Arius woke up for school in the morning in his apartment. He would walk out into the kitchen before grabbing some waffles. He would press the waffles down into the toaster before walking back into his room and putting his school uniform on. and grabbing the waffles and walking out the door. Arius was 14 and lived alone. His parents died before he could remember what they looked like. His family is a legacy his father is the best fighter to graduate from his school. He was walking to school while eating his waffles as he approached the school he saw Adriana. Adriana is his crush he has liked her since elementary school. Arius walked by her and walked into the building and sat in his classroom. Adriana walked by him and smiled. A woman walked in and said "class today is the day you get you element if you have one in store for you". Everyone in the class was excited and a kid yelled from the back "I don't think Arius or Amelia should get one he might become a killer like their dad." Arius would just get up and start to follow his teacher out "maybe you shouldn't since you'll suck anyway, oh wait you probably aren't chosen anyway." Adriana would say. The class would laugh as everyone followed the teacher. On the wall there was a chart blue is water white is ice green is life red is very bad. he walked into this doctor's office looking area and his sister would lean her head on his shoulder. They would walk and everyone would walk into an office area that had a curtain and they would get a shot and leave the building. He would get his shot and leave and go home before going to bed and after he woke up he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and washed his hair off and he would look up and his hair was bright red as he walked out and his sister had red hair as she was waking up on his couch in her underwear and they both screamed "What the Fu-"