First of all, I must make known the reason for my way of seeing things.

All of which led me to the conclusions I've come to in my life.

It doesn't mean that everything that comes out of my mind is the right thing to do.

No one is perfect.

I should also clarify that I am not a psychologist, nor do I have a PhD.

There are things in life that don't need a degree to reach empathy or understanding of certain situations.

That is why, although the beginning of the book is a little gloomy, every word is necessary for you to fully understand me.

This book covers the form of education my father received.

The education that was implanted in me and the education that I, being the link of the old school, have imparted to my children.

There will also be talk about situations in education that many of today's new parents inculcate.

Without generalizing any opinion.

Every head is a world and every world has its own rules.

No offense.

Because of everything we've had to understand as we've grown up, I think it's important to remember what I was in my childhood.

I remember very few things, but many of them left a mark... literally.

It's typical when you're restless, distraught, wounded, broken...

Many of them accidents, I swear, though not all of them.

Kid stuff.

And in that way, to be able to compare my current state as a mother, to what my own mother suffered with me.

My grandmother, whenever I misbehaved, told me: with your children you will pay for it.

There is no greater wisdom than those words, like a sentence.

Ha ha ha. If it is met.

That showed the honesty she had with me, as a child, sometimes we didn't get to see the extent of those words.

Every heaven has its hell.

All darkness is a ray of light.

Here are some of my memories.

Many parents, in the past, were dedicated to raising a very large number of children, who, even from an early age, took them to work with them, or found them a job to help in the home.

Both for children at the market, to help the ladies carry the errand.

To the central supply center to carry sacks of food or bars of fruit.

Learn the trade of the shoemaker, the shoemaker.

Not forgetting the girls who, from a young age, were taught the art of the home.

Taking them home as maids to work as well.

Or help at home, for the mother and the care of her other siblings, washing, making food, running errands.

While it is true that all these things, today we see them as excessive, made those children grow up with a high sense of responsibility.

The rules of the houses are often severe, often under the yoke of a hose, a belt or blows with the hands or feet.

Most of the time, just a thuggish look was enough to know how you were going to do at home if you didn't behave.

It was very effective.

I don't condone violence in any way.

I myself have experienced it on both sides of the coin.

I'm not a saint by any means.

I'm not a person who freaks out about anything, you have to be consistent.

My father had to live this way, which is why he did not know care, affection and patience in his childhood.

What led him to be an adult wrestler, yes. 

A very mentally abused adult. 

That he only wanted what every man wants to have. 

One home, one family. 

A place to belong.

Things don't always go our way.

Maybe a lot of people will judge...

Maybe a lot of people will put themselves in his shoes.