Chereads / Western Upheaval / Chapter 54 - Chapter Fifty-Four

Chapter 54 - Chapter Fifty-Four

"What are ye doin' here?" Molly asked surprised, but sounding annoyed, when she walked out of the café and saw her boyfriend waiting by his truck for her. They hadn't had any plans for tonight. At least she thought they hadn't. She'd been looking forward to a nice bath after having something to eat that wasn't fried chicken or omelets, two of the most served things at the café. 

Jake took a deep breath to stop himself from responding, as tonight was supposed to be all about getting back to enjoying each other's company rather than continue sniping at each other. "I wanted to see ye," he said with a smile as he pushed himself away from his truck to give her a kiss. He could tell she was tired before she half-heartedly kissed him back. 

"Jake, I'm really tired. Can we do this some other time?" she asked, sounding exhausted. She'd been on her feet all day today after a late night the day before and for some reason today had been really busy. She just didn't feel like she had the energy to play nice, which she knew wasn't good and needed changing – she just wasn't sure if she could right now. 

"Let me drive ye home at least," he offered now. Getting her into his truck was imperative to get her to the cabin. If she cycled home, that would never happen. He was counting on her taking the tempting offer so she wouldn't have to cycle with the way she was feeling. 

"Yeah, sure. Thanks," she nodded now, appreciating the offer. She gave him a smile and another kiss, putting a little bit more energy into this one. He smiled as he kissed her back. Jake opened the passenger door for her before lifting her bike into the bed of his truck. "How's yer day been?" Molly asked as he pulled away from the café. 

"Not bad, the usual," he shrugged, not entirely telling the truth. A usual day would be working the horses and working on the ranch before taking time to do his course work. He did very little of either of them as he put his plan into practice. "Y'all gettin' busier at the café?" he asked after a minute, seeing her eyes drooping a little. He really hoped he could wake her from this funk, otherwise tonight was going to be a dud. 

"Today was mental," was all she said as she sunk in her seat a little to make herself more comfortable. He glanced at her every now and again, seeing she was just about keeping herself awake as she stared out the window as they passed town. He suppressed a sigh, hoping tonight would go okay. "Where are we goin'?" Molly asked, almost bolting upright when she realized he'd missed the turning towards home. He knew she was tired and just wanted to go home. 

"Just bear with me," was all her boyfriend said. Jake wanted tonight to stay a surprise. 

"Jake, I'm tired, can't we…?" she started. 

"Molls, just trust me," he interrupted her, a little annoyed. This was precisely the situation that he was hoping to remedy tonight, but he needed her to just go with it. 

"Fine," his girlfriend responded as she started to cross her arms. 

He quickly took her left hand before she could and gave it a squeeze. "I'm sorry, it's just I got summit planned 'n I want ye to like it," he tried to explain without giving it away. Her look softened a little before she nodded. He kept hold of her hand as he continued the way to the cabin. "Close yer eyes," Jake instructed when they got closer. She gave him a frown but decided to go along with it. He pulled up closer, where he'd set up a table for two and hung up fairy lights in one of the trees and along the cabin roof. "Stay here 'n keep 'em closed," he said as he opened his door to get out. Only once she nodded that she would did he get out and continue. He'd put the food away in the cabin to keep it warm and he needed to light the candles. It took him only a couple of minutes, but they were the longest minutes of her life as she battled the temptation to take a peek. Jake opened her door and took her hand to help her out of his truck. "Okay, ye can open 'em now," he said softly once he'd led her a little closer. 

Molly slowly opened her eyes, blown away by what she saw. "Jake… This… I… Yer amazin', I don't deserve this," she said, taken aback, thinking about how crabby she'd been with him recently. 

"No, ye do…" he contradicted her. The last couple of times they'd spent together had been riding and just hanging out on her back porch. He hadn't put any effort into wooing her, having been tired from his chores and course work as well, he couldn't just blame her mood or workload. "I left some at yers for Jen, with a note to say ye'd been called back into work," he said now as he pulled her chair back for her. 

She smiled at him gratefully as she sat down. "This all looks wonderful Jake, thank ye," Molly smiled now, taking his hand when he'd sat down opposite her. 

He smiled at her, thinking she deserved all this and more. "Dig in," he told her, not wanting the food to get any colder. 

As they ate, it was easy to talk about the little things and reconnect a bit. The last few weeks had been tougher than they'd anticipated. 


