1:30 PM
"...rapture spotted up ahead, aden get behind me" Rapi said as aden started to nod while I looked around the area for any more of them.
"the raptures are acting like they own the place, what in the hell are they doing down here?" she said looking at the raptures that were roaming the area.
"I agree, what are the raptures up to." neon said as aden spoke up.
"patrolling the area from the looks of it, they must be guarding something." aden asked as Rapi nodded her head.
"the raptures are all gathered around the machine." Anis said as I nodded while looking at it as I spoke up, "They're keeping the power station up and running."
"what, how do raptures know how to use human artifacts?" anis and aden said at the same time as they were shocked.
"... Anis, aden, look, the raptures, they're operating it." rapi said as she pointed at what she was seeing.
"This can't be real." anis said in shock as I was looking at the situation while aden responded with "Looks real to me."
"Has anything like this happened before?" Neon asked us in question.
"Well, neon, not that we know of." shifty said as she was looking at the situation while we were in the area.
Rapi who saw this situation turned her head toward me and started to make a suggestive idea, "Commander, I suggest we return to the ark, we have completed our investigation."
After hearing this, I started to nod and smile, "Okay you 4, let's go home, aden, you are with me since Andersen is going to know who we have found." I said as aden smiled.
"Sweet, I wonder what permissions I can have granted." I heard him say as I could guess where this was going.
Rapi looked at aden as she gave him the death look and then looked back at me as she nodded her head, "Yes, commander, I will also be in the room since I want to hear what aden had in mind." she said while looking at aden who gulped knowing what was going to happen.
"shifty, confirm the escape route for the 5 of us..." she asked as Shifty went to work on where the location was.
As that was happening, a pew could be heard as me and aden ducked our heads knowing that we were spotted.
"Damm it! We're exposed!" she said as I looked to see where the shot came from as I saw that the raptures were shooting at the area we were in.
"Engaging! you two! get behind me." rapi asked as I nodded while me and aden hid behind Rapi as the shooting started.
"Well, this was not on my bingo card." aden said as the windows were breaking during the shootout.
"NO SHIT." I said as I opened fire on the raptures.
*glass shatter*
"Ra-rapi." Neon said as I looked in horror alongside aden.
"Damn you, scum!" anis said as she opened fire on the raptures that were pouring into the area.
As Rapi was speaking to both me, aden, and the others, she was struck by an electron beam in front of us as it came out of nowhere.
With a sickening resounding crack, her head falls off her shoulders and rolls to our feet.
Me and aden both stare in traumatic horror as her eyes go dim, and as we look at her head in a trance-like state, we both could feel Anis's hands shake us from our trance.
"Hey! you two! pull yourselves together! They are coming!" anis said as we looked at her and then at each other then back at her and nodded our heads.
As Aden started to grab rapi's head, we could feel the ground begin to shake under feet, "what is that shaking?"
"I don't know anis, but whatever it is, it does not sound good." aden said as we were getting out of there.
"we're detecting a Tyrant just up ahead. identifying the signal now." shifty said as she was scanning for the signal while the ground shook.
"It's the one who dug the hole! We're in no shape to keep fighting! Rapi is gone!" anis said as we all nod while aden placed rapi's head beside her feet and got up.
"then let's get the fuck out of here." aden asked as he grabbed his gear, "shifty! we need a fucking escape route, now!"
"Roger that aden! The harvester is still in operation. Follow this route on your map and you and the others should be home free." shifty informed as we agreeded and marked the area.
Good! come on neon and aden!" she said as we followed her while neon replied with a "Yep!"
2:30 PM
"Yes, we finnaly lost them!" anis said as she started panting from the chase that had happened while i looked at aden.
"you good." i asked as aden nods while anis looked at neon, "neon, how is rapi."
"she will be fine." she informed as i nod knowing that she was okay after that incident.
"We're almost there you 4, We're going to run from here! Watch out for any large-scale raptures along the way!" shifty updated as we continued our way out of here.
"Roger that shifty! aden and nova, RUN!" anis said as aden agreed and ran the hell out of there.
"..." was all nova could respond with as he stood there still in shock from what happened while anis saw this.
Anis: "damn you!"
"Nova, pull yourself together, before you get us all killed!" anis said in a shaky voice as i snapped out of it and looked at her while she continued.
"Rapi is not dead yet! so long as we have her head, we'll find a way to bring her back! now Go! Come on!" anis said as we started to move.
Nova: "go!"
Anis: "Okay."
As we were leaving, i could see Neon walking to me as she had something, "Master nova, here, Please carry this for us, it may hinder our movements in battle."
As i carry what neon gave me, i could start to feel it, it was fucking heavy.
It was clear that Rapi's head was heavier than i thought.