Targon's coronation had just concluded he would take Sunset and a few other to the place were he said goodbye to Blazer and were he made a shocking discovery. Targon would explain just before the battle with Stendhal's forces Targon would meet with Blazer in cave near the top of the mountain there they discovered some murals showing a prophecy of Draconis that came to pass, first would show him give sentient to the dragons, then he would witness a war that would devastate the world and final showing Draconis being laid to rest with his family. Blazer would explain to his father that once the fight is over Blazer is return to the human world which Targon understood. The two would say goodbye to each other with Targon being at peace with because he had made amends with Blazer then Targon would notice a second mural which was about him. After the coronation Targon would show his queen and as many that could fit while also bring a camera to broad cast Targon's discovery, what he would show them would shock them just as it did for Targon the mural would show Targon's five year journey through the human which is exactly what happened, the second part would show Targon's battle with Stendhal which had just end with Targon victorious and the final part was the part he wanted to show everyone the final part which showed a some figures bowing to a red dragon that is emitting rainbow coloured light which shocked everyone. Targon would explain that these murals were carved by seers who received visions which were show by Chronos to which he would appear and confirm Targon's statement. Targon would then touch the part of the mural that shocked him and would show everyone what he saw which would shock everyone even more. We now just to ahead five years which around the time that was shown in the vision Targon and everyone else saw. Targon and Sunset had just arrive at the UNP headquarters for an annual meeting. The UNP was sort for the United Nation of Primordia which Targon would help create, UNP is an organization base of the United Nations organization from the human world, Targon would also suggest that the give the realm they live a name and would agree with Targon's suggestion in calling the realm Primordia after the primordials themselves. As Targon and Sunset arrived at UNP headquarters everyone would bow their, Targon would say the people who are not of New Draconia should not bow to me becuase I am not their sovereign to which Sunset replies saying it is their way to show respect for all he has done for them. Targon would arrive UNP General Assembly Hall where everyone has been waiting to which Targon apologizes for been later to which everyone say there is no need because they would always wait for he and in fact Targon had arrived just in time because they were just to start the annual meeting of UNP which is to check on every member of UNP to check on it's members nations statue if any of them are running into any internal problems or any international problems which none of the member nations have no current problems. While the UNP share some similarities to United Nation there some difference for example the representatives of each nation have more then one member for example Equestria has three delegates one for the unicorns, one for pegasuses and one for earth ponies. The two delegates of mount Aris are one hippogriff and one sea pony. There two delegates for Gartaura which is the name of Tirek of Nation in fact Tirek is the delegate that is representing the centaurs while his nephew Scorpics is delegate representing the Gargoyles. Chrysalis is representing the changelings. Farasi has three representatives one to represent the zebras, the abadas and the kelpies. The delegates from New Draconia have the largest number of delegate each representing the six ethnic groups of the dragons. As for the Secretary-General they have the responsibility to over sees the general assembly, when Targon suggested the creation of the UNP he would recommend the first candidate for Secretary-General and everyone was surprised to hear who Targon recommend which was Discord and to make sure that no future Secretary-General would become corrupt Targon would have an advisory board which consisted of the primordials themselves. After concluding with the annual meeting Discord would say is there something you forgot to report Targon, Targon would try to play dumb but those who have known him for years know him well enough that he is hiding something which in this case is information about a rumor that has been around for the last five years which is about two children which the delegates and Discord just confirmation about their parents to which Targon finally caves saying that the rumor about his children is correct. Hear Targon's answer was exactly what they wanted to hear and would also ask when will he introduce them to which Targon state he was going to have their debut tomorrow. Everyone was satisfied with Targon's answer and are looking forward to meeting his children. Tomorrow comes as the sun begins to rise Targon and Sunset got up just as the sun was begin to rise and would wake up their children so they all can get ready for their children's debut, as the sun continues to rise everyone in the city town gets ready for the debut of the prince and princess. Half of the sun had just risen and all the guest begin to gather in Aurathar to attend