It wasn't until Molly had finished eating and was looking around her, that she realized the radio on his truck had been playing in the background. She'd subconsciously heard a couple of George Strait songs before 'If the boot fits', 'Move' and now 'Likin' love songs'. "Are these in a deliberate order or random?" she asked, hearing Granger Smith sing, 'I hate to admit it, but I made her a playlist. It ain't my jam but watching her dance, she knows how to work it'. Jake cleared his throat a little embarrassed before he nodded. "Any particular order or meaning?" she probed curiously. 

"Well… Kind'a," he admitted. "The first couple were some of my favorites," he said, referencing the George Strait songs, in particular 'Carried away' since the night it had made him think of her and 'I just want to dance with you'. "Then some I noticed ye really like." 'If the boot fits' had become one of her favorites since they'd listened to it at hers and at the barn dance, where she'd also really enjoyed dancing to 'Move' by Luke Bryan. 'Likin' love songs' was catchy and again it had reminded him of her. 

She's got me likin' love songs, even got these old boots tapping along. So pretty, sitting shot gun singing wooooo woooo wooo. Makes me think of her, makes me think of this midnight moonlight slow kiss. She's got me likin' love songs. I keep turning it up coz it's turnin' her on. 

"That's really sweet," Molly smiled at the idea of him creating a slightly more modern version of a mix tape. He returned the smile, letting the next song speak for itself. 

You were given two eyes, so you've got perspective. You were given two ears, so you hear it from both sides. But you only got one heart, it only knows one way to love. When you find the one, suddenly it'll all add up. When it's real love, you don't have to think twice. When it's real love, there's no sacrifice. You just let go coz you know, you got it made for life. There's no compromise, real love, it's black and white. 

"And this song?" she asked, feeling a little nervous somehow, hearing the lyrics. 

There'd be no me without you. I only got one heart, I only know one way to love. You're the one, you make everything add up. 

"This… And the next few… I thought might come to mean summit to us, become special," Jake admitted. 

If it's real, then it can't be broken. All the words that you leave unspoken. If it's real then you want for nothing. I don't know why but it's just that something. It's the look in your eyes when you just know. There's no try, there's no why, you just let go. Just let go, just let go. 

Molly looked at him, a little taken aback. He was being so romantic, more than she'd been and more than she'd expected if she had to be honest. "Really?" she asked softly, getting an emphatic nod back. He wanted her to know how he felt, that he wanted this to work out, but he was unsure of how to say it. "I'd like that," she said now. Her response made his face light up, pleased that it was working. 

"Dance with me?" he asked now as the next song started, holding his hand out to her as he got up. She answered by taking hold of his hand, letting him lead her a little way away from the candles on the table. Jake put one hand on her waist as he pulled her in and slowly brought one of her hands up towards his neck, leaning his head in close to hers. Her free hand rested on the small of his back as they started dancing slowly. 

My mind just can't escape you. The first time I touched you, that's when I knew. I want you to trust me, I want you to love me. I want you to need me like I'm something you can't lose. I want you to save me, I want you to crave me. Even when I can't find my way to you. If you ever once doubt anything I'm about. All it ever comes down to. Girl, I just want you. When you get rattled, or you're coming unraveled. When you're holding everything together for me. 

"Tonight's been perfect. Thank ye Jake," Molly said softly, enjoying their slow movements with the lyrics. 

As long as I'm here, one thing I'm sure of. I want you to trust me, I want you to love me. I want you to need me like I'm something you can't lose

"I'm not done yet," he assured her and kissed her softly, pulling her in closer. It felt like they were floating as she kissed him back. 

All it ever comes down to is, girl, I just want you. Yes, I do, I just want you.

It was so easy to be together and lose themselves in the moment. There was a slight warm breeze that added a little sensuality as it caught her hair and ruffled her dress, the sky slowly turning orange and pink around them. 

"Hold that thought," he held her back when the hand on his back started pulling his shirt up out of his jeans. She looked at him a little frustrated until she realized he was clearing the plates and candles so they couldn't cause any damage to the field or animals. "We got the house to ourselves tonight," Jake explained when he'd finished and took hold of her hand again to head to his truck. When she caught on to what he was implying, she stopped him to pull him in for more kisses. Her hands tried to touch all of him as she pulled him against her. "Plenty of time for that when we get back," he promised her, fighting his body's desire to give in to her now. He pulled her into the truck and started back towards the house. He had to stop himself from speeding out of hand, while Molly was psyching herself up for what was about to happen.