Chereads / The Dungeon Master of Lust / Chapter 1 - A horrible date and an interesting party.

The Dungeon Master of Lust

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Chapter 1 - A horrible date and an interesting party.

"God, fuck this is so BORING." Gina was as she had said bored, for the past month her life had been nothing but boredom. Normally she was someone in the background, spending the majority of her time in private with few friends, even fewer romantic opportunities, and a perfectly boring job.

The only thing that set her apart was the slight bit of muscles she had from her workouts, one of the few things that always calmed down and relaxed her. 

When she turned thirty-five, she thought that her life needed to change, as it was currently going, she'd be alone from now until her final days, and without thinking on it further she dove headfirst into the dating scene, something she had avoided for the past five years. 

Jumping back in was a challenge, for three months all of her dates were nothing but awkwardness and idle chatter, not a single one repeating and only leading her to fail once again, that was until she met Eliza.

Eliza was short, easily being dwarfed by Gina's 6'1 build, only barely reaching the height of Gina's breasts. Eliza made up for her height with two things, a figure that practically wouldn't quit with the ass and tits that one would only dream of, and her gothic makeup which usually led with an absolutely seductive and dark lipstick that seemed to suck in all the light. 

Their first date was in a simple diner, the same one she used for all her first dates, a few burgers, fries, and drinks and what would normally be an awkward mess with only good food to save her was one of the best dates she had ever been on, and when Eliza invited her back to her place, she found it hard to resist.

Sure, it was going quite fast, faster than any of her other dates, but it also was the best date she had ever been on combined with the hottest person she had ever dated so she couldn't refuse. 

Eliza drove them to her apartment, located on the outskirts of the city, but still fairly nice. Gina was surprised at how plain the apartment was, very little decorations or extra furniture, having the bare basics that she could gather, she didn't have long to look as something slammed into her head knocking her out. 

Gina woke up chained to the floor, in the center of a demonic ritual with symbols made out of blood scrawled on her skin and clothes, Eliza was floating chanting in a demonic language before fire bloomed from the runes, immediately encasing Gina in its grasp and burning her to a crisp into nothingness.

Floating back down Eliza waved her hand as the ritual and the room magically cleaned itself, "Sorry about this dear, you were the best candidate I found for a dungeon, and I couldn't refuse. If you do well enough, I'll come back in a few years' time and if it's any consolation it was a really nice date, if it wasn't for the dungeon, I'd have to seriously consider letting you bed me." She told Gina staring directly into her floating image.

Through that entire ritual while Gina had died, it immediately brought up a new form, a ghostly visage that mimicked her original lively body, but instead was covered in ash and burn marks, her ethereal dress still burning. She tried to slap Eliza silly, beat her senseless, even hurled obscenities left and right, but nothing she did had any effect on that trickster goth, leaving Gina alone in an empty apartment with absolutely nothing to do. 

That was over a month ago and Gina was absolutely bored out of her mind, "God, you couldn't even leave a phone and a charger for me could you Eliza." 

For the first few days she struggled to get a hand on her new form, learning how to move around properly, how she couldn't even flick a light switch, and besides the borders of the apartment she could fly through everything and anything.

The only two things she had for entertainment were staring out of the window and watching the mouse inside of the kitchen walls, though it had vanished a week ago and she hadn't seen it since.

She sighed, the sun was about to go down, leaving her in complete darkness and loneliness as she didn't even need to sleep and couldn't get tired. That was when she heard voices outside the door and the lock started to move, flying towards it she tried to stare out the peephole only for the door to slam directly into her face knocking her back, "Ah dammit that hurts, why do I still feel pain as a ghost?" 

Rubbing her nose Gina glared at the new occupants, around a dozen, maybe two dozen, college students, each of them bringing in something for their party, from chairs and blankets to beers, pizza, and chips. 

She froze wondering if they could see her, only for the first one, the one that slammed the door into her face and the shortest of the bunch walking through here without a care in the world, "See I told you guys it would be empty, this is perfect!" 

The last one to enter, and the tallest of the group carrying a nice blanket shut him up," We didn't care if it would be empty Ryan, we asked if your father would be fine with it."

