The cosmogony reviews that love originates right from the creation of the universe and has since then being the uniting force in every individual's heart. God wants man to live uniformly in this vast world.
Love starts right from the midst of the Trinity which makes it possible to exist in colony without disintegrating. It is love that makes it possible for a relationship between the "Father", the "Son" and the "Holy spirit" to exist without envy, lust or pride. Each person works for the unity of the both. In fact, this love is so intense that it is extremely impossible for one to exist without another.
When God came up with the idea of creating man, He consulted the other two part of the body just like the brain does when it comes up with an idea, it passes the idea round the body via hormones and in union, each part of the body carries out the implementation of the idea. God in tree persons, in colony moulded man to the form He wants him to be and concomitantly agreed that man is good. This capacitated the existence of man today.
Not just man, even the beast of the earth are bind by the uniting force, love. This is why all the animals live in common interest in the wilderness and though competition has paved way for a predator-to-prey relationship to exist amongst the beast, they still live together in terms of kingdom, class, phylum and specie. Rats live together in class of rats and cannot eat themselves, same applies to other classes of animals based on their niche. This relationship is a practice to demonstrate the concept of love amongst the mortals.