Chereads / Hunter’s Sexy Snippets / Chapter 227 - MOTHERLY LUST, THE BOOK OF EVIL Part 2 By KinkyWritingPractice

Chapter 227 - MOTHERLY LUST, THE BOOK OF EVIL Part 2 By KinkyWritingPractice

Something most people didn't know about Samantha Bowers was that she was an absolute stickler for routine. For most of her adult life, her day to day existence looked exactly the same. Routines would come and go, change with the different era's of her life, but as each turbulent period of change swept by, she'd always find a familiar rhythm to maintain. Something to latch on to, a grounding point upon which the rest of her life hinged.

For this reason, the sheer amount of recent changes were unsettling to say the least. James and his older sister moved out within three months of one another six years before they found that book, and for six years her morning routine remained almost entirely unchanged.

She'd wake up, brew a cup of coffee (black, with half a packet of Splenda. No more, no less), relax on her place on the couch and watch one political pundit or another as she sipped her cup.

After that, she'd dedicate the next forty five minutes to cooking a quick breakfast and the necessary clean up. She ate half of her plate, and stowed the rest in the fridge to be eaten exactly two hours later. Staggering the first meal of the day she found, resulted in better digestion, and helped to ameliorate the natural slump of her circadian rhythm in the early afternoon.

From there, the rest of her morning would consist of whatever household chores needed to be done, a quick trip to the gym, and her daily shower.

Fast forward to the day in question though, and this routine was thrown on its head. For the past three days, Samantha woke up, made her coffee, and dedicated thirty minutes to putting her thoughts down in her journal before heading back up to the bedroom for some stress relief.

For most of Samantha's life, stress relief consisted of prayer, yoga, long walks, or the occasional glass of wine. Lately though, it had taken a new form.

It was this thought which bounced through her mind as she sat against the backboard of her bed, legs spread apart and her right hand furiously rubbing her clit. On her face was a wild eyed stare, her eyes glued to the TV which currently displayed a young man laid out on a bed not unlike her own, his head thrown back in ecstasy as an older woman bounced up and down on his made for porn massive erection.

This kind of behavior was not only an effrontery to her good nature, but - more importantly - the meticulously maintained routine which she'd spent the past six years building.

It was cold comfort when she finally came. Panting on the bed, she felt the anger welling up inside of her as she lamented what her life was turning into, frustrated at the prospect of her body needing such a release to start the day.

But it kept her from sending anything else to her son. It kept her from begging him to drop everything and rush over to sate the burning desire in her core, and that was enough to quell the rage burning within her.




Squealing in surprise, Samantha rose from the bed and sidestepped around the small cloth bench at its foot, slowly edging towards the source of the noise, already knowing what it must be.


"What are you talking about?" I whisper yelled into my phone, hiding away in the bathroom to keep Tracey from overhearing what I knew would undoubtedly be a conversation best kept private.

"The book! Were you even listening?" Mom shouted, her voice tinged with mild irritation, "It was banging around inside the box, it scared the hell out of me, but when I pulled it out, it said... James! We get the day off! Isn't that wonderful?"

"What do you mean, the day off?" I asked, frowning at my reflection in the small mirror above the sink.

"It means we don't have to sleep together today dummy." She said, the smile apparent in her voice.

"What exactly did it say?"

"Hang on, I took a picture of it, I'll send it to you."

"Okay. Mom, what- shit, I gotta go, I'll text you."


Mom: Image file

Today the two of you are granted a personal day. You will get 24 hours of respite from your obligations, and do not have to see each other. If you don't want to.

Tomorrow, the normal rules will resume. Enjoy yourselves.

James: Wow.

James: But... why?

Mom: I don't know, but I'm not questioning it. This is exactly what we need.

James: Mom...

James: Have I told you just how terrified I am?

Mom: I know sweetie, me too...

Mom: Look, it's probably best if we don't talk until tomorrow, okay? Stay safe hun, I love you.

James: I love you too.

Mom: xo

The problem was, not talking to each other that day proved impossible.

3:36 PM, Four hours later

"I'm sorry babe, I know you were looking forward to a day away from your mom, but I really need this." My dear wife said from the passenger seat as we drove down the winding residential road towards mom's house.

"I know I know, don't worry, it's not that big of a deal. These stupid pipes just fucking kill me. Every single month, we lose our water. I don't understand the landlord, I really dont. This should have been fixed a year ago." I grumbled, my knuckles tightening around the wheel as we approached the house.

"You're preaching to the choir babe," Tracey muttered, reaching into the backseat to grab a bag of toiletries as we pulled into the driveway. "Forty five minutes tops, okay? Then we're gone. I just can't go into work like this tomorrow, it was so damn hot today. I seriously need to wash off."

"Yeah yeah, like I said, don't worry."

"Thank you for coming with me, I know you didn't want to," she said, planting a kiss on my lips before opening her door and stepping out.

Entering the house was a surreal experience. I'd grown accustomed to an entirely different environment in my recent visits, so seeing mom seated on the couch with a stack of bills and a mug of hot cocoa felt more alien than it should have.

"Hey guys," she said with a smile, getting up to pull Tracey into an embrace and casting me a meaningful look over her shoulder. "Welcome in, although it feels like James practically lives here again, he's been around so much lately, ha!" She finished, taking her seat on the couch once again and folding her hands.

"Thank you again Samantha," Tracey started, setting her bag down and taking a seat on the reclining chair in the corner of the room, her favorite spot.

forty five minutes, right? I thought bitterly, entirely unsurprised at her urge to draw things out with small talk.

Taking a seat on the couch next to mom - maintaining a healthy distance I may add - I did my best to act natural as her and Tracey gabbed away about work and whatever new drama had taken hold around my wife's office.

I was worried that I'd start to crack, get a hard on, or something else even more horrible in such close proximity to mom's legs, which were currently crossed over one another as she leaned towards the chair my wife sat on, listening intently to whatever it was they were talking about. But truthfully I was far too nervous at the present situation to feel very aroused. That was, until mom brushed her hair to the side and I caught a glimpse of the cleavage poking out of her shirt.

Feeling myself growing in my jeans, I excused myself to the bathroom, opting to use my mother's in the hope that Tracey would decide to get to her shower in the guest room before I came out.

That was mistake number one.

Stepping into the bathroom, I smelled her immediately. A smell I'd surely have been physically incapable of detecting before this all began, but was now very apparent in the tiled room... and utterly delectable.

Leaning up against the counter, my erection continued to make itself known until it stood at full mast, painfully constricted by the thick fabric seperating it from my mother's musk in the air. Beside the sink sat a red bra, and a well worn tank top, and it took all of my willpower not to shove them both in my face and inhale deeply. Just as I was beginning to lose it, my phone vibrated in my pocket.


Mom: Are you in my bathroom?

James: Yeah.

Mom: Is everything okay?

James: Yes. I just got a look at something I shouldn't have down there, I need a minute.

Mom: What does that mean?

James: I just had to get away from you.

Mom: Can you control yourself? Or do you need to leave?

Mom: I can drive Tracey home. Just tell her you're stomach is acting up.

James: Oh please, she'll go into mom mode for the next three days. I'll be fine. I just need a minute.

Mom: Okay, just don't be too long.

James: I won't be. What is she doing?

Mom: She's catching the end of my movie with me.

Mom: The last scene.

James: Okay.

Mom: Hurry up.

James: I can fucking smell you.

Mom: What?

James. In your bathroom. I can smell you...

Mom: What does that even mean? What can you smell?

James: Just... you. I smell it on your clothes, the towel on the rack. Everywhere in this god damn room. It's seriously not helping.

Mom: I'm sorry, I didn't realize my son had turned into a sex sniffing bloodhound and would be pawing around my bathroom. Otherwise I may have bleached the place.

Mom: What clothes did I leave in there?

James: A red bra.

James: A grey top.

Mom: I'm sorry.

And here comes mistake number two.

James: Don't be.

James: You smell fucking incredible.

