Chereads / The Nameless Angel in Naruto / Chapter 66 - #66 The new Ship

Chapter 66 - #66 The new Ship

I went to the jetty with the others in my luggage and the pirates greeted me in front of my boat.

Pirate: You're back. We made sure that no one comes near your boat.

Dia: Well done, here for you.

I gave them 500 berries and told them to leave.

Wallace: And where is our ship?

Dia: It's in front of you.

Coni: But that is just a boat, or are we taking the boat to the ship?

Dia: No, this will be our ship, I'll modify it right away.

Oliver: What do you mean by modify?

Before I could continue talking, a girl about 15 years old stood in front of me. She had on pink denim dungarees and was wearing a short black top and had green short hair and brown eyes and was wearing a visor on her right eye.

Dafne: Hello, I heard you are still looking for people for your pirate crew and I am interested in joining your crew.

My name is Dafne Dieckman and I want to be a pirate, but all the other pirates didn't want to take me in their crews, because I'm a woman and they didn't want any tension on their ships.

Dia: What can you do, girl? I'm looking for people who have something up their sleeve and would give their life for their dreams. Do you think you have what it takes to join my crew?

Dafne: I'm an excellent gunner and... and I'm good with pistols too. My mother taught me all about it, but she died when I was little.

Dia: Do you see the weathercock on the roof about 120m from here, the one on the brown building? Shoot him for me and you can join my crew.

Dafne: But I... uh, understood.

The little girl took a small crossbow out of her backpack.

Wallace: This girl will never be able to hit the rooster with a crossbow, Dia.

Dia: Wait, Wallace.

Dafne: So Dafne, calm down, you can do this.

Dafne brought her crossbow into position and aimed at the rooster, she exhaled deeply and stabilized the crossbow in her hand, her heartbeat slowed and she pulled the trigger of the crossbow, her bolt hit the rooster on its leg and took it off the roof.

Coni: She hit him! That was so cool!

Wallace: I guess she was lucky.

Dia: Good shot. You are now an official member of my crew.

Dafne jumped in place, clapping her hands as she smiled.

Dafne: Thank you very much for this opportunity, I won't disappoint you, but what were your names again, I think I didn't question them yet?

Dia: My name is Dia and the priest next to me is our crews thief and his name is Wallace, the children belong to him and their names are Coni and Oliver. The two of them will do smaller tasks for us and will be our cabin boys. They also report to you, so if you need help with something, ask them both.

Dafne: So these two are like my subordinates?

Dia: Something like that.

Oliver: But you didn't tell us anything about that, that's mean.

Dia: The world is unfair, deal with it, kid. The first thing I should do is improve our I mean...our ship.

I went to my boat and touched it. It then grew larger and changed color. The boat grew to the size of 112m, its wood turned black and three masts shot up on the deck, a black rigging of black ropes formed and 12 huge sails formed on the masts. There were 18 six-pound cannons on the gun deck and 14 more on the deck, 2 cannons on her bow and 4 cannons on her stern.

Dia: May I present you our new ship, the Black Pearl!

All four rubbed their eyes because they couldn't believe what has happened in front of them.

Dafne: How...??? Where from..., but that was just... ???

Wallace: Wha...wha...what just happened???

Coni: The ship is really cool.

Oliver: Wow, how did you do that?

Dia: I once ate a devil fruit and I can create things that I can imagine.

Dafne: You can do what? That's really powerful, how does it work?

Dia: I just imagine things and then they come into being. I also have angel wings.

Coni: Cool, can you show us those, I've always wanted to see an angel.

I spread my wings and even briefly showed them my halo.

Wallace: So you're an angel? Does that mean there is a God?

Dia: Of course there is a God, but as a priest you should know that.

Coni: Your wings are so pretty, can I touch them?

Dia: But only briefly and be careful, I'm very ticklish.

I stretched one of my wings towards her and she gently stroked my feathers.

Coni: They're so soft, it's like I'm stroking silk.

I packed up my wings again and we all went onto the deck of our new ship.

Dia: And? Do you like the ship?

Dafne: The cannons are amazing, can I test them out later?

Dia: You can practice with them at any time, you mentioneds that you can handle hand cannons? I will give you a pair later and test your fighting power.

Wallace: I've never seen such a beautiful ship, now all that's missing is a helmsman who can steer it.

Dia: We won't need him, we need a ship's doctor, a musician and a couple of strong fighters wouldn't be bad either and a cook.

Wallace: Why don't we need a helmsman? And what about a navigator?

Dia: Let's say the ship already has a very funny helmsman, he is the ship's Klabautermann and should be below the deck. A black shadowy figure flew out of the gundeck as an astral body and looked Wallace directly in the eyes.

Wallace: Waaaaaahhhhh!

Shape: Waaaaaahhhhh! You don't have to scream right away. I have no idea what's going on here, but it's nice to meet you. My name is Captain Jack Sparrow and this is my ship, the Black Pearl! The fastest ship on all the world's oceans, so get out of here or I'll throw you over the plank.

Dia: Sorry, he's like that sometimes, I just created him yesterday and he has yet to understand that I'm the captain and that he's not the captain.

Jack: But I wear the captain's hat on my head, so I'm the captain.

Dia: The captain's hat is on my head as you can see, Jack, so listen to your captain and shut up.

Jack: And what's with the children on your ship, oh great Captain Dia?

Dia: They're both our cabin boys, so you can give them orders.

Jack: These are supposed to be my subordinates? The two of them are just skin and bones. I bet her legs will break before we even leave the port, we should get rid of them before they cause problems for us with their innocent puppy eyes and their little shrunken hands that can't even tie a proper knot.