the debut of the prince and princess, when there was no room in the throne room Targon had camera in the throne room broadcast the royal debut to everyone nations in the realm of Primordia and to the human world. Targon would first make a speech thanking everyone who could be here for this important day which would not be possible without the people of New Draconia, it's allies and the soldiers who gave their lives ten years so we all could have a future, before presenting the prince and princess he would ask for a moment of silence to honour those who have passed on to what ever comes next after death. As the moment of silence has passed Targon would now present his children prince Helios and princess Astra as the two enter the throne room, one of the guest would ask about the names of the prince and princess to which Targon explain that Helios was the name of the greek god of the sun and Astra means star, after hearing Targon's answer they all understood the reason he choose those two name it was because both Helios and Astra were both white dragons who were both born on the same day. Targon and Sunset would both place to crowns on their children's heads and like their fathers crown had writing on the crown which is in Dragiri. For the king's crown it say the one who protects while the queen crown says the one who guides, for the writing on the prince's crown it says the one serves and for the princess it say the one who heals. Hearing these words all guest in the throne room and watch the broadcast understood the meaning of the writing on the crowns which is an oath the royal will forever follow to protect, to guide, to serve and even to heal their people which everyone found very fitting. After the royal debut the guest would talk about what kind of possible future Helios and Astra will have which they will soon see. Ten years would pass since Helios and Astra's debut, Targon who was now fifty eight hundred years old ever since Stendhal's defeat Targon would let Sunset handle all international matters while he focused on the internal affairs of New Draconia. Targon would create a unique kind of government from what he had learn during his time in the human world. The government of New Draconia that Targon would create was a liberal authoritarian with a planned free economy, the way this government would work was Targon would make final decisions after receiving council from advices. Targon advisors are the follow the council of the dragon elders, the crystal council which are the leaders, warriors and some the human world religious figures. Explains of people who would be part of the crystal council would Cyrus the great, king Leonidas, Alfred the Great and Ashoka, for religious figures there was Zoroaster, the Budda, Christ plus some Shinto priest and even some other individuals like Gandhi, Mandela, mother Teresa and the founding fathers. Targon would attend the New Draconian people consortium were the citizens of New Draconia would gather so Targon can get their opinion on his final decisions before formally announcing his decisions. As for the planned free economy Targon while not restoring the dragon clans he would instead would let the people experience what made each of the clans so unique. The people of New Draconia would have the chance to become artisans like the member of clan Palladia, to become skill tacticians like those of clan Dracimar and become what they were really best at, clan Dracimar's primary trade which was medicine, to be skilled merchants like clan Norvagen while being a clan of stubborn warriors were also the best merchants out all the dragon but their favourite hobby was party while drinking crystal alcohol which they made in their distillery, to become skilled martial artist like clan Draigar and were some of the best poets and like clan Odakous many of New Draconia's people were given the chance to become scholars/philosophers/historians and writers. Since Targon's clan is the only survivor of the six clans they would take up the responsibility to protect and guide the dragons to a better future. Targon would do a monthly evaluation of the military, miners guild, medical guild, artisans guild and other facilities of New Drconia's which was a way for he to see what is going in New Draconia and was a way for him to have less paper work to deal with because working in a office of a bureaucrat was least favourite thing to do which was why during his time in the human world he avoided any governmental positions not to only to keep a low profile but as to avoid the work of a bureaucrat but when he fonunded Dragonic Solutions he had no choice but to do paper work at a desk with sometime over working himself to the point of getting sick. As for the New Daconian military Targon would have only competent to join who are also of good character but they do have to be natives of New Draconia. Targon would have all his former subordinates from before leaving for his journey as flag officers not for their connections but they had earned with those who served during the battle with Stendhal's forces given appropriate ranks for their service. For the Draconia military uniform Targon would have green represent the Army, blue for the Navy, red for the Air Force/fighter corp and brown for Special Forces as for the dress uniforms they would be night sky black with a green shield for the Army, a blue Anchor for