Mom: James... stop.

James: I'm sorry, you do.

James: You just fucking do.

Mom: ...

Mom: What did you even see that got such a reaction out of you?

James: Your cleavage.

James: Your hair was blocking it at first, then you moved it and I got a nice view.

James: A REALLY nice view.

Mom: James...

Mom: ...

Mom: ...

Mom: ...

Mom: Image file.

Mom: Nice like this?

Mom: Your wife is in the kitchen washing my dirty dishes before she jumps in the shower. You know how she is.

James: Fuck. I love you so much.

Mom: You better, I shouldn't have done that.

James: Image file.

James: Should I be doing this?

Mom: NO! You definitely should not be!

Mom: ...

Mom: I love you too baby.

Mom: Image file.

Mom: The things we do for love... huh?

James: God mom... they look like they're about to pop out.

Mom: Image file.

Mom: Like this?

James: Oh god.

James: Don't let her see you with your fucking tits out.

Mom: Image file.

Mom: She won't. I'm facing away, and she's plenty occupied.

Mom: We really shouldn't be doing this son... not today.

James: Image file.

James: I know.

Mom: I want you so fucking badly!!!

James: ...

James: Is she almost done?

Mom: Baby, no...

James: What?

Mom: Whatever you're thinking, it's a bad idea.

James: I'm thinking she takes long showers.

James: Plenty of time to have some mother son time before I have to go.

Mom: Absolutely not! We'll get plenty of that tomorrow! We've already had too much.

Mom: Have you forgotten? We. Don't. Have. To. Do. This. Not today! So stop it. Hurry up and cum so you can calm down.

James: I'm trying.

Mom: ....

Mom: Your wife is getting in the shower. You just sent me a very apologetic text message about how you're abusing my bathroom, promising to clean it up.

James: Wonderful, she'll definitely be in full on mom mode once we leave.

Mom: Maybe that's a good thing, you can take your frustrations out on her.

James: I only want you.

James: Only you...

James: I'm losing it mom.

Mom: ...

Mom: ...

Mom: Don't take too long.

Losing control, I grabbed the bra and brought it to my face. Inhaling deeply, I savored my mother's wonderful fragrance assaulting my senses. Falling back against the counter, I furiously stroked myself, feeling my orgasm approaching as I was interrupted by a light knock on the door.

Stopping in my tracks, I slowly approached the knob, which was gently turning back and forth. Each thump of the knob hitting the locking mechanism sent jolts of electricity down my spine as I edged towards it. Somewhere in the back of my mind, my conscience screamed in horror, begging me to stop. While another, much louder voice urged me forward. Knowing what awaited me on the other side, I reached towards the knob and turned the lock before backing up to the sink once again, leaning back and taking my length back into my hands, slowly pumping as the door opened to reveal Mom standing at the threshold biting her lip and lightly panting as she took in the view.

"Are you sniffing my bra?" She asked, her lips dancing with the hint of a playful grin.

"I told you... you smell incredible." I retorted, speeding up my motions as she took a step into the bathroom.

"And I told YOU, we're not touching each other today," she said, taking slow and deliberate steps towards me, "Did I not?"

"You did," I groaned as she got close enough to feel her body heat, "Are you upset?"

"I'm very upset baby," she crooned, taking a final step so we were inches apart and slowly reaching her right hand towards my waist.

"This," she continued, gesturing at my throbbing hard on as she spoke, "Is really... really... BAD! You know that, right?"

She finished the sentence by taking me into her hand, furiously stroking my length with a moan as her other arm snaked around my waist, rubbing my back.

"We. Are. Not. Fucking." She said forcefully, accenting each word with a light pat of my back as she increased the breakneck pace of her stroking, making my legs buckle beneath me as the pleasure crescendoed, "I'm your mother, not your damn mistress. Got it?"

With that, she let go, sending my hips into a desperate thrust forward. Unable to speak, my eyes begged her for more.

Mom leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips, a quick peck at first, which morphed into a sloppy mess as her self control faltered. One arm around her waist, my other found it's way between her legs, dancing beneath her waistband and burying two fingers inside her wet folds.

She mewled and melted into me as I rubbed her G Spot with my arched digits, not missing a beat as she resumed stroking me to near completion at a lightning quick pace. Moaning far too loudly, she regained her composure and pulled my hand from her waist.

Shocking me, she took my fingers into her mouth, sucking them with a moan before falling to her knees at my feet.

Taking my cock into her hand once again, she turned her face up towards mine and gave me a seductive look as she slowly stroked my length, "Do you love your momma?"

"Yes... so- so fucking much!" I groaned, fighting to stay on my feet.

"You're soooo lucky mommy loves you too," she moaned, taking me into her mouth with a coo of delight, getting to work on the best blowjob I'd ever recieved in my entire life.

Starting on the head, she engulfed me into her mouth, working her tongue up and down my frenulum, then side to side as she moaned around me. She paid special attention to my most sensitive areas for a couple minutes before pulling back for a breath and swallowing my entire shaft, over and over and over again, purring deep in the back of her throat each time I bottomed out, sending the most scrumptious of vibrations up and down my length.

Standing up to pull her pants down, she quickly placed a hand on my chest, pushing me back as I tried rushing towards her, "No sex baby, today's our day off, remember?" She said, her face momentarily taking a serious turn.

"I know, I know! I just need you so much..." I trailed off pathetically, casting a longing gaze at her now exposed waist and midriff as she cast her shirt and panties aside.

"I know you do, but I'm your mother! If we don't have to screw each other, we can't keep doing it anyways just for the hell of it. I'm still-" She broke off, hand trailing back down to my erection as she slowly sank back down to her knees, "this is already bad enough..."

With that, she stuck her tongue out and licked the underside of my length up and down, giving it a longing gaze of adoration as she savored the moment before lifting my shaft and popping my balls into her mouth, furiously stroking me as she worked her magic.

The world fell out beneath me as I slumped against the counter, groaning incoherently as she soaked my ballsack in her saliva, expertly rubbing the underside of my head with her thumb as she moaned alongside me.

Looking down, I saw that she was now employing her other hand to furiously rub her clit, her legs quivered as she pleasured herself relentlessly. At the sight of that, I lost all semblance of control, gripping mom's head with both hands, I pulled her back and shoved myself down her throat, holding her in place for just a second before furiously face fucking her on the bathroom floor, growling in depraved joy as I saw the mess of spit we were making of her, my body reeling with glee as I saw her finger aggressively fucking herself while I ravaged her throat.

Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. Gripping the underside of her arms, I guided her to her feet and turned her around.

Now leaning forward against the wall, her ass pointing towards me, she wagged it back and forth and looked back over her shoulder at me, "Just... fuck me baby, please."

Moving in, I brushed my head against her lips, earning a shudder of approval from her waiting body.

For a moment, the room grew quiet, and the sound of Tracey's shower running downstairs reverberated through the house, reminding me of the existence of my loving wife currently sharing the building with us.

Pulling back slightly, my body rebelling against me as it mourned the loss of my mothers wetness against the head of my dick, I looked mom in the eyes and said, "What the fuck are we doing? We're not supposed to be-"

"Shut up and fuck me," Mom interrupted, throwing her ass back and forcefully taking me inside of her wet cunt, moving back and forth across my length with a hungry moan.

Feeling my knees buckle once again, I froze as she played my body, fighting the urge to grab her by the hips and pump away with a surge of willpower I didn't know I had left.

"We're already sick fuck's, obviously," she continued, thrusting back against me more forcefully as she spoke, "I want you. You want me."

Leaning her head back, she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a long kiss, massaging my length with the walls of her pussy.

"So fuck it," she said, pulling back and looking me in the eye, "Just fuck me James."

Right as she pulled me in for another messy kiss, I obliged her. Each thrust reverberated through the room as her body pushed up against the wall. As our tongues danced together and our pace quickened further and further, we grew more and more reckless. Mom smacked the wall with her palm as I slammed into her particularly aggressively, looking upwards and exclaiming, "Fuuuuuuck! Oh FUCK! Yes!"

