In the bustling cafeteria of Eastwood High, Mindy and Sophia found themselves in the midst of animated chatter and the clattering of trays. The aroma of various foods mingled in the air as students laughed and discussed the events of the day.
Sophia, always vibrant, chatted animatedly about a recent school event, unaware that Mindy seemed preoccupied. Mindy absentmindedly pushed her food around her plate, lost in her thoughts.
"So, Mindy, what do you think of the upcoming school carnival? It's going to be so much fun!" Sophia exclaimed, eagerly awaiting Mindy's response.
Mindy's gaze lingered on a distant point, and her reply came after a moment's delay. "Oh, yeah, the carnival. Sounds exciting."
Sophia, sensing Mindy's distraction, furrowed her brow. "Hey, Mindy, you seem a bit off today. Everything okay?"
Mindy blinked, as if returning from a distant place, and forced a smile. "Yeah, just lost in my thoughts. You know how it is."