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Naruto:Heavenly Ambition

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On the coldest day of the winter a Nara was born with an grand ambition that would change the world This story takes place in an alternate timeline Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters (except the original characters I create). Also this is my first time writing

Chapter 1 - Yashin Ten origin

In the middle of the Valley of the end. There stood a man Badly wounded barely holding on to life. Surround by Konoha's 3rd Hokage and his 3 students the Sannin. Completley slient looking up at the endless void that was space …..

" Daikokuten Nara I am sad to say that your life ends here today",Hiruzen said, with a sigh thinking about the bright young boy the man in front him used to be.

" Don't feel sorry for him sensei he brought this on himself " Jiraiya said while glaring at the heavily injured man. " I guess that old saying they say about the Nara clan is true…. A Nara with ambition is truly a frightful thing, To think he tried to start the 4 great Shinobi war all for the sake of that ambition" Tsunade said while making a smile full of heartache thinking about all the lives that's been lost and more prevented by killing this man. 

Before anyone else could speak the dying man known as Daikokuten Nara burst out in a joyous laughter, sending chills down the Hokage and 3 Sannins necks. 

To those who surrounded the man it looked like he finally snapped and loss all sense of reasoning but in reality Daikokuten Nara was having a genuine laugh. Then abruptly he just stopped as he started to speak on the reason behind his laughter " For those who choose to cower behind and to daimyo's who play King when they are nothing but rich merchants with no legitimacy to their title. For those who are ethier ignorant to the truth or choose to ignore it for momentary peace with no plans on claiming back what was yours. For those who let fear and complacency bind and shackle them to their current position… You all have a lot to say for those who know nothing of the freedom on the other side of fear…. Why should I limit myself to fit in the confinements of this world…. Just because other fear of the future I see…. I wholeheartedly refuse with my whole being". He then formed the rat hand sign and called out "Void Style: Gaze Of The Abyss". A pure Black ball formed at the tips of his index and middle fingers. The black Ball That appeared started sucking in the nature chakra in the air growing bigger.

Seeing this the 3rd Hokage and The Sannin felt dread and amazement. "to think his yin affinity would be so great he can create a black hole when he's on death door" a shared thought between all who witness the man's action. The astonishment the Hokage and Sannin felt for this man were great. Then the ball stop growing… He raised the ball ball in the sky till It cast nothing but darkness underneath when a purple irirs appeared on the ball. Within the 3 seconds after Violet color iris appeared. a beam of darkness came down on the area where the battle was taking place seeing as they didn't have much time The Hokage and The Sannin used their respective summons to reverse summon into the summons plane to escape from Daikokuten Nara final move. After 25 minutes they return to their natural world to see the devastation that had been unleashed that was meant to kill them. The crater They came back to was gigantic almost 100 feet deep. What was even more strange was the cold feeling that the crater gave off. 

Seeing as the battle was over the 3rd Hokage look at his students and congratulated them on their good work. He then asked about Daikokuten Nara wife which in turn Orochimaru replied, "That she had been killed in the battle that tooked place between the other teams and Daikokuten 300 shadows". Hiruzen sighed and said, maybe this is for the best we couldn't guarantee her loyalty to the village and the torture she would have experience if Donzo got ahold of her". Hiruzen sighed then he order anbu to fill the crater up with water and to restore the Vally Of The End. Then he Shunshin away back to the village along with Jiraiya and Tsunade. Soon as they disappeared Orochimaru smiled then took out a scroll and thought "Daikokuten Nara's wife currently is pregnant with his son If he has half the power of his father then he would be the perfect weapon, I wonder how good his yin affinity would be", he smiled as he Shunshin away. 

4 years later in one of Orochimaru hidden bases 

There stood a boy looking in a mirror observing himself. He had a dark skin tone like those who reside in Kumo. The color of his eyes are a beautiful deep shade of purple. He had deep black hair with streaks of blue which he had dreaded and put into a ponytail with 4 dreads framing his face. What cover the boy was a gown that patients wear. He had a book in his hand and 8 more littered the floor. 5 of the books that litter the floor were History Books according to the Five great villages and the other 3 books were on Charka systems, charka natures, and Beginner Fuinjutsu. The last book in the boys hand was called The Tale Of The Utterly Gutsy Shinobi. The boy had just finish reading his last available book for the 5th time when his mind started to wander…" The Naruto character from this book wanted to achieve peace in the world, But then again that's why its a book because in the world I…