I wasn't much better, smacking her ass hard enough to leave red hand prints, the loud cracks echoed off the walls as I growled and groaned like we were the only two people in the world. Like my wife wasn't right downstairs washing her hair as we lost ourselves in each other once again.

Eventually we wound up on the floor, with her body draped over my own as we writhed and moaned together. Struggling to continue our rough sex, we bounced and thrusted out of time with one other, both too desperate to properly sync our movements. Finally growing too frustrated at the lack of friction between us, I forcefully gripped her ass in place and slammed into her as fast as I could, earning the loudest expression's I'd gotten from her yet as her mouth formed an O, and her body went limp.

"O- o- o- o- o- o- O-O-O-OHHHH!!! FUCK! I'm gonna CUMMMM!!"

Leaning down, she braced her hands on the floor above my shoulders and placed her mouth on mine, unleashing a torrent of hot spit into my open mouth. I sucked it up greedily, moving one arm from her ass and wrapping it around her head, holding our mouths together and sucking on her tongue as she flooded my mouth with her sweet nectar.

It was there that we came, together. Feeling mom's full body convulsions as she pressed herself more forcefully against my mouth, I slammed into her for the last time, my cock convulsed erratically as I deposited rope after rope of hot cum inside of her. Each burst of semen triggering fresh spasms of bliss across her beautiful body, prolonging the full body orgasm she was enjoying.

As I finished, I slowly began to pull out, my mother slumped up against me, panting like she'd just run a marathon. Only the stimulation of removing myself from her proved too much to bear, prompting me to push my way back into her involuntarily. We both squealed as I continued to fuck her, oblivious to the shower turning off downstairs as I pumped myself into her for another minute and a half before depositing another load into her already dripping cunt, triggering yet another violent climax from her exhausted body.


"Y- yeah?"

"Is the shower off?"

"Oh my gosh, I think so. Oh my gosh!" She jumped off of me, knees buckling, she slipped on a trail of spit and cum on the floor. Arms flailing, she toppled over and nearly hit the back of her head on the toilet before I caught her. Pulling her to her feet, I steadied her swaying body and looked her up and down.

Her entire face was beet red, her normally neat brown hair now sat in an unruly mess atop her head, her entire torso was shining with saliva, and there was a generous amount of cum dripping down her left thigh, pooling onto the floor beneath her.

"Stay in here," I hissed, rushing to pull my - thankfully unsoiled - clothes on in full.

Reaching behind her to grab my black shirt off the counter, mom stopped me with a firm grip on my back, pulling me in for a kiss.

"I love you so much James..." she purred, our forehead's the only thing connecting our bodies as our mouths drew apart, "You know that, right?"

In response, I grabbed her by the hips and pulled her close, our bodies pressed together as I lost myself in the moment, forgetting why I was even rushing to get out of there so fast in the first place.

Our lips connected once more, mom moaned into my mouth as she quickly undid my zipper and pushed my pants below my waist. She stroked me momentarily before pulling back and lifting herself up onto the counter. Sitting back, she spread her legs wide open, prompting a large glob of cum to drip down onto the floor, coating the cabinet below the counter top on its way down as she arched an index finger out to beckon me in.

Completely lost to the outside world, I groaned and rushed forward, slipping my once again throbbing erection inside of her, coating myself with my own cum as I started fucking her on the countertop.

Mom arched her back and moaned loudly, placing both hands on either side of her to keep from sliding around as the marble counter grew slick with our combined juices. She squealed as the room was filled with the sound of our wet skin clapping against each other's bodies. We built closer and closer to an impending climax we both knew would be like no other before it. Our pace quickened as my vision blackened and mom gasped and choked on the counter.

Her toes curled inward, deep in the throes of pleasure.

Her torso contorted unnaturally.

Her face clenched into a feral look of depraved joy.

My balls clenched as we approached the point of no return, each thrust more erratic and forceful than the last, we stiffened and hit the edge, then-

A door shut downstairs.

Snapping out of the trance I'd found myself in. I ripped myself away from mom's glistening body, I threw my clothes on in a hurry - painfully aware of my boxers being soaked in the Pertri dish of spit, sweat, cum, and mom's arousal which coated my entire crotch - and rushed out the bathroom, taking care to adjust my hair as I exited the bedroom and walked downstairs, forcing myself to maintain an even pace as my stomach curled in on itself.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Tracey said as I rounded the corner halfway down the steps to see her standing by the couch with her bag of toiletries.

"W- what do you mean?" I asked, freezing in place.

My heart fluttered as she eyed me up and down with an air of curiosity. Frowning, she took a step towards me before stopping as I flinched and held out my hands, "Don't!"

"James, you look like crap. Are you okay?" She asked, her curious look turning to one of concern sending waves of relief through my core, "Your mom said you were sick, but holy hell."

"Not- not really, just don't get any closer, I don't know where the hell this came from," hunching over with my hand on the banister, I lied seamlessly, "Just drive yourself home, I don't think I can sit down in a moving car right now. Not without throwing up all over the damn dash."

"Are you sure? Where's Samantha at?" She inquired, cocking her head towards Mom's empty place on the couch.

"Same place I was just at," I grimaced, glancing up towards the master bedroom, "She's even worse off than me... My dad's currently a state away glued to a toilet, so I'm pretty sure this shit came from someone at his work. I just hope you're not next."

"Oh baby..." She started, again trying to walk to me as she spoke, and again being held back by my outstretched arms.

"Seriously Trace, you have a big day tomorrow. You can take care of me all you want after that, but for now, go. I'll have my mom drop me off when our system's start to settle."

"Okay... I'm so sorry James. I feel bad now," She pouted, walking over to the entryway to slip on her sandals.

"Why do you feel bad?"

"Because," she said, slipping her bag over her shoulder and grabbing the keys to my Camry, "you didn't even want to come here in the first place, and now you're stuck until the two of you can drive."

Shrugging, I said, "Don't feel bad, it's not like either of us knew this would happen. If I did, I definitely would have made your ass come alone though," I added with a chuckle for good measure.

"Are you sure you'd rather stay here? If you start feeling sick I can pull over."

"Trace, on top of not wanting to get you sick before the presentation tomorrow, I am not cleaning throw up out of my damn car. So don't worry, I'll be fine. I promise." I said, praying she wouldn't press the issue.

"Okay babe... text me once you start feeling better. I'll have some soup ready when you get home, okay?"

"Okay, thanks."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I watched her turn and walk out the door, stopping to flash an aplogetic smile and blow me a kiss before shutting the door and setting off for the car.

Turning around, I slowly set back up the stairs, my chest heaving at the thought of how close I'd just came to my life being destroyed, only to be stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of Mom standing at the top step.

With one hand on her hip, she was an absolute mess. Her skin shined in the sunlight trailing in through the hallway's window behind her, soaking wet with her chest puffed out. She looked like the fucking deity of sex and depravity, and my body reacted accordingly.

"So," she asked, "She bought it then?"

"Yeah, she bought it," I said, slowly walking towards her one step at a time, unsure of the reception I'd be getting.

"Lovely. Now get over here... You left me all alone," She finished with a scandalous smile.


Leading me by the hand, mom pulled me back into the bedroom. As we stepped through the door, she sank to her knees and yanked my pants down to my ankles.

She put her nose to my length and inhaled deeply, her eyes hooding over in ecstasy. Savoring our combined scents, she planted a series of feverish kisses and licks up and down my head and shaft. Moving on to my balls, she repeated the process, growling animalistically as she inhaled, before assaulting them with a barrage of furious kisses. Her tongue danced up and down my sack, slurping and purring as she worshiped me. Pulling back, she took me into her mouth. Swallowing me whole and momentarily deep throating me, she stopped and jumped up onto the bed.

"So... wanna fuck?" She giggled, opening her legs and spreading her lips apart with two fingers.