the navy, two red wings for the Air Force/fighter corp and two brown coloured crossed swords. For the military ranks for those in train they get porcelain coloured dots, obsidian would be the rank colour for junior non commissioned officers while senior NCO's have iron coloured ranks. For officer cadets they wear a bronze rank till they become officers then when they become a junior the wear silver strips then when they become senior they wear golden strips and when they become flag officers they wear Platinum stripes. What each of the branches of the military has in common they are all part of the New Draconian Defence force which allows join mission between all military branches to increase the success of any mission. Targon create a the military policy for the New Draconian Defence force would not only to protect the sovereignty of New Draconia but also be the biggest contributor to the UNP for international peace keeping when only asked by the nations that request and when disasters hit would act as relief support in order to save as many lives as they could, the members of the New Draconia Defence force would draw their inspiration from Targon after hear his five thousand year journey in the human were he would use his abilities to save as many lives as he could. As for Helios and Astra they were both now twenty years old now but would get in trouble few time one such example was when the two would race when they accidentally reck an construction which at first they tried not to get caught but then would learn their father wanted know what had happen which make them feel guilty and ashamed about trying to avoid getting in trouble and feel even more guilty and ashamed when the people working at the construction site try to cover for them, then Targon learn that the accident was caused by Helios and Astra who he could hear because of his sharp hearing, after Targon called out his children's names the two would come out of hiding to face their father guilty and ashamed looks on their faces and would admit they caused the accident which would lead Targon to ask if any was hurt to which workers say no was hurt and the accident can easily repaired which relieved Targon, he would then order his children to go to the throne room and would order it as their king to which the two would follow, just before Targon was about to head for the throne room one of the workers would ask him to go easy on them to which Targon state as their king I can not show favoritism no matter how much he wants to go easy on them. Now in the throne room Targon begins to scold his child for being reckless, destructive and irresponsible, Targon make sure his children remain silent when he is speaking then states his speak to create a better future for everyone which the two seem to want stand in the way which leads Targon to say have I taught you nothing to which Victor explains that Targon is a good teacher and his children are young which means they are bound to make mistakes which reminds Victor of how Targon was when he was their age to which Targon responds say that the times were different as was I and my children are not their father, then Astra would speak up say the fault was hers because she goaded Helios thus is responsible for what happened to which Helios also state it was also his fault for leading them both towards the construction site thus both of us are responsible for the accident to which Targon says they both seem to have an understand of what responsibility means then would explain when the time comes the two of them will be responsible the people of New Draconia, Helios would then speak up saying that the accident can be an example of being lead astray to which Targon says it seems that you have a sense about the weak link in the chain that could destroy New Draconia, after his statment Targon gave his promission for his children to leave which Helios does all be it with a frustrated face, Astra would stay a little to talk to her father about why he being hard on the two to which he says that both Astra and her brother both understand the responsibility that Targon will pass on to the both of them and he wants to make sure that the two are not lead astray not even by their own family which lead her to say that all the two care about is making their father proud of them to which Targon states that they already are shock Astra and Helios who just outside the throne room who would hear his father's statement, Targon would also state the given the opportunity the two will live up to the responsibilities of New Draconia, he would then tell her to go then say he will see Helios and Astra tonight then after bowing her head Astra would leave the throne room to check on her brother. Astra would find Helios in the hall of the ancestors but would tell to go away while still being frustrated about their father accusing Helios for destroying New Draconia which at first Astra jokes about but then would explain the reason their father is hard on them especially is becuase he is the king he can not show favoritism not even to his own children which mean every time the two cause trouble he feels a bit disappointed because he believes that Helios and Astra are not taking their responsibilities but is reassured every time when they both own up to their mistakes, while Helios does understand what Astra is saying he but feels frustrated every time their