Chapter 406 - 8

End of February 2243 - Secret Hideout:

It was a day later since All For One gave the new powers to Izuku Midoriya and his friend, and since then, he couldn't help but smile. With the quirks that he gave the boy, he wondered what the kid would do when the boy realized how his life was going to change, thanks to the quirks that he gave Izuku. Not only would the quirks make him stronger and hornier, but he added a few interesting things to the quirk that would make young Midoriya's life interesting. He even gave the girl a few extra skills to make her a better bodyguard for her master. It was a shame that he wouldn't be there to see their looks when they learn about the extra skills he gave them. But now that he gave them the powers, he was going to take a back seat and see what happens next. Will they become villains or heroes? It didn't really matter to him either way, as they'll be useful tools to him in whatever role they decide to take. To help young Tomura Shigaraki get stronger in one way or another.

Either way, today he was planning to leave the country for a while as he had people to see places to go, to help both him and Tomura. That and All Might were on his hills, and he didn't want her to interfere with his plans more than she already had. But Dr. Kyudai Garaki wanted to see him before he left the country. It was a bother, but the doc said it was important, as it concerned Tomura. So anything that concerned Tomura, All For One, would normally drop everything to deal with unless he was unable to.

So here he was in the doc's hideout where he was working on his Nomu, which the doctor had only four weak ones that he created and were testing on. So far, these Nomu can only last for a few days or so before they would die and become lossless - unless they were stored in them in the testing tubes of the doctors where the doc could restore them. It was thankful that there were so many villains and homeless people out there, so if one disappeared, no one would take much notice of the disappearing.

He had to wonder what the doctor wanted from him, did he find something overnight to fix the Nomu and needed his help or was it something else? Whatever the reason, here he was, at doc's hideout. He just hoped this wasn't a waste of time, as he didn't want to hurt the man if he could help it.

So as he entered the lab within the hideout, he saw Kyudai at his computer working on something. He asked, "So Doctor, what did you want to see me about?"

"It's about your pet project, Master," explained Kyudai, "I'm worried about what this could mean for Tomura."

"How so?" All For One asked the doctor with interest.

"Like what if he goes against Tomura instead of becoming an ally?" asked Kyudai.

"I have planned for that," the supervillain reminded the man, "he would be a great person to make Tomura into a better supervillain."

"That's not what I'm worried about," admitted the doctor, "the problem is the Succubus Quirk that you give the boy. It has the ability to make other women into a slightly weaker version of itself, something called a Qarinah. Although slightly weaker than the Succubus Quirk, it would still be stronger than most with quirks. But let us not forget that with the other quirks we gave to Midoriya, he could give the Qarinah other powers to make them stronger. So, what I'm worried about is that by the time Midoriya faces Tomura, he would have a small army of loyal Qarinah by his with powers we have no idea of, whilst Tomura would only have Kurogiri by his side. Don't get me wrong, he is my best creation, but as my first successful Nomu, he only has one quirk. So if they come across Midoriya and his Qarinah Army if he creates one and they are against each other before Tomura is strong enough, I don't know if Tomura and Kurogiri could deal with them."

This was one thing that All For One didn't take into consideration, he thought that Tomura would be able to handle anything that was thrown at him, as he had a strong enough quirk. He didn't think that Midoriya would create an army of sex demons to fight alongside him. This just shows that even someone as smart as him, he too would miss something at times. If Kyudai hadn't called him on this, all his plans for Tomura could have been for nothing as he over thought things or did not see the possible worse outcomes of his pet project.

So, with a sigh, he asked, "Seeing how you have brought this to my attention, do you have a possible way to deal with the problem?"

"I might have, but the problem would be convincing Tomura to go with the solution." the doctor told his master.

"What do you mean?" asked All For One.

"Tomura sees himself as the main character in a game, where he believes as long as he levels up, he wouldn't need any help and can complete the game on his own." explained Kyudai, "He might have Kurogiri, but to him, he is an NPC or a Quest Giver who helps him out to get to places and rescue him should he get into trouble. Tomura doesn't seem to think he needs help."