"Maybe," I offered back, kicking my pants off and removing my shirt.

"Then get over here and give me what your wife cheated me out of"


6:12 PM, one hour from Tracey's departure

"Mmmm.... Fuck. You feel so good."

"Cum in me, I want it so bad... ohhhh fuuuuuuuck! Ye- Yes! YES! I want it all."

"Fucking shit Mom... we should clean up and get ready to go now."

"Okay baby, let me jump in the shower."

Bracing her arms against the bed, Mom rose from her place on my lap. Slipping off of me with a shiver, she leaned over and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Sooooo," she said, propping herself up on my chest, "How badly do you think we messed up?"

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked, absentmindedly trailing my hand up her bare back.

"What I mean is, we weren't supposed to touch each other today, let alone... all of this... you know." She finished with a vague gesture towards our naked bodies.

"You mean..." I paused, painfully aware of my dick's close proximity to her entrance, "all of this?" I finished, reaching down and gently teasing her lips with my head.

"James... down, boy," she murmured through gritted teeth.

"What?" I asked innocently, slowly penetrating her with my entire length until once again fully engulfed within her warmth.

Resting the rest of her weight on my torso, she placed a hand on either cheek and graced me with yet another peck on the lips as my hands found her supple ass and gave a firm squeeze.

"You know what baby. We're supposed to be cleaning up, remember?"

She kissed my lips yet again, and again, and again as I lightly pushed against her, pressing our waists together, desperate for the closeness as the pecking grew more and more reckless.

We kissed and kissed and kissed, light, affectionate pecks on the lips, until I felt her tongue brush up against my lower lip. Opening my mouth, she dashed in, softly grazing my tongue with her own. We danced together, teasing, pecking, biting. Gradually, our kissing grew more fervent, desperate. She opened her mouth and pushed a torrent of hot saliva into my own. Lapping it up greedily, I swallowed before moving in to receive her tongue once again. Our hips beginning to gyrate as any concerns we'd had melted away.

"I remember," I said, starting a gentle rhythm in and out of her sex as I nudged her head to the side to plant a barrage of kiss and licks up and down her neck, "We're sick, remember?"

"Obviously..." she murmured under her breath, withdrawing a hand from my face she pulled her hair to the side, granting me better access and slowly bouncing up and down on my cock.

"We're so bad..." she whispered, pausing momentarily before looking back down at me and lunging in for a messy kiss, aggressively riding me as we went for the fifth round in a single day.


7:46, two hours and thirty four minutes from Tracey's departure.

"God... FUCK! I can't believe we're doing this a- a- ah! Agaaaiiiin!!!"

"Ughhh, I'm cumming."

"Mmmm I feel it, give it to m- meeeeeee!"


7:50, two hours and thirty eight minutes from Tracey's departure

"So...." Mom said, lying down next to me on the bed panting as we came down from our last high, "Is cumming seven times in one day a normal thing for you?"

"Absolutely not, not without feeling like my dick is gonna fall off at least... if it'd even be possible." I shrugged, absentmindedly poking and prodding my hard on which had yet to fully go down.

"Does it feel like it's about to fall off right now?" She asked, placing a hand on it and kissing me on the cheek.

"No... it's weird."

"Yeah, weird," she agreed, "and a little scary, don't ya think?"

"Yeah..." I said, scooting in closer to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "This is the book..."

"I figured as much," she said, resting her head on my chest and looking up at me.



"You're jerking me off again."

"I know."

"Shouldn't we be cleaning up right now, so you can take me home?"


"Soooo... let's get to it then?"

"Do you want to sweetie?"


"Neither do I."


"Ohhhh.... Yesssss..."

"Mmm, fuck, Mom, you feel so good."

"I love you so much baby. Ughhh- mmm- ah! Fuck me harder."


8:23, three hours and eleven minutes from Tracey's departure.

"Mmmmm!!!! FUCK! Cum for me baby, GIVE IT TO ME!" Mom screamed, seizing up as I pounded into her from behind.

Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I wrenched her head back and planted myself deep inside of her. Planted into her soaking hole, I forcefully pushed against her as I came, jerking her body forward as she threw her head to the ceiling and howled in ecstasy.

I must have came for a solid minute and a half, my supply of cum seemingly endless as I painted her walls again and again, each spurt sending us into vicious cycles of unrelenting pleasure.

*ring ring*

As our climax petered out, my phone lit up with a picture of my dear wife.

Shushing Mom, I picked it up and placed it to my ear, still inside of her as I answered.

"Hey babe."

"Hey... you gonna be coming home soon?"

"Yeah," I said, flinching as Mom shook her head at me with an evil grin, throwing herself back on sensitive length still buried inside of her, "ughh, I'm just cleaning up the bathroom right now. I think I might need a shower before I leave."

"Good, so you're feeling better then?"

"I- I- I'm..." I trailed off, scared at what would come out of my mouth as I tried to speak, because mom had started to thrust back and forth against me as fast as she could manage, pushing back and forth against the bed frame in front of her. Looking back, she sent a sultry look my way and raised a finger to her lips in a shushing motion.

"James? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... just-" My sentence remained unfinished as Mom reached back to grab my phone from my hand. Quickly ending the call, she wound up and threw it against the wall.

"I am so fucking tired of that woman!" She yelled, pulling off of me and turning around so she was eye level with my cock on her hands and knees.

"Always interrupting-"

She paused to pop my dick into her mouth, sucking me up and down as she fondled my balls.

"me and my baby boy-"

She put it back into her mouth, taking me deep into her throat and gagging before sucking the head, hard, and removing it with a loud *pop.*

"while we're bonding." She finished, lazily stroking my cock and looking up at me with a wide eyed look of adoration.

"Mom, stop... She's gonna freak out..." I groaned as she took me back into her mouth, torturously sucking me up and down.

"Let her," she said, getting up and laying back on the bed, "Now stick your dick in me."

Unable to resist, I plunged back into her of my own accord, lifting her back with my left arm and pulling her close.

Pounding her with all my might, I said, "Mom... what if she shows up here?"

"W- wh- why would she do that? Sh- she! doesn't want to get siiiCK! Don't do that if you want me to t- t- TAAAALK! Ohhhh FUUUUUCK!" She broke off into a series of incoherent moans as I brought a finger down to her clit, "God damn it James!"

"She might show up," I continued, removing my hand and slowing down, "Because you hung up on her, and I'm here 'sick,' remember? What if she sees us?

"Oh fucking well!" She yelped as I bottomed out, "Then you get to stay here wi- with me- baaaby, don't stop.

"You don't mean that," I said, pausing my motions and giving her a disapproving look.

"Mean what?" She said, desperately thrusting her hips into mine, pushing me deeper into her.

"What you just said, that I can just stay here with you. I have a life mom, you have a life. What about dad? Do you really want that?" I asked, pulling out until only my head remained inside of her.

"I don't know what I want, I'm just talking. Now please James...."

"What?" I asked, eyeing her soiled body.

"You know what." She said, attempting to pull me back inside of her, thwarted by me holding back.

"I want to hear you say it..." I murmured, raising my eyebrows and giving a mock thrust into her.

"Really?" She wined, wiggling her hips with a pout.

"Really," I said, pulling out entirely as I walked towards the wall to grab my phone from the floor, relieved to see it wasn't broken.

Mom watched me pick it up and walk back over to the bed, resuming my place between her legs and teasing her clit with my tip.

She moaned desperately, giving me a pleading look, "Please James... my sweet baby boy... come back to me... inside of me... I want..." she trailed off with a stubborn look.

"You want....?"

"I want you to fuck me. Happy?"

"You want me to fuck who?"

"What do you mean who? I want you to fuck-" she broke off as realization hit her, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she understood what I wanted.

"Son..." she crooned, rubbing a hand against my chest, "Fuck your mommy, please?"

I slipped my head past her lips, groaning as I felt her warmth encompass my most sensitive area.

"Is that what you want, huh?" She said, caressing my chest and stomach with a devious look on her face, "Are you getting off knowing it's your mommy's pussy around your dick?"

