Chapter 407 - 9

18th of February 2243 - Central Hospital:

It has been over two weeks since his Kendo Master, Scorpion, brought him to see his friend, the Quirk Specialist, Dr. Tsunade Senju. She was worried that this First, whoever he might be, had placed markers on them when he gave him and Toga their new powers. But over the last two weeks, after many tests, the doctor was unable to find any at all, not even a hint of one.

This got her and Scorpion wondering what First was up to. Why give two kids powerful quirks that could be used against him without some sort of way to prevent it from happening? They just couldn't figure out First's plan for them. All they could do was keep an eye out and deal with whatever happens at the time.

Apart from testing for the markers, Dr. Senju had them test their powers, to see what these new quirks were like and to make sure there weren't any ill effects on them. So far, the doctor found that the connection to the quirks, and themselves was great, better than anything they had seen before.

For Toga's new quirks, Blood Regeneration and Blood Empowerment: with Blood Regeneration, it would seem that if cut, her blood would heal her with ease, not leaving a scratch. Depending on the cut, it could heal in a few seconds, minutes even longer. For those that take longer to heal, they found that if she drinks blood as she heals, she would be able to heal even faster than before. In fact, Toga cut a bit of her pinky off to see if she could heal it or not, and found that it healed fully. You wouldn't even know that she cut it off.

Inko told her off for doing such a thing. But Toga said she needed to know what she could do, so that she could be a better pet for her master. Know how much she could heal or not. Inko, Tsunade and Scorpion sighed at this. No matter how much Tsunade and Scorpion talked to Toga about this, she wouldn't see herself as nothing more than her master's pet. They didn't know what to do about her. At one point, they knew that she should be her own person and have a nice life, and grow up normal. But on the other hand though, at least this way Izuku would have a sexual partner who can take care of his needs whenever he needed.

They knew it was wrong, but at the end of the day, Toga was very happy with her life and she didn't want to change it. And who were they to decide? As long as she was happy and healthy, that's the best they could hope for. They would be there for her should she need someone to talk to.

Either way, when they tested Blood Empowerment, it worked as they suspected it to. Depending how much blood she drank, the stronger she became. She would become stronger, faster, more durable, have more stamina, and don't feel much pain.

To be honest, unless you knew her beforehand, you would have thought that these three quirks were just one powerful quirk. So, with the help of both Dr. Senju and Scorpion was able to register her quirk under the name Vampiric, as she had more or less the same skills as a vampire. They believed that should she ever Awaken her quirks, she could have even more blood like powers some vampire meant to have.

But when it came to testing Izuku powers, that became a little harder, seeing how they were sex/lust based. From what Izuku told Dr. Senju, anyone that he has sex with becomes obedient to him, willing to do whatever he wants. This was a problem to test, seeing how they didn't want to make someone obedient to him if there was no way to break it. As once a person has sex with him, they could very likely head out looking for him, depending how obedient they become. This was one skill they just couldn't test freely. That, and they wanted to see how long Izuku could go without sex before things Izuku was forced to have sex again.

So the next problem was to figure out what powers First gave him. Other than what the Gargoyle Succubus, which Izuku decided to call it Lilith, told Izuku that he has, the Gargoyle Succubus itself, a quirk to heal whilst having sex, a Gender Swapping Quirk, and a Gargoyle Quirk. Other than that, Lilith wasn't able to tell what other quirks the young boy had, as it was still being hidden from her. It would seem that First had planned it so that Izuku would get other quirks later once he got stronger.

Which both Tsunade and Scorpion found strange, as First never cared about this before. Then again, everything about First and the two kids was strange, seeing how he never did anything like this before. Sure start fights, wars and the like, but never give people quirks without a reason. The only thing that Tsunade and Scorpion could think of that made sense was that First had somehow learned about Izuku's powers, and, out of boredom, decided to give Izuku more powers to see what Izuku would do next. And the only reason that Toga got extra powers was because she was close to him and decided to use her, too. Just because First was bored.

As for testing Izuku's powers that they knew of, they could only test the Gargoyle Quirk. They couldn't test Gargoyle Succubus Quirk, as Izuku wasn't strong enough, and to get strong enough, he needed to have sex. They couldn't test them or the sex healing quirk, for the same reason as they couldn't test the Gargoyle Succubus Quirk. He needed sex. And seeing how they were testing how long he could go without sex, it was pointless in even thinking about doing those tests.