All For One had to admit that Kyudai was right. As much as he hated to admit it, Tomura saw life too much like an RPG game where he was the main character. A character where he can do everything himself and doesn't need help. Even All For One wasn't that foolish. He had 'friends' who were able to help him out when he could do something or was too dangerous to do so, but Tomura thought he could do it all by himself. It would seem that he would have to work on this with the boy, trying to teach him that he couldn't do everything himself. But at the same time, he wanted to let Tomura learn things on his own and without too much help from him. Sure, he'll help, but only when Tomura asked for it, as All For One saw that hand-holding the boy would make him weak if he relied on someone else all the time. The boy needed to sort things on his own if he wanted to become powerful.

"I'll try to teach Tomura about teamwork someday," the supervillain informed the doctor, "but seeing how he is hard-headed, not good with others and likes making his own decisions, it won't be easy."

"I know, but if he wants any chance with Midoriya should he gain an army and go against him, he would need to work with others." the doctor explained.

"You could be right," All For One sighed, hating to admit this, "so tell me, what do you have planned? I don't think you would mention this if you don't have one."

"Simply put, we use some of the more powerful kids from our orphanage," Kyudai informed his master, not bothering to say anything else about Tomura for now, "instead of using them as Nomu test subjects or as possible replacements should you fail to fuse with Tomura, we train them to be Tomura's own army."

"And why can't we just use the Nomu as Tomura's soldiers?" asked All For One, interested to see what the doctor had in mind.

"Because they would be mindless foot-soldiers." explained Kyudai, "So far, all the Nomu I have created other than Kurogiri, who's one of a kind, have been mindless. I want Tomura's army to be able to think and change tactics depending on the situation. Something the Nomu can't do, they just fight to their last breath unless ordered otherwise. With people, they can think, and we don't have to make as many Nomu. In fact, we can pair those in Tomura's army with a few Nomu and they can control them and hopefully give better results than Nomu on their own, where a hero could defeat them."

As All For One thought about it, he realized that the doctor had a point. Whilst he didn't mind killing people and making them into Nomu, it took time and resources to do so. But if he had people controlling them on the battlefield, they might last longer if they faced a strong hero, even come out alive and so didn't have to wait for more to be created.

"So, do you have some orphans in mind?" asked All For One, wondering which ones the doctor had in mind for Tomura to work with. He was worried as two of the orphans destroyed the orphanages that they were in and killed everyone in them, so he didn't want the same thing to happen again with the rest of the children. Not when he might need them one day in one form or another.

"I have a few in mind, but I want to train them first so that they would be strong enough so that Tomura would accept them." the doctor told his master, "Don't want to say anything until I'm sure they can be useful to Tomura and not going to be a problem for him or for us." He added the last part as he understood where his master was coming from.

"Fair enough," nodded All For One, "but instead a few, train anyone who has a useful quirk that can help Tomura. So when the time comes for them and Tomura to meet, Tomura can have options as to who he wants to join. I'm not going to force him onto people he doesn't want. I'll give him the advice of having people to help him, but at the end of the day, I want him to make his own path in life." Sure, he had plans to take over the boy, but if that didn't happen, he would want him on his side instead of against him.

"Fair enough Master." nodded the doctor, understanding where his master was coming from, "I'll get to picking the children with the most useful quirks and have our people train them."

"That's good," said the supervillain, before going on to say, "listen, I won't be in the country for the next few weeks. I got a few people to see. So I need you to look after Tomura for a bit." Seeing how Tomura was a fourteen-year-old boy, whilst All For One allowed him as much as he liked, he wanted someone there just in case Tomura needed help.

"No problem Master, I'll keep an eye on him." agreed Kyudai. And with that, All For One to deal with his business, whilst Kyudai looked over his records to see who would be the deal children to help Tomura in the future. He also re-looked at an old research project, one that he thought could help his master and Tomura in the future.


2nd of February 2243 - Central Hospital:

To Izuku's, Inko's and Toga's surprise, Scorpion took them in his car to Tokyo, a hospital that was considered being the best place for state-of-the-art medical care. Izuku and his group wondered who here that Scorpion knew that they were going to meet, as only the best of the best doctors worked here.

Entering the hospital, they went to the top floor of the hospital where they arrived in a room that looked like a research centre. The area had three smaller rooms with labels saying CT, MRI and an X-ray. They also had a table with tubes, a telescope and other items for research.