"Yeah, yeeesss you arrrre- oh!" She broke off as I pushed myself in another inch, giving her a playful look as her legs locked.

"You like momma's pussy, don't you? Momma's pussy likes you baby... Momma's pussy loves you so much... mmmmm, fuck. Yes baby, deeper. Give it to me..." she trailed off as I bottomed out, looking up at me expectantly and biting her lip.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Here," I said, handing her my phone, "Call her and explain that I'm back in the bathroom, stuck on the toilet."

"And you won't fuck me until I do?" She asked bitterly, "that's how it is?"

"No," I said, furiously slamming into her for a few seconds before taking up a slow and steady pace, "No, that's not how it is."

"Oh..." she grinned at me with an evil glint in her eyes, "You're a bad, bad boy." She finished by pulling me in for a kiss, opening her mouth to accept my tongue and wrapping her legs around my waist. We stood like that for a moment, me struggling to fuck her as fast as my body called for as her legs held my waist in an iron grip, gyrating her hips in time with my increasingly strained thrusting.

As I reached the edge, she pulled my length in tighter, her hips trembling as she locked me in place, cooing at me as she alternated between showering me frantic kisses and decadently breathing me in. Sniffing my neck, chest, and face, she whimpered, looking me in the eyes and urging me on in a light, unnaturally high pitched voice.

"Ooooh, yes baby." She squealed, squeezing my waist as tightly as she could with her legs, matching my every movement with a deft circular motion of her hips.

"Cum in your momma's pussy," she whined, putting a finger to her lower lip and treating me to a small pout just dripping with sex.

"Cum for Mommy baby, oh yes!" Screwing up her face further, looking as if she were about to cry, yet maintaining the devilish look of sensuality in her every feature. She rocked her hips faster and more aggressively, begging me to blow.

"Please baby, give it to me. Cum for Mommy, ohhhh, cummmm for Mommy," she squealed, pulling me in for another sloppy kiss as she felt me spasming inside of her.

Wrapping her arms around my upper back, she managed to tighten the grip her legs had on my waist even tighter as she squeezed me in. Her arms struggled against my elbows locked on either side of her, holding myself upright on the bed as she threw her head back and screamed.

As we peaked, her eyes turned jet black - just like my dream - and my entire body was overcome with an onslaught of beautiful, wonderful pleasure. Slumping onto Mom's chest, she squirted as I came harder than I'd ever thought possible.

Growling into the night, Mom rocked her hips endlessly, milking every last drop out of my dwindling climax. Her skin ran frighteningly hot, and I watched in sick fascination as her brunette hair darkened into a jet black that matched her eyes.

Snapping her face towards my own, she withdrew her legs from around my body, jumped up, and pushed me onto my back. Leaping on top of me, she rushed my sensitive cock back into her cunt, working my length into her again and again.

Her arousal mixed with my cum as it poured down my shaft and pooled onto my waist. She moaned in delight as I bottomed out, rubbing her ass in circles against me and smearing the juices onto her feverish skin.

Reaching back, she grabbed my phone and held it up to my face.

"You want me to call her baby?" She asked, slowly bouncing up and down, leaning back and giving me a delightful view of her massive tits swaying in time with her movements.

"Ohhh, I'll call her. Just for you, baby boy," she moaned, holding the phone up to her ear and leaning forward with her boobs in my face, furiously bouncing her ass up and down on my cock.

The room was filled with the harsh smack of skin on skin each time our bodies connected. The energy frenetic, she moved faster and faster while the phone rang.





She picked up on the fifth ring.

As Tracey answered the phone, Mom put her on speaker.

"Hello? James, are you okay? What happened?"

*clap clap clap clap clap*

"Oh, FUCK that's good!" I grunted.

"James....? Are you there?"

*clap clap clap CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP*

"Ohhh! My god!" Mom moaned.

"What the hell is going on.....? babe?"


"Ohhh, yes. Mmmmm fuck." Mom moaned, placing the phone onto the pillow above my head and leaning in for a wet haphazard kiss, our lips loudly smacking together as I eagerly met her mouth, unable to properly process just what she was doing.

*smack* *slurp* *smack* *slurp* *spit*


"Mmmm, YES! Fuck me James. Fuck meeee!" She squealed as I took a nipple into my mouth and met her every bounce with an aggressive thrust of my own. She froze in place as I fucked her hole without a care in the world, yelling out a stream of obscenities as I went. I felt every care and concern in the world slowly slip away, replaced only with endless... beautiful pleasure... orgasmic bliss.

"Ohhh fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! Fuck me baby, yessssssss ah huh huhhhhhh!!! Fuck Mommy's pussy. Mommy needs your CUM! FUCK!"

"Oh my god, what the FUCK are you DOING?" Tracey screamed into the line, her voice tinged with despair and disgust.

"Sorry Trace," Mom said, picking up the phone, "Hubby won't be home tonight. We're a little busy here. Yes baby, just like that. Fuck Mommy's pussy just like that...."

"What the FUCK...? I don't even know what to say. I- How long has this-"

"Shut up," Mommy moaned into the receiver, tossing my phone aside and planting herself firmly onto my member.

I saw white as her walls moved independently of the rest of her body, gently massaging my entire length, with special care given to my frenulum.

"Baby..." Mommy said, leaning down and licking my cheek, "Cum for me, one more time. Just one more time, then you'll see."

Bucking my hips, I pushed into her as hard as I could manage, gripping her hips as her cunt quickened it's unnatural onslaught.

"Come one," Mommy whined, "Look me in the eyes baby."

Making eye contact, I stared into her jet black irises. Seeing nothing but an endless pool of ecstasy within them, my legs locked and my cock jumped for joy.

"Mommy loves you..."

My entire body came alive for what felt like the very first time.

My skin burned in the most delightful way imaginable.

My eyes were alight. I could feel them changing, moving. It was... warm. It felt incredible.

Most importantly perhaps, was the neverending orgasm overtaking my body. Every muscle locked up, my only movement being the involuntary twitching and thrusting of my hips, desperate to feel more of Mommy's sweet cunt as I shot an endless stream of cum deep into her womb. I felt my cock growing, I screamed insick debauched joy as I felt my head bump up against her cervix, earning a wanton snarl from Mommy's lips as she continued to wickedly massage my now massive length with her unholy hole.

It built and built, until...


"James....? Wake up baby, we passed out." She said, gently nudging my shoulder.

Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around the room in confusion. My eyes taking note of the huge stains littered across the carpet and bedsheets, evidence of our recent debauchery before settling on my mother's face.

As I set my eyes on her... my cock stood at attention, throbbing at the sight of what she'd become.

She was gorgeous.

Where the fuck did that book come from? I thought to myself as I turned to the side and slowly rose to my feet.

"Well...." A disembodied voice filled the room, "You succumbed much quicker than most. I must say, it is a little sad that you gave in so easily."

That my friends, was the first day of my new life.


November 15th, 2023. Two months after James and Samantha's transformation

[Redacted Porn Website]


Video Length: 6:06:26

Dean Wollertz scoffed at his tablet screen as he read the video title, nearly clicking away from the poorly titled page before reconsidering and pushing play.

I've got ten minutes before I gotta leave for work, I need to be quick, he thought to himself as he took his dick in his hand and readied himself to rub out a quick load before his shift.

Six hours later

"Keep stroking that cock for me. A little faster now. Faaaaster. Stroke that cock and moan for me! Mooooooaaaannnn for Mommy! Tell me who you belong to! Edge for Mommmmmmy!"

"Ohhhhh fuck yessss" Dean moaned at the screen, furiously pumping his cock up and down, "I belong to you! It feels soooo fucking goooooood!!! Ohhhhh.... YES!"

"I'm going to count down from ten.... When I get to zero, I want you to cum for me. Are you ready?"

