They move to the jewelry store called the "The Gold room ". Justin stops and looks at the store window , which was filled with beautiful gold's and other precious gems. A sales associate greets them and asks if if they need any help . "No thank you , I can see them with my eyes , if I need you I will call you . Justin responds.
As they look around, Justin notices a beautiful necklace with a teardrop gold in the center . He thinks it will look perfect on Lisa , so he picks it up and says ,"This is stunning!, it will fit your neck , admiring it in the mirror . "It's beautiful," she says. "Will you like to try it on" the sales associate asks . "Yes please !" Says Lisa ." I will do it!" He takes the necklace from her and puts it on her neck . "Thanks " Lisa says. with a knowing look her face .
When she looks in the mirror , her eyes widens . The necklace sparkles against her skin ,and she can't help but smile . " It's perfect !" She says, and Justin smiles too.
Lisa asks herself. The sales associate says , " If you like that you might also like this matching bracelet " She shows them a delicate gold bracelet., that matches the necklace perfectly . Lisa tries it on and it fit her wrist perfectly . " What do you think ! " The sales associate asks. "I love it !"Exclaims Lisa . " Why won't she I bet she hasn't seen a bracelet as expensive and pretty as this before ." Lisa hears Justin arrogant voice at her back , she is so embarrassed , with Justin statement.
Justin pays for the necklace and bracelet, and the sales assistant wraps them up in a pretty bow . They left the mall the driver had already packed the clothes in the car boot . Justin and Lisa got into the car, "Take us to MacDonalds we want to eat " He tells the driver . He drives them to MacDonalds ,the restaurant is so big and nice . Justin and Lisa enter, the inside is so amazing many rich people eat there ,the waiter and waitresses uniform are wow ! to Lisa .
Justin Orders food for both of them without asking Lisa what she wants . Lisa is a little bit annoy by this ,but she doesn't want to make a scene ,so she says nothing . The food arrive ,and Justin is telling Lisa how to eat it and what to order for dessert . Lisa is feeling more and more frustrated with Justin bossiness , but she keeps quiet and tries to enjoy her meal.
Justin and Lisa finish eating at the restaurant and head for the car. The driver opens the door for them as they climb inside . The car pulls away from the curb, Justin and Lisa sit in silence, the silence is deafening. Lisa is grateful that they will soon be back home, where she can escape the tension between them. She stares out the window , wishing she can disappear into the scenery outside.
Justin glances over at her, but she kept her gaze fix on the passing scenery . When they reach home ,the driver opens the door and Justin gets out first. Lisa and the driver carry the loads inside . She walks into her room , which isn't very beautiful. She takes out the clothes Justin bought for her , and she starts trying them on.
As Lisa is trying on the clothes, she is becoming more and more frustrated. The dresses are too small and they expose some parts of her body ,they are all sexy dress . She has always hate wearing short dress especially the one that expose her laps and breast.
As she is still examining the dress she wore in the mirror,she feels like she's being reduce to just a set of measurements ,a collection of numbers that dictate what she is wearing. She feels like she has lost her individuality and that she has been reduced to a thing, rather than a person.
She has always like her baggy cloths and trousers , infact red is her best colour,most of the dresses are black and white , so revealing, she expose she is starting to feel angry and upset,and she is not sure what to do next. With anger welling up inside her, Lisa starts to take off the clothes that Justin bought for her . She doesn't want to wear them anymore. As she is taking them anymore,as she is taking them off,she hears a knock at the door. "Come in", she says . The door opens and Justin walks in ,he notices that Lisa is no longer wearing the clothes he bought for her . He looks at her quizzically and says , "Why aren't you wearing the clothes I bought for you, "They don't fit ",Lisa says angrily and hisses . Justin looks puzzled and asks "What do you mean they don't fit".