Karan spoke as if he had done nothing wrong to Eliza. He didn't care that his wife would be angry with him for his honesty. He was also fed up with his fake relationship with Ryn.
Although Karan realised that in truth, he would hurt Eliza's day. After Eliza learnt that Karan had a relationship with Ryn, not just as a co-worker. Rather, it was a relationship between lovers.
Eliza lifted her head, this time she really dared to face Karan and looked at him sharply. From the corner of those eyes, Karan saw the disappointment and anger and pain his wife was showing.
"Karan, is what you say true or are you just testing my feelings?"
"All right, El. I have to be honest with you, that Ryn and I had a relationship a month before our wedding. I married you because we were already set on marriage. If I had cancelled it, it would have ruined my reputation, both as a famous businessman and as a man."
"Why did you have to do this to Karan? Is this marriage just a joke to you? Your love is fake."
"No, I never faked my attraction to you. I was very attracted to you before I met Ryn, but she turned out to be more attractive than you. Never mind, don't think about it, I didn't abandon me anyway. I'm still responsible and provide the best facilities for you."
Eliza flung herself on the sofa. Either she should cry or Eliza should laugh at Karan's honesty to her. Indeed, financially Eliza did not feel deprived, Karan provided more than enough.
However, psychologically she did not. Betrayal of love is not something that is easily accepted. Eliza does not want to live in a marriage that only makes her heart hurt.
"Not everything can be replaced with money, Karan. Is marriage to me some kind of trade for you? You bought me for the dowry you gave?"
"Then, what do you want us to do? We are already married, aren't we? How will others look at you and how will I look at myself if we break off the marriage at such short notice."
"So, what do you want us to do?"
"Yes, let's live with it. I won't forbid you from getting close to anyone and you shouldn't forbid me from having a relationship with anyone either. We'll only sleep in one room as a condition, or if you want to move, go ahead. Choose the room you want."
Eliza couldn't believe that Karan would make a new rule. Not intending to improve the marriage, Karan chose to make the marriage a status only. Meanwhile, both of them have their own freedom to have relationships with other people.
Karan was forced to make these rules, in order to keep his good name intact. If they knew Karan's marriage only lasted a few days. It would also have a bad influence on the future of his company.
To keep his career going, Karan is willing to provide for Eliza even though their marriage is falling apart. Both of them had unlimited freedom.
"Are you out of your mind, Karan? I mean, how will this marriage work if we just go through each other's processes."
"El, I'm tired of fighting with you. Instead of me fighting with you, then we fight all the time. Isn't that a waste of time and energy? If you choose this path, your life will be better. No more working to feed your stomach, I'll give you everything as long as you don't interfere with my business."
Eliza was in a tough situation, she had no choice but to agree to Karan's demands. Their marriage would go on, but not their love affair which now seemed to be no more.
After all, Karan also didn't mind Eliza spending his money. In Karan's mind, there was only freedom and tolerance.
Eliza looked down again, not knowing what to think at that moment. However, Karan was still waiting for Eliza's decision, he wanted Eliza to open her voice and return to normal again.
"Alright Karan, I agree to what you want. Instead of me living on the street, it would be better if someone shelters me for free.
"It's good that you're willing to agree to it. So, we don't have to argue and fight over things. I hope you understand not to bother me at the office. Don't keep asking when I'm coming home and so on."
"I agree, it's all up to you. After all, we have nothing to hide. You have a lot of freedom and I also have the freedom to get the satisfaction I want."
I don't know which demon came from which side to make Eliza agree to her infatuation with Karan. Both were married, but allowed to have their own partners. This would be much better than Eliza having to fight with Karan.
Eliza was fed up with Karan's betrayal even before the two got married. However, at that time Eliza couldn't let it go and now she can prove it. Not only that, Karan has also admitted it.
"I'm sorry Eliza, during my marriage with you I didn't get any satisfaction in bed. I don't understand why, it's like you're too rigid. So, don't blame me if I end up seeking satisfaction from other women."
"Whatever, you can do what you want. I won't care about you anymore."
"That's good, so I don't have to pretend to you anymore. In fact, I'm free to bring any woman into this house."
Eliza had not even replied to Karan's statement, he had already walked away. Unable to hide her pain, Eliza cried as soon as Karan had completely left the house.
Seeing Eliza crying, Bi Tuti went over to her. Bi Tuti had heard their argument, but could not do anything to help Eliza. That wicked man had enslaved an innocent girl for his own satisfaction.
This marriage had really hurt Eliza a lot, the pain and suffering seemed to be ignored by Karan. He only knew that he was married, but out there he was free to enjoy another woman's body.
"Mum, are you okay?" asked Bi Tuti carefully.
Eliza gave a small nod, "yes, Bi. I'm fine."
"You've listened to everything, I'm sorry you can't do anything to help me. I just hope one day Tuan will realise his mistake and not make you cry again."
"Never mind, Mum. Don't worry about it, I'm fine. After all, this marriage has already happened. I will try to put up with Karan. If I can't, I have no choice but to separate from him."
Eliza left Bi Tuti, her heart completely broken. The man she loved at that time had turned into a sex criminal. A man who only enjoyed a woman's body, without caring about her status and pain.
"Why did it become like this, God?" Eliza asked herself.