father scolds them to which she say you are so easy to irritate to which he responds saying that Astra has just as much as a short fuse as he does to which they then both laugh then saying that something they both got from the parents. Astra would also remind Helios of the banquet tonight which also happens to be the twenty year anniversary of New Draconia, Helios and Astra would put on their dress cloths and immediately head toward the banquet as fast as they could and managing to arriving just in time. As the banquet was about to begin an uninvited guest who's name is Opaline Arcana, Celestia and Luna warned Targon about Opaline and would see their warning was warranted because Targon saw that Opaline reminded him of various evil people during his time in the human over the last five thousand years and also reminded him of the demons that followed Grogar which included Stendhal. Opaline would to gain power start with killing Targon using a crystal called element bane, everyone at the banquet knew what element bane was from studying a records made by the dragon over the centuries during which a variant of primestone called element bane, element bane is difficult to find but for those who have elemental power have no interest in searching for it because element bane emits a radiation that is poisonous to any who has elemental power and the elements one controls the higher the chance of death since everyone knows that Targon can control all nine elements that meant that if the element bane got near him he would die instantly but to everyones surprise Targon grabs it crushes it in his hands a then swallows it shocking everyone even Opaline then Targon would state that element bane has no effect on him since he gave up his powers before his coronation, hear this revelation shocked everyone at the banquet, everyone watching/listening via recording camera's and even Opaline. Opaline would demand why he would give up his powers then realizes before everyone else, the reason why Targon gave was for his family, he would explain if he had kept his powers he would have unintentionally cause himself to be isolated from everyone which would lead to depression and eventually Targon would commit suicide, Targon would then state that his family is more important to him then any power and given the choice between his powers or his family he would always choice the latter which made his family were happy to hear that Targon values his family and everyone of Primordia and the human world now have a greater respect for Targon. As Opaline she try to attack Targon but he counters by cutting off her wings then state despite not have his powers he is still a season warrior who is still in his primordia, he would then order his guards to restraint Opaline and order to remove her from New Draconia and order that a magic nullifying collar on her which the guard do then Targon would say never show your around again Opaline. Now the uninvited interruption had dealt with the banquet can now begin. At first Targon would allow everyone to enjoy themselves for a few hours then he would make announce. Targon's announce at the banquet is about a new project that he plans to ask the other nation to take part in the project, the preposed project Targon was announcing was a project to build a Dyson sphere, the dyson sphere would be the first step towards the journey to the stars. After Targon's coronation people would ask the question to Targon's state of the world will be swallowed in fire of the dying sun to which Targon as well the people who came with to Primordia who have skills in science explain it is a scientific fact which also leads to Targon restating what he said to Thanatos about learn nothing last forever which means everything dies. Targon would explain that everything we have built and/or will ever build would be for nothing else we go to the stars because even if Primordia or earth dies the people who have found homes among the stars because if one star dies there many others out there which means there is a chance for life, Targon would now ask the guest at the banquet and those listening and watching via camera are you willing to travel to the stars. Discord would be the first to answer say things about are about to get exciting and I do not even need to cause some chaos to do it. Then everyone else at the banquet began to answer that Targon certainly has an ambitious goal for the future one that is worth supporting. Targon was glad to see that everyone is willing to support his plans for the future. While Targon knows that his plans for the future will not be easy but it is need to create a better future, Targon would then raise a glass for toast then would say to the future which everyone at the banquet would say the same thing. Morning had arrived every nation of Primordia would get to work on the construction of the Dyson sphere with New Draconia spear heading the project, thirty years would pass while it was bitter work constructing the Dyson sphere but it was worth because of all nations of Primordia working together would take about about eighty years would take less then half. The day of the Dyson sphere's activation would also happen on the fifty year anniversary of New Draconia. The moment of truth would arrive as the Dyson sphere actives, the successfully activation of Auroria Dyson sphere would cause everyone witnessing to erupted