But Lilith did say other than having the same skills as a normal Gargoyle and Succubus, she could turn a woman of Izuku's choosing into sexual creatures called Qarinah. A weaker version of succubuses. They would not only become stronger, but would gain a few sexual powers to help Izuku in any way he wanted.

As for the Gender Swapping Quirk, they didn't want to test it just yet, as they didn't know if they could return a person back into a male. As most quirks like this keep a person as a male or female. It is rare for the quirk to be able to change a person back. So it was best to wait until they found someone who wouldn't mind being stuck as a female.

Talking about quirks they couldn't test, it was Izuku's original quirk. It was sex based and made people loyal to him. Because they didn't know if a person could return to normal after becoming loyal to the boy, they didn't want to make people into sex dolls for Izuku. But Izuku did admit that he and Toga had sex after she gained her new powers, but for some reason, he wasn't able to copy them. So it would seem that First had stopped Izuku from copying Toga's powers for some reason.

At the moment, the only quirk they could test out was the Gargoyle Quirk, which worked as expected. The quirk's use resulted in Izuku's gaining more mass and muscle, large bat-like wings and a tail, his skin becoming hard as stone with a bony ridge on his forehead, developing pointed ears and canines, as well has his nails becoming razor sharp talons and his legs becoming digitigrade and clawed.

In this form, Izuku had enhanced strength, durability, and endurance. Whilst it was hard to cut him in his gargoyle, given time, he would be able to heal himself. But if he wanted to be healed faster, he could turn into stone to do so. However, Dr. Senju suspected that if damaged his body too much, whilst he might heal faster than a normal person, it would still take a while to heal. So, it was best to use his stone form, or as he was calling it Stone Hibernation, wisely, as he might be stuck in that form until he was fully healed.

In this form, they learned that Izuku was also able to see in the dark, thanks to his eyes glowing when he wanted them to. Not only that, but thanks to his claw-like hands and feet, he was able to climb walls and ceilings with ease. And finally, he was able to fly thanks to his wings.

During his testing with Stone Hibernation, they found that whilst very difficult to do, any damage done to him would be permanent. He wanted to know this as he was worried if he was in stone form, if someone smashed him, would he be okay or not? He found that he wasn't. Whilst during the healing whilst during his time in Stone Hibernation, he could heal any damage without scaring. Any damage done whilst in Stone Hibernation would become permanent. As scaring along his right arm proved. It was meant only to be an inch, but Scorpion had to put in a little more power than expected and now he had a scar that looked like a burn mark about a foot long.

This meant that during his time in Stone Hibernation, he would need a few people guarding his body. So that he could heal with the fear of getting smashed by villains.

Both Tsunade and Scorpion were frightened of what would happen should Izuku ever Awaken his powers. They had no idea what could happen at that time, or how many Awakenings he might have. With his quirk being able to permanently copy another quirk, it's possible he could have many Awakenings, and they had no idea if they would connect to each other. They could be looking at someone who could become the most powerful Quirk User ever known.

Whatever the case, Izuku was glad for the training with his Gargoyle Quirk, learning what he could do with it and how to use it, as it took his mind off needing sex. It would seem that as Tsunade suspected, with the extra Lust Quirks within him, he needed sex more often.

Before, whilst it would be hard, he could handle a few months without sex. But now, thanks to the new quirks that First gave him, he was having a very hard time after just over two weeks without any sort of sexual activities. He could have cheated and had sex with Lilith, and no one would know. However, he wanted to know how long he can go without sex and what would happen if he didn't have sex in time.

When Tsunade learned about how hard it was for him, she promised that if he couldn't take it any longer, he could go with Toga and have sex with her. But Izuku wanted to see how long he could last, though, so was going to hold out as long as possible.

Although Lilith did warn him that something was moving around in his forest mindscape, something that she didn't create. Should she find it to be dangerous, she might need to fight it. So, Lilith urged her master to have sex, so she would be strong enough to fight it should it be dangerous to them. But Izuku didn't think it would be. The world was part of him and he didn't believe anything in the forest would be dangerous to them.

Whatever the case, it was now Saturday night, and Izuku and Tsunade were on the rooftop of the hospital. Tonight, they were having Izuku flying a bit more, seeing how it had been a few days since they learned that he could do so. Since then, Tsunade was making it so that Izuku knew everything there was to know about flying. They were doing it at night so that Izuku could get used to his night vision skill that Izuku had as a gargoyle.

