Chereads / MermaLife Tried It / Chapter 1 - Hurry Sherrie!

MermaLife Tried It

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Chapter 1 - Hurry Sherrie!

"Juu! Swim over here will ya?" Said Sherrie looking around frantically. She swims towards him and looks at him with her pink mermaid eyes. Her hair was kind of frazzled.

"Sherrie, stop calling me!" The male mer said, irritated that she can't ever seem to collect seashells by herself. The bubbles she made getting over there blocked his view of the line he was working on for a second and he almost miscounted on the job.

"OMG I need about 100 more before this shift is over so I can go in time to see the eggs hatch! You know I got a second job I got to go to, eh!" she said, glancing around.

"Oh. Eggs hatching. You should hurry then. They are going to need their support." He said, keeping his eyes focused on the task at hand and lips pursed.

"Wow, Meenaaa! Help me!"

Sherrie zoomed off hurriedly picking up seashells along the way while trying to get just about anyone else to help her. The seafloor always seems to be full of seashells with how busy it is, but she has to keep the numbers below the maximum threshold. Some days were worse than others and her mind was just elsewhere this spin.

Juu was doing quality control on the seaweed and could not afford to let even one bad one pass by his inspection. The machine broke down not too many spins ago and pressure was on them to catch up on counts. Juu knew there had to be an easier way. He is planning on talking to the company techs and managers to see if a counting program could be implemented on the machine. It's been a long time coming. He is accurate, but why waste brain cells on such a simple task that a machine could do. He has made improvements on things and written plans before that have actually helped the company. This shouldn't be too hard.

The Sheller Joy Green Company is designed for the benefit of the younger ones of the sea and other exotic life. Babies, children, and those transitioning into adulthood. They are the future. The company believed in a sea of great happy families that raises healthy youngs who would of course one day be the next carriers of sea life affairs. They mass produce seaweed (the staple of their world), and they make their various products, like dobo strings, out of seashells and island exports from space. Yes, space.

Juu heard the clock vibrate down to the deep bass of shift over. He glanced around and saw Sherrie and a few others zooming back to their post with the last collect of the day. It didn't make sense. It looked like one of the scales off Sherrie's shimmering pink and green pearlescent tail was missing. There was Meena, her best friend, gliding around in circles reading her shell notes written earlier with a flushed face. She was really pushed in helping Sheila to meet the daily quota.

"Great job everybody." Said a face that was one of the head's of the company. "Mermalife came by today and gave us an increase on our insurance. Daily quotas were met so you all can go home now and rest until the next horn. "Shelly Joy." Said the boss.

"Shelly Joy!" Said everybody.

Stations were left. The employees worked hard, or hardly worked at all, and were glad of their work that they did. This company generated the most resources for who they represented! Young life exceled and families couldn't be more happier! Sheller Joy Green were proud of their achievements and were always looking to improve!