At the far end of the room was an office with a huge tag next to the door:

Dr. Tsunade Senju:

Quirk Specialist,





Whoever this doctor was, she was someone skilled enough to be able to do this.

Either way, as they entered the area, a slender thirty-year-old woman of a curvaceous frame, with above-average height and noticeably large breasts, entered the room. She had fair skin, brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead. (Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower back.) She was wearing old-fashioned clothing, a grass-green haori, underneath she was wearing a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse was closed quite low, revealing her sizable cleavage. She was wearing open-toed, strappy black sandals with high heels.

Upon seeing them, the blonde greeted Scorpion with a hug, "Hanzo, my friend, how are you doing? Haven't seen you for at least eight years."

"I'm doing good Tsunade," Scorpion greeted Tsunade, "I've opened up a dojo, teaching those who want to be heroes how to fight and become proper heroes."

"I'm surprised," admitted Tsunade, "I didn't see you becoming a teacher."

"Well, after seeing how the heroes are today, I thought I would try to make the future heroes better." Scorpion said with a smile.

"So how is young Harum doing?"

"She's doing well, twenty now and helping me run the dojo." Scorpion said with a smile, before getting to the point as to why he was there, "Listen, Tsunade, whilst I would like nothing more but to catch up on the old times, I came here for your help. One of my students, young Izuku Midoriya, here and his friend, came across an old acquaintance of ours."

"Oh? Which one?" Tsunade asked with interest as she looked at Izuku and saw the scars and wondered which of their old acquaintances that the poor boy had across would give him those scars but leave the girl alone.

"For the sake of leaving his name out of this, let's call him First, as in one of the very first quirk users." Scorpion told his friend, not wanting to mention All For One or his real name.

Upon hearing this, Tsunade knew at once who her friend was talking about, All For One. "Did First hurt you in any way? Was he the one that did those scars on you?" Tsunade asked the young boy. She wouldn't be surprised if he did this to the boy or had one of his people do so for unknown reasons.

"No, in fact, he was the one to help us, he killed the person who did this to me and was going to hurt Toga here, and he was the one that gave us powers to help to heal me and help to defend ourselves better in the future," explained Izuku. Not fully understand how the person who helped them was the bad guy in this. Don't get him wrong, he didn't believe that the former hero was lying to them about First, but he also didn't see if he was such a bad person. Why would he help them in the first place?

"He gave both of you powers?" Tsunade asked in shock and worry, worried about what sort of powers the man gave them and why.

"Yes." Izuku and Toga said together.

"So, you understand why I brought them here, to make sure there are no side effects." explained Scorpion.

Tsunade understood where her friend was coming from, as they dealt with victims of All For One before. As the victims had markers in their DNA that hinted at hidden threats, ways for All For One to track his victims, kill them from afar, and even change their behaviour to act differently than they normally do. And if the quirks weren't given to the person properly, they could slowly kill the victims.

Whilst there were rumours of those getting quirks or second quirks that didn't fit the person and so became ill and/or slowly die, All For One was able to make it so that the quirk wouldn't do this unless he wanted it to. In the years that she knew Scorpion, Tsunade and her friend were able to find a way to find these markers and possible victims, as they would be used by All For One.

So, it was no wonder that her friend wanted to check and see if these two young children were okay. So, with a small smile, she said, "Okay you two, before we begin the tests, I would like to know, did First say what quirks he gave you two?"

"He told me that he gave me Blood Regeneration and Blood Empowerment." Toga informed the doctor.

Tsunade whistled at this. These two quirks were powerful in their own right, even at their weakest. There were many who wanted a quirk that allowed them to heal or enhance their strength. Sure, most would like it if it wasn't through blood, but still, such abilities were most desired, especially if both were at the same time. Then the doctor asked the young girl, "What's your original quirk?"

"I call it Blood Transformation," explained Toga, "I can transform into anyone that I drink the blood of. I can change into someone for an hour to a day, all depending on how much blood that I drink."

It shocked Tsunade to hear this. This power alone could be very useful, and it could be used for undercover work. "Can you use the powers of those that you can transform into?"

"No, I only gain their looks and their voice." the young girl told the doctor.

"I see," hummed the doctor, "whatever the case, you have a powerful quirk, my dear. You could be a great hero one day."