Tonight was the hardest for Izuku, he was on verge giving up and going to fuck Toga's brains out. He couldn't believe that he couldn't go without sex for more than a month, that he was willing to pin anyone down and just fuck them. It scared him.

Now, as Izuku was finishing a few flights around the rooftop, he decided that he would give up the test of not having sex in the morning. It was too much for him. But soon, he would find that in a few moments, tomorrow would be too late.

"So, have you gotten the hang of flying?" asked Dr. Senju.

"I think so." Izuku told her, "I have to admit, I enjoyed flying around like that." Izuku admitted with a smile, as he really did enjoy flying about and couldn't wait to do it more.

Seeing the strain on Izuku's face, knowing that he was fighting the urge to go to Toga and have sex with her. Worried for the boy, she said, "Listen Izuku, why don't you go to Toga and let her take care of you? You don't need to hold up anymore."

"N, no, I'm fine for another night. I really want to try to see…" began Izuku, before his eyes turned red and his body became a darkish green, whilst a tail began to grow. The tail split into two at the end of it.

*I'm sorry, but Izuku isn't active right now.* said a deep dark voice coming from Izuku's mouth.

"What do you mean? Who are you?" asked Tsunade, getting ready to fight, worried that All For One had gotten control of the boy.

"I'm his quirk." said the deep voice.

"You're, you're Lilith?" Tsunade asked in shock, not suspecting that to happen.

*Please, you think I'm that fuck doll?* Izuku asked with a scoff, *She wishes she was me. No, I'm his original quirk, the one that he calls Absolute Devotion.*

"That's impossible. Absolute Devotion isn't sentient." the doctor told Izuku in disbelief.

*And you would be right. I wasn't sentient.* admitted Absolute Devotion, *That was until this First person came along and gave Izuku Lilith. Thanks to that happening, I'm now sentient.*

"But how is that even possible?" she mainly asked herself this, as she had never heard of such a thing happening before.

*Come on, I'm able to copy quirks, which allows Izuku to keep them permanently, so that he can use them whenever he wants.* explained Absolute Devotion, *That alone alters Izuku slightly. With that in mind, wouldn't it make sense that copying quirks would change me, too?*

Tsunade found it strange. During her research, she never heard of copy type quirks becoming sentient. But then again, Sentient Quirks were very rare, and she didn't hear of a quirk coping with a Sentient Quirk. Not only that, but most Copy Quirks had a time limit on how long a person can keep a Copy Quirks. She only knew of a handful of people who could keep Copy Quirks permanently, but they didn't copy any Sentient Quirks. Because of this, she could honestly say she had no idea what would happen if a Copy Quirk copies a Sentient Quirk permanently. It could end up like this, the Copy Quirk becoming sentient.

But the question is, why was it taking control now?

"If you're Izuku's quirk, why have you taken control of him for?" asked Dr. Senju, "And why are you covered in dark green, whatever it is you're covered in?"

*First off, I'm covered in shadow. This is another part of me.* Absolute Devotion informed the doctor as a few shadow tentacles appeared from the ground.

"How?" asked Tsunade, "You're meant to be a Lust Quirk."

*And I am.* admitted the quirk, *However, the shadows are also part of me. Izuku is unable to use that part yet, as he's not strong enough to use them just yet. Before you say anything, my shadows is part of me and not given by this First person.*

"But why would a Lust Quirk need shadows?" Tsunade asked as the thought entered her mind.

*Why else? To tie down the people, my host wants to fuck. To use them even if they don't want him.* Absolute Devotion informed her with a dark smirk.

Tsunade was just glad that Izuku didn't seem to be the type of person to use force to have sex with someone. As if he did, she feared what he would be like. Could anyone stop him if they tried to? Along with a gender swap quirk and powerful quirks, in time he would be unstoppable.

Little did she know at the time, but this is the type of person Absolute Devotion and Lilith wanted Izuku to become like. The only thing that they were waiting for was for Izuku to become stronger before they set their plans out for their host. That's a thing that no one really knew about the Lust Quirks. They want their host to fuck and control as many people as possible. It was only because of the strong wills of the host that it didn't happen often.

But up 'til now, now of the past hosts had two sentient quirks in them who were planning to give their host the world.

"So tell me, why have you appeared?" asked Tsunade, wondering why the quirk would appear.

