Chereads / Mistaken Final Boss / Chapter 20 - Results

Chapter 20 - Results

The wizard's power actually comes from the source of all evil—the Nightmare Realm. If this news is released, it will cause chaos and panic all over the world.

Therefore, only by being promoted to official wizard from apprentice wizard and after going to the wizard tower to study you can come into contact with the truth.

' did Astr Serene, who has been sick at home for many years and is bedridden, know this secret?'

"Haha~ Interesting, really interesting~" Gabriel murmured, with strong interest flashing in his silver eyes, and a strange star appeared in his eyes.

"Why does your fate line seem so erratic and chaotic, changing at any moment..." 

"The Underworld is not your return. It seems like you are not from this or the same world as everyone else."

"Destiny, the figure in hindsight....?"

"Principal Gabriel?" Felix frowned, looking at the silver-haired man, and he called out loudly.

Looking at the principal's raised lips, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.Often, when the principal shows such a fox-like smile, something bad definitely happens... Soon, Felix's premonition came true.

After hearing Felix call, the principal became serious and said, "I think Astr deserves full marks."


Felix seems to have heard the sound of his own sanity breaking.

Not only him, but the other two teachers also stared at the principal in astonishment, their mouths agape, unable to believe what they had just heard.

'The principal wants to give full marks to one person? These were their thoughts, with many imaginary question marks on their heads.

Felix took a deep breath and then tried to smile the most gentle and patient smile of his life.

"I apologise; perhaps I misheard. Did you just say that Astr deserves full marks?"

Principal Gabriel gave an appreciative thumbs up to his Alchemy Department head, saying, "Exactly! You're correct; there's no doubt that Astr deserves full marks! What you heard is right."

'This is a huge problem; if it gets out of this room, no one will trust Astral Academy. Let's try to cover it up.'

Felix couldn't contain his emotions any longer, and his anger surged like a wave as he shouted, "Don't joke! Astr's answer to the first question is clearly incorrect! Just because you picked your choice, you're just trying to make a joke out of it—"

"I'm saying this, so what's the problem with that?"

Gabriel Hamlet smiled, and his words were as calm as a breeze caressing the water.

However, Felix froze instantly. Fear gripped his body like a big hand. His voice was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say even a single word.

In the huge conference room, only the humming sound of machines hung over the heads of several people.

Instructor Byron looked away and started looking out of the empty window. Professor Keal huddled up like a ball in the corner, his body trembling slightly. Neither of them dared to look directly at Principal Gabriel.

"Hahahaha , why are you guys so nervous?"

Finally, Gabriel's bright laughter broke the silence.

The atmosphere gradually changed, and the stagnant air began to flow again.


Felix's throat rolled twice, and he felt the cold sweat on his back soak up his clothes.

But he still clenched his fists and said it tremblingly with some courage.

"But, in this case, Rafeal Louis will be second... Moreover, this Astr Serene, who used some unknown method to destroy the Alchemy tool that was used for Wizard talent testing,

"Yeah, I'm fully aware of my actions," responded Gabriel with profound approval. He then tilted his head and smiled mysteriously, saying, "So, if I decide not to deduct points for his first question and grant him full marks, what does it matter?"


When a pair of extremely deep silver eyes started straight at Felix, Felix was defeated after only a few seconds.

"No, Principal Gabriel..." he murmured, his neck and cheeks turning red with anger and fear at the same time.

"Well~ then I'll trouble you to work overtime and change the list, Felix."

After leaving these words, the tall chair moved its four legs of mutton, swung around in a circle, and left with pride. With that, the principal of Astral left the conference room.

"...Mr. Radar, are you okay?" After a long silence, the kind Professor Keal asked cautiously.

However, the head of the Department of Alchemy, who was always aloof and often irritated with him, was uncharacteristically silent at this time.

He just stood there and stared at the list of names that was falling to the ground.

'This entrance exam is going to be quite sensational.' Instructor Byron thought to himself.

As an examiner for the next practical part of the exam, Byron smelled a coming storm, and his eyes shone.


The results of the written examination at Astral Academy this time were oddly released half a day later than in previous years.

In the early morning, an envelope with the Sword and Rose school emblem sealed was put into each mailbox through the diligent postman.

Louis family mansion.

This is a grand and magnificent five-story palace. Its white appearance is unique among traditional red brick buildings, boasting its unique status.

The youngest son of the Louis family, Rafeal Louis, is leisurely enjoying a cup of morning tea. The elegant aroma filled the air, making him even more refreshed.

'Counting the time, the report card should have arrived. There will definitely be no problem in the first place. The key is whether I can become the "number one in history".'

"Even if they deduct 1 point for the essay question, I can be on par with the other two... Tsk, it feels really uncomfortable to be tied."

But it never occurred to Rafeal that he could get perfect marks. Because this is impossible, some points will be deducted for essay questions.

At this time, Rafeal paused when he saw his butler in a black suit walking towards him.

"Master Rafeal, Astral's letter has arrived."

The butler said respectfully, holding out a letter with spotless white gloves.

"Well, you go down." Rafeal took the letter and waved casually.

He picked up the letter opener engraved with the Louis family's lion coat of arms, carefully pried off the wax seal, and placed it in a specially prepared wooden box.

This was his first step as Rafeal Louis to the top of the world, and it deserves to be well documented.

Until the moment he saw the gilded letter, Rafeal was still thinking about whether he could be included in history.

[Dear Mr. Albert Louis,]

[We are honoured to inform you that you have successfully passed the written part of the Astral Private Academy entrance exam. Congratulations to you for this.]

[Your score: 98/100]

[Ranking: 2/489]

At this moment, Rafeal's heart seemed to have stopped for a moment. As if his head were hit hard by a heavy hammer, Rafeal felt that the whole world was being shattered and spinning. Dizziness and weakness spread through his hands and feet.

"What is my ranking...?


This is impossible...

How can this be true...?

I am second...

then who is first...?"

Rafeal shouted loudly, attracting the attention of the servants around him.

Rafeal looked down in a daze and saw a line of bold characters:

[Congratulations to Astr Serene for getting the first perfect score in the history of the academy. He ranked first in this year and in history as well.]

"Astr Serene?"

In Rafeal's mind, the face of a white-haired boy appeared, with a pair of icy-blue eyes looking down at him with pity.

"Astr Serene" A roar filled with endless anger resounded throughout the Louis family's mansion, causing the servants to break several porcelains in shock again.

'Who can make the always arrogant and confident Master Rafeal like a stray wild dog? '

The servants were astonished, whispering among themselves curiously and gossiping.

On this day, the name "Astr Serene" spread throughout the Leonis Empire.

Later, a biography writer wrote:

[This was the first step of the indescribable man who broke the world.]