Chereads / That Fateful Night By Renee' Stone / Chapter 2 - The Worst Date

Chapter 2 - The Worst Date

Ever since that night I can't get rid of these feelings they're growing stronger and stronger. We have become a lot closer since that night now I just keep telling myself " he's just a friend, just a friend" but the more I get to know him the farther my heart aches for him. Ugh, feelings are a pain in the butt. I know he does anything for his family and always puts them first, plus he's a great uncle to his little nephew James. That makes him even hotter in my eyes Ugh what a drag.

  My feelings are getting way out of control now, especially when it's that time of the month. I feel like I'm gonna pounce on him all the time and the dreams goodness gracious the dreams. Right now, I feel like I know he only likes me as a friend so I don't even bother telling him how I feel. I'm just trying to hide my emotions inside so I don't lose a friend for having dumb feelings. Literally, my whole life I couldn't stand him, he was annoying and drove me crazy when he picked on me about everything, especially with my guy friends. I started distancing myself from Him and Rebecca to try and see if that would dull these feelings or get rid of them but no luck. 

Every time he would hug me or we would play our guitars together my heart would just beat 100 mph.  So finally, a guy from my ole high school days calls me out of the blue wanting to go out to eat and see a movie.  I agree to go on this date but I'm so pathetic because I don't know what to do or how dates even go. I mean I'm 23 and never dated, let alone been on a date, and haven't even had my 1st kiss yet. I know I'm a total loser/joke. While we're in my room Logan hears me talking and asks what's up. Telling him about the guy who wants to go on a date I ask " Should I really go on this date though I mean I have feelings for someone else ain't it wrong to kinda go on a date with that person?" He looked at me saying "Has the guy you like told you he likes you." I say "Well no because I think he only thinks of me as a friend." He replies "Well I'd say go out with the dude I mean how do you know you're not gonna like him?" 

  I mean he has a point... Replying back I answer " Well I guess you have a point I should get to know him first" He says " Even if it goes bad you still got me. But don't fall for me cause I'll break your heart ( laughing with a smile on his face )".  We stopped and looked at each other and I started laughing saying "Haha what do you think I'm gonna cry if you break my heart. I love ya but you crack me up, it's not like I'm some fragile thing. If you break my heart big whoop there are other guys out there. Do you seriously think I'd crack just for one stupid guy haha."  He looked at me so stunned and I gasped and covered my mouth. Saying " No Logan I didn't mean you were a stupid guy, oh man that came out so wrong!!" He was just dead silent and I thought to myself I can't believe I said that. Out of nowhere he bust out laughing saying " Annmera you should see your face haha, I totally got you." I slapped his arm saying " You freaking jerk, I was super worried that I hurt your feelings." He says " I'm sorry but I couldn't resist the perfect moment haha." Then we head outside since he is leaving, I walk him to his truck we say goodbye. As I start walking back to the house, before I reach the door step he grabbed my hand and says " Annmera I had a bunch of fun tonight we should do that again but not the calling me stupid part haha" He had the biggest grin on his face. I really loved seeing his smile, it took my breath away every time. I just smiled back saying " Yeah let's do it again." When He drives off, I head inside and go to my room. Falling onto my bed and girly giggling into my pillow as my face is bright red. 

  Friday night comes along, I'm getting ready for the date. Wearing blue jeans with a cute dark green off-the-shoulder top and white sneakers. Grabbing my purse, I start heading out the door. As I begin opening the door I see Logan standing in front of me. He is just staring at me not saying a word. Finally, he blinks and opens his mouth saying " Wow Annmera you look amazing".  My sister Rebecca yells across the apartment " Yeah she does. She's trying to look hot for her date tonight. Annmera have fun and I want to know every single detail when you get back". All I could do was nod. Logan was just staring at me. My heart seriously can't take it, I feel like it's about to jump out of my chest. Breaking the silence I ask him to move so I can leave. He just moves without saying a word. Onto my date, I shall go.

  Finally arriving at the movies, I see Jackson Mills my date for the evening. He smiles at me and we go into the movies to watch " John Wick ". I'm a huge John Wick fan! So he's getting brownie points right now haha. Sitting in the theater seats he whispers in my ear " If you get scared just grab onto me, okay". Nodding my head, the movie starts. Now I totally knew I wasn't going to hold onto him but I didn't know he was gonna be holding onto me. One of the best scenes in the whole movie showed up and it freaked him out. Grabbing my arm he says " What the heck! I don't want to watch this part that's just creepy and disgusting " I just laugh at him. Walking out of the movie theater, he looks at me saying " I can't believe you weren't scared or grossed out. Are you sure you're a chick?" Can you believe this punk? What the heck does that even mean? Chicks love action movies too, and blood doesn't scare us. The fight scenes in that movie are amazing why would I freak out? But I shrug it off saying " Where do you want to eat?" " Let's go with Longhorns". 

  As we get into the restaurant it's completely packed. Waiters and waitresses are running around like crazy not being able to take a break. We finally get seated after a few minutes. The waiter comes to get our drink orders and then our food. As we were eating Jacksons sweet tea was empty. The waiter comes back to refill it and accidentally drops the tea pitcher on him. Clearly, it was an accident but Jackson turns into a huge jerk and starts cussing the waiter out saying do you not know how to hold things in your hands mr. butterfingers, and how stupid can you be? I turn red in the face with anger! This waiter is just a human being who is having a rough night and made a mistake. Looking at Jackson, I tell him it was just an accident and that he didn't have to be so rude and act like a jerk. Jackson then yells at me telling me " I can't believe you're standing up for this idiot who not only spilled tea on me but you too!" Replying to him I say "People make mistakes and clothes will dry but acting like a jerk to someone with rude nasty words ain't something you can take back". The waiter just keeps apologizing. The manager comes over at this point saying how sorry he was as well. Telling us how the waiter is new and still trying to get the hang of things. Jackson says they are just excuses for lousy workers. 

  Jackson gets up and says we're leaving, " Annmera, aren't you coming let's go". This date is over in my opinion, " Jackson this date is over you can leave by yourself. Oh one more thing don't ever call me again cause I don't want a stuck-up rude mama's boy jerk as a date". Storming out of the restaurant like a brat Jackson is finally gone. I turn to the waiter saying everything is fine and to let him know when he is ready to take my order I'll gladly tell him and wait". After my food is ordered, I sit there in that booth all by myself enjoying every moment of the yummy crispy chicken tenders in front of my face. After finishing, I tell the waiter to have a wonderful night and how sorry I was with how Jackson acted, then walk out the door.

  As I get home and open the door, I see Logan and Rebecca on the couch asleep while watching  " The Godfather". Walking toward them I grab two blankets to cover them up. Rebecca stirs in her sleep when I lay the cover on her but goes back to snoring. While I move over to Logan and put the blanket on him. His eyes open saying " You're finally back". Nodding yes, I tell him to go back to sleep. He sits up on the couch asking how my date went and if I'm going out with that guy again. Shaking my head no, I tell him everything that happened and how it was a mistake to go on that dumb date. He gives me a half sad smile and pulls me into his arms apologizing for a bad first date. Logan made my night a whole lot better with that hug and then we said goodnight.