*To get my host to have sex.* Absolute Devotion informed her, *Mine and that that fuck doll, Lilith's powers are getting weak. We need Izuku to have sex before things get to the point where things can get bad. Where he'll become a mindless sex beast.*

"But he was planning to have sex tomorrow. Couldn't you wait until then?" asked Tsunade, wanting Izuku to be in control instead of his quirk when he fucks Tago.

*Please, after my host has a good night's sleep, he'll push those feelings away and wait another day or days before deciding to have sex again. But then he'll push it back again. All because he wants to see how far he can push himself before he is forced to have sex.* Absolute Devotion informed the doctor darkly, not liking this idea one bit. *No, I need to take action now before he hurts himself.*

Tsunade hadn't known young Izuku for long, but she did get the feeling that Izuku would push himself more than he should. He wanted to be like All Might, a Hero of Peace, and so wanted to train as much as possible to do so. So, if his own quirk told her that he might not go through with having sex. So, with a sigh, she said, "Come on then, let's get you to you Toga, so you can have sex with her." She didn't like the idea of children having sex with each other at a young age, but when it comes to these kinds of quirks, there wasn't much to be done about it.

But before she could move, though, Tsunade felt tentacles coming from the ground and going around her. As this was happening, Absolute Devotion said with a dark look, *Sorry, but I can't have that. I need someone else other than Toga right now.*

"Wh, what?" asked a fearful Tsunade, as she fought to get free of the tentacles as they went up her body and more appeared around her, squishing her huge breasts. As another went up on top, and played with her nipples.

*Don't worry, I'm not going to fuck you.* the quirk reassured the doctor, as he walked to the edge of the roof, *Whilst you're great looking and your quirk is decent, you're not what I need and I have at least two Healing Quirks already that can help me. What I need now are quirks to help Izuku get stronger. So I need to find people with more fitting quirks to help him fight and defend himself.*

Before Tsunade could say another word though, Absolute Devotion jumped off the roof. Tsunade feared that the quirk might have just killed itself and Izuku, but the next second she saw him fly off with shadow-like wings.


Absolute Devotion was only flying the skies for a short while looking for whoever was out at night, when the quirk heard cries for help. Now it followed the sound, not to help, to see what was going on. It was hoping that it would find an interesting Quirk User that it could copy a quirk from.

The quirk found a man raping a woman with some sort of Cat Quirk. It made her look like a black and white cat girl. The rapist just had what looked like a bone horn to his head. Neither of them were appetising to the quirk, one was a common quirk that lots people had, and the other was just a low level mutation quirk, out of the two of them the cat girl was more useful. But to Absolute Devotion, either of them were powerful enough to help its host.

So, the quirk was more than happy to let the rapist have his fun with the woman, as it had other things to deal with that night. Making its host stronger. But that all changed though when the cat girl looked up and saw Absolute Devotion and called out, "Please help me."

Upon seeing where she was looking at, the rapist saw Absolute Devotion. At first, the quirk wasn't worried, it was up in the sky and the rapist was on the ground. But this was where the Absolute Devotion's interest got peeked, as the rapist had something come out of his wrist and flew at the quirk. Thankfully, Absolute Devotion was able to stop the projectile and found it was made from bone.

Here, the rapist sneered as a bone armour appeared around him. This made Absolute Devotion realize that this man had a bone type quirk, allowing the user to create weapons and armour from his bones. This to Absolute Devotion was a useful quirk, bones were hard and if his host can control and master it, could be very useful to him.

Now normally, this would be hard for Absolute Devotion to get the quirk, seeing how the user was a man. But thanks to this First person giving it host the Gender Swap Quirk, this would be easy and make the rapist pay for his crime. So moving quickly, so as not to get hit from the projectiles that the Bone User was firing at the quirk, it dodged and waved until it landed next to the Bone User. Here, Absolute Devotion bound him by the man with its shadows and looked at the cat girl and sneered at her. It then said, *Go, I will deal with this person for you.*

"Thank you." the girl said to the quirk.

But Absolute Devotion wasn't having anything of this, it didn't have much time. So, once again it sneered at the woman before saying, *Go, before I finish what this man started.*

Hearing this, the lady ran as fast as she could. Shocked that the person who rescured her would threaten to rape her too.

Once the lady was gone, Absolute Devotion looked at the rapist and smirked, as it said, *Well, looks like it's just you and me now.*

"I don't know who you are, but you don't frighten me." the bone user told the quirk, acting braver than he really felt right now, "You're just like the rest of the heroes in this town. You capture me, I go to court and get bail and I'll be free again. If it wasn't for catching me off guard I would have defeated you."