in cheers out of satisfaction for seeing their hard work payoff and it would not just Primordia who would celebrate, Earth to would celebrate the completion of their own Dyson sphere with help from Primordia because Targon would open up trade deals with earth because of the past five thousand years in the human world he has grown to care about. After Targon had his coronation one of the first things he would do was to start trad deals with earth with he manage to successfully convince the leaders of each nation of earth because it they did they would be miss out on a once in life time opportunity which leaders of each nation of earth would agree to the trade deals of Primordia because Targon was correct that the opportunity presented before them would not come again and the two worlds would be allies for the last fifty years. Over the next fifty year both Primordia and earth would begin to colonize the stars starting in their own star system, both worlds would even develop terraforming technology with some trial and error. During the fifty years after the activation of Auroria Dyson sphere only less then half a dozen would establish colonizes, the only four nations of Primordia were Equestria, Gartaura, Cunabula and New Draconia with the first having very few colonies because they would focus their own internal matters with the other nations of Primordia having no reason to create colonies but would allow their people to immigrate to the colonies and as for New Draconia would have the largest number of colonies, Targon would give the colonies the names of every one of the dragon who are still respected to this day, Targon would also do something no would expect which was to make the colonies vassal states but only after the colonies population reach at least a million and if a majority of the population votes for independence then New Draconia would grant it as long as they can sustain itself. It was now the hundred year anniversary of New Draconia both the children of Targon were all grown up and had children of their who's names would be Aithusa the son of Astra and Anastasia the daughter of Helios and Cera the granddaughter of Victor and Luna. There would be many descendants of Targon allies and friends would be there for the hundred year anniversary like his childhood friends, his sister, Discord plus his and fluttershy's children, Twilight daughter with Davious who is called Dinna, Chrysalis and Tirek children, Flurryheart and her child and the people who came with Targon when he returned home, as the banquet was about to begin there was a drastic interruption in the form of Targon collapsing, everyone at the banquet and those watching the broadcast assumed at first that Targon was poisoned but Helios and Astra would reluctantly state that it was in fact cardiac arrest with Discord being the first to realize Targon had a heart attack which Helios and Astra confirm the it was a pretty bad one, Cera would be the one to ask which heart was it to which Helios and Astra say he only has one heart which made everyone curious for a few seconds then everyone remembered that five of Targon's hearts were torn to shred also remembering Targon said that his sixth heart gave out before Stendhal's death then Aithusa then reluctantly asked the question was it his core heart that went into cardiac arrest to which Helios and Astra regrettably confirm, everyone would remember that six of the seven hearts are reserve heart incase something happens to the core which is an easy fix but if a demon has only their core and it goes into cardiac arrest or anything that would harm the heart would cause serious problem for the cardiovascular system. Then suddenly everyone would be shocked see Targon up and about after his heart attack to which they try to tell him that he should be out of bed especially after having a heart attack to which Targon explains it was only a small one that was caused by stress then stating that time is finally catching up to him when asked what did he mean he would ask them all to look at him closely, after looking at Targon for a few minutes Cera would notice that Targon is developing some wrinkles, few strands of hair were turning grey and even some scales are begin to bleach. Targon would explain that this was exactly what happened to Draconis which made everyone curious about what he means to which Targon states that it was the deal Draconis made with Thanatos which was he gave up his powers in return Draconis would decide when he wanted to die which is the same deal Targon made shocking everyone. Helios and Astra would reluctantly ask how do you have left to live which Targon answered baring an fatal injury or terminal disease perhaps a hundred years no more no less then state that his last comes he would simply stop, Targon would say when that comes he will six thousand years which for him is a good number but however he should not have keep this from everyone which Helios say your right you should have told us that said we do understand why it was because had endured so much more then anyone will ever endure or understand and the fact the fact those who truly know him are either dead or so to die thus everyone at the banquet and those watching/listening to the broadcast respected his decision, Targon would then announce that he is stepping down as king of New Draconia shocking everyone, Targon would name Helios and