"Yo bro.. have I told you about Kiara, the girl won't stop asking questions about you, it seems like your charm spell also got to her too"
Ronnie muttered, trying to keep his voice down but he couldn't, luckily the cadets were all separated on the field. While practicing the levitation spell to float the Broomstick in front of them.
Micheal glanced at Ronnie, his silver-white hair coating his left crimson eye as he smiled, a sign of telling Ronnie.. "you've got that right buddy"
"Levito Floto", random cadets muttered, while the year four male cadets were counted as four fools laughing at the other end of the field, bullet included.
"Hahaha.. just look at them, pathetic fools, I did mine in four goes with my superb wand" " Bullet commented, encircling the field with mockery as some of the year three were losing spirit.
"Senior Bullet really is a genius, he'd his in four goes and I've done fourteen", a random year three sobbingly said.
"Dude, ya know that bullet guy is crazy", Ronnie exclaimed.
"Trust me, buddy, you've got no idea how wide his foolishness is like, maybe like the Ocean"
"Hahaha, no, no, no Mickey. It's as long and unending as long as time and vast as space"
Ronnie and Micheal exclaimed, arriving at a common theory, both voiced; "Doesn't that mean he has endless stupidity?.. hahaha"
"That reminds me, Ron, I think the humans are going to have a war with the aliens"
"Heard Mickey, you and I both know they don't stand a chance in hell"
Micheal smirked, looking at the three beauties coming from afar, he looked down at his broomstick, knowing fully well the reason for this dumb test was because the humans don't have a lot of spaceships, hence they'll need some birds in the sky. Hmph, spaceship vs. broomstick. How hilarious.
"You know Ronnie, if it goes down that we're left with no choice, I guess-"
"Yeah I know, go spawn mode, imagine having a dragon instead of spaceships or broomsticks"
Michael glanced at Ronnie, although it was a bad scary idea, Ronnie gave him a brilliant idea that could be considered the dumbest or the bravest thing alive.
-[My Liege, I sense an idea of turning a dragon into one of us]
'You're right Zombiak, tonight... we'll hunt down every dragon, I'll take the boss level... can you and Kit handle the rest?', thought Micheal.
Zombiak's eyes flared with a bit of tear and joy, certainly what the former Liege said was true.. "whoever I choose would be either stupid or the bravest person alive"
-[Anything my Liege.. perhaps it's about time we start building and recruiting our undead before the replicate eclipse]
'And that's what we'll be doing'
While Bullet was at his stupid mockery, he was looking for a way to mock Micheal, aside from the obviously pathetic cadets, but unfortunately.. the MC won't and hasn't tried using his wand to levitate the Broomstick.
That's when Bullet's eyes caught the three best of friends adorably chuckling at the other end of the field. His eyes were on, Mika, Nelly, and Kiara.
"Gaaa... Miss Dora..! Those two have been talking since the start of the class", Bullet yelled, pointing at Micheal and Ronnie. Altering everyone's attention towards the two friends.
Ronnie smiled at Micheal while clenching his fist, as a sign of telling Micheal "That bullet guy is a fool", Michael rolled his eyes and gave a disapproved nod in a way of telling Ronnie "Tell me bout it.. such a moron"
"Okay you two step Forward..!", Miss Dora commented, although her voice was speaking with a hint of reluctance, but if she didn't, the cadets might figure she was scared of them.
Ronnie and Micheal gracefully walked past the rest of the cadets, stepping in front of the group with a broomstick on the Field.
"Make sure those girls are seeing this", Bullet whispered.
"Hey Mika, Nelly, and Kiara..!", a year four cadet yelled. Catching the attention to himself before their eyes rested on Micheal's silhouette.
"Hey, whimps...! Everyone is waiting, levitate the Broomstick already... haha", said Bullet.
Ronnie inhaled, breathed out a little steam, and opened his eyes in one shut. "Levito Floto"
With his hands stretched out and his wand glowing, the Broomstick obeyed the command and instantly left the ground at a full speed that seemed to have vanished while uprooting some grass.
"Holy moly.. that guy did it in one go"
Year three began murmuring, that maybe Bullet wasn't the best after all, someone else just made a whole new record of the Broomstick exam.
"Yeah, whatever, maybe that guy can do it, but the other wimp can't", sneered Bullet.
Micheal overlooked his childish display to embarrass him in front of the cadets but mostly cause of Mika and the two girls.
"What the heck..! That guy just broke his wand, how does he expect to pass the exam?"
Bullet and his group couldn't help but laugh, some fell on the floor laughing and some displayed the natures of a goat, laughing and cutting grass with their bare hands.
"He broke it, as expected. He's gonna give up before-"
Booom...! Woohoossh...!
Bullet's words lost track of time, with Micheal's palm glowing with a hue of dark and purple, the Broomstick didn't Levitate, it skyrocketed into the sky, almost causing a cascade of wind that nearly ripped the ground apart.
"D..d..did he just use his bare hands to levitate the Broomstick? Even the year ten Seniors are not able to do such a thing"
To Micheal's victory and Bullet's foolishness, the girls all chuckle and oh boy, did Bullet see the red lines on their cheeks, they were seniors for Christ's sake.
'I can't believe he's alive, Ronnie was right. His hand does look normal, but who does that wrist belong to?', thought Kiara.
"Uuh Kiara, what's holding you up, we've got class remember?", Mika knocked Kiara off any conception that was coming up in her mind.