit of control left, and I'll be damned if I don't use it.

I have to stay strong... but will it be enough?



James: Hey

Mom: Hey sweetie, what's up?

James: Just wondering if you'd mind me dropping in early today? Tracey's with her sister, and was hoping we could get some dinner tonight when she gets home.

Mom: Come on then. Let's get this over with, shall we my dear? We can be quick today.

James: Okay, I just need to wait for a package she has coming. It should be here in about an hour.

James: ....

James: I can't wait.

Mom: James?? you shouldn't talk like that.

James: I'm sorry, I can't really help myself right now. Honestly? I'll probably regret saying this later, but I'm kinda losing my fucking mind over here.

Mom: It's okay son. You just can't talk to me like that, okay? Last night was fun, but we're better than this. I know we are.

James: Okay, fuck. I'm sorry.

Mom: Don't worry sweetie, I know what you're going through.

Mom: ....

Mom: I can't wait either.

Mom: Ughhh... screw it. Hurry up and get over here.

Mom: I need you.

James: Fuck... Just one hour mom, then I'll be on my way.

Mom: Fuck the package, come now.

James: Fuck Mom, Tracey needs this package. It's her meds. If we push it back until tomorrow and something happens, if the truck gets delayed, if the driver makes a mistake. She could wind up in the hospital. It's already two days late as it is. I can't just leave. She's down to two pills.

Mom: Image file

Mom: Fuck the package.

James: Jesus, you're so fucking gorgeous.

Mom: You're so sweet

Mom: Image file

Mom: I love my baby boy so much.

James: Your tits are fucking perfect mom... I don't know how I never saw it before...

Mom: Image file

James: .....

Mom: baby?

Mom: What are you doing right now? ;)

James: Image file

Mom: Mmmm baby. You're touching yourself for mommy?

Mom: You have such a nice dick.

James: What did you expect?

James: I have a confession to make... after last night... I spent over an hour in the bathroom this morning, with your Facebook open.

Mom: Hmmm. That's not good at all.

James: Is that too much?

Mom: Image file

Mom: Only because I'd rather have you right here instead.

Mom: Image file

Mom: I just hate to imagine my baby boy all alone jerking off when he could be inside of me instead.

Mom: Just how badly does Tracey need that medication?

James: Badly.

Mom: Image file

Mom: I think this pussy needs you more.

James: Mom... stop. I can't.

Mom: Image file

Mom: Just think of how good it'll feel when you're finally inside of me.

James: I'm on my way.

Mom: Fuck the package?

James: Fuck the package.

Mom: Image file

Mom: I'll be waiting.

Mom: I need you to fuck me so bad.

James: Condoms?

Mom: Fuck no.

Mom: I like it better when you cum inside of me ;)

James: Hmm, that's a change :)

Mom: After last night, what did you expect, huh? Huh? Huh?

James: Honest? Shame? For today to be awkward as all hell?

Mom: Image file

Mom: I'm fresh out of shame babe. Lingerie will do that to a gal.

James: Fuck. So am I. I can't wait to see you.

Mom: Then why the fuck are you still texting me instead of driving over here?

James: Image file

Mom: Bad bad boy, texting and driving isn't good.

James: Image file

James: does this make it better or worse?

Mom: Oh my...

Mom: James! Are you jerking off behind the wheel?

James: Yup.

Mom: Image file.

Mom: You're making me so wet.

Mom: Just don't get pulled over, unless you want momma to go crazy here all alone.

James: Ill be careful.

Mom: I can't wait to feel your cum dripping down my leg.

James: Five minutes away.

Mom: I'll be in my room, xo.

James: I'll be there.

Mom: You better be.

Mom: I'm ready for you.

Pulling up to the house, the world was a blur as I rushed inside, ripping off my clothes and taking the stairs two steps at a time as Mom called to me from the master bedroom.

"Baaaaaaaby. Baaaby boy. I'm waiiiiting." She moaned, "You've got me all worked up in here."

Opening her bedroom door, I froze in my tracks at the sight awaiting me. Mom was on the bed, legs spread wide open in a skimpy set of sheer pink lingerie. The slutty outfit was a two piece, the tight see through top struggled to keep ahold of her tits, and looked about ready to burst off as she rolled her shoulders back in response to the sight of me on the threshold.

