Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 43 - Chapter 41 Bull Demon King

Chapter 43 - Chapter 41 Bull Demon King

Earth Immortals, to a Heavenly Immortal level demon, are considered a great tonic. Consuming one Earth Immortal can save them a hundred years of hard cultivation.

No wonder they're drooling over Jiang Chen.

"Boy, head into your Uncle Niu's stomach," fearing that he would get snatched by other demons, Niu Sili opened his mouth wide and sucked hard, ready to swallow Jiang Chen.

An Earth Immortal was nothing to him. A Heavenly Immortal dealing with an Earth Immortal only needed a hand, didn't they?

Next to Niu Sili, Wolf Three and Eagle Five watched him in admiration as he swallowed Jiang Chen, not daring to fight for him.

Although the three demons were under the command of the Bull Demon King, their status was completely different. Niu Sili's position was clearly higher than Wolf Three and Eagle Five.

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