*Bwhahahaha.* Absolute Devotion laughed darkly, making the rapist sweet, at this, worried about what was going to happen next. *You think I'm a hero please, no such luck. I'm a bit like you right now, a fiend looking for a victim to prey on. I'm sorry to say you caught my interest and became my prey. You're now going to pay for your crimes by going through what you put your victims through.*

Before the Bone User could take action to this. Not wanting to be raped by a man, he suddenly felt his body to change. He felt the loss of his cock, and gained a pussy and a pair of breasts. In fear, he asked, "Wh, what have you, you done to me?"

*Turned you into a woman so you know how it feels to be raped.* Absolute Devotion said with a dark smirk

As panic began to slowly creep its way into the man's mind at what was about to happen to him, he suddenly felt the shadows disappear from him and was about to run for it. But it wasn't to be though. As several shadow tentacles appeared and moved towards him.

Two of the shadow tentacles headed straight for the man's top ripped it across the middle, exposing the man's new breasts. The two tentacles then began to wrap themselves around the breasts and firmly massaged them as it gently put pressure on and off.

In the meantime, some smaller shadow tentacles found their way to the man's legs, curled up his legs, and made it all the way up to the man's new pussy. Unfortunately for the man, his lower body was already naked, allowing a tentacle in front of the man's new pussy to move back and forth, rubbing against his now sensitive pussy.

Only when one of the shadow tentacles moved closer to the man's face was he able to witness the true horror of the situation he found himself in. All of the tentacles were shaped like a penis and the monster in front of him was very eager to relieve himself.

"Please! Don't do this to…!" the rapist began to bag, however, a tentacle closest to his face pushed past his mouth and began to thrust in and out of it.

*Please, I might be inexperienced here, but tell me, how many times have women begged you to stop but you don't?* the quirk asked with a dark smirk, *This is a taste of what you have done to them.*

The rapist, a man by the name of Spyke, couldn't believe this was happening to him. He considered himself as a decent villain, being able to do whatever he wants because the heroes in the area weren't capable. He had a quick called Exoskeleton, which allows him to create armour and weapons from his bones. He was making a name for himself in the area, and because of this, he thought he was untouchable.

This made him forget two important unspoken rules with those with power, the first is there's always someone who wants to beat the untouchable. The second and most important rule for all apart from a few special few, there's always someone more powerful or skilled than them out there.

Today, Spyke ran across someone who was more powerful than him. Not only did they have a power to transform him into a woman, but the power of shadows and now was raping him. Just like he and his friends raped woman. The worst part was that this person had many tentacles over his body, doing whatever he wanted to his new body.

Spyke didn't want this, but regardless of what he thought about the situation, he was completely and utterly powerless against his person's advances.

As his mouth was being violated by this person's tentacles, a few of them were wrapped around his arms and torso and picked him up and suspended him in midair. His arms were restrained behind his body while the tentacles that wrapped around Spyke's legs kept rubbing it against his new cunt, which was slowly becoming moist over the constant stimulation he was forced to endure.

Spyke was scared and he was panicking. Tears began to form in his wide open eyes. He wanted to yell for help but his body refused to respond. He tried to think of what he could possibly do in this pathetic situation but was constantly distracted by the tentacles violating him.

And before Spyke could think of anything, this shadow monster thrust one of its tentacles into Spyke's new pussy. Spyke felt immense pain coming from his crotch. Spyke was shocked, whilst he didn't didn't know how to respond to this, seeing how until now he was a man, he was more surprised that his body was more than prepared. As soon as the tentacles was thrust into his pussy, a muffled but audible yelp came from Spyke's stuffed mouth. He didn't intend on making this sound, but his body forced him to begin moaning rather than scream in pain.

Spyke could feel his heart. He could feel and hear every individual beat that his heart produced. He knew that his heart rate was elevated and his blood pressure was rising. He knew that his body was beginning to heat up as he was slowly becoming used to the tentacles thrusting into his pussy. Worse, his new body was beginning to like it. Only being a woman for mere minutes, and whilst he wanted to scream, curl up into a ball and cry or/and die, he found that his damn body was starting to like what was happening to him.

With the tentacles holding him down and using his new body. Spyke found that there was absolutely nothing he could do in this situation other than give in to the pleasure he felt. It was almost as though his whole body was burning up in this feverish sensation. His mind was slowly becoming blank as he struggled to form even the most basic sentences. His new breasts were being fondled while being penetrated and with his mouth stuffed full, there was only one hole that was left alone by the shadow monster's penis shaped tentacles and that was his ass.