The lacey bottom sat perfectly on her waist, covering her belly button and crotch, leaving a wonderful arch of bare skin between the two layers. It immaculately accented her generous hips, and provided an unobstructed view of her hole, above which her right hand sat gently rubbing her clit through the transparent fabric.

"So," she said, sending me a lustful grin and sensually batting her eyelashes, "You just gonna stand there, or are you gonna join me?"

"You sure you wanna do this on your and dad's bed?" I asked, drinking in the view of her body with a hungry stare. Stroking my cock as in spite of myself I slowly edged towards her.

"Do you really want to take the time to move? I don't," she purred, pulling the fabric between her legs to the side and slipping a finger in her slit, "Mmmm, get over here baby."

My doubts immediately forgotten, I cleared the room in three bounds and pulled her into my arms. Our tongues connecting, we moaned in unison as our bodies melted together on the bed. The mattress beneath us creaked and groaned as I rolled mom onto her back and peeled the pink lace from her waist and she welcomed me inside of her with a moan and sweet murmurs of affirmation.

"Come on baby," she said, adjusting self against the pillows, "Momma needs you."

Groaning fervently at her words, I settled in between her legs and sighed in sick delight as I felt her calves wrap around my waist, gently pulling me in as I positioned myself at her entrance.

"You like that sweetie? You like it when mommy talks like that, huh?" She mewled, rubbing a hand across my bare chest as she spoke, "Well... mommy wants... you to... hmm, how should I put it? Mommy needs you to fuck me now."

"Oh fuck," I groaned, pushing past her wet lips and engulfing my length inside of her, "I needed this so fucking bad."

"Me too baby... me tooooooo," she moaned out as I started thrusting, blocking the world out as we began to indulge our darkest desires.

We weren't even twenty seconds in before being interrupted.

*ring* ring*

The ringing of mom's phone on the bedside table snapped us out of our reverie, momentarily breaking our rhythm we glanced towards the bright screen.

"It's your wife." Mom said, reaching for the phone and bringing it to her ear before I could protest.

"Hey Trace, everything okay?" Mom said, giving me a wink and lifting her ass off the bed, rocking her hips to slowly massage my length inside of her. Each circular motion she made sent jolts up my spine, and sent my cock into miniature spasms inside of her.

Seeing light in the corner of my vision, I bit my lip and did my best not to groan out in adulation, or spit any obscenities as she slowly increased the pace, giving me a sultry look which left me unable to resist resuming a slow pace in and out of her as she continued speaking.

"Yes, he's here," she said, reaching out with her free hand to find my own, and placing it on her left breast, something which only served to spur on my increasingly wanton thrusting, "He came to put the finishing touches on that- ughh paint job from yesterday. The spot he left off on didn't get quite... enough. I'll have him check his phone once he's done. He has so much stuff scattered down there I don't even think he knows where it is," she finished with a wink and clenched around my shaft, urging me to increase the pace further and snapping her eyes shut as I obliged.

"Yeah, I'm sorry babe, I know I've been keeping him from you lately, this just has to get done before the new years, and you know David couldn't work his way- way around like- oh! like this."

"Okay my dear, I- I love you too. I'll have him give you a call, promise. I know you two have.... Mmm plans tonight." She finished, struggling to get the words out as I began to fuck her in earnest, being extra careful not to let our skin slap together and make any unnecessary noise.

"No, no. I'm fine, great actually. You caught me in the middle of my yoga, that's... all. Alright, I'll see you soon Trace."

Putting down the phone, mom put her arms around my neck and pulled me in close, cooing as I resumed the breakneck pace we'd been enjoying before the interruption.

"Yes baby, fuck mommy harder. Yes! FUCK!" She cried out, arching her back as the waves of orgasm washed over her, "ohhhhhh yessss!"

"We're so fucking bad, aren't we baby?" She whispered into my ear, accenting her words with a light bite on my earlobe, "Did you ever imagine you- you- ah! ah! ah! ah! Yes! You'd be fucking your own mother while she talked to your wife on the phone?"