It was the truth. As long as All For One didn't do anything to her, her powers can be of great use as a hero. As she thought about it, the Blood Quirks that All For One gave to her should meld with her original quirk. With All For One being out there, and scientists learning to copy and give quirks to others, she had been researching what happens to people that gained extra powers that weren't their original quirk.

So far, the research shows that if you give someone a quirk who already had one, it would normally lead to health problems and/or death. However, during her own research and testing on cells, she theorised that if the quirks were the same, they could give it to a person without any problems. Meaning, that if a person had some sort of fire quirk, they were able to give another fire quirk without problems. The only person who was able to give a person two different quirks without problems was All For One, and she suspected that was only because of his quirk.

She wasn't willing to test this theory on a person yet, just in case her theory was wrong. She wanted to do some more research before she even tried testing her theory.

Either way, once she informed the girl that she could be a hero, she was surprised to hear her say, "I don't want to be a hero." Toga informed the doctor, "All I want is to protect my, m, Izuku."

Tsunade looked at them strangely, wondering what was going on with the young girl. Scorpion then looked at Izuku and said, "You can trust her. You can tell her."

Sure, his quirk made him grow up faster than normal, but there were still times when he felt like a child, like now, when he had to explain how he met Toga and how she acted afterwards. It was embarrassing. But still, if Scorpion trusted the doctor and she was willing to help them, he should at least trust her a bit himself. So he told the doctor how he and Toga and how Toga now kept calling him master in private, and in public his name. But seeing how this was all new to them, she sometimes makes mistakes.

It amazed Tsunade that the young boy would be willing to help a young girl when many others wouldn't. What shocked her though was how young Toga reacted to this, thinking of herself as his pet. Calling the young boy master, Tsunade had to wonder what Toga had been through to make her act like that. But she felt there was something more going on here, that Izuku hadn't told her the full story. Maybe it was something to do with the quirk that he had or the quirks he was given, so she asked, "So, Izuku, what powers did he give you?" asked Tsunade.

"Honestly, I'm not too sure." Izuku told her.

Seeing that Izuku wasn't willing to say much about this, Tsunade turned to Toga and asked, "Toga, did First tell you what quirks he gave your Master?"

Toga looked between her master and Tsunade, unsure what to do. She wanted to help her master, but at the same time, she didn't want to betray him either.

"Toga, Izuku, I know it's embarrassing, but I trust her. She can help you both if you allow it." explained Scorpion, wanting the kids to open up to the doctor.

Having one more look at her master, who gave her an uneasy look after a few moments, she said, "He didn't really say, other than he created a quirk, especially for Master, and that one of its abilities is to allow him to heal during any sexual activity. It was this ability that helped me to heal my master."

"My poor boy, to have a quirk like that forced upon you at your age. What the fuck was he thinking when he give you that quirk?" Tsunade said darkly, "If I ever meet him, I'll give him a piece of my mind, no matter how powerful he is, the damn pervert. Tell me Izuku, have you noticed any other signs of new abilities from this quirk?"

Izuku was unsure if he should say anything. It was hard for him to talk to people about his quirk. As he feared that they might see him as a freak or something. As he was thinking about this, his martial arts master told him, trying to reassure the young boy, "Listen Izuku, I know this is embarrassing for you, but the more we know, the more we might be able to help you."

Sighing, knowing that the Undead Hero might be right, Izuku said, feeling uneasy about doing so, "Well, well, I have this Gargoyle Succubus within my head that's able to talk to me, or it was able to. Haven't heard anything from it for a while."

"Gargoyle Succubus?" asked Scorpion, as he had never heard of such a quirk before.

"The quirk said that somehow, it was giving the abilities of the Gargoyle, but its true power is of a succubus." explained Izuku, "It also had the ability to turn men into women."

"A Succubus Quirk?" Tsunade asked in shock, "You poor kid. I knew that First was twisted, but to give a kid Lust Quirk, that's a new kind of twisted. Not only that, but to give you the ability to turn men into women, damn kid. So tell me, kid, what sort of quirk is your original quirk?"

With Scorpion giving him a reassuring look, Izuku sighed, and he admitted, "I've got a Lust Quirk, one that allows me to copy female quirks through sex."

