Molly could feel herself dozing off quite quickly once they'd finished decorating the cupcakes, but she kept jumping herself out of it. On one of those occasions, she jolted herself awake to see her boyfriend on the porch, trying to get her attention. She gave a slight glare as she tried to shake her head at him without her sister noticing. His frown and the hands on his hips clearly told her he wasn't happy about something. She fought back a sigh as she shook her head again. She tried not to keep looking over or rolling her eyes as she readjusted her look back to the film.
Both girls jumped when after about five minutes they heard a crash in Molly's bedroom.
"What the hell?" Jennifer demanded, looking at her sister shaken up.
"Oh I left my window open, the wind probably caught the curtain and knocked summit on the window sill over. Ye keep watchin', I'll sort it," Molly thought up quickly and almost ran into her room, ready to give him a piece of her mind. It could only have been Jake deciding to climb through the open window. "What the hell are ye doin'? She could've come in here, ye could've hurt yerself. Honestly Jake!" she whispered angrily, wanting to scream at him for being so stupid but not being able to because then her sister would definitely come in and catch them.
"Ye were supposed to meet me. How much longer were ye gonna make me wait?" Jake responded in similar hushed tones, disentangling himself from the duvet. It was lucky really that her bed was right under the window sill, if it hadn't been he could've hurt himself.
"I tried to send ye a text, but there was no way I could get to the computer to make sure ye knew without her seein' me," she yelled back softly, holding her phone up so he could see.
"That's not good enough Molls," he told her annoyed, getting up from the bed now so he could stand in front of her.
"What do ye want may to do? It's not my fault she came home early 'n wanted to hang out all weekend. Which by the way I sorted that I can come round on Sunday afternoon, to 'help Beth with her homework'," Molly spat back using air quotation marks, really struggling to keep her voice down now. He looked at her for a few moments, trying to figure out what to say to that. He was still mad at what had happened today, but he obviously knew it wasn't her fault. And it made him happy that she'd already thought of a way to get out of a whole weekend spent with just her sister. "Well… say summit," she goaded him now, surprised when instead of continuing the argument, he pulled her in to kiss her. "I'm confused," she whispered.
"I don't wanna fight, 'n I love that ye already figured Sunday out. Maybe we can still salvage tonaght?" Jake explained.
"Everything alright in there? Nothing broke did it?" Jennifer called right at that moment, making them both fight back a laugh.
Molly held her hand over Jake's mouth to keep him quiet, as she called back, "Everythin' is fahn." She let go of her boyfriend now to poke her head round the door to talk to her sister. "I'm actually really tired, I was startin' to fall asleep durin' the film. Ye mind if I go to bed?" she said, trying to sound sleepier than she actually was.
"I thought I saw you nod off. Yeah sure, we've got all weekend to do stuff," Jennifer nodded now, pausing the film for a second. "Ye mind if I continue watching?"
"Go for it, I've seen it before," her sister nodded with a smile. "I'll see ye in the mornin', night," she continued now and blew her a kiss.
"Night Molls," Jennifer caught it with a smile. She was so happy that they were back to acting normal around each other and spending time together like they used to, she didn't mind if her sister wanted to cut tonight a little short.
Once Molly was sure that she'd started the film again and had returned her attention to the screen, she closed her door and turned back to her boyfriend, who started kissing her straight away. She giggled softly as she kissed him back. "We can't stay here," she told him in a whisper.
"Let's go then," Jake said with a wink and hopped onto her bed, carefully stepping onto the window sill and making his way out the window. Once he was firmly on the ground, he held his hands out to her. She had to fight back giggles the entire time, trying not to knock anything over as he tried to help her out. She pushed the window to slightly so it wouldn't be obvious to her sister should she happen to look out the back door and together they started running towards his house.
They both didn't like the idea of not seeing each other on the Saturday, but Molly really did like the idea of spending time with her sister again. The bread came out really nice and spread a gorgeous smell throughout the house. They had fun doing all the kneading and pounding of the dough.
Once they'd had breakfast, they started getting ready so they could head out into the fields. Molly was hoping they might see Jake, but knew that if she did she'd have to keep her face neutral, which could be difficult.
"Molls, can I ask you something and you'll promise to answer honestly?" Jennifer suddenly asked as they sat down on their picnic blanket. Her sister frowned but nodded. "Did you sneak out last night? I went in to check before I went to bed and you weren't there," she said as she started unloading some of the food.
"Ehm, you sure? I may have gone to the toilet. The other day I fell asleep there for about 20 minutes…" Molly made up, trying not to catch her sister's eye. That of course was the benefit of having an en-suite, you could go during the night without anyone necessarily finding you or interrupting you and without you waking them up.
"Oh.. Well I suppose that's possible, I didn't check there," Jennifer conceded, but she didn't look entirely convinced. "I just…" she started, making her sister worried about where this was going. "It's just not the first time that I've thought you were supposed to be there and you weren't," she said, feeling very uncomfortable bringing this up. She didn't want to ruin their time together already, but she was more uncomfortable with the idea that her sister might be sneaking out, potentially to hook up with boys or one particular boy, and potentially getting into all kinds of trouble.
"Sometimes, when I can't sleep or I get too hot, I sit out on the porch for a bit. Did ye look outside?" Molly tried to sound natural and nonchalant, hoping the sweat wasn't beading down her forehead like she imagined it was. She really didn't want to lie to her sister anymore, but she couldn't admit now that she was sneaking out to see Jake, or indeed that occasionally he snuck in.
"No I didn't, to be honest," Jennifer sighed, sounding relieved. "Phew well at least that means I don't have to suggest switching rooms," she said with a laugh, but her sister knew she would have seriously done so if she felt it was necessary. For the sake of keeping today fun and to not get her suspicions up again, Molly left it as they started eating.