Chereads / Shadow Spirit / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15

Ash and Vanessa's make out session went for long, there was a bit of touching here and there but things didn't move further. Vanessa wanted to take things slow and Ash was okay with that. They finished the movie and ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Ash woke up early next morning and left. He didn't want his mom to check his room and find him gone, although he was an adult so that wasn't what he was really worried about he was more worried about her finding Relik.

So he reached his home before the sun had fully rose in the sky and went up the same way he had come. It made him appreciate Vanessa's skills, since it was much harder going up then coming down.

He was on the ledge right outside his room window when he heard noises coming from the window right next. He had completely forgotten there was a person staying in that room now, so he quickly ducked.

His curiosity and the urge to see Sarah took over him, which he cursed himself for in his mind, but Sarah had been teasing him yesterday, it could be her personality, I mean she was a bombshell and must be used of the male gaze and she was certainly smart and knew how to get her way my any means possible.

So maybe keeping an eye on her might not be a bad idea, he reasoned as he slided to the next window and looked in. He realised this was his second time doing something like this the last time had him almost killed. But the scene this time was much different.

The room he was familiar with had been empty for some time, now there were more things here which was expected since Sarah had planned to move in the city and had brought a lot of things. It looked like she was on a early morning unpacking session.

What made it much more interesting was what she was wearing while doing it, it also made the whole thing seem to him like an invasion of privacy. But he was already looking at it or them. Since Sarah had felt it was too hot doing the work and taken off her top and was moving around the room half nude or jiggling around the room.

Aash felt his blood flow go down South as the two huge big white tits came into sight.

While the blonde Kara who Ash assumed was naturally blonde had a little bit paler skin than Sarah, Sarah had a little tan and the tan lines around her tits made them even more sensual. Her nipples were also dark pink and wide. They were unbelievably jiggly and perky.

Ash pulled himself away from the gorgeous tits and ducked back to his own room.

He jumped inside his room just as Relik went off.

"Ah finally you are back, I have been going insane over the last couple of hours, what's that in your pants?" asked Relik.

"Nothing, so your spiritual sleep is over?" asked Ash moving away and lying down on his bed under his sheets.

"Yeah that doesn't take the whole night, I was just sensing a feel of the spiritual energy of this plane" explained Relik.

"Cool" said Ash and turned around burying his face under the pillow.

"What are you doing?" asked Relik.

"Sleeping" he mumbled from under the pillow.

"But the sun is just coming up, this is the prefect time for some spiritual training" said Relik.

"You are welcome to do it then" said Ash.

"No, it's not for me, but for you, even if you absorbed that spiritual energy you need practice to use it and must have more if you want to fight supernatural things" said Relik with annoyance.

"What kind of training?" asked Ash.

"Let's start with physical conditioning, I want to see what are your limits" said Relik.

"You mean going to a gym? Forget it" said Ash and went back under the pillow.

"Hey, if you want to kill the shadow spirit you need power, and all your friends aren't that useful, you'll all be kill one by one if you aren't prepared!" shouted Relik.

"Keep your voice down! Fine whatever!" hissed back Ash at the loud outburst.

He stood up with effort.

"What are we doing then?" asked Ash.

"How about a morning run? Then you shouu find a large deserted place where we could practice without being disturbed" said Relik.

Ash grumbled then pulled Relik over his head and headed out of the room.

Just as he had taken two steps, the door next to him opened and Sarah stepped out almost bumping into him. She had pulled over a short but was clearly not wearing a bra, since her nipples were making two small tents in front of her shirts and her tits jiggled too freely under her shirt. Since Ash had seen them in flesh it was very hard not to stare at them now up close he felt like he could almost see through her shirt.

"Oh, sorry, are you going for a run too?" asked Sarah looking at his shoes and Ash nodded.

"Let's go together then, I won't get lost like that and you can show me the good paths, I knew you must workout since you look in good shape, I thought I should start too since I have been getting a little chubby" went on Sarah as they made there way down.

Ash would have protested or made some excuse but she didn't let him and he was too distracted.

The sun was in the sky now, though the streets were still mostly empty.

They started jogging, It was the first time he was finally putting his new body and muscles to test, although he had still a long way to go, but he was in much better shape now. The felt the old agility return in his legs as his whole body moved smoothly. He kept his pace slow by making long strides instead of going fast so that Sarah could keep up with him.

He glanced to his left to watch how she was doing and had to do a double take. She was a sight to see running, her boobs bounced up and down much more than before, it was amazing to watch.

"Ah it feels like I am back in school" she said with a little smile.

"You used to run?" asked Ash.

"No, not because of that, but all the boys used to stare when we did gym then too" she said smirking and Ash quickly averted his eyes.

But he was much more confident now and didn't like getting teased by Sarah.

"Should have wore something else, you are all over the place" he said looking ahead.

"Oh, is that why you were staring at me so much?" she asked.

Ash didn't reply.

"You know your mom discussed about you at the dinner yesterday, she said you were always in your room and have no friends" she said.

"I have plenty of friends" he said.

"You went to the college In the city didn't you, I have heard there aren't many girls there" she said.

"I have plenty of girl friends too" said Ash although that wasn't true a week ago.

"Yeah, I thought you would be like Sid, he is also a shut in, but you seemed better than how your mom described you when you first came in, so I thought maybe you are just shy" she said.

"I am not shy" he said, now he was really getting annoyed.

"Really? So do you have a girlfriend?" she asked.

"Y... Yes" he said. He wasn't exacy lying he thought and she didn't need to know the specifics.

"Really, then I guess your mom must be wrong" she said.

Aftert that they remianed quiet for the next ten minutes.

"I'll be going further, so you can return if you want" said Ash.

"Yeah, I should" she said and siad goodbye and turned back. Ash was glad that she did, he took a last look at her retreating ass, and sped up ahead.

"Geez, I thought she'll never leave" spoke up Relik when they were back alone.

"Now I need to find a place to train" said Ash and ran faster. He headed towards the industrial part of the city, there were a lot of abandoned factories in this area.

He could have gone into any of these buildings but these were also where you could find the not so good people of the city like small gangs and stuff.

So he had to find the right location and make sure there was no prying eyes.