The most frightening thing was that the more he gave in, the more control he got back of his body.

For instance, the more he allowed himself to be more pleasured by the monster's tentacles, the more his body moaned. Though limited, his ability to moan signalled the wrong signals toward the monster, not realizing that he hated this rather than loved it. He was unable to voice his thoughts as his mind was invaded by the senses of pure, unadulterated ecstasy. It was clear to him that his body and his mind wanted two separate things, yet was forced to give in due to the situation at hand.

Absolute Devotion was having a blast violating Spyke in such a vulgar manner. The quirk was in total control here and there was no denying it. With Spyke paralyzed, it was only natural that someone would take advantage of his helpless situation.

Absolute Devotion realized that there was one more hole that had to be filled. With a slight change in his posture, Absolute Devotion's tentacle quickly slid into Spyke's ass, pounding away at all ends. When one tentacle pulls out of one hole, the other pushes in, creating this pendulum like motion of to and fro of the tentacles. Each interval was marked by a muffled, audible moan from Spyke's stuffed mouth.

Absolute Devotion knew full well that Spyke was crying and hating this through the look of his eyes. But the quirk didn't care one bit about Spyke or his feelings. This man was a rapist and did this to many other real women like this before. Although the quirk was doing this to get the man's quirk and was enjoying doing this, the quirk believed it was about time that this man learned what it was like. And with things as they were right now, the quirk knew it was free to violate the rapist in any way it saw fit.

But at the same time though, he wanted the copy of the man's quirk. So he removed the tentacle from the man's new pussy and replaced it with Izuku's cock.

Spyke found himself unable to keep from moaning through the tentacle that he so thoroughly sucked on, even though he could feel a real cock in him now. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help it. He was just about done with his own will to survive. He didn't want to think anymore. Would giving in to the monster mean that he would stay as a female forever and be subjected to immense pleasure over and over again?

Would he become a plaything, a living doll for this monster to use and throw at their slightest discretion? Just like he did with so many women before? As he tried to ponder these questions, his mind became blank, devoid of thought and rational decision making. The more this shadow monster violated him, the more he was inclined to give in and the more he accepted. He was essentially being trained to be the monster's fuckdoll, accepting everything that the monster did to him, forfeiting his free will and completely submitting himself to pleasure. Part of him was wondering if this was what some of the women that he raped in the past felt like.

Still paralyzed, Spyke's body was shaking, almost vibrating on the ground. His body was about to reach its orgasm in the last few moments of the monster's violent thrusting. But just before he could reach his orgasm, the monster climaxed and dropped him to the ground, not allowing him to climax. It was almost like he was being denied his orgasm even if it was completely unintentional by Absolute Devotion.

Slowly, over the course of several quiet moments, the shaking of Spyke's body stopped and his rational senses were returning. It slowly dawned on him what had just happened, but he was still paralyzed by shock at what happened to him and was unable to move to get away from the shadow monster. The only thing Spyke could do was hope that the monster had enough of him and would simply fly away. But the shadow monster simply stood there un-moving, staring intently at Spyke's body.

As time passed, Spyke felt confident that the monster wouldn't do anything else. In fact, it was just staring at him with a smirk. But Spyke still felt a sort of itch on his crotch. He wanted to masturbate so badly and even had intrusive thoughts of the shadow monster violating him a second time at least only until he could reach her orgasm as well. After all, it's quite unfair for monster to be the only one that was satisfied in him getting raped!

But as he was thinking this, Spyke started to feel his body transform from female back into a male.

*Good to see that you're turning back to a male.* said Absolute Devotion. It had a dark smile. Up 'til now, it had no reason to say anything as it had its fun with the rapist. *I wasn't sure if I could turn you back. Not that I would care, I just needed to know. Either way, I would like to thank you, I now have your quirk.*

Spyke became more frightened at hearing this. The reason that he was transformed into a female and raped, was all because this monster wanted his power. He couldn't believe it. But as he was thinking it was impossible, Spyke saw the shadow monster's body begin to change.

The two ends of its tail began to be covered in bone, and the top of the tail, connecting to the body, was covered by two strips of bone. There were some bones appearing up its leg, most of it was around its knees as some sort of protection and some bone going around its waist like a belt. Spyke could see that the monster gained a chest plate made of bone forming, along with bone like gauntlets and elbow pads. Finally, the shadow monster formed a bone helmet.