Astra regents until his death to which the two realize the reason why their father had been so hard on them when ever they get into trouble because Targon had been preparing them for this day. After Targon stepped down it would change a lot of people but in a good way. For the next fifty years Targon would hand so international matters, for a time he was a part of the UNP general assembly as one of New Draconia's representatives even become Secretary General, he would then spend twenty five years as ambassador in every member nation of UNP and even earth, he would then spend the last fifty years of his life with his family. It was now the two hundred anniversary which Targon never thought he would see but two weeks after the anniversary banquet Targon would have a dream which was more like recalling the memory of the day he told everyone how much time he had left, Targon would go to a balcony were he would watch the sun rise which caught the attention of Helios and Astra which reluctantly their father if the day they have dreaded has arrived which he confirms which leads them to send letters to all of Targon's surviving friends and family which was a small amount but enough for a small party. During an interview with three of Targon old friends they would be informed about Targon which was leaked to everyone in Primordia and Earth with everyone hope the dreaded day would never come. It was now the last night before the dreaded day were Targon's surviving friends and family would gather for one last to enjoy one night with Targon and to make peace with him, during the party Discord would joke about a particular event that was very funny, the event was about the smooze which Targon said that Discord was stand laughing his tail when part of the smooze was eating his uniform which was why Discord was laughing then asked for a gun which was of course a joke, then everyone at the party began reminisce about the people who have passed on and miss very much which leads to Targon raising a toast to absent friends and family in still bright with everyone raising their glass then saying the names of each person who could not be here. The next morning was the dreaded day Targon puts on the uniform he wore on his coronation then as he leaves he bumped into his children as he was about to leave then Targon huges them both while tears run down their faces because they knew it would be the last time they see each other then Targon leaves, then the people who came to the party would find Helios and Astra hugging with tears running down their faces which they then realizes that Targon has left to die in an quite place. As the group went outside they saw a lot of people who were wonder about Targon to which Helios and Astra would state he has gone to a quite place to die, Cera then remembers something that Targon once said which was when the long night ends return to were the trial had ended, at first everyone try to figure out what it means Discord would use so of his magic to find Targon. He learn Targon was at Thoronis which made everyone curious why he would go their but the Helios and Astra would realize that Targon is actually going to the ashlands where he had his final trial before he became worth, even though they knew where he was they all respected his wish to die in peace in a quite place. When Targon arrive in the ashlands at the mouth of the cave of his final trial he would first site down because he had no strength left in his body then Targon would hear a familiar tune which turned out to be Thanatos. Thanatos would say it has been a long time to which Targon says that it has been old friend, Targon would ask Thanatos if he can ever see them in this world again to which physically that journey has ended and another is about to begin time to rest then Targon would reply saying there are still many thing I don't understand as it should be, Targon would then lay on the ground about to draw his last breath and with his last breath Targon say goddbye to his family then passes away. Helios and Astra would then get a feeling that their father was dead thus would transport to his location find only his dead body which the would bring back with them but place out of sight of the public for the moment, they would inform the people that Targon's journey in life has ended shocking everyone at first but the after having sink in they would accept then they would be rudely interrupted by Opaline who they were not happy to see in fact they enraged because she some nerve to show her face in New Draconia especially today, she was plan to kill Targon out revenge the last time they saw each but she can settle with his family then enrage Aithusa then cut off Opaline's horn then knocking her to the ground as he was about to kill he drives his sword to the ground beside her face, Aithusa would state if he kill Opaline he would be betraying everything he was taught and his grandfather would never forgive thus would spare Opaline's life only to banish her to the demon realm. After banishing Opaline to the demon realm Zeldros would appear because he was here to pay his respect to Targon, Zeldros was asked why he is here why he came to pay respect Targon to which he explains if it wasn't for Targon the demon realm would have never found peace, everyone would ask what do you mean, Zeldros would then show a memory that showed the fate of Grogar and his