Wallace: This guy is a total freak.

Dafne: I like him.

Oliver: What kind of shrunken hands?

Jack: Everyone likes me because I'm the captain, that woman next to me may have the upper hand right now, but I wouldn't be Captain Jack Sparrow, if I didn't find a solution to this extremely tricky situation I'm in right now.

Dia: Jack, you're our helmsman, so you get to steer the ship, that should make you happy.

Jack; Who else could steer this ship but me? The priest or the silly girl who is sticking her head in the cannons?

Dia: I already regret creating you.

Jack: I can't even leave the ship, you screwed up when you created me.

Dia: At least you can drink rum and be alive.

Coni: Dia? What is a Klabautermann?

Dia: A Klabautermann is a ship spirit that arises from the crew's close connection to their ship.

Oliver: So Jack is a friendly ghost?

Jack: But of course I'm not friendly, you landlubber, you must have never heard of me?

Oliver: No.

Jack: I was once the most dangerous pirate the world has ever seen. With just my presence I made the Royal Navy cry and beg me to spare them.

Coni: Your story is really cool, I bet you're really strong.

Jack: A real pirate doesn't rely on his muscles, but on his sea-honed mind.

Oliver: So you're a weakling?

Jack: No, I'm also great with my sword.

Coni: Then you can teach us, thank you Mister Jack.

Jack: It's called Captain Jack and Captain Dia, what do we do now after you have enriched our team so wonderfully with more work for me?

I pulled a compass out of my pocket and flipped it open.

Jack: Where did you get that? This is mine, give it back to me.

Dia: I am the captain and I set the course, it points towards the southeast. You can drive off now, I'll set up my shop in town.

Jack: Aye, Aye Captain! Children get off the ropes, otherwise you'll have a problem.

Jack raised his arms and the ship's sails lowered themselves into the direction of the wind, the anchor was pulled in and Jack stood at the steering wheel. He turned the ship hard to starboard and the Black Pearl left the harbor at incredible speed.

The other pirates on the dock were stunned when they saw the Black Pearl's mobility and speed.

Pirate: This ship appeared out of nowhere, and a normal ship can't be that fast, it must be a ghost ship, that's a bad omen for this city. Guys! Set sail, we should get out of here.

Ignoring the chatter of people, I pulled out a Fuinjutsu scroll from my breasts and placed it on the ground.

Puff! And my second shop appeared in the middle of the street. I then stretched out my wings and flew after my ship. After about 5 minutes I caught up with the Black Pearl and landed next to Jack.

Jack: It's a shame, I assumed you wouldn't be coming back here anymore, my captain.

Dia: I guessed you would say something like that. Just shut up!

"Aye, Captain," Jack said with a shifty look on his face.

Dia: Are the others below deck?

Jack: They're currently moving into their cabins and are looking at the interior. I hope no one moves into my hammock.

Dia: Stay by the course, I'd better go down there too and explain everything to them before one of them gets stupid ideas and accidentally blows up the ship.

Jack: Aye, captain.

I went downstairs to the others and everyone was excited.

Dafne: We even have a shower and a bathtub.

Wallace: The kitchen also impresses me.

The children stood in front of the large aquarium that split the lounge and watched the fish in it.

Dia: I hope the ship satisfies you all?

Dafne: It's awesome, it's like being in a luxury hotel.

Wallace: Where are we sailing to right now?

Dia: I have no idea, we follow the path the compass shows us.

Wallace: What kind of compass is that?

Dia: He points to what you want most and I wanted a cook for our crew.

Dafne: This compass can do something like that, it's crazy! But nothing surprises me here anymore, everything is like a dream. Am I dreaming?

Dafne pinched her cheek.

Dafne: Ouch, I'm awake, that makes everything even crazier.

Dia: Children, the three of us first take a bath and get new things to wear for you. I can't let you two walk around in these rags.

Coni: Why rags? Are our clothes so ugly?

Dafne: Definitely, I'll come bathe with you, whoever gets in the bath first!

All three ran into the bathroom and Wallace sat alone in the corner of the kitchen and drank coffee.

Dia: And woe betide you, you take a peek at us, then I'll hang you on the mast.

Wallace spit out his coffee and grinned at me.

"I would never do something like that, I'm a priest after all," he said and cleaned his glasses.

I went into the bathroom with the others and washed the children together with Dafne. After 20 minutes we left the bathroom and the children were now both wearing sailor outfits. Oliver's outfit has short blue pants and a blue and white jacket and he wore a blue beret and blue sneakers. And Coni wore a short pink skirt with a white blouse and a pink beret and wore pink sneakers.

Dia: And Wallace, what do you think, about their new look? Do they both look good?

Wallace: The outfits suit them, no one would suspect that they are pirates.

Coni: I think the skirt and the shoes are really great. I can run really fast with them without my feet hurting.

Oliver: Yes, the shoes are really great.

Dia: I'm glad and now go up to Jack and ask him if he needs your help by anything.

Coni/Oliver: Aye, Captain!

They both ran upstairs and I sat down with Dafne next to Wallace.

Dia: And I thought you'd at least take a look at us bathing, but apparently it seems to me you like only to look at other men.

Dafne started laughing and Wallace blushed.

Wallace: Stop your jokes or I'll sneak into your quarters tonight and be guilty of sin.

Dafne: Our thief wants to steal our virginity, we should tie him to the mast, Captain.

Jack: Land in sight! Come on up!

Dia: That happened quickly, I thought it would take us longer.