Nodding his head up and down dreamily, Dean's hips gave an involuntary thrust upwards as he drooled for the mature brunette on the screen. Five and a half hours past the start of his shift, all thoughts of work and responsibility were long lost to the young man as he found himself utterly consumed by a deep, irresistible hunger. The woman on the screen had long ago drove anything other than lust and desire from his mind, leaving little but his basest desires behind.

" Ten.... Nine.... Eight.... Seven... stroke that fucking cock as fast as you can for me.... Six.... Five.... Tell me how much you love me.... Say it!"

"Nnnngghhhh fuck! I love you so fucking much..." Dean groaned as he stroked himself as fast as he could, his very being crying out for the release he'd spent over six hours building towards.

"Four.... Threeeeee.... Two..... This is going to feel so fucking good... Once you cum, there's no going back. Is that okay with you baby?"

In his mind's eye flashed images of everything he had and ever cared for.

His older brother John wrapping his arm around his waist and dragging him out of a swimming pool, panic flaring up in his eyes as he begged him to breath, relief washing over his face as Dean coughed and sputtered, unleashing a small torrent of chlorine scented water onto the hot concrete as he gasped for air.

His father, beaming with pride as he watched his son graduate highschool.

His mother, making him swear to take care of his younger sister as she slowly withered away in a sterile white room, a series of tubes and sensors jutting from her frail form as her chest slowly heaved its way up and down with each ragged breath.

His younger sister Jane clinging to his side at the funeral, her pupils pinned and her eyes glazed over as she alternated between violently sobbing into his neck and nodding into oblivion.

Jane flashing a golden medallion with an inscription denoting her first year of sobriety, giving her siblings and father a wide grin as she stepped up onto a small podium to address her fellow recovering misfits and vagrants.

His Fiancé bursting into tears as he proposed to her beneath the tree where they'd first met years ago.

John pulling him into a bear hug when he asked him to be his best man.

His closest friends, laughing and nursing various drinks as they sat in their regular booth in their favorite restaurant.

A voice in the back of his head was urging him to stop, to look away from the screen and the seductive older brunette instructing him. It begged him to get his hand off his cock, to pull up his pants and never think of that day again. He almost found the will to listen, but instead nodded at the woman on the screen.

"One and a half... heehee! One and one quarter.... Oh! Ah! Fuck yeah! Stroke that cock for me baby, you're almost there! Are you ready to give it to me? To give me... everything?"

"Fuuuuuuck...." Dean whimpered, the last sense of self he possessed screaming at him to tear himself away from the video, "So.... Good...."

"One.... Here we go... zero! Cum for me! Cum for mommy! Oh fuck yes... cum for mooooommmmmmy....

"Agggghhhhhhhhhhh!" Dean screamed, his entire body locking up as he finally tumbled over the edge and found himself rewarded with the most unimaginably long and satisfying orgasm of his life as his mind, body, and spirit spiraled into oblivion.

"There you go my pet. Let it all out. I bet you feel so much better now, don't you? Well... don't get too comfortable. You have a job to do. I want you... to get a pen and paper. I'm going to give you an address, go to it immediately.... And darling? Welcome to your new life! Heeheehee! You're going to shoot so much cummies for Porn Mommy, aren't you? Be a good boy and you can have whatever you want!


September 22nd 2024. Approximately one year after James and Samantha's transformation

It's another day of grim news as the situation in Baghdad, Cairo, Los Angeles, and London reach their breaking points. Authorities in the regions are pulling away as the conditions on the ground fall out of control. Anyone who's not on their way to the nearest transport out of the area have joined the mob, or will soon find themselves apart of it. It's a sad, tragic day for the human race. Health officials worldwide continue the race against the clock to determine the cause of such mass hysteria, and the tight lipped policies of every major medical institution across the globe are doing little to quell the fears of the populace as things grow more and more dire with each passing day. Early this morning, President Biden gave a harrowing speech from the skies in Air Force one where he urged the...."

Sighing, I fumbled for the remote and turned off the television. One year. One fucking year is all it took her.

My dear mother had gone fully off the deep end, and was destroying the world. I'll never know how I managed to tear myself away from her house that day. If I hadn't, then I'd have been right there with her, but thankfully I managed to hang onto a small piece of myself and get away with the book before she'd managed to get her hands on it. But now... she was luring me in. I couldn't stay in hiding and let things stand any longer, not when the entire globe was on the verge of collapse. That was how I found myself packing up for the trip of a thousand lifetimes.

"Baby... where are you going?"

Looking over my shoulder at the sound of her voice, my eyes met Darla's as she stepped through the threshold of my makeshift bedroom.

"Where do you think?" I asked, turning back and carefully placing the book at the bottom of a large duffel bag.

"You can't... you'll lose." Darla whispered, clutching the doorframe with whitened knuckles as she gave me a wide eyed stare.

"Probably, but I don't see what other choice I have," I remarked casually.

"What other choice you have? Stay here!" She urged, stepping forward to wrap her arms around my waist. I could feel the sobs threatening to spill from her mouth as she continued, "Stay here with me... fuck the world James, let it burn. We're safe here, hidden.... She'll never find you."

"Darla..." I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, "I did this... partially at least. I'm responsible for her and everything she's done, everything she's doing. I can't idly sit back and let her take over the human race. I may not... feel things the way I used to, before this... transformation of mine, but I'm no monster. Not like her. Ihave to go."

"But...." Darla sobbed, "Ilove you."

"No," I turned around and placed my hands on her shoulders, "You'readdicted to me. There's a difference."

"That's not true! I kn-"

"Shut up!" I cut in, inadvertently sending a wave of energy through the room as my temper burst, "You don't know what you're talking about."

As the invisible force I'd reverberated into the air hit her, she gasped in surprise and slumped her shoulders.

"Fuuuuuck...." She moaned, staring at me lustfully, "I haven't felt it like this in... a very long time. Ohhhh... fuck... it's like when... you first found me... oh god... yes!"

Collapsing onto the floor, she curled up into herself and twitched repeatedly as her body was overtaken by a powerful orgasm. Lifting her skirt above her waist, she pushed her panties to the side and shoved two fingers into her slit and began fervently fucking herself.

Biting her lower lip, she looked up at me adoringly and begged, "Please fuck me master? I need it so fucking baaaad! Please!"

Oops, I didn't mean to do that... oh well. I need to feed before I leave anyways

With that thought in my mind, I all too happily obliged the woman, freeing my now massive cock from the constrictive confines of my denim jeans and plunging it inside of her, earning a series of wild animalistic moans and shouts from my servant as I revelled in the feeling of her warmth.

As I felt her approaching her climax, I felt the all too familiar heat of her soul as it called out to me. My mouth watered, and my cock twitched as she reached the edge and I began to absorb her life force, resisting the urge to utterly consume her as she moaned and writhed around my cock. The delicious feeling of her soul being sucked through my erection was as always... almost irresistible, indescribable.

It would feel so good to just... take her all

But I didn't, and as always, it took every ounce of willpower I possessed to tear myself away from her. Even as she screamed and begged me to come back and take her, I still steeled myself and left her on the floor of that tiny cabin in the woods. I had an important job to do, and murdering my only companion for the better part of the past year just because it would feel good wouldn't bring me any closer to completing it.


Los Angeles was a long way from rural New Hampshire, and the journey took me the better part of a few months as I hitchhiked across the entire god damn country. At first I avoided any sort of official transport to avoid a trail, I couldn't let her find me, not before I was ready.

But about a month and a half in, I doubted there were any rental cars of train rides left to purchase with the state of things. Once I hit the southwest, things were even worse. I saw families cowering in tents and caves littered throughout the rocky fields. The freeways were completely jammed up, and hordes of the 'infected' roamed the countryside, snatching up any unlucky passerby they could find and ravaging their bodies until they too roamed the land, sucking and fucking anyone they could get their hands on.

By the time I'd reached the California state line, I was fucking starving. I hadn't come across a single untainted human for over a week, and I was beginning to grow delirious with hunger. Twice I'd seen an infected woman and nearly defiled myself with her just to get my fix. But I managed to resist, for all would be lost if I were to feed on one of mother's thrall's. I couldn't let that happen.

