Chapter 189 - 4

You step up beside Haken, inclining your head ever so slightly in a sign of respect. The wolf may be your opponent today, but he is a member of your pack. Very soon now, he'll either be the leader of your people or under your protection and guidance. Either way, you see no reason to foster further animosity between the two of you.

Haken shifts his muscled bulk and stares out into the crowd, his posture looming and intimidating. It strikes you that he may be trying on the bearing of a leader, but he wears it like a cheap suit, its edges frayed, the nature of the illusion laid bare to any with the fortitude to challenge its authenticity.

Nevertheless, a cheer is raised by the wolf's sycophants and toadies, and he breaks into a toothy smile.

"Brother and sister wolves of Haven," Haken begins. "The very fact that I stand before you today should be all the proof you need that a firm hand is required to guide this pack into the future. Our leader has been taken from us. And not only that, but our dignity as well. Your vote today is more important than a contest between myself and a newly weaned pup.

"This is about our survival as a species! Even if we survive these troubled times, what then? Will our children's children be born into this world as slaves? Who will remember a time when we roamed the wilderness as werewolves? When we grow old and die in captivity, who will carry on the legacy of what we once were? Make no mistake, my friends. Even if our physical bodies survive, we will suffer a thousand tiny deaths before the end.

"Who among you would accept that fate? Who would condemn our newest generations to a lifetime of servitude to the very monsters who violently tore our leader from us?"

Voices cry out from the crowd. "Not me!" "Never!" "They can go to hell!"

You notice that it's not just Haken's crew under his sway now. The wolf is gaining momentum. He may have more of a chance than you originally thought.


"It's time for a vote!" one wolf calls.

"We've heard enough!" cries another.

You look to Haken and the big wolf shrugs languidly. "Show me how it's done," he says rumbling under his breath.

You hold your hand up to silence the pack, and the room returns to a bustling state of nervous energy. Quiet, but for calculating minds and the twitching of raw nerves.

You begin, as Ahote always did traditionally, from the left side of the room, calling each wolf by name and tabulating their vote on a blackboard wheeled to the front of the stage. You begin to sweat as the vote swings to the other side of the room; the vote is tight, closer than you ever could have expected.

Finally the last vote is tallied, and you stare at the board, placing the long piece of chalk in its tray with trembling fingers. Is this what you expected? You close your eyes and center yourself before turning back to the crowd.

A Leader Emerges

Haken's victory speech is a blessedly short prelude to war, promising a celebratory rally in the coming days. Your new packleader is benevolent in his ascendancy, promoting you to what is most likely a ceremonial position as adviser and councilor.

As you stand beside the podium and listen to him preach fire and brimstone, you wonder if perhaps Haken is more shrewd than you gave him credit for. In promoting you, he may have won over the wolves in the center, many of whom voted for you, all while keeping the power to himself and leaving you largely impotent.

Dena approaches as you descend from the stage to leave, Haken's speech coming down from its fevered crescendo to its conclusion.

"Are we all going to die, Decaarr?"