The guards opened the doors for us and we all got in. The carrige started to move. We look out of the windows and the Royalty chuckled at us. Soonly we arrived at the castle gates and we got greeted by the gate guards. They opened the gates and the carrige took us further inside the beautiful kingdom.
Taraji POV
I saw a beautiful castle. It made me miss my own castle bit. The carrige stopped and the doors opened by the guards and we all got out and got escorted to the castle. We got greated by the maids and we went inside and walked through a big hallway. We looked around and we saw portraits from the kings and queens before them. The portrait looked amazing. We walked to a door and something caught my attention. It was a portrait of me and my husband. I gasped softly my hand covering my mouth small tears falling my cheeks. They all looked back at me and saw the portrait. They looked surprised at the portrait and then at me.
'Are you the first queen?' The king asked me. I nodded shyly and softly. They gasped and bowed to me. I chuckled and looked bit embarrassed. 'How did you survived?' The king asked me. 'I was turned into the stone. My husband did that to safe me and gived me a second chance to change and help others.' I told them. They looked with sorrow in thier faces and looked down. 'Where is your husband?' The Queen asked. '....he passed away in the fight' I told them. They nodded their heads amd we walked in the big room. Thier throne room, we sat down around the big table. It was quiet for some time before the king spoke up. 'Like you all knoe we are looking for some to tqake over this kingdom. We do not have any kids. We choosed you three to do that. We want you three to be our successors.' We looked at them stunned. 'Can we think about that?' I asked and they nodded. 'Please stay in thid would be our honor.' The King said. We smiled softly and nodded. They called maids over to show us our rooms. The maids came to us and took us to our rooms. The inside of the castle looked very beautiful and old fashion. I like it.
After a while we arrived in front of the bedroom doors and the maids opened the doors for us and we walked in into our bedrooms for the night. Mine looked like a galaxy exploded inside the room. I love it. I went out to see their rooms. The room of Espen was modern and dark. Very nice, he threw himself on the bed and rolled on it. I giggled and walked to Arthur's room and it looked more peaceful. It felt like i was in the nature all over again. He laid down and smlied. I knew he liked this bedroom. After checking up on them i went ot my own bedroom and closed my door and locked it before i laid down on the bed. After a hour or two someone knocked on my door, i went to the door. I unlocked it and opened it, i saw a maid on the other side of the door. 'Ma'am please follow me, there is dinner ready in the dinner room.' Said the maid. 'Thank you for telling me.' I told the maid with a soft smile. The maid lead me to the room. I saw the boys coming out of their rooms and walked behind their maids. They saw me and ran to me before hugging me. We giggled and walked into the dinner room. We got greated by the King and the Queen. We greated them back before sitting down around the table. The dinner got served on the table and it all looked good. And it was so much of it! It was quiet while we ate. But it was a nice silence. The queen placed down her spoon and spoke up 'So...what is your decision....?' She asked us. We looked at each other and said...