Chereads / During the Dark Ages / Chapter 277 - Chapter 276 Bartus Guild Compound

Chapter 277 - Chapter 276 Bartus Guild Compound

Asmodious soon hung up the call, as she needed to attend to her other duties as Demon Queen of Lust. The others were left with their own thoughts, processing all the information they had just received. Lily in particular was struggling the grasp the fact that their is someone that is too strong for a single Demon King to beat on their own. And the fact that such a person is still alive, she finally understood her mother's worries and why she reacted such a way to Colin.

"Uhm, sorry about what my mother did earlier." Lily apologized, even if she understood, that doesn't mean that she could excuse how her mother treated her friends. Her only friends.

"It's fine." Alice said

"Don't worry about it, her reaction is valid, is someone that powerful is wondering around the underworld and possibly on Earth, we need to be prepared. We need to finish that wall and create cursed equipments even faster if we even hope to survive such a threat." Colin said

"I'll go get started. We already completed the plans, so we only need to start building the wall." Lily said

"I'll go talk to Bartus and see if we can speed up the mining and transporting of the cursed ores." Colin said

"Uhm, what should I do?" Alice asked a bit nervously

"I need you to work with Leia and make a list of the types of facilities we are gonna need. We are a bit short on manpower and their aren't a lot of people with the [Earth Affinity] so we are gonna need to use them as effectively as possible." Colin said

"When you mean facilities, you mean like a training ground for practicing abilities? And I think I also heard the Arachnids talking about laying eggs or something." Alice said and Colin smiled

"Exactly like that. And if it isn't too much trouble, I need the two of you to schedule hunting trips with everyone. You guys can do it in shifts, so you take them out hunting during the night and Leia does it in the day. Also, make sure to take Melissa with you guys." Colin said and kissed her on the forehead before leaving

"Awwww." Lily said with giggle, making Alice blush

"Shut up." She said, before disappearing in the shadows


Before leaving town, Colin decided to check on the forge that the Bartus guild was building and he surprised when he saw the building. The building was three stories high, made out of refined brown Earth with windows placed strategically all over the place. The windows had window pains made of translucent crystals, that could open and close at will. Their were smaller buildings surrounding it, with chimneys on them, obviously workshops. The entire compound was surrounded by a golden gate and fence, with symbol on front, the symbol of an imbalanced scale and two swords drived through it in the shape of a cross. This symbol was obviously Bartus guilds symbol, as it was also on the two contracts Colin signed with the guild.

"Welcome, Mr. Colin." Said a female Leprechaun Horder as she walked out of the gates. The gates opened by themselves, allowing her to pass through.

"I am Maeve and I am the second in command for the Bartus guild and I am responsible for the forge, it's a pleasure to officially meet." She said

"Ah, you are Bartus' wife correct. He mentioned you once or twice and I've seen you around, but never got the chance to talk." Colin said

"That's right, it seems my husband has told you about me. All good I hope." Maeve said

"Of course, their is nothing bad to tell about you after all." Colin said, and Maeve laughed

"Such a charmer, either way, come in." She invited and the two of them entered the compound. The area of the entire compound was pretty large, more than seventy square meters, and Colin realized that he was going to have to do some city planning if he doesn't want the place to become jumbled up and disorganized. They entered the mansion, and Colin realized that their wasn't much interior design, as he was walking on brown Earth.

"Sorry, we only completed the entire structure an hour ago, which is pretty fast considering we only had one inexperienced Earth users. Even so, we should be able to start forging the weapons and equipments you need within the day." Maeve said and as they walked, Colin spotted the High Daimoni he sent over here for construction, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her, seeing how exhausted she was.

"Don't worry about her, the succubi subspecies are known for their stamina. She will recover with a day of rest." Maeve said and Colin nodded his head

"I was wondering, how much of the ores have you collected so far?" Colin asked

"See for yourself." Maeve said and the two of them headed down a flight of stairs leading into the basement. There was a wall made of gold and a small gate, which Maeve easily opened and they entered. Inside, there was a small stash of cursed ores.

"You honestly expect me to believe that this is the only amount of ores you mined in the last twenty four hours." Colin said, and he could feel his rage building. Their was no way, a group of a little less than hundred demons only managed to mine less than a hundred cursed ores in a day.

"No, this is the amount we managed to transport here minus the amount we used to create the equipment needed for the workshops. I agree that this is a pitiful amount, but we simply can't transport all the ores as fast as we want to. Their are still powerful beasts lurking around and we simply don't have the capacity in our storage ring to carry them all. And it's not like all of us have storage rings to begin with." Maeve sighed

" We need to solve this issue fast. I need those weapons like yesterday and the longer we wait the more danger we are in." Colin said.