Ryan waved her concerns away, "It'll be fine as long as we clean it up properly, now let's get this started." He partially shouted, cracking open a beer. 

The party started from there, drinking, some slight dancing, and plenty of delicious food and snacks, Gina hated it as while she didn't need to eat, she still could smell the delicious waft of melted cheese and greasy pepperoni, but when she tried to steal a bite, her mouth flew through it not getting a hint of it. 

The party was fun though, she could simply watch the fun going on and even act like she was part of it for a moment, in her typical sidelined and hidden spot, without any of the usual worry of parties she had to deal with. 

After a few hours and once a few of the guests had left, with the rest of them almost completely drunk, a slightly chubby girl, one Gina had found to be named Penny, shouted out, "I'm bored, let's play a game!" slurring each of her words.

The group laughed at her drunkenness, though the rests of them were barely any better, "What about dice?" one of them asked.

"We don't have any dice, maybe Jenga?" 

"We don't have any blocks for Jenga either you dummy." 

Ryan stood up, slightly leaning, "Guys guys, I've got it, let's play truth or dare!" 

A few oohs and ahhs in agreement were all Ryan needed to sit back down and make the first call, "Okay uh… Cassy, truth or dare?"

Cassy, the tallest of the group and the one that had tried to shut him up earlier, answered, "Uh… truth." 

"Would you go out with me if I asked?" 

Laughing Cassy could barely get her answer out, "Never in a million years, now uh, Tito truth or dare?"


"I dare you to snort this chip dust." She tossed over an almost completely empty bag of spicy chips, only the crumbs left.

Tito in his drunken state didn't refuse, but instead of pouring out the chip dust stuck his whole head into the bag and screamed instead, "Ah Christ this burns!" He got up and ran headfirst to where he thought the bathroom was, the chip bag still on his head, and instead crashing into the wall knocking himself out as the rest of them laughed at his stupidity.

From there the game continued, going through either embarrassing truths, stupid dares, or a shot whenever any of them didn't want to answer or do the dare, continuing on until Penny the one who started the game was asked to do a fairly interesting dare. Ryan called out, barely able to talk, "Penny, I want you to uh… what would be a good dare… uh… Oh go do the bloody Mary thing!" 

"You're on!" Penny struggled to stand, clearly way too drunk, but none of them were stopping anytime soon, Gina decided to follow her into the bathroom, watching to see if she would really do the dare.

After shutting the door Penny stood there for a second before turning on the shower, "Wait… no I'm supposed to be doing the ritual." She turned back and turned off the light, leaving the shower on as the hot steam filled the room.

Looking into the glass in the center of the dark room Penny tried to start the ritual, "Okay how does it go again? Like uh, am I just supposed to call out to you Mary? Bloody Mary like man is that a dumb name. Oops, sorry didn't mean to say that." 

After the first Bloody Mary Gina felt strange, her body felt hot for the first time in a month, and power coursed through her, she felt she could fly across the entire world or punch through the sky, each second that passed by felt like an eternity as the power filled her body. 

"Okay so like I know this is supposed to be like a creepy game, but why do you only show up if the lights are off, also are you called Bloody Mary because you're covered in blood or like because you kill the person and leave the room completely bloody." 

The second chant increased the power Gina felt, this time she could see herself slowly show up in the bathroom mirror, wiping off some of the steam to get a better look. It shocked Gina when it actually disappeared, her hand mark clearly on the glass, but Penny didn't notice it. 

"Like are you even real? I've done this a dozen times, but you haven't shown up a single time in any of them, usually makes me feel like an idiot you know that Mary your stupid skank. Anyway uh… Bloody Mary right, that's the third time, right?" 

The final chant brought Gina to a full stop, her body was no longer transparent and instead completely solid, strong enough that when she pushed on the mirror it cracked under the pressure, shards of glass going everywhere. Penny, even in her drunken state finally noticed Gina, and even when it took her a few seconds to understand what was happening screamed in absolute terror, rushing towards the door and trying to force it open.

It was too late as dark flames flew from Gina's body, devouring the entire apartment and everyone in it in complete and utter darkness. Leaving Gina in an empty void.