Tsunade couldn't believe it, this kid had two different Lust Quirks now, one was bad enough, but a second one. She had no idea what his life would be like. But still, to help her with helping him, she had to ask, "I'm scared to ask this, seeing how your luck with these quirks doesn't seem to be good, but how long did you have your quirk for?"

"S, since I was, f, five." explained Izuku, feeling embarrassed and ashamed to have this quirk. Sure, he got used to it and it changed him in many ways, but it doesn't mean that he didn't feel like this.

"You poor boy." Tsunade said softly, shocked at this. Most Lust Quirks wouldn't appear until they were teens. It was very rare for such quirks to appear sooner. "I won't ask who you have been with, but I bet it was hard for you."

Izuku was glad that the doctor didn't ask who he had been with. He wasn't ready to admit that he had to fuck his mother and the mother of his former best friend. Either way, he said, "Yeah, it was hard, for a while I thought I was going mad seeing how I couldn't get sex for a while, but after a while, I was able to find someone to help me out." Izuku wasn't ready to admit who he had been with, but it felt somewhat better to say something.

It shocked Tsunade that a young five-year-old could have sex with someone his age, as no adult would have sex with a child. So, she suspected that something about the boy's quirk made it so that the adults would have sex with him. She wasn't going to push it right now, as the young boy was unsure and uneasy about speaking this to her. If she pushed too much, he might recoil and withdraw into himself.

"Because of this quirk, whilst there are times where I act like a child, the quirk forced me to grow up faster and act differently as I should be acting right now." admitted Izuku.

Tsunade could see this. She had just met the kid, but he saw that one moment acting like a young child but now he was acting like someone much older. From the little she knew of Lust Quirks; they often appear in early teens and the next few months would make the teen act older and sometimes more aggressive in the bedroom and rare few times outside the bedroom towards others.

"Do you mind if I ask how many partners you have or had?" asked Tsunade, as she knew that depending on how powerful the Lust Quirk was, they would normally need one or more partners

"Until Toga, I only had two partners," admitted Izuku, feeling more confident in talking to the doctor, "it was hard, seeing how I wanted more, but because of my age, well." he left it at that, seeing how it was easy to see what he was getting at. "But I was able to handle it somehow."

The kid amazed Tsunade. Most people with quirks like his wouldn't be able to last long and would go hunting for someone to fuck. It just shows how much of a strong will the boy had. Then, remembering what she knew of the Succubus Quirk, she asked, "Is the quirk able to talk to you?"

"I only heard it once, but other than that, I haven't heard anything since." admitted Izuku, "I know that once I master at least a bit of it, I could summon it in a ghost-like form. I believe that I have to learn to talk to it before I can hear it again."

Both Tsunade and Scorpion had to admit that this made sense. Sometimes with these sorts of quirks that talks back, which is very rare, it takes time for them to be able to talk to their host. But still, Scorpion was worried about the quirk and so he said to Izuku, "Listen young Midoriya, you should know that I have seen three people with Succubus Quirks, and all three of them were females and all three had been controlled by their quirks in one form another to use men. But seeing how you have a Succubus Quirk and you're a male host, I have no idea what it might do or when. So you have to be careful, and let us know should it ever try to we see what we can do to help."

"Oh, it already tried to control me, but I showed it that I was in control over it instead of it being in control of." Izuku said with a dark smirk, which made Tsunade and Scorpion think twice about asking the young boy how he did it. They really didn't want to know how an eight-year-old could gain control over such a quirk. They knew that there were some things better unknown in this world. This was one such thing.

Instead, Scorpion asked, "Do you know any of the other abilities that you gained from this designed quirk?"

"Not right now, no." admitted Izuku.

Before Izuku could say anymore, he heard the voice of the Gargoyle Succubus suddenly come into his head that said, "Master, my quirk has fully integrated into you, be warned, your body is about to begin to transform!"

Izuku had no idea what the quirk meant by this, or why he could suddenly hear the voice now and not sooner. But before he could ask his quirk what was going on, his body began to feel as if it was on fire as his skin was being pulled apart and fixed over and over again, that his bones were beginning to remould themselves. The reason for this was because his skill and bones were doing just that, as Scorpion, Tsunade, Toga and Inko watched as Izuku's body began to grow in front of them.