BUZZZZT….. The boy had a face of anguish the moment he heard that sound. " Come on kid its time for your treatment", said The Shinobi with a purple hooded cloak and a masked with Pride craved into the crown of the masked along with a Black Shinobi vest and black Shinobi sandals. " Treatment ? More like torture" the boy thought as he proceed to follow the Sound Shinobi down the hall. As the boy was walking following the sound Shinobi towards the laboratory he finish thought he previously had," Prime example on how it's just a book and is nonexistent in the reality in which I belong. The world that I live in people only respect power and those without it cannot afford the possibility of peace without the ability to wage war. Thats why I have to follow this bastard to this rotten lab so they can poke me with needles and tear apart my flesh all because my ability to wage war is abysmal. How irritating I really much rather read my books over again". The boy thought, 

"Ok kid we're here you know the drill go get into the the container", the Sound Shinobi commanded. The boy looked at the Shinobi murderously before slowly approaching the container that was shape like a tube," Pride perfect timing our Lord Orochimaru has just sent us new orders. He wants you and the other members of the sounds symphony to verify information received on Konohagakure, Apparently the 9 Tailed Fox escaped its seal and went on a rampage. To stop the bijiu the 4th Hokage fought and sealed the beast inside his 4 year old son Naruto some ninja are starting to call him the strongest kage for fighting and winning against the fox and keeping his life." Said a man in a all white lab coat who had Long grayish white hair and a scar running across the middle of his face. "Alright Professor Aldini ill gather my other team members and leave immediately after you finish the treatment ", replied Pride 

"Now that's out the way let's proceed with todays test, Subject369" Proclaimed Professor Aldini. Subject 369 made a face of disgust towards the old man who takes pleasure from dissecting him. " Professor Aldini just smiled at this and very slowly pulled a lever, "Aww Subject 3..6..9 don't look at me like that todays experiment couldn't wait...your development is very important.You might have the honor of being Lord Orochimaru's next host if you don't lose to another candidate. How about this to cheer you up I'll tell you a story….. 

5…The tubes started filling with liquid flowing towards the container holding Subject369 

"Ah HA I guess ill save it for later" said Professor Aldni 

4….Tubes started gushing out a sparkling green liquid into the container 

"Since I can't tell you that story how bout I tell you your name and the name of your father "

3…The liquid started to began to reach subject369's knees

" Your father is the man who took the Nara clans shadow techniques to new heights and then onto a whole other level entirely. The man that put fear into the entire ninja world at one point in time."  

2..The Liquid had submerge subject369

" Daikokuten Nara that psychotic man is your father and before he died and you were born he named you Yashin Ten renouncing the Nara name and proclaiming you after the dreamed he wanted to live." Said professor Aldini 

1.. ENNNNNN The noise of the machine starting up resounded through the entire laboratory. 

" To think that I'd discover my name, my fathers name and my clan ancestry. Heavenly Ambition what a name to give your son how much of your hopes did you place on me…You must have had quite the personality huh dad?", Yashin thought

"Hows his vitals?", Screamed professor Aldi "Vitals stable sir" responded a sound Genin who had spiked blacked hair that look like its been electrified with a distinguish grey hairs forming a lighting bolt. He wore fingerless gloves along with his all white lab coat and a fish net long sleeve underneath with blue Shinobi pants and black Shinobi sandals. "Great stein now activate the Fuinjutsu seals and begin injecting him with the Kuraokami's Chakra", Order Aldini. 

Yashin began to let out a blood curdling scream that couldn't be heard through the sparkling green liquid he was submerged in as the Kuraokami's Chakra was introduce to his system."This old quack might actually kill me….the pain is to overwhelming I can feel my body getting colder and colder not to mention the fading consciousness to think ill die without experiencing freedom… How Irritating ". Yashin thought. "Sir he has loss consciousness vitals are dropping" Screamed stein "Let them drop if he dies that just means he wasn't worthy to be a candidate for our Lord Orochimaru.",said Professor Aldini "Call for the siren team we are going to have to recapture the Kuraokami when the kid dies" ordered Pride "Sir his heart has stopped", yelled out stein. Professor Aldini didn't say a word he just stood and stared at the boy floating in the Container. "Where's Siren team we need them here now!" Pride commanded with fury 

