"Look here, little boy. This is bad path to go down in life. Approaching strange women." The giantess shook her head David, and tutted at him.
"I don't do that. Believe me, don't people just chat to others around here?'' David glanced toward the gate, they were getting closer.
"No, they do not. Not to me at least." There was sadness in the woman's voice now.
"Anyway, my name is David, nice to meet you." David with a smile, offered his hand.
"Alright David. I am Surna. Just because I am giving you my name, doesn't mean I will entertain any of your silliness." Surna smiled at David, shaking his hand, lifting him into the air.
"Ouch." David rubbed his hand, it felt like his hand had just been crushed between two boulders, he had felt his bones crunch against each other when Surna had grasped it.
"Welcome back, looks like you had a rough time out there." David's heart sank as he heard the voice, someone had recognized him.