Both Scorpion and Tsunade wanted to help the young boy, but the problem was that they knew that they couldn't restrain the boy as he was thrashing about. Instead of helping and protecting the boy, it could hurt him even more, as his body was growing older in front of their eyes. Now, as Izuku was growing, his clothes were also being torn apart because of this.

In fear of what was happening to her son and master, Inko asked, "What's going on with my son?"

"His body is ageing." Tsunade informed the mother, then before Inko could ask the next question she went on to say, "The reason is that with most of the Lust Quirks if they were in their early teens they would age them up a few years to make them look like they are adults, because of the nature of the quirks. I don't know why Izuku's original quirk didn't do this before, but this new quirk that he has is doing so. Unfortunately for your son, because of his age and size, he is going through more pain than normal. And until he is done, there's nothing I can do to help him. I'm really sorry."

Inko wanted nothing more than to hug her son and master, but she couldn't without getting hurt herself and her son by hugging him. All she could do was watch as her son thrash about and grow older. Instead, Inko hugged a worried Toga, who was also worried about their master.

Now, before this, Izuku was the average height for an eight-year-old, 4ft 2in with a slim body. But now, thanks to his quirk altering his body, he looked like he was eighteen years old, who was about 6ft 8in tall, with a toned body. He had a few muscles, but not too many. It was a decent body for an average body. The change in Izuku not only made Izuku older, and taller and added a few muscles, but also altered the face a bit more refined, making him look sexier. He still had his normal short mess of fluffy hair. Inko was already thinking of giving her son and master a haircut to fit his new looks, to make him sexier.

The main problem now was that Izuku was totally naked, as his clothes were torn apart as he got taller. And although he was in pain, he knew that if Tsunade saw his cock, she would try to fuck him, something that he didn't want to happen, so he tried to cover himself up and try to say something. But he was in too much pain and his voice wouldn't allow him to talk, as his throat was rough and sore.

Thankfully, he stopped moving as he heard Gargoyle Succubus say in his mind, "Master, relax, I have control over your abilities, and you no longer have to worry about females falling for you upon seeing your cock unless you want it to happen. So, for now, rest, Master, and recover." What the quirk didn't tell was that she could turn it on if she wanted to, too. But right now, though, she wanted to learn more about her host's original quirk and the type of quirk she was now. So, she wasn't going to use this quirk on someone who could help them out, at least not yet.

Normally Izuku would be asking questions about this, but he was in too much pain from growing up so suddenly. He just wished he could stand and look in a mirror to see what he looks like now. Instead of saying anything right now, he tried to relax and listen to what was being said, but as he did so, a few moments later, he felt Tsunade's hands on him, and he felt the pain slowly going away.

Just before Izuku felt the pain going away, Tsunade moved in to begin to help and take the pain away thanks to her Healing Quirk: Restoration. This allowed her to heal people with ease, which she was grateful for, as this led her wanting to become a doctor when she was a child. Sure, her desires changed over the years, but her main goal was to help others. People said she could become a Rescue Hero, and help heal people during disaster or villain attacks. But Tsunade didn't want to be a hero, as she knew that she might have to fight if she did and she didn't want to fight, which is why she became a doctor. Don't get her wrong, she could fight if she had to, but she preferred not to unless she had to. Unlike others in her life who wanted to be a hero.

Either way, with Izuku fully grown, she ran to him and was about to heal him when she was shocked to see the size of his cock, which was erect. Whistling, she said, "Toga, dear, I don't know how often you had sex with Izuku before now, but you might have problems in the future. As it looks, it's at least nine to ten inches long."

Upon hearing this, Inko and Scorpion remembered the other ability that Izuku's Lust Quirk had. Any female seeing it would fall under Izuku's control and would want to fuck him. So they tried to pull Tsunade away before the quirk hit her and she tried to do something about it instead of healing the boy. But Tsunade wasn't having any of it and pulled away from the two of them and asked, annoyed, "What are you two trying to do? I've got a patient to help."

Upon getting away from the two, she put her hands on Izuku and began to heal the boy. As she did so, Inko explained, "You don't understand, Dr. Senju. There's a side effect of my son's quirk, and that's any female outside of me, fall under his power and wants to fuck him."

"Whilst his cock is a decent size and many might would like to be fucked by it, I'm a doctor and have more restraint than that." said Tsunade, not feeling the pull that Inko felt before.

