Zannie nodded, frowning, remembering that she preferred eating raw meat with fresh blood. The more blood, the more Zannie likes it.
"After this, what else do we do?"
Ain kissed the top of Zannie's head. He smiled. "Try cleaning the meat."
"For me it's clean but since I want to feed you, I'll wash it."
"Hahaha, okay then please do."
Zannie washed the bowl, filled enough water, and rinsed the meat. She smiled broadly when a quail which has been cut was placed in a bowl.
"Is it already clean?"
Ain nodded. "Okay, now while we are waiting for an egg to boil, add the lime so quail's meat doesn't get fishy."
"No lime, Ain."
"There is." Zannie gaped at the many additional items and the addition of a single cooking stove. She glanced at Ain through the corner of her eye. "Ah, my mate is versatile and reliable." The werewolf thought.