Ash reached his home and got out of the cab.
His face was red and he was still hearing the last words Vanessa had said in his ears again and again. Surely she just meant it because she was annoyed by an overtalkative Relik.
Nevertheless he couldn't help but get his hopes up about tonight. He entered his house hoping to find the usual scene of his mom in the kitchen or watching some show in the living room. But that was not what he found as he entered their living room. Instead there seemed to be a small get together going on inside the house right now. There were a few people chatting and eating over a nice dinner his mom must have cooked. He didn't recognize any of the faces, wondering whether some of his relatives had come.
"Ash, I thought you were going to be off for a few days?" asked his mom coming out of the kitchen carrying a big bowl of salad.
"Yeah the trip got cut off short, one of my friends got sick" he said.
"Oh that's bad, I would like to meet these new friends of yours someday" she said.
She was being extra nice in front of these people, thought Ash.
"Come here, I will introduce you to our guests" said his mother waving him over. Ash would rather do anything else, he didn't care who these people were. But he moved over throwing his travel bag on the floor, preparing to act the role of a nice unemployed son living with his mother.
"Hey Linda, this is my son, Ash" she said to the older woman, she looked to be Ash's mothers age, she had a shrewd wrinkled face with brown hair.
"Linda was my childhood friend, we even went college together, we were besties" said Ash's mom. Ash could definitely see Linda and his mom as teens gossiping and bullying other kids.
"And this Fred her husband, and these are there kids, Sid and Sarah" said Ash's mom.
Fred wore round glasses, he had a fat belly and he looked absolutely average. Though Linda wasn't much attractive now, but she definitely must have been way out Fred's league when she was young. He must have a lot of money, thought Ash. Sid had long hairs almost covering his eyes, he was pale and skinny, he looked Ash's age and was definitely not interested in the conversation just like Ash. Sarah was the better of the lot, besides being a girl of his age too, they must be twins he thought, Sarah had lighter brown hairs then her mother, and she had a very nice smile and a warm face. She seemed to be a combination of Runi and Kara, Runi's face and Kara's body which was very hard to not look at.
"Sarah is a journalist, she is going to be working in the city on a project for sometime, they were actually here to see the city and get an apartment for her, but you know how hard it is finding a nice place in the city especially at this time, they didn't find anything satisfactory, well so i offered that Sarah could stay with us fir a while" she said smiling. Now he was sure, they must be rich, or his mom wouldn't have offered that, she liked her privacy and though that was one thing that suited him too. Though a week ago he would have definitely liked someone like Sarah staying with them, but now, he had plenty of beautiful girls to hang out with, and the whole supernatural business was too complicated. But he had no choice in the matter, and since Sarah had a job she'll be busy in her own things.
He nodded and after sometime, silently slipped away, upstairs to his room.
"Damn I wanted to talk to your mother" said Relik as soon as he closed his door.
"No, I told you, I am not telling my mom about you" said Ash.
"Why not? I talked to my previous master's mom all the time" said Relik.
"I don't even know why I am having this conversation, if my mom finds out about you beside taking me to a dozen of doctors and getting checked she'll bury you so deep in the earth that you will never see the face of this earth ever again" said Ash.
"People have changed now, back in my time they used to be pretty excited after finding about the supernatural" said Relik.
"You might have just said something very profound, although there much more fantasy content popular these days but of an actual dragon appeared in the middle of the city, they'll nuke the place very soon" said Ash.
"Who are you talking to?" came a voice from near the door to his room.
He jerked up from his desk to find Sarah standing at the threshold of his room. He quickly tucked in Relik out of sight.
"No one" said Ash shrugging "just mumbling to myself".
Sarah walked in his room looking around. Now that she was standing, Ash could see her better, she was wearing a short skirt. Her long legs were toned and very enticing. She wasn't wearing anything on her feet which made her legs look even more longer, visible and thicker.
Ash pulled his eyes up from appreciating her thighs, just as she finished her inspection of the room and reached his chair.
"Nice place, I like your setup" she said indicating his triple screen setup on his desk.
"Thanks" he said.
"You know, your mom offered me your room first" she said leaning on his chair. Ash had gone back to turn to his computer screen hoping she would take it as a signal to leave now, but the he felt her lean over him to look at what he was doing.
"Did she?" he asked.
"Yeah, I said no, I wouldn't want anyone using my room, ours moms are very alike" she said.
"Is that so" he said.
"Well I just wanted to introduce myself, since I will be living here for some time, but don't worry I'll try to find a place as soon as possible, bye" she walked out of the room. Ash turned, he couldn't help himself from wanting to see her, and it looked like she was aware of that too, she walked a slow catwalk out of his room. It made him get excited, her short skirt raised just a little bit above her ass, he had no idea how she did that just by walking bit it was enough to make him want to see more. He calmed himself when she was gone, he couldn't wait to go to Vanessa's.
He waited in his room, until the dinner was over and the guests left. He heard her mother and Sarah outside his room, she had taken the room upstairs right beside his. He stayed in his room as they moved her in.
He went out later to get something to eat, where he ran into Sarah in the middle if the stairs, she had changed into a tank top and shorts. He was sure after that, living with Sarah was going to be difficult if she'll be wearing such provocative clothes all the time.
The clock hit ten, most of the light inside the house were off, his mom went to bed early as usual, and quick look told him, Sarah's rooms lights were off too. It irritated him that now he'll have to look out for her too.
He opened his bedroom window, this time he was much more confident he could get down from here with his increased strength, he thought it would have been hard to make Relik stay back, but he had some sort of spiritual sleep to finish so he didn't protest much.
He reached Vanessa's place in five minutes, this time he didn't rang the been instead let himslef in, since she had told him the passcode. After a quick check in the gym, he went upstairs to her room.
"Hey, I am here" he said entering her room, to announce his presence.
Vanessa was a night owl, she liked the peace of the night and usually slept very late. When Ash entered her room, he found her sittting on the floor in the middle of the room, meditating.
What made him jump was that she was in her under wear only. A black lacy bra with matching panties.
The gods must have finally taken pity on me he thought, as he was suddenly greeted with so many enticing scenes in one day. But Vanessa was different than Sarah, with Vanessa he thought he could finally look at her now without being rude.
"Looking nice there" he found himself saying confidently.
Vanessa opened one of her eyes and smirked at him.