"You're telling me that you don't have the desire to fuck my son?" Inko asked in shock, "My son told me that apart from Toga here, the other two women in his life fell for it and couldn't stop themselves from fucking him."

"I don't know what to say, I don't feel anything." admitted Tsunade, "Maybe, there's something to First's quirk that he gave to your son that prevents this or it is able to control, I don't know."

Inko was both happy and upset for her son about hearing this. Happy, as her son was worried that if anyone found out that he could attract women to him by just showing his cock, he would be considered a freak. But if this new quirk of his was able to prevent or control this, her son wouldn't have to worry about this anymore. But she was also upset about this, as if this quirk prevents him from attracting women to sleep with him. He might not be able to copy new quirks to help him to become the hero he wanted to be.

Sure, with his new body, which was hot in her mind, it wouldn't be too much of a problem to attract a woman into his bed. But if there was a quirk that he wanted and he wasn't able to bed that person, it would be a shame if this new quirk prevented her son from getting what he wanted. She would have to think of something to help him. Maybe she could use drugs on the female to make them want to fuck her son. It might be considered rape, but Inko didn't care. If her son wanted something, she would do whatever was in her power to get it for him. To her, her son could do no wrong and dissevered anything and everything, and as a mother, it was her place to get it for him, no matter the means.

After a few minutes, Tsunade was finished with subsiding the pain that Izuku was in. But as he tried to speak, he found his throat was rough and harsh, making it hard to speak. Instead, Tsunade told the young boy, "Don't speak for now. Rest. I'll look over your friend Toga and once I'm done, if you're still in pain and still can't talk, I'll use my quirk to help you."

Izuku gave a look asking why she couldn't use her quirk on him now, "When I use my quirk, it takes a toll on those that I use it on. So, I want you to recover first before I try to use it."

Izuku nodded slightly in understanding. He knew that some quirks, when used on others, would take a toll on those used on such as healing quirks. So it was better that he rested a bit before Dr. Senju used her quirk on him.

"Now Toga, let me give you a check over to make sure First hasn't done any lasting harm." the doctor told the young girl, before she took the girl away to run a few tests.

Whilst Dr. Senju was sorting out Toga, Inko was hugging her naked son, as Scorpion was looking for some clothes for the young man. Whilst this was happening, Inko was having a hard time not touching her son in a sexual way. But she didn't want the doctor to know that she was fucking her son.

When Scorpion came back about twenty minutes later, he brought a black pair of trousers and a white shirt. Both were too short for Izuku, but that was all Scorpion could find right now. Inko knew that she would have to get her son and master some new clothes later. Not that she minded. It meant she could get some sexy clothes for him to wear, something to make him stand out with the women.

It would be another twenty minutes before Dr. Senju returned with Toga. Seeing her and feeling much better and able to talk, Izuku asked, "How is Toga?" As he said this, he found that his voice was deeper, more manly than before. 'This must be what it is like to talk as a man.' Izuku thought about his voice change.

"Ah, I see you feeling better, that's good." said the doctor with a smile, happy that Izuku was doing better, "As for your friend, whilst it might sound funny to you for me saying this, but she is totally fine. I still have to run a few more tests to make sure, but it would seem that First hasn't added any of his little extras to the quirks that he gave you."

"What do you mean?" asked Izuku.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Scorpion, "It isn't like him to give people quirks without something added to them."

"Yes, I'm sure Scorpion," Tsunade told her old friend, "I can't find any of the normal basic markers that he normally uses. I still need to run a few more tests to make sure. But it would seem that for the first time ever, First has given someone a quirk without any hidden markers."

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked once again, wanting to know what was going on.

"Be honest Izuku, do you think that someone would give someone power without a reason or wanting something back?" asked Dr. Senju.

"No, they wouldn't." admitted Izuku with a sigh, fearing what the doctor would say next. Scorpion did tell him and Toga that First never does anything without a reason, but the little bit of a child that was still in him was hoping that First didn't do something out of the kindness of his heart.

"And First is no different," the doctor told him, "normally he would put hidden markers into the quirks that he gives to people. So that he could track those he gives quirks to and even manipulate them to a certain agree either to kill them or change their behaviour to act differently than they normally do. Or make them do something they wouldn't normally do. Thankfully, I've been able to find markers that make this happen. So, once I find someone who has been given extra quirks from First, I can tell what markers they have and as long as they aren't too intertwined with the person, I can remove them. Otherwise, all we can do is keep an eye on them."

