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The Indopean Sorcery

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As the quench of the supreme power, the un-dying peril of hidden past, the hidden secrets of prevailing evil arose eventually, challenging the future of the Indopea, trying to rewrite the terror of late, spearsmen stood up behind our heroes, led by the order of Cyprus to their destiny.

Chapter 1 - The Indopea

The heart of the very fine vast land, the dwelling place of numerous species, the heart and soul of many more who felt this land as their mother, was greatly rich in heritage with 'ever-charming elves to great-built goblins to harmonical humans to fire-wreathed warewolves to sublime mermaids' under its eye sight, each specie given a power spear, vested by spearhead to control an elementary power.

Vast variety of realms from deep-steep valleys to sky-high peaks, plain grass lands to rigid rock caves, sweet water rivers to salt water lakes, breath-taking nature to blood-sucking terror, are all under its very nose. But, it was not so long from now, that which has banged bells of terror in the hearts of people of INDOPEA

People who had managed to live past the war, who had often narrated the tales of their turmoils at those days, would never forget including that they were once, ready to accept the dear death happily than living the life in terror. 6800 years have passed by, but the quench of the ultimate master spear still prevailed. Not knowing the whereabouts of it, silent, was the evil. but the society found itself in a massive change. Not only physically or socially, but mentally also. "Everything's sorted now" is what a common resident thinks about the social situation of Indopea. You would never expect something strange to happen here, if you are young and new to this charming world. You would never know that the highlands upon which you are walking, were built on the tombs of many warriors who had never stepped back in providing the world Indopea with what you are enjoying now. You would never know that the waterfalls which were your play areas, were once, the falls of lava or blood.

The heart of Indopea, was proudly adorned with the Noxfordium, the functioning headquarters of the Indopea. The entire governing system, judicial system and legislative systems of The Indopea were spread under its wings— wait a minute! Do not forget the future of Indopea!. The future, yes, today's children are tomorrow's citizens who will further shape up the future of the Indopea. For that matter, Noxfordium spares a great interest on the Education of the young children of various species and subspecies in Indopea.

This has been a part of parcel of the young life of wizarding and non-wizarding species in Indopea. Semi-wizards like our hero, Felix creed and his friend Bob Griffiths who belongs to the second category of the goblins race are also among the minorities of the Indopea.

Almost two months were completed since these two goblins have started their long journey from the south-western realms of Indopea to the central Noxfordium for their future studies. One month of walking all days and drifting through kingdoms at nights followed by a month in Noxfordium. So, they're not new here, neither familiar though. "the great graves of Kaiden's army" is what they call the vast sandy realm of South eastern Indopea, the dwelling place of sand-goblins. But, The name was changed now. Grave goblins is what they are being called now.

The Name of the place which they were living, was carrying a great burden of blood marks and tombs. It carried the great burden of past, the terrifying history and un-sensed history. It also carried the discrimination against goblins, because of their lifestyle. They called them minors. Another conflict arose as goblins struggled for their equality. Though the situation has changed for it was only name sake. Struggles of goblin kids to join in Noxfordium were said to be waved off, it's still a task worth fighting a couple of mountain trolls for Young Goblins to join the race of kids of other species.

But, you shouldn't expect things of that sort in Noxfordium itself, atleast, not so openly!. There were always a fiery warewolf for each goblin, to tease. Be it hatred fighting between adults or a group bullying among kids. Warewolves would not like to mingle with goblins as they thought goblins are inferiors to them.

Our story starts on a typical monsoon day. Grey skies and dark outsides. After a month of buffer period in Noxfordium for helping first years to get familiarize with the vast castle, the school term begins in early Septembers, Usually, the fourth day following first Sunday. Felix, a lean, tall 14 year old boy with blue and cold eyes fitted perfectly under his thick eyelids. A pointing nose over a pair of little lips was carved to perfection. Do not ever think about him bothering his nest-like hair. Zooming into one of the windows of the Goblins dormitory, you find him saying

"Bob! Do—yyou se my schedule?

"see what?"

"my schedule!"

"Woah! (Pulling himself out of a stuffed brown trunk beside his bed near the wall) " The Sschedyoul? Is it?"


"I got it in here, mate!! Bamb-dumb—Bamb-dumb.. put 'er thin's properly, mate! He added

"okay! Thank you, mate! A boy who's most messy around asks me to take care of my things—anyway! I take your point, mate!" giggled.