follows, the memory takes place the night after Targon's coronation and the demon were party to ready themself to be building a new army, Grogar would raise a glass with all the demons following suit then most of the demons dropped their glasses including Grogar. Zeldros and other demon had drank the antidote to the poison they slipped into the drinks that everyone had drank, then Targon and the Drachenritter's along with handful of dragons who wanted to be their when Grogar dies. Targon would order Drachenritter's kill the demons effected by the poison make sure the shot at point blank in order to incinerate their hearts as for Grogar himself Targon, Zeldros and Victor along with four other would stab Grogar in his seven hearts leaving Zeldros to deal the final blow. Targon and Zeldros had concluded their deal the demon realm would belong to Zeldros while Primordia is under Targon's care. Just before Targon left the demon realm he would explain that Victor is being made the caretaker of Helios and Astra shocking the demon Targon would explain that he trust Victor because he was once Targon's caretaker and Thoron's thus is someone who is capable of taking care of his children and because Victor was a demon and is being named royal caretaker that meant Targon is will to let go of the past grudges with the demon but he will never forgive Grogar but is will to forgive Zeldros, Zeldros would then state that he can never forgive Targon's grandfather for causing his brothers death also the demon can never the dragons but the dragons they can never forgive are all dead and Zeldros can forgive Targon to which Targon was glad because he could now see a future where they can live in peace with the demons. After seeing that memory everyone was surprised but understood Targon's reasoning, Zeldros would make to make a blood contract which was also be a lasting peace treaty which Aithusa aggress as does Helios and Astra. The blood contract would endure until both Targon's and Zeldros bloodlines have died out. After the signing of the contract everyone would first gather around warfang which was lodged into a stone by Targon and instructed that it be removed by one who proves themselves worth, at first no one came forward because no believed they were worth yet then Aithusa would walk forward and successfully remove the sword, Aithusa would ask how did he become worth to which Targon's spirit would appear shocking everyone, Targon's spirit would how Aithusa has become worth start with how you change after learning that Targon would die so you would go from an arrogant hot head to a mature composed person who takes his responsibilities seriously, then you spared Opaline believing if you be betraying everything that I taught you and believing that I would never forgive but what really made you worth was you were will to honour my promise Zeldros by agreeing to a permanent peace treaty. Everyone then realizes this was Targons plan for future rulers of New Draconia, when the day comes the current ruler steps down the prince/princess would take on the role of regent until the rulers death the next ruler would have to prove themselves worth through their deeds and merits. Hearing Targon's plan for the future rulers of New Draconia everyone would respect his wish for the future and would have new personal goal which was to try to prove themselves worth of ruling New Draconia and if they did not become the ruler they would instead would devote their lives to continue Targon's legacy because that is how respect Targon had earned, Aithusa would then ask Targon would be able to visit but would say he will never return because that part of his journey has ended with another so to began, Targon would explain the reason true for the existent of the crystal council since they will never be able to communicate with Targon talking with the people who knew him would be the next be thing which everyone would accept. It was now sunset which would also symbolize the end of Targon's era, Aithusa was wonder how many people will actually show up for Targon funeral to which Helios and Astra would say people would come out of respect for Targon but were all surprised to see all of the people of New Draconia and a very large number of people from the other nations of Primordia and there would even be humans from earth who would show up via holographic projections. The first task Aithusa as the new king would be organization Targon's funeral, Targon wish after his death was to be cremated with half of his ashes be place on earth with his wife and two sons and the other half being place in the Draconia memorial tomb where his parents were laid to rest. As the sun was setting Targon funeral pyre was lit, Targon spirit would then bow to the new king of New Draconica then would the disappeared with Aithusa saying goodbye to his grandfather. Targon's sprit was walking on a path made of stars while his memories passed by his eyes as he would towards the end of the path he would be then greet by all those who pass on before him those who had missed which included his parents, Sunset Shimmer and his sons. As Targon and the people who have been waiting for him would walk to the end of the path of stars Targon remembers the moments he told the people the meant the most to him how he truly feels about them, the path would then close with now sleeping in light.
Finis, Owari, The End