Targon and Draconis were now heading to the home of the Drakes but they both knew recruiting the drakes will not be easy because have sentience and their own language Drakiri they lived a very primitive lifestyle and their appearance gorillas but in an reptilian form while live in family groups called troop in fact the Drakes were one of two out the five dragon race who live like wild animals. Targon and Draconis arrived at the home of the Drakes who were not welcoming toward the two then Targon would explain they are not here to fight while speaking Drakiri which shock the drakes surrounding them, the Drakes would escort both Targon and Draconis to the troop leader while the Drakes both encountered would still be mistrustful of the outsiders. Targon and Draconis would be brought before the troop leader who is called Drogar who asks them who they are to which Targon introduces himself first in Drakiri which shocked everyone surrounding them then as Draconis was about to introduce himself a green Drake named Terrador asks Draconis if he is the progenitor of the dragon which everyone would be shocked to learn that Draconis was the progenitor which Dragonis would ask Terrador how did you know to which he explains that his great grandfather Ignitus told Terrador's grandfather who told Terrador's father who would tell Terrador about Draconis, hearing Terrador is the great gradnson of Ignitius was shocking to Dragonis, Terrador would the ask Targon and Draconis are they here to call in the oath to they confirm explain that they both calling the oaths of all dragon in order to fight Stendhal and Grogar which shocked Terrador because he had heard the story about Grogar and would shocked to learn that Grogar was not only alive but is the ruler of the demons, Terrador would advice Drogar would be unreasonable because when the demons invaded centuries ago the Drakes suffered the most casualties out of the dragons which is why they do not trust outsiders because Drogar was one the Drakes to survive the demon's invasion and would see his father killed by the demons. Drogar would then order some of the Drake soldiers to kill Targon and Draconis to which Targon restraints them using his power of earth for most of them as the rest he would use his power of metal to hold them in place shocking everyone then a Drake named Glaedria who is the son of Terrador how Targon is able to control earth with such ease to which Draconis states that Targon can control all nine elements because he is Draconis true heir which would shock everyone. Terrador would then challenge Drogar for leadership of the Drakes stating that his resentment towards the demons has made him unfit to lead the Drakes. Drogar would accept Terrador's challenge, the duel would end of an hour a half with Terrador winning the duel then would accept Targon and Draconis request for aid against Stendhal and Grogar.