Spyke couldn't believe what he was seeing. This monster had somehow copied his quirk from fucking him. It frightened him, he had no idea what would happen to him now, now that he was no use to this monster. Before he could think what to do next, he saw a hero appear. At the same time, he found he was able to speak again.

Not wanting to be around this monster again, and wanting to be kept safe should it think of repeating what just happened. The Bone User could only think of one, turning himself in, "Please help me! Arrest me! I want to confess to my crimes! Just protect me from this monster!"

As Absolute Devotion looked up to see which hero it was, he saw it was Rumi Usagiyama, or as she was better known as the Rabbit Hero: Mirko.

Rumi was a dark skin with an athletic yet curvaceous figure, with muscular arms and legs, who stood slightly below average height. She had red eyes which are tilted slightly inwards, long eyelashes, and straight white hair that used to reach down past her waist.

On her head, she had a pair of long white rabbit ears pointing upwards with a slight crook. Along with these, she also had a white round tail, which gives her overall design a definite resemblance to an albino rabbit. Her hero costume consists of a sleeveless white leotard with dark purple trim around her shoulders and waist, a wide yellow crescent moon design over her chest, and a single thick metal plate wrapped around her midriff. She wears purple thigh-high boots to compliment her leotard, with more plating around the heel and toe areas, making her feet look like those of a rabbit. She also has a pair of thick, white gloves on her hands with long cuffs, sporting small triangular protrusions around their edges.

Mirko's ears and tail weren't costume design, but because they were part of her, part of her quirk. Her quirk was a Mutant Type Quirk, known as Rabbit. The quirk grants Rumi functional rabbit features like long ears, large, strong legs and a fluffy tail. Not only does the quirk grant her rabbit features, but also grants her some of the abilities of a rabbit. The quirk gives Rumi enhanced senses of hearing and smelling, as she was able to accurately pinpoint the location of a fight from far away. She also possesses a rabbit's survival instincts, which alerts her of any nearby danger

She was a recently new hero that started to appear. From the memories of its host, Absolute Devotion knew that she was an Independent Hero who works alone. From the few interviews she did, Mirko believed that working with others made her weak, that she could only rely on herself more than others. As anyone who joins a team is nothing more than a coward, relying on their teammates' strength rather than their own.

Either way, seeing who this hero was, Absolute Devotion realized the great potential it faced. Not only could it gain a powerful power for its host, but a powerful loyal pet too. So with a smirk, Absolute Devotion showed the Rabbit Hero the true meaning of power.


Rumi Usagiyama or as she is better known to Japan, the Rabbit Hero: Mirko, was standing naked in the middle of an alleyway, unable to believe what just happened to her. She was an Independent Hero who travelled Japan not only to see new areas, but to get stronger by finding and fighting strong opponents.

She came to Tokyo as she heard rumours of an underground fighting ring. She was hoping to find and join it in the hope to fight strong fighters in the hopes to get stronger. But at the same time, she needed money so she did her hero job. She had been in town for a few days now and only heard a few whispers of this fighting ring but found nothing. Just like other nights, she did a patrol of the area that she was staying in before heading back to the hotel for the night to take a shower before going to bed.

But on the way back to the hotel, she came across a cat woman who looked like she was attacked. The lady in question told her that she was raped and that she was saved by a, person made of shadow, this hero told her to go so that he could deal with the villain. But he also told her that if she didn't leave he would finish what the villain began.

This worried Mirko, this didn't sound like a hero but a dark vigilante. Whilst Mirko knew that vigilantes were looked down upon, seeing how by the law, they were breaking the law by doing hero work without a licence. But she didn't see the problem with them, in fact, she looked up to them. Most of them were strong and fought alone, something she truly respected. Although the ones that weren't strong, ones who had weak quirks, she had more respect for. Sure they might work in teams, something she disliked a lot, but she could at least give them respect that they deserve.

These vigilantes for whatever reason, be it their quirk were too weak for a hero school or they failed to finish the hero school, they still tried to help people by becoming vigilantes. Some get stronger using their quirks in different ways, whilst some don't and need to work in a team to get what they want. Either way, they worked hard to get to the point of being able to help, even if many are against them. Hard work was something that she could respect.

