The night was very peacefull. Nothing happened. In the morning i woke up before they did so i have decided to make breakfast for them. I got up and walked to the bathroom and got freshed up. When i was done i went downstairs to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. I made us some pancakes with some berries. I hope that they like them. I made some tea for us 3 too. I heard them coming down the stairs right when i placed the last plate on the table. They walked in and sat down half asleep. They stretched and woke up. They looked at me shocked when they woke up. I laughed at their reactions. I sat down with them and we started to eat the breakfast. I'm glad that they liked them. After the breakfast i took the plates and washed them in the sink. I dried them with a paper towel and put them back on their place. 'Let's go on a walk' Said Arthur. We noddee and put on shoes and we went out. The weather was very nice, the sun was shining and the wind was nice warm. We walked deeper into the woods and we arrived at some cemetery. They led me to a statue. I gasped when i saw who it was. 'That.....that is my husband...' I told them touching the statue. Tears ran down my cheeks. They hugged me when they saw me cry. They held me close rubbing my back. Whispering sweet things to me. I calmed down after some time and took my wegging ring off and placed it on the statue. I pulled away from them and kissed the statues cheek softly. 'Goodbye my love.' I added before we walked away. I felt all the way back sad.....i lost my friends..I know that they dpn't want me to stay and be sad. I know that they would want me to move on and live my life. Find new friends maybe even a new lover. I looked back at the two boys who found me and took care of me for the few days. I smiled at them and opened my arms. They ran to me and we hugged. We all laughed bit.
We walked back to the house and we sat down on the couch watching tv. I snuggled up to them giving them the same amount off the attention. They smiled and hugged me everytime i do that. After few movies we have decided to make ourselves some dinner because we skipped lunch. We all helped each other and we had fun. After dinner we cleaned everything up and we all slept again cuddling up to each other. The morning came and we woke up. We washed up and went back outside. We decided to have a picnic today and I smiled at this and we began to eat the sandwiches and we drank from our water bottles. It was nice spending time with them like that. When we were finished we put the trash in the bin nearby.
We went back to the house to put the things back in their place and we went out again. We went to the town and walked around for some time. It started to rain and we ran back to the house in the heavy rain laughing our butts off. When we arrived home Espen went first to the bathroom to freash up. Me and Arthur made tea while waiting for him. When he was done Espen ran to the bathroom and freshed up to. I did the same when Espen was done. We all sat down and eat some cake with tea. and listen to the radio. Nothing much happened the whole evening. We made and ate dinner and went to bed. In the night i heard something moving outside of my window. I sat up and went to my window to look what that is. I saw a Orc. I big buffed Orc. I panicked when i saw it. I went on my knees fast and crawled to their rooms and went inside very quietly. I woke them up and told them to stay quiet. They nodded and followed me down to the basement.