suho suddenly surrounded by them. What will you do now suho? Oh don't touch me, I have super powers , please don't,..please, Hahahaha. Their Boss laugh a lot Suho, you will killed by us and your all super powers would gone away ... hahaha what will you do then
Suho smirked; Hmmeh! Then I will die. Hahaha! You think we will leave your wife hmm, Where is your wife .. ok, ok after you killed we will also find her too. HA! I know where she can hide. hahahaa. Boss said. Why all are you standing still shoot him. He ordered to Goons. They shooted him but he did not die but got some scratch Even their bullets had gone terminated in pistols. He stands up slowly and tried to run. Hey! sloppies, Target his heart rather he will not die... see he is running. He started to run, he opened the flat window and jumped out on the road but all in vein, one of them shooted him on his heart and he fell on a ground. Their Boss screamed; Shoot him more rather I will shoot you ninty times. They shooted him.
On the other hand, His wife was running with her little child who was crying a lot but she kept on moving. While they were shooting him, One of them saw his wife running on the road. He said; Oh Boss! I saw her I saw!
Go and capture her why are you standing still? Their Boss ordered. They ran after her . She saw them and kept on running and suddenly she got hitted by a car. AH! She shrieked...