So, to make sure that vigilantes, the weak or the strong, don't get a bad name, she had to deal with this dark vigilante. So after leaving the lady with the Cat Quirk with a police officer that was nearby, she left to deal with this bastard.

As she got there though, she saw a naked villain, one that she knew as Spyke, begging to be taken away. She had to wonder what happened to him. But before she could, aske what was going on, she felt something brush between her thighs, she also felt something enter her leotard and began touching her chest and breasts.

Looking round she saw a person covered in shadow and bone, who knocked the naked man out. Looking down, she saw that what was feeling her up were shadow tentacles. The person was smirking at her when she felt one of the tentacles made its way into her leotard again, this time it entered her pussy. She fell to her knees clutching her between her legs. She could feel the tentacle go in and out of her, but couldn't touch it herself, as she found the tentacles were now holding her hands up and her legs being held so she couldn't, just before she could make a move.

Normally she would have fought the bastard who would do this to her, but for some reason she couldn't move. It wasn't that she was afraid, but it was like her body didn't want to move. Like whoever this person was, he was able to control her body somehow. It was like the tentacle inside her was using her body to pleasure itself.

It kept going in and out of her, rubbing every bit inside her pussy. She occasionally felt a tentacle grab her chest or ass, but mostly targeted her thighs.

It wasn't long before the new hero found herself helplessly moaning, as this unknown person was using her as if she was a a fuck toy. It was strange, she was being raped by shadow tentacles, but yet her body was enjoying it. It wasn't long before the tentacle had removed her clothing, making her totally naked.

It was strange, she knew she had to fight, but her mind was slowly changing the way she was thinking. For a long time, she used men as a plaything, she used them to satisfy her sexual needs. None of them were worthy of her time, as none of them were powerful enough to tame her, they were weak men who she used to satisfy her sexual needs.

But now? It would seem that there was someone who was strong enough to finally tame her. To bend her will to their needs, instead of her bending their will to her needs. Sure, there had been times when she found a strong quirk user who she thought could tame her, someone who could control her wild side.

Wasn't it what most women want, a strong man who was a leader, protector, carer and provider for the woman and their family? And in return, the woman should look after the man's needs and take care of the man's children? Yes, a woman should have a job, but that should be secondary, only after making sure the children are safe, if they have any, and making sure that their home is cleaned and food is on the table for when the man comes home from work.

Sure this was an old fashioned thought, it was fast coming back into fashion. As women are learning that whilst they can have a career, it is also important to have a man in their life. Just like a man needs a woman in their lives. Each side has their own roles they need to deal with for the relationship to work.

Whilst she wanted a man in her life, she didn't want someone who was weak, someone who couldn't protect himself, her or unable to fight and control her when she gets too much.

For a long time she never thought she would find someone who would be able to handle her, to have the power to tame her. All the men that she meet, whilst wanted to fuck her, didn't have the power needed to tame, to fight along side her or protect her if things go wrong and she isn't able to fight.

But this person who just fucked her? He was different. He held her down when with the others, she could easily push away and take control. But here was a man who could take control of her.

Once he got her naked and played with her body for a bit, which after a few moments, made her moan in pleasure. It wasn't something she wanted at the time, as to her, he was a dark vigilante that needed to be dealt with. But as the Quirk User used his ability to bend her over fucked her like she was his personal play thing, fucker her fast and hard. It wasn't long before she was before she began to moan loader and loader. She didn[t care if people heard her morning and found out that she was being fucked/raped, she just wanted to be fucked like the reddit that she was, non-stop and hard.

By the time this quirk user was finished with her, her womb full of his cum, she had lost most of her strength, that she had no fight left in her. WIth his cum leaking out of her, the damn bastard told her that she was his pet, and he could fuck her whenever and however he wanted and there was nothing she could do about it.

Whilst part of her was still frightened at the thought of this happening, she was also excited at the prospect of being fucked by a strong male finally. No, what pissed her off wasn't too much that he told her that he was able to do whatever he wanted to her, no, it was for the fact that if she wanted him again that she had to search for him when he wasn't using his powers.

This pissed her off as not once did he show her what he truly looked like. So, how could she find the bastard if she didn't know what he looked like. Before she could ask what he looked like, the bastard left with a smirk

What she didn't know was that it would be years before she would meet the shadow/bone quirk user. That over the years she would be craving for him, that no other man would do it for her. By the time she found him again, she would be like a loyal pet towards him, ready to be used by him however he wanted, just so that she could feel the feeling that she had when she was fuck by him that night.