Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 40 - Chapter 38: Innate Divine Demon

Chapter 40 - Chapter 38: Innate Divine Demon

The aura was filled with the Dao rhyme of looking down upon everything from on high, like a supreme ruler, who governs all, descending upon the mortal world.

His greatness was beyond imagination, the spreading power made even heaven and earth submit and tremble.

It was visible that with his emergence, the whole heaven and earth were trembling, producing a humming sound as if expressing submission.

"What is this?"

Even from a distance, Jiang Chen felt his body trembling. If it were not for the Human Path Flood roaring crazily in his Sea of Consciousness, he might not be able to resist worshiping it.

So strong,

and so terrifying.

The strength of this aura, in Jiang Chen's perception, was no less formidable than the Ancestral Dragon's aura, even stronger.

After all, the Ancestral Dragon's aura only had a wisp, but this aura is boundless, the difference is naturally very obvious.

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