" By—the—way! Never miss a bloody language class! Especially, English! Your goblish english will make me forget my both English and goblish — I fear! ( hurry Bob, crossing the beds could barely hear that) Felix spoke feebly, looking down to his book, sitting on the window, leaning to the wall. His occasional spectacles sat on tip of his nose

Bob, a chubby, short goblin with pink beefy cheeks came toppling to Felix. He, then wrestled a cot beside him to stand up, still feeling difficult to balance

"Un-steram desuko— umta kanjer kyen paedtanv?" (maintain your stability first!— why are you so much hurried?" asked Felix keeping his stare firm at book

"Ajoj hamaki pedate class." (because — today's over firs' claos maet" Bob replied, in a better position than how he was in.

Felix gave a sharp look at the plump and pink face of his buddy over his book, replied nothing as he immediately pulled back his attention to the book.

"Doant you want to goes to classes? Mate"

Bob inquired with an innocent look. His eyes fixed on Felix's face.

"Are you very much interested? " Asked Felix, closing his book and getting down the window simultaneously.

"Yes iam, ofcourse! And I suppose you are also, aren't you mate?"

"oh- of that's the matter, then why don't you hurry yourself out of the dormitory and why aren't you still running to 'er classes? (Felix was getting his wand out of a wooden trunk, just below the window beside his bed. The trunk was painted in pink and so were the Walls of the room.)

"Oh— yeah! I—can—go? Right—?, Okey then,—a—I fear, you'd be lost without me?"

"you fear for me?"

"Ah— yes ofcourse"

"Then, no problem, you can leave now"

"are yo sure you can manage to the classroom?

"do not doubt it."

"Okay— as you wish" said Bob, slowly drifting back in the room's inner balcony of the dormitory, ( overlooks the lower dormitory) away from the array of beds arranged against the pink walls, eventually hitting the wooden railling.

"look out, mate!" said Felix with a rare giggle.

"Its deliberate — it's deliberate — I am jast checkin' if you are conscious— no problem" (though he tried to save himself from being a source of good fun, Felix gave a smiley look which made Bob Felt being humiliated) "okay —okay! I hit it by mistake" Bob burst out with laughter and so Felix did.


"leave about remembering, forgetting! Do you know it?" (Felix said sarcastically, walking along the array of beds on the interior duplex balcony of Dormitory, Bob innocently following him.)

"why? Iam prettey syure one of these routes will take us to the social class" said Bob, trying to catch up with Felix's face.

They both reached the end of the balcony, where Bob found out felix's schedule earlier. Felix picked up a pair of robes for himself and another for Bob, which Bob took unnotingly, still trying to get felix's attention.

"but I think both routes lead us, eventually to the same place" said Felix, turning to his left, and started moving down the staircase to the lower dormitory.

"Hes absolutely correct" intruded another voice. The voice seemed to be like a bit of witty joke".

"Aramond! Exclaimed Bob."

"hello there! I heard history class was about to commence our term at Noxfordium in an hour" the boy said. His voice wore a mask of fun, a scent of happiness." His high- raised plateau like hair resembled a chocolate cake. Neither tall, not short. Neither fat, not lean. His vest showing up his inner treasure, chisled muscles are making wide range of hills and valleys on his t-shirt. Broad and flat face, ever smiling nature are his assets. Pearl white eyes describe his plainness.

"yes.. both routes do reach to the same place" said armond again.

" I knew I — am never wrong! What—say—you? Felix? Certainly, books don't tell ya' all these,do they mate?" He patted on felix's back, pushing him, laughing loudly."

"Good—said!" said Felix, turning to Aramond.

"but I wonder why are you trying to find out route for the lapishymes classroom?" explained Aramond.

"the which class?" exclaimed Felix, slightly turning towards Bob, who's looking eagerly at Aramond.

"Lapishymes is that!" He said

"And I suppose bob wanted a history class by lapishymes teacher today!" laughed Felix.

" He's speaking about the history class, that means!" Aramond burst out laughing.

Suddenly, a man appeared in the dormitory. He's neither Mr. Godur, the warden, nor Mr. Bilbert, the wing incharge. He's a new figure. Bald greyish head was only part which was clearly visible from over the stairs. Felix hurried down the staircase to get a clear look of him. Aramond leaped down stairs, folled by Bob.
