Suho, I can't leave you behind, Said her wife. No! you should have to go and save our baby, Suho said. In a while, Goons Came to their house and tranna search them. Sir, there is no one here, One goon said. SHUT UP! As you already saw him in front of the door, Other Goon said to him. May be! He went away, Other goon asked because everyone know that he has super power. . Instead of finding them, they were quarrelling with one another. The head of Goons frauned and shouted; "Will you all end up this now or I will shoot you all". They all got silence as their Boss flamed up. On the other hand, Suho was convincing her wife so that his wife and his child can remain safe. See Eun-sook, If you jump out from this window then you will remain save. Okay! She was just seeing into his eyes that were just blinking with tears. Don't see me and take your front foot on toilet lid and other on my shoulder and then grasp your hands on window, I will lift you up ok. Take it ,.. Let's hurry. Take your foot! why are you staring at me? Dong Suho asked his wife orderly. Sound of other peoples was coming into bathroom as well. See, they will find us why are you staring at me? Take your foot. While saying that he forcefully grasp her and lift her up with her baby by all his energy and she fell by other side of wall as the wall was five feet high but she was safe and her baby as well. He said ; Eun-sook run so fast that no one can reach you and I will handle them okay. Her wife asked him with crying ; Will you meet us? Yes! Soon baby, Dong said to her by controlling his tears. Goons searched everywhere Sir! we did not find them, One goon said. Yes sir! I said to you earlier; there is no one here but you did not believe me, Other goon added his statement. Just shut up! I know they are playing hide and seek with us but I'm also SONG JUN and I can't give up, Their Boss said so proudly. One of them said; Sir we searched every where but the Bathroom door is shut. Yes you are right! Go and check, The Boss ordered. They reached to the door, while they opened, Dong Suho came up and started to fight. they surrounded him with their pistols. Their Boss smiled and said ; What will you do now Dong Suho. HAAHA.