"The question is why?" Vanessa asked.
There was a moment of silence between them; the crowd however was still wild at the appearance of a member of the Dancing Dragons.
"Not here, let's go somewhere private." Xeno said.
For a few moments Vanessa and Neo considered his suggestion and given the gathering it seemed like a pretty good idea.
"Can I get your autograph Xeno?!" A female obsessed fan of the Dancing Dragons shouted as all of them instantly rushed him.
"Marry me Xeno!" Another crazy fan imploded.
"Quick! " Xeno yelled.
Swiftly, Vanessa along with Neo and Stephanie surrounded Xeno. As the crowd approached them, a dark aura surrounded the four of them.
As the aura disappeared so did the four individuals.
"Where did he go?!" One of them asked.
[A town in the Silvercrest Kingdom]