Chereads / UNROMANTIC LOVE / Introduction


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The world is a basic context of the universe. Everything in the world is basically independent of one another. This relationship is so turgid that it is difficult for an individual existence to unfold in the world. But there's is only one supreme being who moderates the affairs of everything that triggers in the compost world; that being is God

Because of this, men live as the pioneers of the guided world since their refuge and authority are derived from the supreme being, God. And this gives them the apportunity to highlight the supremacy of the world. Thus, men are called 'The gods of the earth'.

Notwithstanding, men has started showing strives and rivals amongst themselves because of a quest for survival. Each man wants to be at the top while the fellow serves him. But these same men haven't shown a loyal service to their Lord, God. And this defficiency has resulted in their split relationship with their creator and also takes away their attention from the will of God to live as coperate individuals.

This coperate relationship amongst the mortals of the earth can be achieved through a uniting word; LOVE. Love has the capacity to build a falling country, broken home, a crawling or unflourishing business and infact any ununited organization at all. When love enters into an individual's heart, it spines and whinows the heat of that individual and moulds that heart into a unity structured heart and from that moment, that individual stops living for an individual but for a society.

Society is the basic unit of the universe. People live together in the society. Many activities take place in the society. The legacy of a man often starts from his nuture in the society. If a society collapses, it's impossible to build a reputable town and nation. It's the society that brings and trains eligible men that can take the management of the the affairs of the nation. If there are no outstanding men from the society, it's impossible to find reputable men that can handle a nation. So, society stands a big chance in branding of the nation.

In order for a society to be turgid, it must have a foundational pillars and beacons that will support it's roof. But if the pillars stand on a defficient ground, they will fall when the wind blows and thus resulting to the collapsing of the society, the whole building.

However, pillars cannot just stand on the solid ground doing nothing, they must be holding the roof firmly. So, for a society, the building to stand firm, both the pillars, the beacons and the roof must be turgid

The pillars of the societies are men living in these societies while the roof they must hold firmly is the relationship amongst themselves. If they fall out of good relationship within themselves, they will fall apart which will result in the collapsing of the society.

A good society provides it's citizens With: comfort, opportunities, peace, cooperation, sense of belonging, adaptation and most importantly home. When a man lacks any of these elements, you will see the man very uncomfortable and eventually starts to falter. And when this happens, such a man will start thinking of relocation because the principality of living lies in the proportion of comfortability and satisfaction of home.

People must live a mutual life of interaction amongst themselves in order to enhance a transparent society which will support a definite independent home for each bloodily related group of people (family). If this independent existence of homes laggs, peace will wither away from the society. People tend to live in the union of association where each person's opinion will be heeded to. And not where they will be debased.

Because of this context, Laws are erected according to the historical existence of people and their believe concerning their cultural ethics to be a mirror of this unity amongst the individuals. Laws are not made against the people, instead it is made for the union of people, and this is why a good and supreme laws are constructed after garnering the opinion of every citizens of the entity in which the law should govern. But the law should not govern itself but people who have made it. And because many at times, people see laws as mere write ups and not authority which does not limit their actions and lust. They tend to defult the law they have made and walking against the ethics of their societal lifestyle.

Consequently, society will start living in chaos from the course of it's individual citizens which will in turn shaken the fountain of that society.

This is why rulers are selected or elected by the community of people of the same society to look after the regulations of the laws of the land. All these efforts are aimed at uniting Man to live as one body in the society and also to build an outstanding society that will support the habitation of man.

But leaders are not chosen by the people to anex them but to serve as the captains in leading them to their coperate destination. When leaders begin to to rule in tyranny, people will shy away from them and this also will result in destroying the society which they mutually plan to build.