Yashin's mind scape " What I'm still alive where am I", Yashin looked around to get a grasp of where he was but nothing could be seen through the raging blizzard. He started walking when he stop realizing the ground he standing on had no friction. " Am I standing on top of a frozen body of water." Before he could speculate any further a Loud roar sounded throughout this Frozen World which stop the blizzard from raging forth and cracking the ice he stood on. As the snow and hail stopped falling. What came into view was perceive as the personification of Freedom and Power to Yashin Ten who only ever seen his room and the laboratory. Bursting out of the frozen lake into the air a dragon with pure white scales, Glacial blue ice decorated around its body like a mane in place of its hair and deep piercing azure blue eyes. As the Dragon was rising towards the sky a pure black hand came from the depths of the frozen water the dragon just broke through and grabbed hold of the Dragon and yanked the 300 meter beast out of the sky making it crash into the ice with a Loud Boom roar landing a few feet a way from Yashin. Yashin lifted his arms in front of his face to block any debris that blasted towards him but strangely enough there was none. When Yashin dropped his arms all he seen was two Azure Blue snake eyes staring into his soul.

"Boy your mind can be a frightening place" said the Dragon " What we are in my mind? Wait did this over grown snake just talk? Yashin thought " I am no over grown snake you impudent child. I am the Guardian Dragon Deity of the Yuki clan they call and worship me as KuraoKami". " what did you mean when you said we were in my mind and how can you hear what I'm thinking",Yashin said. " This is your mind scape and were in here because they sealed me into your body we are now connected but there is something unusual about you boy. The purity of the yin chakra you posses is unfathomable, unnatural for a human it tried to swallow me soon as I got here" said the Kuraokami. " My Yin chakra is so strong that it would try and swallow a dragon that kind of power is within me" thought Yashin " Yes kid it is. you most likely inherited that from your father and you can say you inherited me from you mother and your ice Kekkai Genkai that has yet to be awaken" answered the Kuraokami " What do you know about my mother what was her name" question Yashin " I'll answer all your questions at a later date. its time for you to wake up before they dispose of your body" said the KuraoKami 

" Professor what do you want me to do with the body" asked stein " What a ridiculous question, Dispose of it before it starts to stink up my lab." Commanded professor Aldini" Wait wouldn't the Kuraokami emerge from the boy's body if he were dead", said Pride 

Hearing this made Professor Aldini eyes sparkle with a new found life, " Professor we have a reading he's still alive" said stein. An evil smile formed on the face of Professer Aldini," Maybe he may be a worthy candidate for Lord Orochimaru's next host. Get him out of the container we have 3 years to prepare him before the selection process begins we must get him ready." "Yes sir" responded stein. The siren squad finally arrived in the laboratory and upon hearing Professor Aldini's orders proceed to take Yashin out of the container and carry him back to his room. "Excellent bring in Subject 7 in next lets see if we can stimulate his kaguya clans blood line in him",Said Professor Aldini. "Right away sir" replied stein. 

Back in Yashin's room

Yashin woke up on the floor but he didn't move from the spot he was laying down at deciding to stay there staring at the ceiling putting his thoughts together. 

" I must get stronger. Strong enough where I can decide when I get to die or at least how. I could have really died today if i was a little less lucky. To think dying at 4 years old what a short life it would have been but, I survived and since I survived i'll make sure that those bastards regret it not just them but the whole world. They all will remember my name the name of the boy this world tried to erase with out a trace. How does that saying go what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but for the world to know and fear my name my ability to wage war must increase its gonna take time and a lot of training. Sigh how irritating I really much rather read books or take a good nice long nap but those are just some of the many things this world has currently deprive me of. Since this world won't allow me to have any peace I will take everything I'm owed in this life and the next and to fulfill the hopes of my father they all will know the name Yashin Ten" Yashin vowed. 

" This kid has more than just a couple loose screws but who wouldn't in the situation this boy is in… interesting looks like I'm in for exciting times in the future if the kid lives long enough to uphold his vow that is. Until then I should get some rest" thought the Kuraokami.

Everyday afterwards Yashin had training to become the perfect host or weapon for Lord Orochimaru. It was mostly just beginner ninja education like chakra control, basic Taijustu, and the hardcore focus on yin release he did in his own time trying to replicate the jutsu's that made the Nara clan famous.

When he had time he would read books on Fuinjutsu and famous ninjas and their respective clans, He was always fascinated by the different ways each ninja used what they had to be feared in the world.

3 years past like this all the way up to the selection process.