Fortunately for me, I'd spent an entire year learning to control my urges. So there I sat in an abandoned house in Needles, California. I was cold, so cold. Tremors wracked through my body as I struggled against the hunger, hearing the moans and groans of nearly a hundred lust fueled infected fucking on the streets outside. I just needed to wait them out, if I came face to face with the mob I'd surely end up losing myself and feeding. Then mom would win, and I'd be at her side corrupting the world with her. Exactly as she wanted.

Then. I felt her. A young girl, no older than nineteen or twenty. She was terrified, and climbing the fence in the backyard, desperate for some sort of refuge from the horde of Mom's depraved slaves enjoying themselves all over the neighborhood.

My head snapped to the back door and my mouth filled with saliva as her panicked breathing drew closer, I felt her soul call out to me and almost cried out in relief as the sliding door to the backyard clanged against the lock.

Whimpering at the locked door, she slumped onto the ground and began to sob. I jumped up and dashed to the entrance, unlocking it and sliding it open.

She looked up at me with fear in her eyes.

"Hurry up!" I hissed, taking special care to keep my voice down, they weren't going to take this one from me, "Get inside, now!"

Yelping with relief, she jumped up and rushed through the door. Running through the small kitchen and into the adjacent living room, she looked from side to side before collapsing onto the soft black couch and beginning to cry.

"Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you!" She whimpered, wiping the tears from her eyes and looking up at me standing over the threshold, my eyes never once leaving her body.

"My- my name is Jazlyn... what's yours?" She asked unsteadily, her eyes nervously meeting my predatory gaze.

"Hi Jazlyn," I took a slow step towards her, drinking in the sight of her tight shapely form, "I'm James.... It's dangerous out there. You really shouldn't be by yourself...."

"What are you doing.... Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, beginning to tremble with fear as I stepped towards her. She glanced down and saw my cock standing at its full length, pitching a massive tent in my pants as I approached. The sight of it made her yelp and jump off the couch, backing into the wall behind her, she begged and pleaded for me to stop.

"Don't worry..." I said breathlessly, "I won't hurt you"

Sending a wave of energy towards her, her features darkened as her mind was clouded over with a haze of lust strong enough to push the fear and anxiety completely from her mind. Moaning softly, she ran a hand down her body from her right breasts to her now aching pussy, rubbing her clit through the thin layer of fabric seperating it from the open air.

Dashing towards her in the blink of an eye, I ripped off her clothing and turned her around, pushing her face against the wall as I shoved my needy cock inside of her. She came immediately, screaming in delight as a little piece of her soul was sucked into my body.

My danger of imminent starvation gone, I sighed in relief and looked down at the young girl's smooth skin. The arch of her back, the generous hips accentuating her large ass, the above average tits hanging down from her chest as she panted and gyrated her hips against my waist, massaging my cock with her pussy, begging me for more. The bright blonde hair... her open mouth moaning softly as she massaged her G Spot with my cock... her soul... her light... her spirit... calling out to me.

Oh fuuuuck... Just a little bit more. I need it. One more time, then I'll stop.

Slamming myself deep inside of her, I ravaged her body with my length and tickled her soul with my power, coaxing out another giant climax from her and taking in another sip of her spirit.

Fuck.... Can't.... Stop.... Oh my god it's so... amazing

Losing all semblance of control, I gave a primal growl and continued my onslaught, sending her into orgasm after orgasm, each one more violent than the last as I drained her of everything she had. I screamed at myself to stop, to leave the poor girl alone, but the monster inside of me had taken over, and it wouldn't be satisfied until I'd taken everything I could from the unfortunate soul who's only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Please... ugh! Fuck! Oh! Stop! This is... too much... what are- Oh god! What are you doing to me?" She begged and pleaded, her weak arms clawing at the wall, searching for anything she could latch her hands onto and get away from me, all the while her hips pressed themselves into my cock. Even while her mind was frantic, hysteric with self preservation, her body demanded more. I could not stop myself from giving it.

My skin broke out in goosebumps as she came again, giving me increasingly large amounts of her essence with each orgasm as she screamed and howled, alternating between desperate pleas for mercy and depraved demands for me to continue.

"No... stop... I'm... dying..." she whimpered, looking back at me with eyes full of tears, her legs shaking from exhaustion and orgasmic bliss.

I need to fucking STOP. I'm KILLING HER

Her pussy began contracting wildly around my length as I felt her approach her largest and final climax, the light of her soul blinked and sputtered in anticipation for its incoming doom, her eyes hooded over as her pathetic pleas were replaced by weak moans and whimpers of joy. Her tongue fell to the side, hanging from her open mouth as she began to drool onto the floor. I felt myself reaching my own point of no return at the sight of her, at the feeling of sick anticipation for the wonderful feast in which I was about to partake as I devoured the last of her soul and sealed her fate.

Oh fuck, this feels too fucking good

With a growl, I gripped her hips as hard as I could, and planted myself deep inside of her as she peaked for the last time, shooting my seed into her warm walls while she screamed with joy as the last of her spirit left her body. I moaned in twisted delight as I consumed everything she had left, and watched her thrashing limbs twitch and writh in pure unadulterated ecstasy before slowly fading out and falling limp.

Every hair on my body stood straight as she withered away beneath me. I sighed in satisfaction as I withdrew from her warmth and felt a delicious chill come over every inch of my body. I'd never drained a woman completely before, and it was... incredible. Every cell in my body was alight, alive and bursting with energy. My skin had grown radically sensitized, even the air dancing across my arms was enough to make my eyes hood over and my knees buckle.

In that moment, I understood my mother completely. Why she succumbed so easily to the dark influence of the book, why she'd done everything she'd done over the past year. What I had just experienced was the most satisfying and addictive sensation the world had to offer. Before that moment, I could scarcely imagine something which could feel so amazing. I knew from that moment on, such a temptation would always be there. Seductive. Inviting. Feeding would never be the same. I'd always want more. Just like her.

Fuck... what have I done?

It was at that moment that I smelled her... that sweet... delicious scent. That of my mother. Turning around towards the front door, I saw it fling open, ripped from its hinges by an invisible force. Standing there on the threshold was her, mom.

She wore a skin tight black dress which failed to cover her gargantuan curves, stopping just short of her massive ass cheeks. Her tits spilled haphazardly from the top of her garb, the edges of her nipples poking from the top. Covering her legs were a fine set of identically colored fishnets, accentuating her generous thighs delectably. Barefoot and wild eyed, she sauntered through the door.

"Why hello baby boy," she crooned, walking inside the house and shaking her hips exaggeratingly from side to side with each step, "You've finally done it! I've been... waiting for this moment..."

"Mom..." I began, "It doesn't have to-"

"The moment you finally lost control..." she cut me off and continued, stepping closer and closer until we were a mere foot apart, "...and drained a little slut. It felt good didn't it? Amazing, even?"

Inhaling deeply, I breathed in her intoxicating scent, my body screaming with desire for her, craving her touch.

"This needs to stop... now," I said, puffing out my chest and holding my chin high, "Look at what you're doing to the world Mom. Is this really what you want?"

"I think...." She began walking in circles around me, stroking her chin in faux thoughtfulness and looking me up and down, "It's exactly what I want. You have no idea what I feel now James, the things I can experience, the things I can do..."

"This is wrong mom. On some level you must still know that..."

"Oh, I do! Believe me, I do! But that's just part of the fun baby boy!" She retorted, stopping her movements and pressing her body against my own, "Trust me James... you'll understand... all you have to do is give in..."

I groaned as I felt her press against me, the warmth of her body... her smell... My toes curled as she wrapped an arm around my back and rested her head on my chest.

"I need you James... I need an equal. Together, we can mold the world to our own desires. I just need you... and the book that's at the bottom of that brown duffel bag you have in the corner," she whispered lovingly, her hand slowly reaching down to rub my cock through my pants. It responded immediately to her familiar touch, and I almost threw myself at her feet in that exact moment.

