"Damn! Why can't you be more like your cousin? Just a few days after his departure, we've faced multiple human raids," one abyssal woman exclaimed to another.
"Why is it my fault, you were the one who suggested hiding in plain sight," the other retorted.
"I suggested hiding in plain sight, not opening a business that practically screams 'Hello world, we're run by suspicious people,'" the first one said while massaging her forehead.
"Do you have a better idea then?"
The first woman sighed, wondering why she was paired with someone of such limited intelligence.
'*Sigh,* even if this is a punishment for an offense I don't remember committing, there are certainly less frustrating ways to discipline me.'
Both of them were among the most talented abyssals of their generation, but combat talent without tactical knowledge is akin to wielding a greatsword with a blunt edge—effective in dealing damage but the cutting power is greatly reduced.
After careful consideration, the elders decided to send them on this mission because they were the weakest in terms of tactical warfare. This mission was meant to be a fresh start for them, and she expected it to be a competition to see who could expand their influence the most. However, the elders chose to send them as a team.
Initially, things went smoothly, and she didn't notice any issues thanks to the assistance from the airhead's cousin. It was baffling how someone could be so different from their own family. Only two days after his departure, all the plans and achievements he had made were put in jeopardy.
An abyssal burst into the room and promptly knelt before them.
"Lady Lisa, Lady Amber, we are currently under attack."
"What!" they both exclaimed simultaneously.
"How did this happen?" Lisa muttered.
"Didn't you have agents among them?" Amber inquired.
"Yes, but they are currently in a delicate situation; any misstep could expose them. However, we have managed to introduce poison into some of their food," Lisa explained.
"Tsk! And you were complaining about my methods."
"At least I've weakened them without their knowledge. What have you accomplished?"
"I've brought my cousin here."
"How can that be considered an achievement?"
"Regardless of your opinion, it's an achievement in my book."
"I'll take my leave now," the other abyssal said through clenched teeth and exited, leaving them to their argument.
'Damn! Why in the world do we have two inept children as our commanders?'
"Captain, four Peak C-ranked Abyssals have arrived on the battlefield."
"I see. Have the other captains been notified?"
"Alright then, you may leave."
After the subordinate left, Damien turned to Mary, Amelia, and another girl who was with them.
"I guess it's our turn then."
Their opponents were Peak Rank C's, which were way out of their league. Hence, the need for multiple ability users to tackle each one.
Mary was currently a Peak D-ranked ability user, as was Amelia. The girl with them was a Middle D-ranked, and Damien was a Peak F-ranked if measured by normal standards. However, with his high compatibility and exceptional aptitude with cybernetics and his abilities, he could be compared to a Middle or maybe Peak E-ranked. This was still far below Peak C-ranked, but cut the man some slack; his pride as the captain and also as the controller was at stake here.
'Luna, deploy nano suit SPAM14.'
[Are you certain? This is a high-stakes battle. Shouldn't we prioritize defense instead?]
'Just proceed. Besides, I have an abundance of nanobots at my disposal.'
[*Sigh* Activating nano suit SPAM14.]
Nanobots slowly crawled over Damien's skin, gradually forming a full-body suit. It displayed a dynamic color scheme featuring black and blue with intermittent flickering golden lines tracing from one point to another, akin to the design on the book cover. The suit, however, was somewhat too thin to serve as effective protection.
The SPAM 14 (SPEED AND POWER ADAPTABLE MODEL 14) was primarily designed for adaptability. It boasted three modes: SM (Speed mode), PM, and standard, all crafted for swift transitions between them. In its SM, it sported retractable jet thrusters on the back and beneath the feet, coupled with a streamlined shape for enhanced speed. The PM included foot thrusters, two shoulder-mounted guns, elbow and heel thrusters to bolster attack power, and a secondary mini-axe attached to the waist. Overall, it was a commendable model, albeit its weak defense.
'Um, Luna?'
'Why did you incorporate the golden lights?'
[Hello, I'm Luna. How can I assist you today?]
' Don't try acting like a normal Ai'
'Forget it'
The suit began to shift as the thrusters on the back began to unfold itself, Damien looked behind him and nodded before taking off with the three girls following behind him.