Ferociously..! The dragon roared, mounted on top of a military base, roaring like a wounded lion and a volcano that would erupt at any moment. It knows the zombie Liege has declared war.
Behind the dragon, countless mages adorned in tattered robes and four wings like the dragon, mages all float behind Scorch, all remaining in a gesture as if praying to the almighty devil.
And on top of these mages, were also dragons, but not as big nor ferocious as Scorch, the dragon of destruction.
"So that's the one you called Scorch, I recall you mentioning its absolute breath could annihilate even the zombie Liege", said Micheal, smiling at his opponents, and the eerieness of the surrounding made everything look like some written novel or rather a movie.
Even the Dragon of destruction was feeling uneasy, as if restless and having the feeling his nemesis had something coming for him hard. But no matter, if things get out of hand, all he needs is one breath, and the war will be over.
-[Yes my Liege, Scorch isn't one to be tempted with, if it's flames touches anything.. it would be extinct and also forgotten out of existence]
Micheal, the MC smirked, last time he had used 10% of his abilities to battle Bezant. Now let's see what 15% can offer. "No matter Zombiak.. we're already here and the war is inches from commencing let's not keep the God of Dragons and mages waiting."
-[If it's to die, I'll die a million zombie lives for you, let me take Scorch my Liege]
"No..! He's mine.. I'll take the headstart.. when I spawn you all attack, I'll be choosing the battleground", said Michael.
With the dividing speed of one second, the mages' palms began glowing crimson hue and in front of Micheal, knights and demons began walking out of portals with high killing intent. Michael outstretched his hand, his dagger appeared with blood stained on it, and the first ten knights and demons were dead.
"They're always too slow to see me move.. adding the mages to my collection would give me an upper hand against those aliens"
The MC smirked, and skt rocketed towards the colony of monsters approaching him. In gained the first step and decapitated three black knights with his horizontal slash.
'This way gonna be way too easy'
Twisting himself in mid-air, he landed a devasting kick at the neck of a black-skinned sea creature with web ears and web hands.
Boooom..", the impact sent the demon crashing against a broken building and as it died, it's being turned to ashes, same with all the monsters he's been slaying.
'So those fools won't stop praying?'
Advancing his step, Micheal boomed at twenty incoming threats, taking with him dust and rocks with his evil smile.
Swiish... Woohoossh... Boooom!!
The MC slashed diagonally, vertically, and horizontally, leaving lines all over his enemies and an explosion.
'This is gonna take me nowhere.. the dragons could easily obliterate my troops, let's have one on our side... kill two Zombiak', said Micheal, and with the arrival of Zombiak, he smirked.
Zombiak on the other hand gestures his chain, catching a dragon by its neck..
Roooar..! The dragon roared and spat out flames, but not as strong or deadly as the flames from the dragon of destruction, hence, Zombiak was able to keep on strangling the dragon with his chain and also taking the heat of the flames.
Swinging his chain down with much resilience, Zombiak slammed the dragon against the ground, splattering rocks and shaking the core of the earth, seizing this opportunity, Zombiak summoned his chain and wrapped it around his wrist.
Moving Faster before the dragon could awake, Woohoossh..' Zombiak boomed towards it, extended his chained fist, and punched the middle head of the dragon.
Baaaam..', The punch sank the head of the dragon, six feet, creating a bigger porthole compared to the one surrounding the surrounding.
Micheal smirked seeing how Zombiak had killed on dragon, his eyes glowed red-black black and he spoke.
Unlike his spawn, which is meant to bring forth all his zombies, awaken was another form of giving a dead being that has died not so long, a zombie life, in this scenario, the monsters Micheal had slain and the dead dragon all awaked.
Reforming in a much more deadly way and they could all sense they were a million times stronger than before, the dragon flapped its four wings and soares into the sky.
Roooar...! With a defiant roar, it ablaze its former teammates to dust, and as the dragon dies, it awakes and starts causing a rampage on the mages and dragons.
This surrounding took a whole new level of destruction, flames everywhere, and blood and destruction surrounded Micheal, the undead he had just slashed were doing one hell of a job.
'Now the mages are occupied, Zombiak! Get ready it's about time.. and take the dragons with you
Said Micheal, and Zombiak on the other stepped in the purple dark portal in front of him.
-[Zombie Liege's command: Send a command to the mages, a spell of a wormhole stop this city, Large enough to contain scorch]
'I'll be choosing the battleground, not you Scorch'
With an outburst loud enough to destroy the human eardrums, Micheal soared past the ground, accompanying him were dust and rocks, tearing the tarred road into pieces.
As he was heading for the dragon, he killed as many demons as he could, slashing them through the necks, heads, foreheads, and chests, killing and reviving them.
Inside the president's office, the generals all gathered in a round metallic table all stood up. Shockingly, the president wasn't done with his strategy to win the war against the aliens.
"What is happening?", he asked. But all the military personnel were now gathered at the nearby windows.
"Sir... I think you have to see this"
Not aware of what could be more important than the plan, the president left his seat and stared outside.
Although they were far from the battle, However, they could see the humongous purple-dark wormhole on top of the far city, swallowing some tiny things that could be classified as monsters.
"What is happening?", asked the president, but all he got was silent generals watching what was unfolding.
The president approached the desk and picked up his telephone.
"This is the president, I want eyes and ears in the sky, send the drones and some tanks towards the wormhole... tell me what's there and if possible... kill whatever is causing that thing"
"I pray this isn't rapture... I've committed a lot", said a random general.