"I'd prefer it if you gave it up willingly, but I will take it by force if you make me..." she finished, standing on her tiptoes and planting a wet sloppy kiss on my neck.

"Mom..." I groaned, "Please... don't make me kill you. Don't do this"

Pulling back, she sighed, "Son... do you really have to make this difficult? This only ends one way. You haven't tapped into your powers yet, not like I have. This is not a fight you can win. I don't want to hurt you... just give in. I know you want to, deep down. You know it too. With the book... we can do anything. I feel it calling to me. I NEED it."

Nodding slowly, I turned as if to walk towards the bag before winding back and punching her in the jaw. She dodged lithely and danced behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and whispering into my ear, "Okay then... have it your way."

With a shove, she threw me into the wall, the force of her blow making me crash through it and leaving a human sized crater in the previously smooth white surface.

Looking up at her with my head spinning from the impact, I watched her slowly approach me with a sickly sweet look on her face. With a quick murmur beneath her breath, she outstretched her hand and contorted her fingers in a strange pattern, sending my head reeling with confusion as my surroundings grew distorted.

Suddenly, the room faded around me, and I found myself in a bright green field, surrounded by an endless plain of grass. For as far as the eye could see, there was nothing but green, no mountains, hills, flowers, trees, buildings. It was an endless expanse of flat plains, the sky a perfectly clear blue above my head. I was alone, until suddenly forms began to materialize in front of me.

A tall blonde woman with her legs covered in tattoos was the first. Next was a thick set brunette with the most inviting hourglass shape I'd ever seen. Then came a petite redhead with a very round bubble butt. Before I knew it, ten different women of various shapes and sizes had materialized around me, and last but not least came my mother with that blasted book in hand.

"James..." she stepped forward until she stood directly above me from my vantage point lying on the ground, "I'm sorry sweetie... you'll understand everything soon. I promise."

Suddenly she stepped aside, and the blonde woman with the tattooed legs had taken her place. Pulling down my pants, she straddled me. My energy completely gone, I was helpless to do anything but moan as I felt her warmth encasing my cock. As she rode me to her climax, she threw her head back and screamed in delight as my body absorbed her soul. It felt like a punch in the gut as I realized the obvious, this was one of mom's infected. As I took in the girls essence, I began to struggle to remember why I was fighting my mother in the first place, this felt good enough. Why bother trying to stop her?

The redhead was next, her petite frame proved deceptive as she impaled herself on my cock, taking my entire length inside of her before beginning to rock her hips back and forth, howling at the sky as I drained her.

"Baby boy..." Mom was suddenly kneeling on the ground behind me, her hands running up and down my bare chest as the red headed girl's body grew limp and fell to the side, "How are you feeling?"

"Ughhh... ahhhh... mmnmmnmmghh... stop this... please," I managed to murmur before she lowered her head and planted a kiss on my lips. As her tongue entered my mouth, I came, shooting a forceful load directly over our heads and onto the grass behind us.

"Yeah..." she said with a smirk, "You're getting there... maybe one or two more."

Snapping her fingers, she beckoned to the thickset brunette who eagerly rushed towards me and jumped onto my throbbing cock. She rode me much more aggressively than the other two, and took quite a bit longer to orgasm than they had. By the end of it, I was startled to find my hands on her lower back, rocking up and down in time with her wild thrusts as we came together.

My back arched and my toes curled as I drained her soul, I felt that old familiar heat in my eyes, knowing that if I were to look at them they'd be jet black. I turned my head back and gazed longingly at Mom, who approached me with a smile.

"James? Are you ready for me now?" She crooned, running her hand down my chest and towards my cock.

"Fuck. You." I spat out, before gasping as her hand made contact with my shaft.

"You can go now girls!" She shouted over her shoulder as she positioned herself over my cock. Within the blink of an eye they faded away, likely back to the real world to find and corrupt more poor souls in my mothers name, I knew.

"Mom... don't do this..."

"Son..." she started as she guided the head of my cock towards her entrance, moaning as it brushed up against her wet lips, "Stop me if you really want to. I won't fight you this time."

With that, she dropped her weight onto me, wholely engulfing my length inside of her. As I bottomed out, I felt the dark tendrils creeping towards my soul. Like tendrils of smoke from a house fire polluting the air, it slowly seeped inside of me, latching onto whatever it could and leaving its own kind of soot on every morsel of my being. It felt delightful, and I gritted my teeth as I fought her influence with everything I had, throwing up a mental defense before she could reach my core.

I reached up to push her off, only to find myself fondling her tits as she rode me.

I pressed my hands to the ground and braced myself to stand and shove her away, but instead began matching her every bounce with a thrust of my own.

I outstretched my arm and grabbed a fistful of her hair, intent on snapping her neck back and ending her life, but only managed to pull her closer and begin a passionate kiss.

With each and every thrust, bounce, stroke, I inched closer and closer to a special kind of oblivion, the same one she dove headfirst into over a year ago. The same one that led to her committing the most evil of acts for her own gratification. I fought and fought and fought. My spirit kicked and screamed at my body, desperate to rid myself and the world of mom's influence, but the most I'd managed to accomplish was flipping her onto her back. Which would have been a good start had I decided to crush her skull once on top of her. But instead I began fucking her in missionary.

Hours passed on that bright green field. Hours of furious fucking as I desperately tried to reach a climax, having given up the fight long ago. But my peak never came, it was infuriating.

"Son... my baby boy..." Mom mewled, cupping my cheek and grinding against me, "Do you want to cum for Mommy?"

Delirious with desire, I nodded.

"Then give in..." she whispered, and I felt her power reaching out to me, brushing up against my mind and spirit, bouncing off my mental defenses and stroking my soul, coaxing me to open up to her.

"James... cum for Mommy."

With one final thrust into my Mommy's pussy, I doomed the world and opened myself up to her influence. My eyes widening as I felt her presence envelope me, my every limb locked up as her dark influence covered every inch of my spirit, twisting and corrupting me just as she'd allowed the book to do her. Erupting into the most powerful climax of my life, I pumped my load deep inside of her as we came together, both physically and spiritually.

As my peak finally subsided, I collapsed on top of her before rolling onto my back. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw the scenery around us for what it really was. Gone was the green open field and bright blue sky. In its place was a desolate hellscape of red and black. Dark clouds covered the bleak sky, and I heard the mutterings of a thousand low voices as I watched Mom beckon towards the book with a flick of her wrist. It floated towards her and slowly opened up, and inside of it I saw the entire world in our fingertips.

Mom had changed too, or perhaps it's just that I was finally able to truly see her for the first time. For connected to her shoulder blades were two large red wings, and at her tailbone was a long barbed appendage which wrapped itself around my leg affectionately as I stood up and took my place by her side.

Turning to face me, she gave me a quick kiss. My cock jumped happily at her touch, pleased to finally be back where it belonged. Where we both belonged, together. Reaching down between my legs, she gave my cock a few strokes. It was all it took for me to reach a mind numbingly powerful climax, and as I did I felt a wonderful pressure develop beneath the skin of my upper back as I sprouted wings of my own. A barbed tail grew and wrapped itself affectionately around Mom's leg just as hers did to mine.

"So..." She smirked, cupping my balls in the palm of her hand, "How do you feel?"

"I feel... fucking amazing."

"That's my baby boy. Now, let's go find that little wife of yours. I saved her just for you."

"How thoughtful of you," I said with a cruel laugh.

"Of course I did, I knew you'd come around eventually. So... shall we?" She latched one hand onto my own and drew the book into the other.

"Fuck yes we shall, but first..." I trailed off, frowning at her.

"What is it son?"

"What was that voice coming from the book? Who was it?"

Her shrill laugh filled the air as she wrapped her arm around my lower back and pulled me close,

"Well son... who do you think it was?" She whispered with a devious smile.


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