I felt a pang of guilt deep in my gut at her words, but was too far gone to do anything about it. Instead, I responded to her with a feverish abandon, taking a nipple into my mouth and sucking it gluttinously, furiously pumping away at her cunt before bottoming out. My legs shook violently as I pumped her full of cum, my mental and physical faculties temporarily abandoning me as my entire being cried out in joy at the sweet release.

However, even with both of our immediate needs and otherworldly commitments satisfied, neither of us were able to rip ourselves away from one another. Never being one for multiple orgasms, I reeled in shock and twisted delight as I found my body willing and ready for more. Time lost all meaning as we writhed and rolled around the bed, ravaging each other's bodies until the brink of exhaustion.

Unbeknownst to us, within a small box under the bed, the leather bound book which set us down this dark path began to hum in sync with the sounds of our dark union.

If either of us had looked at it in that precise moment, we'd have seen it floating an inch and a half from its place in the box, gently vibrating in time with the waxing and waning of the ecstasy assaulting our bodies. Glowing a deep violet, the book was energized, alive.

But of course, neither of us did see it. We wouldn't have, too busy to bother, because mom was laid out on top of me, deep in the throes of climax and struggling to stay conscious as I relentlessly pounded her pussy from below. My arms locked tight around the small of her back as my legs clenched tight, and I once again shot my load deep inside of her womb.

I did in fact leave my cum dripping down her legs, although neither of us paid it any mind. How could we, when we were both fast asleep not ten seconds after we returned to earth? I hadn't even managed to pull out before we lost consciousness. Together.

James' Journal

September 14th, the eleventh day.

Yesterday was... indescribable. I'm really starting to struggle here. Keeping myself grounded is getting more and more difficult, and it's only getting worse by the day. I had a wet dream last night. A fucking wet dream, like a damn teenager.

Maybe it's been a long time, but I sure as hell don't remember wet dreams being so vivid. I woke up hours ago, and I still remember every little detail. Mom bent over a balcony railing, begging for more as I stood behind her rubbing myself, teasing and prodding her entrance. Chuckling, I slipped the head in before slowly pulling it out, again and again and again, her ass pushing back towards me each and every time, begging me to stop my teasing.

I remember every little detail with crystal clarity. Even down to... her eyes turning black... she was bouncing up and down on top of me, growling like an animal as I came inside of her. Her face looked... terrifying, so dark and primal. It was beautiful. It only lasted a second, but I was filled with such joy and desire that I had to... handle things myself the second I woke up.

It didn't feel like any dream I've ever had before. It was fucking terrifying.

Samantha "Mom's" Journal,

September 14th, the eleventh day.

Dear Journal,

My head is in a fog. I do hope this will remain coherent, future me, for you are the unlucky soul to whom these words are destined to one day pertain. My only hope is the experiences we're being subjected to weigh less heavy on your heart than they do mine. That one day, these will be little more than bad memories, one's relegated to only the most thoughtful of long nights, because right now...

I'm becoming a monster. The thoughts... the horrors... the need.... Oh, the needs... I sent my son nudes yesterday, my own SON. I sent my boy nasty pictures, and touched myself knowing he was doing the same.

I encouraged him to knowingly hurt his own wife. I encouraged him to... do many bad things, and I did it all with a smile.

I put on lingerie for him, I sullied the sanctity of my marital bed with him. I defiled myself, my marriage, the bond we share, and again, I did it all with a smile. I'll say it once more, I am becoming a monster.

What kind of woman knowingly coaxes someone into her while she's speaking with his wife? Her daughter in law nonetheless? I spoke to that sweet girl while her husband... while my son... and I enjoyed it. It excited me.

I don't even know who I am anymore.

What kind of MAN could do such horrible things?

In sitting here writing this, I feel such clarity. I can see everything happening; I can see how it started, and I see where it's leading. In the here and now, I am me, I have strength. Yet I know now, as I turn the page and set off for the day... I'll be weak. The overbearing weight on my tired soul will return, the devil on my shoulder will let it's voice be known once again, and I'll do things I regret. Henceforth, the only question now is... will this regret last? My shame, my modesty, my sanity, my.... morality?

These are the last bastions of hope I have left in this cruel world. These things which find a home in the regret I feel every night before I shut my eyes, every morning upon waking. Will they too, disappear? As so much else already has...

What is happening to me?

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