That was what Izuku was afraid of. He was hoping that it wasn't true, but hearing it he realized it was. So, he was happy to hear that the doctor didn't find anything in Toga. Now, it was his turn to get tested. He just hoped that he didn't have any of these markers.

But as he tried to get up, he felt some pain and fail back onto the ground. Seeing this, Dr. Senju said, "Take it easy young man. You have gone through a painful experience. Scorpion, help him up and take him to one of the beds."

"Sure…" said Scorpion, as he helped Izuku to the bed.

Once on the bed, the doctor started to run a few tests on the young boy and took some blood.

When Tsunade finished the tests and ran the blood for some of the basic markers she knew of, she said, "Yet again, like with Toga couldn't find any of the normal markers in Izuku."

"Isn't that a good thing, though?" asked Inko.

"I don't know." admitted the doctor, "When it comes to First, you can never be careful. It doesn't help that he never does anything without a reason. To give Izuku and Toga no markers makes me worry. Are they deeper than normal? Or has he got plans for them, which means that he doesn't want any markers in them? Whatever the reason, it doesn't feel right, and we have to be careful."

"So, what do you suggest?" asked Inko, worried about her master and his pet. She didn't want anything to happen to them.

"I would like to run a few more tests." admitted Tsunade, "I want to make sure that there are no deep markers that are hard to find. I also want to test the kids new quirks to make sure everything is as they should be. I also want to see how long Izuku can go without sex before he needs it."

"It might be hard, but I can go without sex for a few months." Izuku said with a red face, talking to someone about his quirk to a stranger.

"That might have been before, but now that could have changed." the doctor told him, "You gained a few new Lust Quirks, which could have shortened the time of how long you can go without sex. There might come a time where you can't have sex for a long time. So, we need to find out how long and what would happen if you don't have sex."

As much as Izuku hated to admit it, he could see sense in this. He wanted to become a hero, and he heard that they can go on missions where they can't bring anyone and the missions could last for a long time. So, it would be for the best to learn now how long he could go without sex and what could happen to him now, instead of later.

Before he could ask anything, the doctor went on to say, "I want you and Toga to stay here for a few weeks to make sure your quirks are fine and to see how long you can go without sex."

"But what about school?" asked Izuku, not thinking about his age problem just yet, "I can't miss out on school. I need to have top scores if I want to get into U.A."

"I understand, but this is important, too." Tsunade told him firmly, not fooling around, "You have to miss it for a few weeks. But we can have them send your schoolwork here and you can do it here." the doctor said before Izuku could say anything, "We can tell them that you were hit by an unknown quirk that aged you up and we are trying to figure out how to undo it. This would allow us to do the test that I want, but at the same time give them part of the truth as to what happened to you. So when you go back to school, they'll be ready for your new looks."

"This makes sense dear," Inko told her son, "it would stop any questions popping up if you went back to school straight away. You might not like it, but this is for the best, dear."

Izuku sighed at this. Knowing that his mother was right. It would be suspicious if he went back to school like this without a good cover story. At least this way he would get one.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Good to hear." Tsunade said with a smile.

"Doctor, is it possible to take my son out shopping?" asked Inko, "He does need some new clothes after his growth."

"I don't see any problem with that." acknowledged Tsunade.

And so with that, after giving Izuku some medicine for the pain he was in, Inko took her son and Toga out shopping. Whilst they were gone, Tsunade and Scorpion would talk about All For One and what he might have planned for the two children. They felt uneasy that he would give them quirks for no reason and have no markers in them to track or control the children.

It would be a few hours before Izuku, his mother, and Toga return to the hospital. By the time he got back, he would have a haircut to tidy his hair up and he would be wearing some new clothes. The clothes would be a slim black sleeveless turtleneck, a pair of dark green loose fit denim jeans with a brown belt, white gloves with blue stripes and a pair of dark red boots.

Once they returned to Tsunade's office, Izuku put some of his clothes away and got ready for the tests she had planned. Little did they know at the time, but they would find a dark side to his quirk, one if they weren't careful would change a lot of things.

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